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2011-01-03 12:02 PM

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Subject: Nates' group full and ready to go

NAME: username = Natebs
            name = Nathan / Nate

I started doing triathlons in 2008 after going on a run with someone who had finished his first ironman (Canada). I had been just a runner up until then and triathlons did sound interesting. I looked in my area for one to sign up to then asked a friend to borrow his bike for the race as I only had an old mountain bike. I signed up for 2 sprints and an oly in my first season. I then had to go to the pool to learn how to swim, I couldnt even swim 25 meters back then.
While on the bike portion of the oly distance tri I realized I enjoyed the longer rides beter then the sprints. That lead me to hard can an Ironman really I signed up for Louisville and started training for it.
In 2009 I raced one sprint, a 70.3 and then finished Ironman what a feeling and boy did I hurt.
Due to some injurys during training for Louisville and the race itself, then neck problems at the end of 2009 it lead to almost no training for 6 months. I really had to dig deep this year to train.
2010 I raced my 1st duathlon, an oly and Syacuse 70.3... I had an excellent bike ride and after the race was super jacked for 2011.
So much so I've signed up for 4 70.3 and a goal of sub 5:10 at one of them in 2011.
I'm also in the local tri club

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 2 boys 15/16
WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I'm on almost daily, I've also helped train others to run/tri at work and in the tri club and enjoy doing so.
2011 RACES: 70.3 @ Eagleman/Muncie/Timberman/Syracuse and a 1/2 mary to kick of the season

Edited by natebs 2011-01-28 4:12 PM

2011-01-12 11:55 AM
in reply to: #3274388

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Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open
I am interested in joining this mentor group. I am a 34 year old beginner triathlete who completed my first short sprint in October last year. My goals for this year are to complete 4 sprint tri's (signed up for Hagerstown and Iron Girl and thinking of kicking the season off with Nanticoke). I would also like to complete a 10K this year. I am not much of a runner and was proud of myself for getting up to the 5K last year. I actually was proud of the time I posted at 1:21, but the swim was not open water and transitions were easy. While my goals are not to win, I am fairly competetive. Currently I am struggling with training in the cold weather (ice and snow today). I took some down time after last season and need to get back into the swing of things. Also, finding the time can be challenging with balancing family life/work and recreation.
2011-01-13 8:42 PM
in reply to: #3274388

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Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open
Welcome Courtney;

I hope I can give you some advice through the next few months that will help you for your upcoming tri season.
Have you signed up for a 10k race yet...I find that once I`ve signed up for a race I tend to get my butt in gear and train.
You mentioned you wanted to do 4 tri`s....which is the forth your looking at?
Just Googled Nanticoke...I`m in Ontario as well (Barrie) so I totally understand the weather part of training. Just before Christmas we had about 3 feet of snow here.
Have you come up with a written plan for training yet? I find I train alot better when following a plan (those races I`ve used a plan have all been PB) and it also allows the family to see what I will be doing each day/week.
Logging your training on this web site each day...even if its nothing for that day..will allow me to help as well.

Any question dont hesitate to ask
2011-01-14 2:59 PM
in reply to: #3274388

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Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open
Alright Nathan, I would like to join your group.  

I am also from Canada, just west of Toronto.  This will be my first year attempting a triathlon.  Looking at doing the Guelph Lake Olympic on June 19th.  I wanted to start last year, and began training in January using information from the trinewbie website, but illness and injury set me back about 6 weeks and I just didn't think I had enough time to put it together.

This time around I have started causal training back in November when I found this website (it rocks).  Started a weight training program with a trainer for the last 8 weeks, and slipped in some running and biking as well.  That program is now over and I have set up a balanced x2 schedule which looks to be a doable progression to race day.

Lets hope I can stay healthy (struggling with a cold right now, but training through it anyway) without injury. 

2011-01-14 5:00 PM
in reply to: #3274388

Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open
Hi Nathan,
I'm down here in the Midwest but my family are all up around you! so does that make me OK to join the Canadians? I am actually hoping to do the Gravenhurst Oly this summer if I can get up to the distances by then. Quick bio...
Did my first sprint last September as a "gift" to myself for surviving a tick bite that caused (cliff notes version) multiple organ failure, 3 months lost, couldnt even walk 6 feet at the beginning of June last year. Fully recovered thanks to the fact that I was in great shape before i got sick - cyclist. Anyway I am now hooked on this. My logs are accurate except for Dec. - too crazy. So far I have a 1/2 Mary planned for April 2, 1/2 Mary May7th. Planning on 2-3 sprints before G'Hurst. then some more in the fall. Need to get it really organized. I am currently taking swim lessons weekly since I never swam competitively in school. Really focusing on the run and really loving it. Need to get on the Trainer more but once we get into March I can prob start sneaking outside again.
Thanks for doing this and helping the rest of us!
2011-01-15 11:14 AM
in reply to: #3274388

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Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open

welcome to the group Will and Claire;
We will accept Americans as long as they know where Canada is, so your in lol.

I will be trying to post tips each week in different aspects of the training. Let me know what kind of information you would like to see.

@ Will (I assume its Will)..I raced Guelph Lake Olympic last spring so feel free to ask questions about race day. I can`t seem to view your training log so you might need to add me/us to your friends list.

@ have alot of time to get upto the oly distance. A few members in my Tri club raced Gravenhurst last year and I may have some tips there for you as well.

Sorry to here about both your set backs last year...I sure know how that feels I missed almost 6 months last winter.
I`m taking a 2 day coaching clinic next weekend so Im sure I`II have lots of info for helping out.
Have a great day

2011-01-16 1:59 PM
in reply to: #3274388

Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open
For what it is worth I'm actually English - not sure if that makes it better or not -LOL
2011-01-18 7:45 PM
in reply to: #3274388

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Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open
Setting goals at the beginning of each year is something that needs to be done for Pros/elite AG/reg AG and beginners. Grab a pen and paper and open up a hour this week to listen to Simon Gowen. He does a triathlon radio show from LA. Listen to the Dec 30th show on setting goals, pen and paper are for taking notes, I took a full page of notes and had to "rewind" a few times.
Hope you enjoy forget to bookmark his page. let me know what you think after.
2011-01-18 7:56 PM
in reply to: #3274388

Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open

I would like to join your mentor group! This will be my third season of triathlon. I have only done sprints (about 9) but would like to move up to longer races. I also have done 2 half marathons and am considering a 50K trail run in November.  I am married with a 6 year old and teach first grade.  I upgraded my hybrid bike to a road bike so I am excited to see what I can do this year on a bike that does not weigh close to 40 pounds!

2011-01-19 3:58 AM
in reply to: #3274388

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Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open
Welcome Stacy, based on the quick look at your logs, the Oly distance should be no problems for you. Make sure to read and listen to my note just above your post about goals.

@ all ...plase try to use all of your training logs...when you go for a run...what kind of run did you do that day? HR?, what did you do while on the bike? what did you wacth if indoors? ...swim...what did you work on while in the pool? weight training..what did you do. fill you logs with as much information as you can.
 Also use the number section for your training was that day...stressed...
getting into the habit of filling these in will help you in the long run.
2011-01-20 7:58 AM
in reply to: #3274388

New user

Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open
Hi Nate,

I would like to join your mentor group.  I am a 46 year old guy and in pretty good shape.  I don't have any family responsibilities or anything like that so I figured I would just dive in.  I have been running 4 miles every morning and I ride my bike 10 to 21 miles three times per week after I get off work.  I have not got into the pool yet, but I am joining the Y here next month.  I never though about running triathlons and then it just hit me.  I am an ex college wrestler and I was in Special Forces in the early '80 so I know how training can hurt and am not afraid of it.  The problem is I sort of let myself go over the last several years and it has been within the last 8 months I started running and biking.  I have lost 60 pounds and I feel I am ready start this program.  I do not own a road bike, just a mountain bike and I plan on doing my first race with that bike, I just can't afford a bike right now.  Anyways, I would like to get into your group and start this whole enchilada.



2011-01-21 8:55 AM
in reply to: #3274388


Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open
I am interested in joining this mentor group. I am a 34 year old beginner triathlete who has been only a runner since college but completed my first ½ mary in October last year. My goals for this year are to complete 1 sprint tri'. I am also registered for the Sugarloaf Marathon/ May 15, The Pine Land Trails Festival 25k/ May 29 and the “Run for The Fallen August 22nd Ultra Marathon 50 miles and finally a Century Ride in October for Cancer Research (Dempsey Challenge. I am not much of a cyclist and but have a trainer in the basement and am working hard.  I have also joined the Y to amp up my swimming.While my goals are not to win, I am fairly competitive. Currently I am struggling with training in the cold weather (ice and snow today). I took some down time over the last two weeks this season and need to get back into the swing of things; also finding the time can be challenging with balancing family life (two under two) /work and recreation.
2011-01-21 5:47 PM
in reply to: #3274388

New user

Lincoln, NE
Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open

Hello Nate and all.  I would like to join your group.

I am turning 33 in 3 days and am really excited to be getting into Tri for the first time!  I have always though tri would be a great experience and was thinking seriously about doing my first one when I tore my ACL in Sept '09.  Much of last year was rehab and just getting back to felling like myself physically.

This winter I have been doing a strength training program (P90X) that has been really great for me.  I've added 15 lbs. (for me a really good thing) and went from some of the worst shape of my life to feeling good about myself physically for the first time in a long time.  

I don't have much competitive experience in distance sports - I've run 3 or so 5K's.  However, I have done each of the sprint distances numerous times as just part of keeping active.  I will need to work on mechanics and improving my efficiency especially in the swimming portion.

For training I have put together a schedule that I will upload and am planning on my first sprint on April 17th.  Also, planning on a 1/2 marathon on May 1 and 2 other sprints later on in the summer.

Originally, I hale from a small town north of Syracuse, NY and was considered an honorary "Canadian" in high school due to playing hockey and hanging out with the northern neighbors.  Never did learn to speak French though...

Currently I reside in Lincoln, NE with my wife and two boys age 1.5 and 4.

Excited to be joining a group of fellow athletes.Laughing


Edited by Tadedge 2011-01-24 12:04 PM
2011-01-22 2:23 PM
in reply to: #3274388

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Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open
Welcome to the group Jeff, Eric and Tad. Glad to have you joinning us. If you haven`t already; jump up to my earier post about setting goals. This is always an important step to the beggining of each season. I haven`t seen anyone post back after listening to Simon yet...fedback on what you guys think will help us all and get us talking.

This is a great site for beginners but at the same time it is what you make reading forums, posting questions (no questions are dumb...if you think it is you can PM me and recording your workouts so I (and the others can post inspires for you).

@ Jeff..great job on losing the 60 pounds..I have a friend who lost ~95 and is racing his 1st Ironman this year (his second year of Tris)
@Eric...have you signed up for a tri yet? nice schedule for the running this year.
@ Tad....Tris are a great experience. I also did p90X last year to get back into shape after a herniated disk in my neck. I raced in Syacuse last year (70.3) and going back this year as my B race.
I will be posting "Tips" each week (1st was on goal setting). I try to do these on Mondays.
If you have questions dont hesitate to post or PM me
Have a great weekend guys...Im looking forward to all this
2011-01-22 6:26 PM
in reply to: #3310549

Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open

Hi, I did nine sprint tri's over the last two years on a $150 hybrid.  Good luck with your training and congrats on the weight loss, 60 pounds is a big achievement.

2011-01-22 6:34 PM
in reply to: #3274388

Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open
I subscribed to the above mentioned podcast, but have not listened to the goal setting show, yet.
I developed strep throat on Thursday and am on antibiotics for 10 days. Over the last month my son and I have both had strep twice and my husband has had it once. In between I have had another sore throat that was determined to be viral.  Through all of that, stupidly I kept on training if I did not have fever. I did cut  my duration and intensity as I am in a "prep" phase right now anyway, but I think I need to take off completely for at least a week and let my body heal properly this time. Also, the whole house has been sanitized as well as new toothbrushes and a UV toothbrush sanitizer to boot. I am not a germophobe but enough is enough!

All of my "A" races are late in the year this year, so a week off now is not making me feel like I am losing ground. 


P.S. Nice to "meet" all group members, good luck with training.

2011-01-23 2:16 PM
in reply to: #3274388


Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open
     Hi Nate, my name is Mike and I am 49 and new to the tri scene. I am from NY but now live in the scenic Houston area with my wife and children (boy 12, girl 10). I am retired from law enforcement and did not really have a healthy lifestyle for a long time. A rough schedule, junk food, smoking, drinking,  and being on the front lines for 20 years pushed my weight up to 270 on my 6'3 frame.  I  always kept one foot in the gym training hard for periods so I wasn't a total washout but I was not fit by any stretch.  I started swim training at my gym. I swam my freshmen year in high school so I had some background but that was back in the 70's. I progressed from there and joined a masters swim group (did a swim meet and now understand just how hard that sport is) and started hearing about other races and decided to try the CB& I sprint tri. I enjoyed competing with myself and did better than I hoped, even with my mountain bike (29'er) rumbling through the 15 miles. I really enjoyed the comraderie, the focus, the buzz that came with signing on the dotted line for the tri. That's why I am back and that's why I am here. 
      I am training for the sprint tri again and have just purchased a used road bike (2008 Raleigh Supercourse) and hope to improve my bike time and run time (and maintain/improve swim time). Thanks for putting yourself out here and anything you can do to help me on my tri journey would be greatly appreciated. Let's do this.

Edited by mike14 2011-01-23 2:19 PM
2011-01-23 9:27 PM
in reply to: #3274388

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Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open

Thanks for you answer on the bike.  I suppose a lot of people ride a mountain bike on the races.  I have a couple of mtb races coming up anyway so the trail rides will be good for my bike training also.  I am having a great time getting ready for my first season of triathlons.  My goal is 3 races this year if I can get away.  Hope to hear from everyone often.

2011-01-23 10:44 PM
in reply to: #3274388

New user
Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open
Hi Nate - Hope there is still room in your mentor group.

I'm Greg, 43 years old and living in Memphis, Tennessee. I'm married and the father of three daughters (10, 13 and 14). I'm an immigration lawyer and have to travel a lot which sometimes makes staying on my training schedule a challenge. But I'm also pretty senior at my firm and I can take the afternoon off to ride or run if I want.

My dad passed away in December 2009 and I decided at that point to take some stock of my life. He was quite overweight most of his life and died at a pretty young age (67) which was the same age as his father (and my great-grandfather died in his early 40s. All were very overweight and even though my dad had times in his life he was fit (he actually ran a marathon when he was 40), for the most part he was not in shape.

I'd like to avoid the same fate as seems to be the curse in my paternal line. So I've been focused for the last year on getting fit. I've dropped 35 pounds (down to 165 but since I'm just 5'7" I really am still trying to drop another 10 to 15). I've been losing some through eating more sensibly, but most of the loss is a result of exercise. I bought a road bike last March and joined a group sponsored by our bike club here for novices seeking to ride in our first century. I met that goal by finishing the BCB100 ride here in Memphis last October. I also started running last June and have now run several 5Ks and a 10K a few weeks ago. I've been swimming pretty regularly for most of the last year and typically swim for an hour twice a week (about two miles).

I've just signed up to do an Olympic tri (the Wildman Triathlon in Orlando) which will kick off my kids spring break and a vacation for the family.

It's been lonely riding in the cold this winter and I miss the camaraderie of the group rides that will start up in the spring here.  But I'm looking forward to my first triathlon in 7 weeks. I've just created a training plan using this site and it looks pretty similar to the routine I have every week - typically 2 swims, 2 bikes, 2 runs and day on the elliptical at the gym.

A triathlon seems pretty intimidating to me and I'm glad to have found this site. Hope you have a spot for me.

2011-01-24 7:00 AM
in reply to: #3274388

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Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open

Welcome to the group Mike and Greg.
Trianing for tris is a super way to say or get into shape and Im glad both of you have started down this road. I find the camaraderie of tri people to be fantastic..everyone is always willing to help each other learn about the sport and having 5 aspects to race day there is lots to learn..swim/bike/run/tranistions/nutrition...
Ask questions and ask way to learn, either here or at the pool or with in trainng groups.

2011-01-24 7:26 AM
in reply to: #3274388

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Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open
Tip #2

 For me its very important to remember to stretch after my run or bike workouts.
While training for my Ironman in 2009 I did very little stretching and my IT bands (they are in your legs) blew up a month out from the race, forcing me to have to walk/run the marathon. I also have lower back problems (since I was 16) and I need to stretch to keep it from acting up. Its quit amazing how far you can stretch once you start.
It will also help with our day to day range of motion when you get into the habbit of stretching.
Here are a few links to some strecthing exercises

I do most of these and few different ones. Make sure not to bounce while stretching and hold each one for about 15 to 25 seconds.

Any questions just ask.
Have a great training week

2011-01-24 12:51 PM
in reply to: #3274388

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Hudson Valley, NY
Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open
Hi everyone,

I would like to join this mentor group.  Even though I'm from the US I do know where Canada is and have been there a couple of times.

Triathlon history: none, but I've read a few books

My history: Two and half years ago I first became interested in triathlons,  I could barely swim the length of the pool and my knees hurt so bad I could barely run.  I live to mountain bike so biking wouldn't be a problem I hoped.  I trained from September to January non stop, lost weight and was getting in shape.  Then I welcomed my second son into this world and all my training stopped like a freight train.

Fast forward two years and 30lbs later and I am finally ready to start training again and compete in my first sprint triathlon this year.  Currently I am riding my bike on a trainer in the basement slowly increasing my saddle time by three minutes each time and increasing my rpm every time I get on it.  I've always been a masher and not a spinner on the bike.  I'm also alternating weights every other night.  I am adding swimming into the routine starting tomorrow, running will have to wait, its just too cold here in NY at the moment as I generally don't run when its below 15F or -9C for those non Us people here Innocent

Personal info: I'm 32 years old, married with two small boys 3.5/2yrs old.  Work as a staff engineer for a small civil firm and live to mountain bike.

Goals: Get fit, lose weight, finish 1-2 sprint triathlons this year and do a sprint and olympic next year.

I did listen to the podcast about setting goals and thought it was pretty good, I will have to really set some goals and definitely will be listening to him as the year goes by.
2011-01-24 1:17 PM
in reply to: #3274388

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Lincoln, NE
Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open
I'm looking at a training schedule (from another site) that I like, however I have a couple of questions and want to make sure that I understand the nomenclature.  One is about "striders" one day's entry looks like:"Run 30:00 (w/6-8 striders)."  I understand that "striders" are 100m accelerations, but I'm not sure when exacly you do them.  Are they in the middle of the run?  Do you rest in between or do you just drop back down to regular jogging pace?  Are they at full sprint speed?
The second question is about entries that look like: "Run 40:00 (Main Set: 5*1000m w 3" recovery)."  I want to make sure that I am reading this properly.  Does that mean to run 1000m meters at a faster then usual pace and then cool down for 3 mins?  Is the cool down regular pace or walking? 

Here is the link:

Thank you.

2011-01-24 1:20 PM
in reply to: #3274388

New user

Lincoln, NE
Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open
Just bought the Garmin Forerunner 305 GPS watch/heart rate moniter.  I intend to share with my wife who is a runner - we have been looking at it for a while now.  Can't wait till work is done so that I can go home and test it out.Laughing
2011-01-24 1:24 PM
in reply to: #3318515

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Subject: RE: Nates' group = Open
Tadedge - 2011-01-24 2:20 PM Just bought the Garmin Forerunner 305 GPS watch/heart rate moniter.  I intend to share with my wife who is a runner - we have been looking at it for a while now.  Can't wait till work is done so that I can go home and test it out.Laughing

Nice, but do you think your wife will rely share with you?  In my house, if I get a cool new toy, it takes me a month before "I" actually get to use it.  It has to be tested out by my wife first.   lol, take my iPad she got me for Christmas.  I am just now getting to set it up the way I want, and only have to wrestling out of her hands once or twice a day now.

Good luck with the Garmin 
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