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2006-05-22 5:30 PM

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Subject: Eagleman is just 20 days away...

and I am starting to get a bit nervous.  The bike is going to be my biggest challenge (other than maybe nutrition).  I did a marathon just over 3 weeks ago (I was basically recovered within a week or so), so I know I can survive the run, though my time will be slow.   The swim should not be much of a problem (I was on the swim team in high school).

How has everyone else's training been going?

2006-05-22 11:08 PM
in reply to: #430747

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Subject: RE: Eagleman is just 20 days away...
Mine has been spotty at best. I did my first OWS the other day, and realise that my legs have been dragging during all of my swim training. The feeling of having my legs suddenly thrust up behind me was weird! I'm going to try my longet run of 12 miles tomorrow, and Thursday will be my longest bike of 60. I just hope that I can finish with a smile on my face within the 8 hour limit, as that's my goal. Scott
2006-05-23 6:57 AM
in reply to: #430995

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Eagleman is just 20 days away...
I've been training since December religiously for the race.

I've run 16 miles as a max, rode 100 miles max, and swam continuous for 2,200 yards a few times (once in my wetsuit).

Can I do the distances on race day? Easily, no problem .........

Can I do them the way I want to?? Starting to question myslef on that one ....... oddly enough it is starting to be the run that I'm worried about (which is my second strongest event).


- Get out of the water cleanly between 35 - 38 minutes - I'm no fish ......
- Quick and easy transition to the bike
- Depending on wind conditions, average close to 25mph for first half of the bike and see where I stand, then figure if I can keep that pace up and still be able to run afterwards - 2:20 - 2:25 bike leg
- Quick and easy transition to run
- Try not to come out of the shoot like a banshee and die off after only a few miles - moderate the pace and stay within the 7:30/mile range if I can maintain that - 1:35 - 1:40 run leg

Overall goal - sub 4:45.

Right now that is mentally becoming a very daunting number. After all, this IS only my second triathlon ever, and the first in 14 years.

This was why I got back into endurance sports again, to beat the demons that plagued the tail end of my cycling "career" in the '90's. And it is going to be the hardest challenge of all the training.
2006-05-23 8:41 AM
in reply to: #430747

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Eagleman is just 20 days away...
I too have been training religiously for this, doing my best to follow the 20 silver HIM plan from here to a "T", between working 2 jobs. I have been going at this since November non-stop but sticking to an actual plan since January 23. Although I've got IMAZ registered for, June 11 will be the biggest day of my competitive career, bigger than any meet I swam the 1650/1000/500/400IM/200 fly in. Last week for a C race I was getting the butterflies and really excited, I hope I'm not puking the night of June 10. I've stayed focused on this day since I started and after June 11 everything I do will be in preparation for IMAZ. 

Edited by thegomer 2006-05-23 8:42 AM
2006-05-24 11:42 AM
in reply to: #430747

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Eagleman is just 20 days away...
I am so excited to do the race again this year. Last year it was my 1st 1/2IM and it was a blast, hard, but a blast. Hopefully we will not have the 95ยบ temps this year, but if we do the key is to stay on top of nutrition and electrolytes.

Received the email today saying they should be posting swim waves and the changes to to bike course in the next week or so. Good luck with the rest of your training!
2006-05-25 8:39 AM
in reply to: #430747

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Eagleman is just 20 days away...
I am getting psyched! It is interesting to hear about everyone's individual goals. For myself, I hope to finish under 6 hrs. I did this race two years ago and finished in 6:22. I was good until about half way thru the run...I bonked. I know I am better trained this time around, I am about 15 lbs lighter and hopefully wiser and will be better prepared nutritionally.

I have my last long run and ride this weekend...then I start to cut back about 25% for next week and then race week I will have a few short training sessions to stay sharp.

Hope for perfect conditions and don't forget to the training you've put in over the past months.

2006-05-25 9:40 AM
in reply to: #430747

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Eagleman is just 20 days away...
I wrecked pretty good the other day. I hope I can get my bike fixed in time and my shoulder heals so I can swim again, or else it's one-arm freestyle for me. But no matter, I'll still be there and I'll still race the best damn race I can.
2006-05-26 7:26 AM
in reply to: #433863

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Eagleman is just 20 days away...
thegomer - 2006-05-25 10:40 AM

I wrecked pretty good the other day. I hope I can get my bike fixed in time and my shoulder heals so I can swim again, or else it's one-arm freestyle for me. But no matter, I'll still be there and I'll still race the best damn race I can.

Sorry to hear about the injury. Hope you and your bike are in top shape by race day.
2006-05-27 8:08 AM
in reply to: #430747

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Subject: RE: Eagleman is just 20 days away...
Now I'm injured! I was playing basketball with my kids when my 11 year old decided to push me whilst I was in mid-air about to do a dunk. My left knee hit the tarmac and split open. I'm going to rest it for a few days and try running again on Monday. I just hope that it'll be ok come raceday.
2006-05-27 10:54 AM
in reply to: #430747

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Eagleman is just 20 days away...
I haven't dunked since my freshman year in college ('87-'88). Come to think of it I stopped being able to dunk after someone fouled me and I landed on my knee and had a slight crack in my kneecap. That's back when those hard rubber floors were popular...not very forgiving.

Hope you heal up quickly.

I had my last long run this morning...felt great.
2006-05-27 8:40 PM
in reply to: #430747


Subject: RE: Eagleman is just 20 days away...
I've been at this for about 5 months... it's going pretty well. I ran 13 last week in about a 7:30 pace. I did 47 on the bike today (not nearly the longest, did 100 about 2 weeks ago) at about 21 mph with wind. I'll be good on the swim too, hopefully 1/2 hr. I hope these conditions allow for a sub-5 hr race for me. I need to figure out my nutrition plan for race day. I'm so excited for this race, my first half ironman. It's not going to be easy, but good luck to everyone.

2006-05-27 9:20 PM
in reply to: #430747

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Wye Mills, MD
Subject: RE: Eagleman is just 20 days away...
20 days?! Ah!!! 15 now! Oh, sh!t - I better start training. Excuse me, I gotta finish this last donut and go for a run or something.
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