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2008-05-07 11:06 PM

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: Foot problems -- 7 weeks on and still having issues

First, I'll just say that I am under the care of a podiatrist, and will only treat opinions expressed here as just that -- opinions.

History -- I was having some rather sharp pains in my left 2nd metatarsal for a couple months that would subside a say or so after running. After a while, though, it became constant. Went to a podiatrist that said "neuroma". I did what he suggested, and no change. Went to a 2nd podiatrist, and the diagnosis (by x-rays and MRI) was a sub-articular stress fracture of the 2nd metatarsal head. 6 weeks of crutches and boot, another week of walking in the boot, and then in ONE day walking in "stiff shoes" (I was using my MTB shoes), I get localized swelling over the site. Call the doc, and he schedules me for an MRI, which happened this morning.

So I'm looking at the images, and see one of the metarsal (see attached files). The top of that one just doesn't look right. I included a shot of the 3rd metatarsal from the same sequence for comparison.

Any one care to share an opinion? Any podiatrists want to share?



(3rd metatarsal.JPG)

(2nd metatarsal.JPG)

3rd metatarsal.JPG (65KB - 57 downloads)
2nd metatarsal.JPG (60KB - 49 downloads)

2008-05-13 2:20 PM
in reply to: #1389006

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Subject: RE: Foot problems -- 7 weeks on and still having issues
Has the podiatrist had anything to say about your latest MRI?
2008-05-14 7:54 PM
in reply to: #1400006

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Foot problems -- 7 weeks on and still having issues

The pod I was seeing wouldn't go any farther than just to repeat what the MRI report said -- wouldn't make any diagnosis (at least no firm diagnosis). He said he suspects AVN (Frieberg infraction), but wants to send me to see some one else. I just found out today that this pod was kicked out of another office because of his diagnoses. Anyway, I asked if, assuming that WAS the correct diagnosis, and the available options for treatment, there was a good chance I would be able to run again. "Get a bike" was his answer...

I sent some of the MRI shots to a poster on ST who is also a pod/foot & ankle surgeon, and he said instantly "Frieberg's". He also said that this in no way should curtail my running or triathlon, that there are good options for correction from joint replacement to other surgical means.

I've also got the UW SPorts Med College looking at it, and I have an appointment with them next month (meanwhile I'm incapacitated).

If I do undergo surgery, it'll be a good 6 months before I could run again, though...

2008-05-15 9:45 AM
in reply to: #1403292

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Subject: RE: Foot problems -- 7 weeks on and still having issues
But if you do undergo surgery, you will be able to run again.

i hope something of value comes from the med college taking a look at you.
2008-05-15 10:45 AM
in reply to: #1389006

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Foot problems -- 7 weeks on and still having issues
You have a good plan.  Go see the other doc.  You will live to run again.  FWIW I did my first IM on stress fractures in my great toe sesamois and my 2nd Metatarsal head (didn't know they were busted til later)  It hurt but I finished in the alotted time uprgiht and smiling   Its fine now after getting into some NEwtons, and appropriate orthotics after 19 months of foot pain
2008-05-21 11:33 AM
in reply to: #1389006

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Foot problems -- Update

I went to see another podiatrist today, the one that I was referred to by the local doofus (I've since learned that this local podiatrist was excused from another practice because of his diagnoses). Anyway, this one had the cajones to make a definite diagnosis -- Frieberg infraction. That means that the underlying bone is collapsing, and that part of the articular surface is gone (as the x-ray shows).

I've got some surgical options to mull over in the next few days, and it's a 6-7 week wait to get into surgery from when I make that decision. I'm pretty sure I'll go through with it, just not totally decided which procedure I'll go with. In any case, this doc said I have no reason to be using the boot (soft cast) or crutches, and that I can go ahead and ride and swim, and just let pain be my guide -- I can't do any damage now that can't be repaired. I'm back in my MTB shoes during the day.

So the first thing I did when I got home yesterday was set the bike back on the trainer and pedal away.

2008-05-22 10:05 AM
in reply to: #1416246

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Subject: RE: Foot problems -- Update
That is FANTASTIC news!!!
2008-05-23 3:29 PM
in reply to: #1389006

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: Update -- Surgery

I'm tentatively scheduled for surgery on June 20th...

               -- "Under the Knife" by Kansas (Freaks of Nature CD)

2008-05-23 6:07 PM
in reply to: #1389006

New user

Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Foot problems -- 7 weeks on and still having issues

My mother-in-law (fit and active 55 year old) was having similar foot problems to what you're describing.  I'm not sure what her actual diagnosis ended up being, or if it was even accurate, but her doctor had her doing injections of lidocane and some type of steriod (for anti-inflamatory).  She had a terrible reaction and called me.  We did a little research together and discovered her doctor was most likely insane. 

 She started seeing an acupuncturist instead, and has had great success.  Now, she's not an athlete per se, so she doesn't mind taking this slow approach to healing, and it's also possible that your injuries are very different.  I guess all I am suggesting is that acupuncture can be very helpful in recovering from injury and in pain managment.

I have a bulged disc between L4 and L5 in my lower spine, and acupuncture and yoga have been the only things that have helped with the pain that it causes.  Again, totally different injuries, but it's been a real help to me!


2008-06-17 12:03 PM
in reply to: #1389006

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: Another update

So last week I call up the surgeon's office because I haven't heard anything... They said that the surgery isn't actually scheduled because they were waiting for the other (first) doc to contact them to say he concurred with the diagnosis. Huh? Like I want to go back to THAT guy? Anyway...

I just got the real surgery date... July 18th. I guess I get to wait yet ANOTHER month before I can even start my road back to running.

2008-07-25 3:18 PM
in reply to: #1389006

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: Further update -- one week post surgery

Had the surgery last week, and just yesterday had the first post-op appointment. Doc had some great pics of the foot all opened up, showing the hole in my cartilage. Also showed the bone "cut" before it was screwed back together... I have HARDWARE! Two titanium screws in the metatarsal holding the head on.

I'm in a walking boot now, and can transition to regular "walking" as pain allows. I'm going to give it a few days.

Funny -- when they came in to take my BP before surgery, the alarms kept going off because my pulse was too low -- was fluctuating between 32 and 37. So they had to do an EKG on me before the anesthesiologist would put me under. And I had a whole gallery of med students watching the procedure. Apparently it's a pretty rare thing (the doc said he's done maybe 20 of these in 23 years of practice), especially in a "middle-aged man". [Who you callin' "middle-aged" bucko?]

So now I'm (supposedly) on the road to full recovery. I have no idea when I'll be able to start running again, but I suspect it'll be some time in September or October. But I should be able to start swimming again soon, and biking soon after that.

2008-07-25 4:19 PM
in reply to: #1559897

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Subject: RE: Further update -- one week post surgery
Excellent! How are you feeling about all of this? So funny about the low pulse.
2008-08-06 12:28 PM
in reply to: #1560056

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Further update -- one week post surgery

Long time to reply, eh? Sorry...

I'm actually really glad that it's finally done. Now it's just recovery with real light at the end of the tunnel.

Last Thursday I had the stitches taken out, and he said I could get it wet (could FINALLY wash my smelly foot!). I asked about swimming, as long as I didn't push off the wall, and he said that was fine. I asked about riding the trainer, and he said that was fine as well. Just no running. Which kind of seemed funny since I'm in the boot for another month anyway.

I'm going to give it a little more time to settle down (still what seems like a lot of swelling to me, but the doc thought it was a lot less than average) before I start stressing it. I'll be on the trainer in the next few days, and swimming next week.

2008-08-19 3:29 PM
in reply to: #1389006

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Bellingham, Washington
Subject: RE: Foot problems -- 7 weeks on and still having issues

Well so far so good.  Glad to see that the stitches are out and no more smelly feet.

Just go slow on the comeback trail....Let the foot adjust to the exercise.....and hope for a full recovery.

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