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2009-08-24 3:09 PM


Subject: Devil's Lake Tri
(I apologize if this has been asked...I searched the thread and couldn't find anything!)

My first tri will be the Devil's Lake Tri, which we just found out this weekend is considered one of the hardest sprint tri's because of the bike portion. (D'oh!) We did a practice run of the course this weekend and holy heck, those hills are TOUGH - and I'm using a hybrid/mtn bike for the course.

Any hints/suggestions/advice to get the legs used to the climbs involved in this race??

2009-08-24 3:15 PM
in reply to: #2367397

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Subject: RE: Devil's Lake Tri

Oh, Oh, Me, Me, Me (Hand Raised)

Ride more hills haha. Thats what I will be doing and I hope that it helps!!!

I think I'm prerunning it this weekend also.

2009-08-24 3:16 PM
in reply to: #2367397

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Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: Devil's Lake Tri

(that's triathlete-speak for Time In The Saddle)

The only way to get good at hills is to....ride hills.

BTW, welcome to this crazy world of triathlons!!!!!

Edited by tall_tri_dad 2009-08-24 3:17 PM
2009-08-24 3:31 PM
in reply to: #2367397

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Devil's Lake Tri
See if there's any weight on the bike that you can part with, and then part with it before the race. I used to dump out all my water bottles right before big climbs. I don't really recommend that, but the less weight you have to lug up the hills the easier they will be. So, like, if you have 4 bottles, 6 powerbars, front and rear lights and a full Park toolkit on your bike, you might be able to leave a lot of that behind.

In the race, try to stay sitting for as long as you can when you climb. That way you always have that "extra" gear from standing if you need it. If you have some easy gears, sometimes keeping a high cadence in a very easy gear is faster than having a moderate cadence in a moderate gear. Practice and see what works best for you.

And yeah, climb more hills in training. Don't dawdle up the hills in training though. Use a harder gear and you'll get better at climbing faster.

Edited by skavoovie 2009-08-24 3:33 PM
2009-08-24 8:07 PM
in reply to: #2367397

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Subject: RE: Devil's Lake Tri
Devil's Lake is going to be my second don't worry you aren't the only newbie.  I haven't ran through the course yet ---but going on Friday.  Good luck!
2009-08-25 5:35 AM
in reply to: #2367998

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Devil's Lake Tri

The first hill is the worst. Remember - slow and steady. If you come out of the water and start flying on the bike and hit that hill and try to maintain the flying pace, you'll crash and burn on that hill. It's sneaky and isn't over when you think it is over. Once you get through that one, though, the rest don't seem quite so bad.

2009-08-26 12:53 PM
in reply to: #2367397


Subject: RE: Devil's Lake Tri
The first hill is horrid - the last hill (getting to the entrance of the park) is also a tough one!!! There were four that I had a hard time with - the first one as you enter onto DL, the looooooooong climb once you're on Tower Road, the first big one on Newman Rd (before the glorious downhill for the whole stretch), and the last 20% incline as you enter the park.

Other than those...LOL

I'm going to try and get on the bike later this week - my husband travels a lot for work and we have a 2yo, so getting out when he's out of town is beyond difficult!!
2009-08-26 3:28 PM
in reply to: #2367397

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Kewaunee, WI
Subject: RE: Devil's Lake Tri
Hmmm....this sounds like a fun tri. Is it this weekend?

Good luck to everyone!!
2009-08-26 3:32 PM
in reply to: #2367397

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Waukesha, WI
Subject: RE: Devil's Lake Tri
Some may disagree with this, but it works for me...

I used to keep in medium or high gear starting up the hill and then shift to easier gear when I absolutely had to. I don't do that anymore. I see a hill coming up, I shift right away at the bottom to an easy gear and spin at a faster cadence up the hill (staying in the saddle as much as possible).

Good luck at Devil's Lake! I'll be there jockstrapping for some friends. They're non-BTers, but I like 'em anyway.
2009-08-26 4:26 PM
in reply to: #2367397

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Devil's Lake Tri
That was my first tri too, in 2007, and it hooked me.  Yep, I needed more hill work too, but I also didn't ride the course that year.  Last year I rode the course twice and did some local hill repeats twice in the two weeks leading up to the race (right before the taper week) and did much better getting up the first and last hill.

As for the bike - don't worry about it - you're most of the engine.

Good luck, and most importantly - Have Fun!
2009-08-27 6:10 AM
in reply to: #2367397

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Devil's Lake Tri
Yeah, I swam and then biked back from Devils Lake to Madison on Sunday and found the hill out of the park TOUGH, especially after swimming!  Do you have a triple on your hybrid?  Just get in the easy gears and slowly spin up the hill and make sure you breathe deeply (no shallow hyperventilating allowed!).  Don't worry about everybody else passing you.  You will pass some of those people on the run when they are totally gassed from having pushed the bike too hard.

Have fun.


2009-08-28 2:47 PM
in reply to: #2367397

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Subject: RE: Devil's Lake Tri

Just rode the bike course today. You guys weren't kidding, those hills are tough. Most of my ride I was going either 5 mph or 35 mph.  There were a couple times that I wanted to get off my bike and walk...but I stuck it out.  Wish I had that granny gear now.

2009-08-28 3:21 PM
in reply to: #2372472

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Waukesha, WI
Subject: RE: Devil's Lake Tri

jenndocmartin - 2009-08-26 3:32 PM Some may disagree with this, but it works for me... I used to keep in medium or high gear starting up the hill and then shift to easier gear when I absolutely had to. I don't do that anymore. I see a hill coming up, I shift right away at the bottom to an easy gear and spin at a faster cadence up the hill (staying in the saddle as much as possible). Good luck at Devil's Lake! I'll be there jockstrapping for some friends. They're non-BTers, but I like 'em anyway.

good advice, as I have learned switching on the hill causes chain dropage!!!

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