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2008-12-17 6:54 PM

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Subject: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

Name:  Jungle Jenn/Jennifer

Story:  I started doing triathlons in spring of 2004 and quickly became addicted. Im a very hyper person and love to challenge myself.

Family Status:  Single mother of a 15 year old son

Current Training:  currently Im training for my first ultra run

This years Races: My season started early and ended late this year.  I started with the American TTT in May and ended with the Florida Ironman in November.

2009 Races:  This year I am going to try an Ultra Run.  I have signed up to do a 60K run in the middle of March.  I will then train for the American TTT which is a full distance triathlon split into 2 Oly's on the same day followed by a Half Ironman the following day.  I will also be doing Ironman Louisville and raising money with Janus Charity for a friend of mine that passed away at a very early age due to heart failure.

Weight Loss:  In 2003 I stopped smoking 3 packs of cigarettes a day and continued to gain weight.  I got up to 240 pounds wearing a size 22 and decided enough was enough.  I started exercising and weight training and did a 100 mile bike ride.  After the bike ride I decided I really needed other events to keep me motivated and thats when I discovered sprint triathlons.  After my first sprint I could never imagine that I could ever do an Olympic and a full Ironman was just one of those crazy thoughts in the back of my mind.  By the end of that year I was ready to try a half marathon and couldnt wait for the following season to begin.  From there on out there was no stopping me.  I have dealt with major shoulder surgery thank goodness that was at the end of one season and then a stress fracture did take my out of the game after just a few races in 2006.  In 2007 I did my first Ironman.

What would make me a good mentor:   I am a great motivator and believe anyone can do what ever they set there mind to.  I have a passion for triathlons and fitness.  I have worked in the fitness industry for 5 years and love to watch the progress of others fitness levels. 

2008-12-24 1:42 PM
in reply to: #1859975

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - OPEN
Can I be one of your mentee's?
2008-12-24 1:53 PM
in reply to: #1871397

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - OPEN

tupuppy - 2008-12-24 2:42 PM Can I be one of your mentee's?

You bet Ty.  Just post alittle bio on here with your background and 2009 plans.

2008-12-25 2:07 PM
in reply to: #1859975

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - OPEN

Hey Jenn, would like to join your group.

 Name:  Derek

 Story:  39 year old, married father of 3 (2, 16, and 18)

 Had a friend doing a triathlon this summer and had always been interested in trying them.  Hadn't competed in a long time (ran cc and track in high school, swam in middle school, and messed around a little biking in high school).  So late July (roughly) decided to train for a sprint tri in August.  Did the last 8 weeks of a longer program for couch to triathlon.  Had so much fun, crammed in 2 more to wrap up the year (September and October).  Rediscovered my love for swimming and discovered a love for triathlons.  Took off November and December, except for the occasional trip to the pool, to heal up some nagging injuries.

 2008 Realizations:  Threw myself into this and had a blast.  Had good success with little training and minimal effort.  Found out my swimming is pretty darn strong, but during the bike in the middle of my last tri ....thought to myself, I am biking a race course instead of racing a bike course.  Something clicked in my head and want to bring that into '09.  Need to get the miles in biking this year, which will provide the greatest improvements for me.

2009:  Still throwing ideas around in my head as I want to build towards an iron man at some point, and wondering how far to push it this year.  Right now I am thinking a few sprints in the spring to build up the excitement (and hit some speed goals), do an olympic or two over the summer (build some distance confidence), then do a half iron man later in the season.

 Weight Loss:  Guess I am kinda different here.  I had been loosing weight right before I started doing this, and felt by loosing the weight, it would enable me to compete better.  Lost a few pounds training, but my food intake went up.  Lost additional weight after the season ended through the help of my wife setting up a nutritional plan for me, so I am psyched that my race weight will be under 200lbs this year (6'4".

 Guess that is it in a nut shell, looking forward to kicking it back in next week and setting up my races, workouts and plan out a successful and fun year.


2008-12-26 1:19 PM
in reply to: #1859975

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - OPEN


Welcome....I love your quote "I was biking a race course instead of racing a bike course"  Last season I rode more then ever....Im still not fast on the bike but I am enjoying it.

2008-12-26 3:24 PM
in reply to: #1859975

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - OPEN

Hi, Jennifer.  Mind if I join?  Also, do you prefer Jenn or Jennifer?  OK.  Here we go…(Oh, and I’m usually not THIS long-winded )

NAME:  Lkagop/Lora

STORY: I just finished my first season of tris.  I don't have a background in ANY of these sports other than a 5K I did once in college as a challenge my newly forming women’s crew team was doing 10 years ago.  I really don’t consider that “background” as it was just a one-time, 30-minute activity.

Over the years, I’ve consistently been inconsistent w/ working out, staying in shape, etc.  I knew it was good for my overall health in the present and for the future, but it just seemed pointless – and it was a struggle.

I heard about triathlon as a celebrity had mentioned they’d been doing them.  I was curious, did some research here on BT and found it was something extreme enough to be challenging, but something very attainable if I put in the work.  I knew it would have to be something extreme to keep me motivated.  I have absolutely come to love this sport and it has become so much of who I am.

FAMILY STATUS:  Married w/ 2 large dogs who weigh a combined 175 pounds.  I love big dogs!

CURRENT TRAINING:  I just joined the Y about 3 weeks ago.  Don’t ask me how I made it through my first season without doing so.  Looking back, I can’t believe that I managed it somehow.  Anyway, my current plan is to swim 3x/week, strength train 3x/week, bike in the form of a spin class 2x/week and run 2-3x/week.  I hate relying on a spin class as my only way to “bike,” but I don’t have a trainer and, though I did bike outside 2-3 times in 25 degree weather recently, I can’t stand it anymore.  Plus, I am in the middle of saving up for a road bike as I’m currently borrowing a friend’s dept. store bike.  I should have one bought in the next couple months.

THIS YEAR'S RACES:  My very first tri was a women's only sprint (Tri for the Cure in Columbus), and then I did the Toyota Challenge Sprint.  I’m so glad I did Tri for the Cure as my first.  It was great to start off with a specific beginner’s race as the Toyota Challenge had some serious racers there.  While I would have made it through all right, I wasn’t as intimidated as I could have been.

I came in 207/217 (40/42 AG) in tri #1.  I came in 195/197 (23/23 AG) in tri #2.  If it hadn’t been for a couple DNFs in that race, I would have been dead last.  Not coming from any of these sports, I’m very pleased to have just crossed the finish line.  It was the swim that killed me in both these races, but particularly this last one as I was 197/197.

I also did a 5K at the end of October and came in first place female in my AG.  The unknown secret is that there were only 2 other females, but, hey, it is still a win.

2009 RACES:  Jennifer, I was originally planning on doing the Flying Pig’s half-mary, too, but I think I'm going to do the OSU tri that day instead.

My plan is to do the two tris I did last year to see if there’s any improvement, and, if so, where.  I’m also planning on doing at least 4 more on top of those.  This’ll justify becoming a USAT member now.

I was thinking of adding an Olympic race in there, but I think I just want to enjoy my current successes and improvements and just get out there and have fun with the Sprints.  Last year it was about having fun and crossing the finish line.  This year it will be about having fun and moving up the rankings.  When you’re practically dead last, there’s only one way to go:  up!

2008-12-26 3:53 PM
in reply to: #1859975

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - OPEN

Welcome Lora

My first tri was in 2004 - the Outer limits in Columbus ohio.  I was 91 out of 99 and thought I would die.  
I prefer the spinning bike over my trainer but thats just me.  I find it easier to keep a cadence if I want to stand on the spin bike.  Spring will be here before we know it then we can get back outside to ride.
We will be heading to Disney on Monday morning for the week...just wanted to give you all a heads up.

Edited by Jungle Jenn 2009-01-12 1:54 PM
2008-12-26 4:24 PM
in reply to: #1859975

Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - OPEN
I'd like to join your group.

I too stopped smoking, though it was 4 years ago from a slightly fat 120 to a now very fat 202 this morning. I am single, no kids, but don't do a very good job at taking care of me. As an added insult to myself, I am a Stage 4 Inflammatory Breast Cancer survivor that despite several recurrences and knowing that being fat exponentially increases those recurrence risks, has allowed school and work to come before taking care of me.

I don't exercise much, if at all. I live in Orlando and have no excuses for not exercising. It's not like Lora who has 25 degree weather. It's 75 degrees and sunny right now. I just don't have a background in math or science so taking this course load has me studying all the more.

I work full-time and go to school full-time for my civil engineering degree. This semester though I am cutting back on my work to concentrate on school so now some exercise will fit in the schedule.

I've done sprints, olympics, half and full marathons as recently as two years ago, but almost nothing except walk to class since then.

Long-term goals are...
1. Regain exercise as a basic part of life.
2. Get back to normal size, 105 to 110 pounds. (I'm only 5-3).
3. Eat as scheduled, not go without for 17 hours and then cram everything in when I get home at 10:30 at night.
4. Take time to concentrate on me.

Short term goals..
1. Finish accelerated C25K
2. Maintain food log
3. Complete training as scheduled and not allow school to interfere in staying healthy
4. Post here everyday

This weeks goals:
1. Write out monthly training schedule with weekly goals
2. Clean out cabinets and fridge of stuff
3. Shop for correct food and not convenience food
4. Select races for this year

I don't have the knowledge to help others with their training other than being a cheerleader. I am a good cheerleader though. Actually a great cheerleader.

Let me know Jenn.

I'm off to work now at my second job at Lowes which I love. Got questions about plumbing or home improvement, I'm your girl.

2008-12-26 4:52 PM
in reply to: #1859975

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - OPEN

Glad to have you Leighsah.

I struggle every day with food addiction.  I really like that you are seeing all your goals, weekly, short term and long term.

I'll be in Orlando next week visiting Mickey

2008-12-26 7:11 PM
in reply to: #1859975

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - OPEN

Okay, Jenn, here goes...first off, I must be crazy!

BACKGROUND: I am from London, United Kingdom. I have NO background in sports or athletics. In high school, i was slightly overweight and asthmatic and thus got to sit out of gym class with a sick note from my parents....I was always the last picked for team events, generally a bit weak, but always enthusiastic! I loved cheering others on, was a good sport and ended last or second to last in almost every race. I suffered with eating disorders for 10 years, along with anxiety and depression - but fought hard to get to where I am now - fully recovered, happy, healthy, and satisfied with my lot in life.

FAMILY: I am now 30 years old (31 in June!) , an ordained Pastor (specializing in Women's Counseling), single, no pets (lol) and ready to face new challenges instead of "waiting" for permission for my life to begin! I have one older sister and a younger brother and sister and have been living and working in California this past year as a missionary for a women's non-profit organization. I will be in the USA for at least another year, but will be traveling to South Africa in August for a month - so I'd love to familiarize myself with the whole 'tri- scene' both here in CA and in S. Africa!

My life has been about SURVIVAL so far - and then I turned all my life experiences into tools to help heal other women's lives - that i am grateful for, but 2009, i realized has got to be about ME.

SPORTS: I LOVE to swim, usually accomplish about 60 - 90 lengths in 30 mins or so. I LOVE to cycle though this has been mostly in the gym on a stationery bike. Running has always been a challenge due to weak ankles and a large, heavy bust-line (yes, your profile pic IS me!). I have never done any serious training but am convinced this is my year to investigate, learn, and not just TALK about the dream of entering a race but DOING it!!

I would LOVE to join your group and put my experience of surviving towards endurance training for triathlons! Please, please, help me if you can!

Eagerly, Anna Marie.

2008-12-26 7:19 PM
in reply to: #1859975

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - OPEN

Oops, I forgot to mention stuff about my  health so here it is;

HEALTH: I went from a size 32 - 7 years ago - to a size 18 today! I lost weight through weight watchers, which helped because it taught me control with real food. My background in women's counseling has gotten my head straight in terms of the eating disorders and body image - so I'm realistic about this. I would like to loose another 25 lbs, esp off my stomach, butt and bust - and I know tri training can help towards that, but it's not my only reason for wanting to do it. So don't panic! I have not weighed myself in over a year - because as a missionary i travel all the time and don't even own my own scales BUT at a guess, i'd say i'm currently somewhere around 200 lbs. I'm 5"8 so this is nowhere near my ideal weight, but i DO exercise, walk regularly 5miles a day (I have no car in the USA!!) - so my overall fitness is not a disaster.

Anyway, jenn, Lora, Leigh - any tips you all have would be much appreciated in how to 'ease' myself into the triathlon journey Laughing

2008-12-26 7:45 PM
in reply to: #1859975

Bayside, NY
Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - OPEN
So do you have room for 1 more beginner??
2008-12-26 8:01 PM
in reply to: #1859975

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - Closed

Welcome Anna Marie and Nicole.

We'll close it out for now with this great group!
Here is what I would love for everyone to get working on this week.  I will be leaving for Disney and be gone until Jan4th so we'll get down to business then.

In the meantime........start to think and list what your 2009 goals are.
What races are you signed up for or planning to sign up for
Start logging in your workouts and notes on your training log
Add each other to your friends list so we can keep in touch and have another outlet to motivate each other.

Everyone enjoy the rest of 2008

2008-12-26 8:21 PM
in reply to: #1859975

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - OPEN

Welcome to America, Anna Marie!  What an exciting journey you're on!  I think California's a great place to be for triathlon training:  More warm weather = more training and more triathlons!

Leighsah, I think you've got some great goals, especially considering the medical challenges you've faced.  Here's to seeing them through.

A HIM by the end of the year, Derek?  That's awesome.  Being a strong swimmer is such a benefit.

Have an awesome vacation, Jenn!  We'll "see" ya when you get back.  I look forward to getting to know everyone.

2008-12-27 9:25 AM
in reply to: #1859975

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

Since I threw that out there, guess that will be my goal this year.  Found the race, LongHorn Triathlon Festival - Half Iron - 10/18.  Seemed like a good one this year from what I have read on here.  Now to build backwards from that....

 Swimming is a nice advantage to get a good ranking and start near the top in pool swims, but even if I have a great swim, I only get a few minutes on the other guys.  The good cyclist get well over 10 minute advantage on the bike....that is where I need to get some focus this year.

2008-12-27 12:50 PM
in reply to: #1859975

Bayside, NY
Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

I am glad I made it into the group! Thanks Jenn, I really look forward to getting to know everyone. I will give you a little bio about me. I still have to give my 2009 goals a good thought!

My name is Nicole Wojno, I just turned 29 dec 17. I live in Bayside NY with my boyfriend of 2 years and my 2 cats. No kids yet! I am a physical therapist and treat mostly children. My job takes up a lot of my time. I am completly new to triathalons. 2009 will be my first. I joined a masters swim team to help with my swimming and it's been a great experience. I competed in my first swim meet in November and did well for myself ( I finished! lol

I have battled with my weight all my life. A constant YoYo currently I am 5' 6'' and weigh about 160lbs I should be between 140-150 and that's what I am striving for before my first tri. I quit smoking 2 years ago, and I am so happy for that!

I have always been an avid exerciser, but generally inside the gym. The last couple of months have been a change I have been trying to do sessions outside which has been a challenge! 


I look forward to this program and working with you all!! Happy holidays

2008-12-28 7:58 PM
in reply to: #1873539

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

Welcome, Nichole.  That's great you have Master's swim experience, and taking your training outside can definitely be a challenge, but it's so worth it in the end.

I confess:  I am on this site waaaaayyyy too much.    So, what are everyone's plans for this coming week?

I want to swim at least 2-3 times, strength train 2-3, bike (spin) once and run at least twice.  The Y being closed early NY's Eve and completely on NY's day is throwing me off, so we'll see how well I can stick it out.

Have a great night...!

2008-12-29 12:22 PM
in reply to: #1859975

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED
This week I am focusing on getting my nutrition back in check.  Had some food hangovers that I need to shake and get back healthy.  Not going to focus on working out, but might swim a few times.  Once we get into January, I will set up a schedule with what I will do each week/day.  I did a schedule leading up to my first race in 2008 and that really helped me stay on track.
2008-12-29 4:00 PM
in reply to: #1875975

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED
That sounds like a great plan, Derek.  Sometimes I think controlling the food is harder than the training of the three sports.
2008-12-30 8:54 PM
in reply to: #1859975

Bayside, NY
Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

I have a huge food hangover too! Last week killed me I hope new years is better. I'm training but for some reason I have been so tired this week. I think it was all the bad holiday food!

 My plan was to swim 2x strength train 4x, spin2x, and run3x. The running has to be the worst!

I have to get out of the gym and start working outside, anyone have an pointers? It's just soooooo cold!!! I hate the winter

2008-12-31 7:11 AM
in reply to: #1878883

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED
woj143 - 2008-12-30 9:54 PM

I have a huge food hangover too! Last week killed me I hope new years is better. I'm training but for some reason I have been so tired this week. I think it was all the bad holiday food!

 My plan was to swim 2x strength train 4x, spin2x, and run3x. The running has to be the worst!

I have to get out of the gym and start working outside, anyone have an pointers? It's just soooooo cold!!! I hate the winter

Hi, Nicole.  Let me preface this by saying that I get cold very easily.  I'm quite comfortable with the house temp on 74.  With this in mind, I can tell you that I've run very, very comfortably in 25 degree weather this winter.

It's important to have your first layer be a layer that wicks away the sweat.  I wore a pair of tights from Target - their Champion brand, a wicking mock turtle from Wal Mart, some kind of running suit over that, a tobogan and gloves.  I'll admit the weather's pretty killer starting out, but after 5 minutes, the cold isn't bothersome.  I hope this helps...

2009-01-01 1:05 PM
in reply to: #1859975

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

Hi Jenn, Lora, Derek, Ty, Nicole and Leigh!!

I am SO excited to have been able to make it on time into this are ALL such a great bunch of people! I can already feel our success Laughing

I hope you all had a brill christmas and new year?? I ate lots of amazing food and had lots of fun with family and new friends, but I am SO ready to start now on my after going through the beginner plans..these are my goals for the new year;

I am looking to prepare myself for a Sprint initial goal was to be ready by March, but I'm going to see how training is going before deciding on an actual date for my first it looks like the plan I am following will have me ready in 7 months and not as this is my new lifestyle choice, I'm okay with that and not gonna push or rush things...

1) I want to work out 4 - 6 hours a week. This will translate to roughly 3 days a week, 2 hours each day.

2) I want to start out with a walk/run routine which I can build up on easily over time, so I've chosen the conservative Couch to 5K program to base my schedule on, even though I've made some adjustments, because my fitness level is more intermediate than beginner.


For JANUARY: I will walk/run x2 days a week and strength train (with video) x1 day

For FEBRUARY: I will walk/run plus strength train x2 days a week and cycle x1 day

For MARCH: I will walk/run x1 day, strength train/cycle x1 day and swim x1 day

i think this is achievable when done in the way advised in the Couch to 5k plan...but PLEASE let me have your feedback..does it sound like a good plan? What changes should I consider making?  


2009-01-01 1:21 PM
in reply to: #1859975

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED
Oh and p.s. any advice on finding the right type of bike for training and for the races??
2009-01-01 1:56 PM
in reply to: #1859975

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

Hey, Anna Marie.  I will defer to our gracious mentor regarding the specifics of the plan, but I can tell you from being on this site for a year that many people have started right where you are using Couch to 5K and it was critical to their success.  You've picked a great plan.

Wow.  Bikes.  Eesh.  Where to begin?  I guess the first few questions I would ask are:  Do you currently have a bike?  If so, what kind?  If you don't have a bike or you want a different one, how much could you spend on one?

I can tell you that I trained and competed in my first two tris last year borrowing a friend's bike she'd bought at a department store.  I didn't have one starting out and I was (am) just grateful to have a pair of wheels.

Don't feel pressured to spend a lot of money, though.  Many people do their first tris on mountain bikes or mom's old bike even.  You shouldn't feel self-conscious showing up on race day.  Here's a look at the one I used.

Egads, I'm on this site way too much...

(Toyota Challege - 9-14-08 023 Edited.JPG)

Toyota Challege - 9-14-08 023 Edited.JPG (34KB - 14 downloads)
2009-01-01 8:55 PM
in reply to: #1859975

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Subject: RE: Jungle Jenn's Jovial Mentor Group - CLOSED

Everyone is different, so do what you are doing...find a plan, adjust it to you, and then set your goals and go.  Here are some things that worked for me last year.  I went from couch to a sprint in like 12 weeks or something.  One thing that will boost your confidence, if you havent been to a race, go to one (or volunteer for one).  You will see that very normal people are doing it, people you see everyday.  And you will see that quite a few people walk part or most of the run, and its ok.  They get cheers just like everyone else.  The tri community is very warm and welcoming.

 Bikes...Bikes.....Bikes.... you will be the only one to answer that.  Budget has a huge impact on it for me.  If you are going to spend some money ($600+), find a local bike shop that you trust and like the people, and go from there.  Have them fit it for you and do a lot of test riding.  I ended up getting a road bike and my friend got a hybrid that he felt comfortable with.  If you already have a rideable bike, use it for training and the first race.  Most of my training was on a 12 year old mountain bike with my son in a trailer behind me....rode circles in the neighborhood. lol

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