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Kris Kringle 5 Mile Run - Run

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Leesport, Pennsylvania
United States
Pagoda Pacers & Pretzel City Sports
41F / 5C
Total Time = 58m 32s
Overall Rank = 447/560
Age Group = 45-49
Age Group Rank = 31/43
Pre-race routine:

They moved the race start time to 11:00 am this year, not sure why but I'll take it, seeing as it's close to an hour drive for us. Ate a cheese stick and some applesauce as we were nearing the race location. I forget what I ate for breakfast, hmm. Thankfully we arrived when we did because parking becomes a premium quickly.
Event warmup:

Walking back and forth from truck to registration to pick up bib and sweatshirt (such great swag, love the sweatshirts!). Did a half mile easy jog to warm up as well as some dynamic and static stretching.
  • 58m 32s
  • 5 miles
  • 11m 43s  min/mile

Started out OK, was able to run or at least 'run' the first series of hills. I didn't walk until the hill just after mile 3 that takes us up away from the canal path to the Blue Marsh trails.

I lost a bit of time and what seemed like about 30 places when I pulled over to stretch out my calves/shins around 1.5 or 2 miles. People just seemed to keep streaming by so I cut the stretching short.

Had to deal with a rather annoying guy who was running with his sig other, running with her at times, then dashing ahead only to run back to her. That part, while annoying, was tolerable compared to when he decided he needed to stay with her side by side on the narrow trail on the canal path. I ended up having to ask him to move so I could pass them. Naturally a few minutes later he went shooting ahead of her again. Sigh.

I enjoyed the views and the course, it is scenic most of the way with the remnants of the canal and one of the old locks (gates, etc. are still in place although rotting), the creek, and later the sweeping views while running in the Blue Marsh area. My pace really dropped in the rolling, sandy trails of this area but improved once we got back out onto paved roads.

It drizzled most of the run, starting light at the beginning but getting a bit heavier as time went on. Some areas were pretty muddy.
What would you do differently?:

Although my training leading up to this was better than most years, it still wasn't anywhere near what it should've been, so run more. The typical lose weight (I am at pretty high number right now).
Post race
Warm down:

Walked through the finish area, found EFP, then we headed to the truck for dry, warm clothes. Changed in the truck, then headed in to see what the food/drink options were and also found Kaye and her crew. Had some sub-par soup and some sugar cookies, waited for the airline ticket drawing (we didn't win), checked the door prize sheet (we didn't win), then left after chatting with Kaye and friends since she didn't place (some of her friends did but I didn't really feel like hanging out). Her one friend with whom I am acquainted is bad azz - 81 years old and putting down very decent times. Of course she is the size of a 10 year old, very short and very thin which certainly helps but she also has heaps of talent and stick-to-it-tiveness.

I whined to EFP a little, asking him (mostly rhetorically) why I keep doing races when sometimes I feel like it's such a struggle and I'm so mediocre. I suppose it's better than just sitting around doing nothing.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

See lack of training and weight.

Event comments:

I enjoy this race and the fun sweatshirt designs year after year. Nice course, good RD.

Last updated: 2019-11-06 12:00 AM
00:58:32 | 05 miles | 11m 43s  min/mile
Age Group: 31/43
Overall: 43/560
Performance: Average
Course: A loop that changes direction each year, so this year some of the bigger hills were near the beginning. I used to think I liked this direction better, but now I'm not so sure. Official description: SCENIC ROLLING COUNTRYSIDE ROADS, A SHORT PORTION ON THE UNION CANAL PATH NEXT TO A TROUT STREAM AND TRAIL SECTION IN BLUE MARSH RECREATION AREA.
Keeping cool Average Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5]
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race? Ok
Course challenge Just right
Events on-time?
Lots of volunteers?
Plenty of drinks?
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5]

2020-01-02 10:44 AM

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Subject: Kris Kringle 5 Mile Run

2020-01-02 11:34 AM
in reply to: #5265100

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Subject: RE: Kris Kringle 5 Mile Run

Congratulations! The race sounds pretty but difficult. Sorry about the annoying runner, some people have no awareness of others or maybe just don't care! I'm right with you on the weight thing - i know i need to lose it, but right now I'm not doing anything to make that happen

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General Discussion Race Reports! » Kris Kringle 5 Mile Run Rss Feed  

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