Possible to run 4:00 Boston with 30mpw?
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Moderators: k9car363, alicefoeller | Reply |
2004-11-18 11:00 AM |
100 | Subject: Possible to run 4:00 Boston with 30mpw? For those who run marathons and tris, do you think it is possible to run 4:00 Boston with 3/wk 30mpw running training? I qualified for Boston (3:44) in my first marathon last month (peaked at 55mpw). I would like to enjoy running Boston in about 4:00. With swim/bike aerobic acivities, is 30mpw running enough to enjoy running Boston? Or do I have to do running specific training (that means higher mileage) to be ready for running a marathon, even though I am not looking for PR? I am curious how much of bike/swim training helps/substitute for running training. Thanks, |
2004-11-18 11:55 AM in reply to: #84082 |
Veteran 540 Philadelphia, PA | Subject: RE: Possible to run 4:00 Boston with 30mpw? First off, congrats on BQ. Is it possible ? yes, of course it is but there are so many other variables to consider. For example, it won't matter much if you are logging 30 or 55+ m/p/wk if its 86 degrees and humid on race day. But with all things considered and and ideal conditions, 30 mpw is enough. I think the key thing is to make sure you get in your long slow runs. |
2004-11-18 12:01 PM in reply to: #84082 |
Pro 3870 Virginia Beach, VA | Subject: RE: Possible to run 4:00 Boston with 30mpw? Are you saying you only have 3 weeks to train or 3 workouts per week? Your bike and swim training will certainly help with cardio fitness. You're looking at running ~40sec slower per mile then you did at the other marathon. I'd say the limiting factor is probably your legs being able to handle the miles as opposed to your cardio so as long as you build up the miles as the race approaches you should be fine. Get in 2-3 long runs (18-24 miles each) 3-5 weeks prior to Boston...along with 2 shorter runs each week...probably closer to 40mpw for a few weeks. Also depends on how Boston cmpares to the other marathon you ran...hills and such. |
2004-11-18 12:11 PM in reply to: #84082 |
Resident Curmudgeon 25290 The Road Back | Subject: RE: Possible to run 4:00 Boston with 30mpw? Anything's possible, don't know that it's probable, though. Don't know WHERE you qualified (CONGRATULATIONS, BTW), but it took you 55mpw to get there. Boston is pretty hilly (so I hear) as well, so a reduction in training on a more difficult course may be more than your 15-minute cushion allows. If you don't have the time to properly train, then why set a 4-hour goal? Just run it comfortably to ensure that you enjoy the experience. IMHO biking/swimming etc. helps cardiovascularly but you need the running mileage (specificity) to prepare your muscles and joints for 26.2 miles of pounding, and to train your muscles to properly burn fuel. |
2004-11-18 1:29 PM in reply to: #84082 |
Expert 1166 Colchester, CT | Subject: RE: Possible to run 4:00 Boston with 30mpw? Congratulations on qualifying. Now is it possible on 30 miles a week, sure, especially since you've already been through a race at least one. However, my guess is, that last 10k will not be fun, no matter what pace you run. I've found there is no substitute for mileage, I ran my best marathons on my highest per week averages. Basically you'll be doing 50% of the milage you did for your qualifying race. The high mileage, other then developing your aerobis engine, also conditions your body to the pounding it will take over the 26.2 miles. From what I have heard from friends who have run Boston, the first part of the race is net down hill, and it really takes a toll on your quads. So if you are going to give it a shot on 30 mpw, best get lots of hill training in, both up and down hill Good Luck Chris |
2014-04-21 3:04 PM in reply to: Guest |
Extreme Veteran 1001 Highlands Ranch, Colorado | Subject: RE: Possible to run 4:00 Boston with 30mpw? First of all congrats on the BQ! What marathon did you BQ at? Was it flat or hilly. You said that you averaged 55 mpw while training for your last marathon, how prepared would you have been if you only ran 30 mpw? If your overall S/B/R fitness is good you could probably come in under 4:00, however, the last 10K won't be too fun. When you include registration and travel running Boston is a significant investment. If I were going to run Boston again I would properly train for it. Also, I thought that Boston was an easy course to run (I ran a 5:00 PR there in 2011), it is a net downhill course and the Newton Hills are not very big. The main factor that can make Boston hard is adverse weather, it can be nice and calm like it was today, HOT like two years ago or cold/wet/windy like it was about five years ago. |
2014-04-21 3:09 PM in reply to: Guest |
Pro 15655 | Subject: RE: Possible to run 4:00 Boston with 30mpw? Originally posted by Yoshiko For those who run marathons and tris, do you think it is possible to run 4:00 Boston with 3/wk 30mpw running training? I qualified for Boston (3:44) in my first marathon last month (peaked at 55mpw). I would like to enjoy running Boston in about 4:00. With swim/bike aerobic acivities, is 30mpw running enough to enjoy running Boston? Or do I have to do running specific training (that means higher mileage) to be ready for running a marathon, even though I am not looking for PR? I am curious how much of bike/swim training helps/substitute for running training. Thanks, If you keep running 30mpw, and add swim/bike, it's doable. If you had taken a break from running altogeher andf then wanted to get back to a 4:00 on less miles I would be more hesitant. Train hard at swimming and biking, train smart at your running.....you'll do it. |
2014-04-21 3:43 PM in reply to: rick4657 |
Master 2802 Minnetonka, Minnesota | Subject: RE: Possible to run 4:00 Boston with 30mpw? Originally posted by rick4657 First of all congrats on the BQ! What marathon did you BQ at? Was it flat or hilly. You said that you averaged 55 mpw while training for your last marathon, how prepared would you have been if you only ran 30 mpw? If your overall S/B/R fitness is good you could probably come in under 4:00, however, the last 10K won't be too fun. When you include registration and travel running Boston is a significant investment. If I were going to run Boston again I would properly train for it. Also, I thought that Boston was an easy course to run (I ran a 5:00 PR there in 2011), it is a net downhill course and the Newton Hills are not very big. The main factor that can make Boston hard is adverse weather, it can be nice and calm like it was today, HOT like two years ago or cold/wet/windy like it was about five years ago. FYI, you resurrected (pun intended) an old thread it seems.... |
2014-04-21 3:48 PM in reply to: ejshowers |
Pro 15655 | Subject: RE: Possible to run 4:00 Boston with 30mpw? Originally posted by ejshowers Originally posted by rick4657 First of all congrats on the BQ! What marathon did you BQ at? Was it flat or hilly. You said that you averaged 55 mpw while training for your last marathon, how prepared would you have been if you only ran 30 mpw? If your overall S/B/R fitness is good you could probably come in under 4:00, however, the last 10K won't be too fun. When you include registration and travel running Boston is a significant investment. If I were going to run Boston again I would properly train for it. Also, I thought that Boston was an easy course to run (I ran a 5:00 PR there in 2011), it is a net downhill course and the Newton Hills are not very big. The main factor that can make Boston hard is adverse weather, it can be nice and calm like it was today, HOT like two years ago or cold/wet/windy like it was about five years ago. FYI, you resurrected (pun intended) an old thread it seems.... In that case, nevermind, it can't be done. |
2014-04-21 3:52 PM in reply to: Left Brain |
128 | Subject: RE: Possible to run 4:00 Boston with 30mpw? Did anyone check the dates on this thread its not just an old thread its an ancient thread that is coming up on its 10th year anniversary. Who bumps a 10 year old thread. |
2014-04-21 4:02 PM in reply to: sirdizzy |
Extreme Veteran 1001 Highlands Ranch, Colorado | Subject: RE: Possible to run 4:00 Boston with 30mpw? Oops...I just replied to what was in the forum. How did a thread from 2004 get on the first page? |
2014-04-21 11:08 PM in reply to: rick4657 |
Coach 9167 Stairway to Seven | Subject: RE: Possible to run 4:00 Boston with 30mpw? Originally posted by rick4657 Oops...I just replied to what was in the forum. How did a thread from 2004 get on the first page? I just want to hear how the OP did... |
2014-04-22 6:37 AM in reply to: AdventureBear |
Pro 6011 Camp Hill, Pennsylvania | Subject: RE: Possible to run 4:00 Boston with 30mpw? Originally posted by AdventureBear Originally posted by rick4657 Oops...I just replied to what was in the forum. How did a thread from 2004 get on the first page? I just want to hear how the OP did... DNS
2014-04-22 8:27 AM in reply to: rick4657 |
631 | Subject: RE: Possible to run 4:00 Boston with 30mpw? Originally posted by rick4657 Oops...I just replied to what was in the forum. How did a thread from 2004 get on the first page? I don't think it was on the first page. I think you were in the Boston thread. At the bottom of the thread is a section of "related post" som of those can be old. |