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2007-07-07 8:44 PM

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: am I F-ing crazy for thinking this?
Here's the scoop, I've done one sprint so far, have 2 more planned this season and am contemplating a third since it's the same course as the first one and I could see "progress". I'm already thinking in terms of NEXT season. I want to do an OLY and possibly HIM. I am pretty sure I could get through an OLY, heck I already swim 2 hrs at a rip now and can do a 10 K in <1hr (not bad for <2 yrs actually running) but know I need to pick up more bike time to do that distance comfortably.(I'm working on it)
Is an early season sprint (warm up type race), mid season OLY and late season HIM too much for the second season out? Don't think I'll ever go full IM--not unless I can quit my job and train a whole lot more and that isn't happening in the next 2 years!

2007-07-07 8:56 PM
in reply to: #875923

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Queen BTich
Subject: RE: am I F-ing crazy for thinking this?
Yes, you can do a late season HIM. As long as you can make the swim, you'll be fine. Also, never say never about the IM. Lots of people think they won't, then they do. Just wait...
2007-07-07 9:13 PM
in reply to: #875923

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Subject: RE: am I F-ing crazy for thinking this?
You sound like a better swimmer than me, and I am doing a 70.3 race in five weeks. Granted I have a lot more bike time than you over many years, that is the easiest part of the equation to get right in my opinion. I say your plan is perfectly logical if you follow the necesary training plans to get up to the distances you want to race.
2007-07-07 9:33 PM
in reply to: #875923

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Subject: RE: am I F-ing crazy for thinking this?

Sure you could do it...start riding more.....more time in the saddle makes you faster and feeling fresher to run.

I believe in the gradual build up to longer races but I think I'm in the minority. First year a sprint; second one Oly and sprints; third year 2 Oly's, lots of sprints, HIM as biker in relay; this year 3 Oly's, a couple sprints, and a HIM if I recover and can swim to do my last couple of races due to my seperated shoulder (bike crash). Next year in my 5th season thinking of doing an IM.

Longer races are always there, enjoy the journey, no reason to push to far to fast.  I would recommend doing the Oly before committing to the HIM.

2007-07-08 8:37 AM
in reply to: #875923

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La Crosse
Subject: RE: am I F-ing crazy for thinking this?
Well, it all depends upon your definition of "crazy". And, around here, we define crazy a little bit different than most people. Even crazy people think we're crazy.
2007-07-08 9:35 AM
in reply to: #875923

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: am I F-ing crazy for thinking this?
I did my 3rd tri ever which was a him and it was beginning of my second year. I decided to do a tri half way through last season.

Anything can be done as long as you put the time into it and you train smart.

2007-07-08 10:30 AM
in reply to: #875923

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Subject: RE: am I F-ing crazy for thinking this?

No. Second season is a perfect time to do an OLY and 70.3. It was for me, and I couldn't really swim much when I did the OLY. It's a good way to see how different short course (sprint/OLY) and long course (70.3) are in terms of preparation, pacing, and nutrition strategy. Personally I prefer the longer course preparation and racing now. I'm glad I didn't spend another full-season doing shorter races when I enjoy the long course that much more. Nothing wrong with sprints, I just prefer to go longer...


2007-07-08 10:47 AM
in reply to: #875923

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Subject: RE: am I F-ing crazy for thinking this?
I did IMC my first season, never say never.
2007-07-08 1:51 PM
in reply to: #875923

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Novi, MI
Subject: RE: am I F-ing crazy for thinking this?
I think you're right on with plans. Spend time this winter logging the bike/run miles to build that base. Focus on specific plans to peak twick next year (spring Oly) and fall HIM. There is an article about this very topic in triathlete magazine (just read this wkend). Build gradually these 12 months - don't wait until the end to spike mileage = injury.
2007-07-08 2:10 PM
in reply to: #875923

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: am I F-ing crazy for thinking this?
thanks everybody. I may go for it for the same reason I got in to tris in the first place..."to prove to myself that I can"
2007-07-08 3:31 PM
in reply to: #875923

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Extreme Veteran
Leander, Texas
Subject: RE: am I F-ing crazy for thinking this?
zipp1 - 2007-07-07 8:44 PM

Is an early season sprint (warm up type race), mid season OLY and late season HIM too much for the second season out?

In my second year, I did four sprints, two Olympics and an HIM. You can do your 3 races in one season. Just space them out well and set up your training schedule so that it focuses your training for the HIM. Use the other 2 races as motivation and fitness checks.

It's definitely doable.

2007-07-08 8:42 PM
in reply to: #875923

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Extreme Veteran
Security, CO
Bronze member
Subject: RE: am I F-ing crazy for thinking this?
That sounds like my 2nd year plan.

Totally doable.

I haven't done a HIM yet but I will pull up to the starting Aug 12 with confidence.

Keep after it.
2007-07-08 9:59 PM
in reply to: #875923

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Queen BTich
Subject: RE: am I F-ing crazy for thinking this?
I did my first tri less than a month after getting my bike. Did my first HIM a month after that. Did HIM #2, 3 weeks later. It wasn't until late July-Aug. that I did a sprint. Did an iron 7 months after my first race. (not the smartest) I like long distance better. Long tris are good if you're trained, the marathons are what hurt you! *warning* I do not support anyone in following my plan! I was crazy.
2007-07-08 11:59 PM
in reply to: #875923

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Subject: RE: am I F-ing crazy for thinking this?
Just do the training and you'll do fine.

I did a 1/2 Iron at the end of my first season... and 14 months into racing did a IM. 2nd IM distance race coming up this 2nd season.
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