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Busselton Festival of Triathlon - Triathlon1/2 Ironman

View Member's Race Log
Busselton, Western Australia
20C / 68F
Total Time = 6h 01m 50s
Overall Rank = 624/800
Age Group = 25 - 29
Age Group Rank = 17/25
Pre-race routine:

I learnt a big lesson at my Karri Valley race this year about my nerves and stressing before a race. I think the fact that I have been really sick before this race really helped me on the nerve front as I haven't been able to focus much on the race in the week leading up to it. That said I really tried to concentrate on not stressing out before this race. We were staying in some lovely luxury apartments in Busselton with two apartments for our group. The girls I've been training with Team Turtle were next door. They were very overexcited about the race and started to stress me out a little so the night before I just went off by myself sorted my gear out and chilled out by myself. Which was the best thing I could have done.

Didn't sleep all that well but I don't think I ever will the night before a big race. Woke up at 5.30 had a shower and made my breakfast it took alot of talking to myself to make me eat my breakfast as I wasn't feeling at all nervous but my stomach was telling me differently. I had a pretty upset stomach before we even left the apartment. but I managed to eat 2 weetbix and some lactose free yoghurt.

Drove down to the race start with my dad (way earlier then he wanted to get there but I like to be there just after transition opens so I get everything done and organised and not panic about not having enough time. (A trait I inherited from my mum not my dad :) )

It had been raining all night and forecast was for rain in the morning so was a little worried about the weather, had prepared for all sorts of weather though. I'd covered the important bits of my bike with big garbage bags the night before when we checked them into transition.

Set up my transition area on the wet ground, made sure everything was in order, made sure I had my runners in a plastic bag as 21ks in wet runners is justa recipe for blisters for me.

Met all the guys on my rack near my bike. I had a great spot right on the end of a rack perfect to spot my bike amongst the 800 other competitors. Then wandered around for about 30mins talking to all the people I know, feeling very relaxed (surprising for me) almost excited I think.

Event warmup:

I had planned to do a run and bike warmup but decided not to, couldn't really be bothered oops! I did do a quick 200m or so swim warm up.

I watched the start of this race last year and was pretty moved by the National anthem and the emotions at the start of the race. this year it was a little different I think perhaps because I was doing it and was thinking a million different things at once. but we had the national anthem and then a minutes silence for two men who died during this tri season (both from my tri club, both out running and collapsed and died) they then listed names of people who had done the Half 17 times!! and on down the list my dad got a mention with this being his 6th Half. And then all the first timers (me included got a clap) I said good luck to my dad and felt a moment of pride being able to race with my dad!
  • 35m 35s
  • 1900 meters
  • 01m 52s / 100 meters

The start of this race was scary and violent with a mass start of 800 people. never ever been in such a big washing machine before. for the first 400ms of this swim it was basically just a fight for survival really people swimming over you and me swimming over people there wasn't really any choice. Managed to control the temptation to just stop and call for the lifeguard. If you stopped you would have bene swum over. Once I rounded the first buoy about 400m's I found some clear water and it was def a busy swim but I managed to settle down into a steady pace and had a pretty good swim.
I swam a little wide of the buoys just to make sure I had some clear water so I think I ended up swimming way more then 1.9ks but at least I had a steady swim.

at one point I realised I was swimming along looking at the fish underneath me. it was really clear water and had to have a little chat to myself, stop looking at the fishies and start swimming faster this is a race hehe!
the wetsuit made a huge difference!
What would you do differently?:

Not look at the fishies! Swim faster. Not sure if I could have found a better spot for the swim start I think anywhere amongst 800 swimmers is going to be a difficult start.
Transition 1
  • 05m

I totally dawdled in transition. I spent about 5 mins in transition. Getting my wetsuit off. I got a fairly big cramp in my glutes when I was bending over putting on my bike shoes which hurt big time. I think as it was a fairly cold day.
I spent time putting my gloves and a pair of socks on too. It was cold and rainy so just wanted to make sure I had good grip on my bike with so many people out there.
What would you do differently?:

Not put gloves on,. not spend so much time dawdling. go faster :)
  • 3h 00m 22s
  • 90 kms
  • 29.94 km/hr

I put smooth for the road surface as for the most part of the ride there is brand new road surfaces down. but there is some seriuosly bad pot holes on some parts of the course that haven't been resurfaced. Really bumpy and painful.
I jumped on the bike out of transition and concentrated on keeping my heart rate down for the first 5k's just kept the speed steady and not too fast. then started feeling comfy and I concentrated on keeping my speed on 30ks an hour. I had a goal of averaging 30kph to come in off the bike in 3 hours.

It was windy and I swear the wind changed direction everytime you changed a corner so there wasn't a headwind and then a tailwind, there was headwind then crosswind then headwind. which made it difficult. It also rained or drizzled a little on the bike not enough to make the roads too wet but enough to be a little cold with the wind.

I surprisingly for the most part enjoyed the bike. I had so many things in my head to keep me motivated, I also knew soo many people out there to yell /cheer on when they went past etc. Was thinking alot about John Mclean while I was out on the bike, Bob thomas a local wheelchair athlete had a John McLean bike shirt on with "The pain won't last forever but the memories will never fade" which was pretty inspirational while I was on the bike. At the bike turnaround point there were some great signs too. "Suck it up Buttercup" "Dry your eyes Princess" and "you've done the training not just do it" They made me laugh and kept me going.

It was hard work my back, neck started hurting and also my butt by the second half of the ride. From 50 - 60ks I started wondering what I was doing it all for I swear my bike computer stayed on 53.3k's for an eternity. Once I passed 60ks I don't think I even looked ateh computer again till 85ks from 85 - 90 I just wanted to get off that bike, we rode back into busselton alongside the run course. It was so hard seeing all these people out on the run when I was still on the bike. so thosse last 5 ks seemed to take forever.

I def was still a little sick as I went through about 20 tissues on the bike, my nose was seriously running and i had trouble breathing through my nose for the majority of the ride which made things a little more interesting. I wouldn't recommend it.
My bike computer said 29.9k's ave and 3hrs 22secs time. So I was pretty spot on with that goal. which considering it was really really windy I am proud of that effort

I came out of the water well ahead of my dad, I saw where he was after the turn around on my first lap he was a way behind me. when we went past he said I'm coming to get ya! I looked at where he was and thought to myself I'll be happy with myself if I can hold him off for the first lap. then a few mins later said no hang on I'll be happy with myself if I can hold him off for the first two laps. happy to report I did! we went passed the transition area and onto the third lap pretty much side by side (shhh we werent really drafting or blocking it was only about 20ms passed all the people cheering us like my mum and sister and her new husband)

Nutrition notes. I drank 3 bottles of carboshotz, 1 bottle of water and 3 gels. couldn't even think about eating the pria powerbar I planned to eat and managed to eat a few lollies. Could not have put anything else int my stomach but I think I had the nurtition pretty spot on for the ride.
What would you do differently?:

Ride faster. Try not to get a cold the week before the race.
Transition 2
  • 05m

I again had a bit of a dawdle through transition. I changed socks. yes I know that takes time but it was wet on the bike and I am so prone to blisters I didn't want to start the run with wet socks. Had a little chat to one of the guys in transition with me while we were running out.
What would you do differently?:

focus! learn how to get feet out of shoes on the bike.
  • 2h 15m 33s
  • 21.1 kms
  • 06m 25s  min/km

Came out of the bike transition and on to the run had so many people out there cheering for me felt pretty good on that first lap of the run. the first lap felt comfortable, I really wasn't too sure about nutrition for this part of the race, so was kinda just doing what I felt like doing really.
Managed the first lap in a pretty good time I can not remember what it is now but remembered checking my watch and thinking wow thats ok. Had carboshotz drink and water on that first lap and grabbed a gel on the turn around for the start of the second lap.

thats where it all started to get hard. I had done the first lap and my head figured out that it had two more of that to go and decided it didn't want to do that. It all started hurting (not injury just hurt) and I lost a bit of focus on finding a pace and things in my head to keep my motivated. Apparantly I was still smiling and cheering people on when they passed by in the opposite direction but I didin't feel like I was still smiling.
I had a second gel at the same spot on my second lap start of the third. by this stage my stomach didn't want anymore gels and was fairly bloated, must have looked delightful. I just kept putting one foot in front of the other, I'm such a slow runner would one day like to be able to run faster and just kept trying to go faster but just couldn't.

People's houses are all along the beach front in busselton looking out onto the run course. One of the houses had music cranking out the house so we could all hear it on the course which was great. the first song wasn't soo inspiring, Living on a Prayer (bon jovi sheesh old school) but when I came back past again they had YMCA pumping out which for some strange reason really helped me pick up the pace to match the beat in the song.

At the last turn around point of the run 3.5ks to go I grabbed a carboshotz drink (well the girl told me it was carboshotz but it was actually Red bull) From there it all got really hard, I really didn't want to drink red bull (I seriously question the intelligence of putting red bull on a tri course but thats a different matter) so through no choice of my own I had this red bull which I drank and instantly felt my stomach cramp up pretty badly. It hurt and I knew I needed a toilet stop. Made it to the next drink station had a toilet stop and was very nearly sick.

I really don't recommend redbull if you don't have an iron digestive system and I question their selling point of Red bull giving you wings. I didn't find any wings hehe!

Busselton has one of the longest wooden jetties in the world (or some guinness record can't rmembere what it is) Anyway its a really long jetty 3ks out or something. The finish line was right on the jetty. That last 3.5k lap back into the finish line felt like the longest run of my life. and I swear someone was moving that jetty further and further away it wasn't getting any closer.

there were some great chalk messges on the path but one of them was enjoy the view. everytime I saw that I would look up at the view of beautiful busselton but all I saw was how far away that damn jetty was and how it seemed to be moving further away hehe!

My legs/knees/back were all sore but just kept putting one foot in front on the other and somehow made it through to the finish line. in 6hours 1min and 50secs. I was in a strange frame of mind on the finish line though I was actually really disappointed with that time, kept thinking about the toilet stop and how it would have been under 6 hours without that stop. Since then I have reassessed and I am super proud of my time even though I am slow turtle runner.
What would you do differently?:

Run faster, make sure I'm getting the right drink at the drink station. work more on my run nutrition. I def didn't get that right. that was the first time I have run 21ks so I know there can be huge improvements there.
Post race
Warm down:

Crossed the finish line and headed to get some food and chat and discuss the race with anyone and everyone in sight. they had muffins on the finish line but I managed about two bites before feeling like I was going to throw up so decided that wasn't a good idea.
Luckily I had someone help me carry my bag to the car after the race as I cramped up a little bending down to pick things up. Was very sore in the knees/quads immediately after the race.
Was great milling around with everyone comparing race details at teh finish line great atmosphere.
When we got back to the apartments my football team was in the final quarter of the Western Derby (match between the two teams in my state, my boys Dockers and the West Coast Eagles. My boys won in a thrilling match. Eagles were top of the ladder and unbeaten this season, we were the first tema to beat them!!)

I really didn't know what to do with myself after teh race, didn't know whether I should eat something (was really bloated) or drink something, or go to sleep or sit in the spa. I ended up heading down to the ocean, standing waist deep in the cold water for about 15mins then heading straight back inside to a hot spa and repeated that again. felt heaps better after that.

Headed to the Meltdown party after dinner and had a great night only managed 3 drinks but that was enough, had a big night again comparing notes and funny stories with people from the race. Great way to finish the race off. although probably the worst way to recover, dancing in high heels, drinking alchohol and getting probably more dehydrated. but it was great fun :)

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Being sick the week before and still a little underdone in the race. Lack of running speed/ability (going to work on that for next year)
and heaps of other little areas that I can work on.

Event comments:

Ok this was one of the hardest things I htink I have ever done, it may not be a fast time but a few days after the race I'm looking at it pretty proudly, the swim and the bike I'm well happy with the time and I know I can run faster so I've got something to work on for next years race.
I said in Jan when I got talked into this race that if I could run 21k's I would be very proud of myself. And I did only stopped to walk once which was not a good idea. so ran the whole thing.

A few tips I picked up, don't pay attention to anyone else's racing strategy make sure you have your own in your head and just race against yourself. Have a few motivating comments and songs in your head. I had a great Xavier Rudd song in my head which somehow kept repeating through my head "now I know you are strong, may your journey be long.. and I wish you the beset of luck" don't know why but it helped.

Ernie I have acheived a someday!!

I also qualifed for a spot in Ironman Port Macquarie but decided not to take the spot, its in april next year and I just decided that was too close. I haven't conquered all the challenges of the Half yet. so here's my plan, doing the Half again in May next year and then Busselton Ironman in Dec 2007 (hmm I've written that down now)

thanks for reading sorry this was so long but you did ask for all the details.

Profile Album

Last updated: 2006-04-02 12:00 AM
00:35:35 | 1900 meters | 01m 52s / 100meters
Age Group: 0/25
Overall: 256/800
Performance: Good
Suit: Ironman sleeveless wettie
Course: Rectangle shape 2 laps alongside the Busselton Jetty.
Start type: Wade Plus:
Water temp: 18C / 64F Current: Low
200M Perf. Below average Remainder: Good
Breathing: Good Drafting: Good
Waves: Navigation: Average
Rounding: Good
Time: 05:00
Performance: Average
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Run with bike:
Jump on bike:
Getting up to speed:
03:00:22 | 90 kms | 29.94 km/hr
Age Group: 0/25
Overall: 632/800
Wind: Cross-winds with gusts
Course: 3 laps of an out and back loop. Through the beautiful tuart forrest of Bussselton completely flat ride
Road: Smooth Wet Cadence:
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Good Hills:
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Just right
Time: 05:00
Overall: Average
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike
Running with bike Average
Racking bike Good
Shoe and helmet removal Good
02:15:33 | 21.1 kms | 06m 25s  min/km
Age Group: 0/25
Overall: 650/800
Performance: Average
Course: 3 laps of a flat run along the beach front out and back.
Keeping cool Good Drinking
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5

2006-05-08 9:19 PM

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Perth, Oz
Subject: Busselton Festival of Triathlon

2006-05-08 10:40 PM
in reply to: #418279

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Subject: RE: Busselton Festival of Triathlon

MEL!! You qualified too for IMAUS??? Wow you are amazing!!! Congratualtions!

That was such an  inspiration race report i felt i was with you every step of the way...its so awesome you reached your goal in a great time and all together!



2006-05-09 12:54 AM
in reply to: #418279

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Busselton Festival of Triathlon
Thanks so much for the detailed race report, you did an outstanding job, both on the day and recapping. As Cat said "You qualified for Port Mac???" WOW that's seriously impressive. But good on you for sticking to your guns and conquering the 1/2M distance first.

Racing on the back of a cold isn't easy, throwing new foods into the mix isn't easy (or advised!?) you did well to get through even with the cramps "slowing you down". These things happen and it sounds as though you've accepted it and have a few things to work on next year.

I hope you are still beaming and super proud with what you have achieved.
Congratulations Mel on a great day out!
2006-05-09 1:00 AM
in reply to: #418279

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Subject: RE: Busselton Festival of Triathlon

Mel that's a super fast time, one you should be very proud of!!!

Fantastic report, packed with detail and tips for all. I read your report in 2 sessions, as I had to stop and go for a run (I was all motivated) and then rush back to finish it. Love your work!!! Well worth the wait.

PS Need to work on finding my motivational song....


2006-05-09 1:59 AM
in reply to: #418366

Subject: RE: Busselton Festival of Triathlon
Well done MEl.

truely inspiraing stuff. makes me want to be ready for canberra Half this year!! Better talk to the wife about not being around much though. I am also inspired by yourcommitment to IM. Whats next Everest?

Well done again, and watch out for the DOMS. Keep moving daily.
2006-05-09 3:00 AM
in reply to: #418382

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Busselton Festival of Triathlon
That's awesome - means I gotta get more training in! I'm not even comtemplating getting within an hour of qualifying this year so had been thinking about doing something o/s! Great job!

2006-05-09 7:30 AM
in reply to: #418279

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2006-05-09 8:42 AM
in reply to: #418279

Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Busselton Festival of Triathlon
Congrats Mel!

I'd call it 6 hours.
2006-05-09 6:11 PM
in reply to: #418279

NSW - Australia
Subject: RE: Busselton Festival of Triathlon

What a report!!!!! That gave me goose bumps just reading it.

The fish !!!! what were you thinking... he he. Qualify for IMOZ (Port Mac), avg 30kph for the ride, 6hr finish, race with your Dad... Does it get anymore inspirational. Thanks for the motivation, just reading this makes me want to get next season started NOW !!!

Awesome effort, well done Mel

2006-05-09 7:54 PM
in reply to: #418279

Herndon VA
Subject: RE: Busselton Festival of Triathlon

Hey Mel,

Great race report.  I read it before my run this morning and it took all I had to stay in zone 2.  I was so fired up to race at that point.  I know what I'm reading the night before my 1/2.  I have to agree with Chris, you're quite an inspiration.  Going from hardly able to run with the injurys in the fall to finishing a 1/2.  It definitely shows what you can do when you put your mind to it.  You should a write an article for the website about this season.  I think everyone would get a lot out of it.

I loved reading about you racing with your Dad.  Hopefully someday (A new one for my list) I'll get to do that with my kids.  Your Dad must be very proud.  Congratulations on a great race.


2006-05-10 12:31 PM
in reply to: #418279

Subject: RE: Busselton Festival of Triathlon
Oh Mel, that was fantastic!! You DID it! Thats what is so amazing. I read the whole rr, and felt like I was there watching you, great rr.
I loved the fact your Dad was with you, in years to come you will forget the pain you went through and just remember you and your Dad doing something amazing together.
I`d like to know how those two guys died from going running, what happeded?
The swim portion sounds so scary with all those people, but I reckon looking at the pretty fish was a good idea, it would have really calmed me down.
My stomach does not like gels or anything with caffine in it. I can take gels, but only with a drink of water and one that has no caffine. I`m no person to comment on nutrition during a tri, but perhaps just gaterade would be a better choice for you....Red bull during a thats the first time I have heard that. I`ve seen individual people drink it, but not for the actual race to provide it.
You did awesome girl, we are all so proud of you, you are an inspiration to us all...walk with you head high Miss HIM!!!

2006-05-10 2:22 PM
in reply to: #418279

Subject: RE: Busselton Festival of Triathlon

Hey Mel,

 You are the SHIZZLE!

What a great race. Gotta love it, esp after Karri! Makes me wanna do some extra prep for mine next month. At least I know it can be done - you were so ho-hum about it at christmas when you first decided to do it, and you bucked up and did it!

Next year, I'd say don't shower for a month, and I bet you'll get all the room you need on the swim leg....hehe



2006-05-10 9:22 PM
in reply to: #418279

Perth, Oz
Subject: RE: Busselton Festival of Triathlon

Wow thanks everyone for reading it and for such great responses!!  its all still pretty exciting,  I honestly didnt think I could run that far in my life before jan,  so honestly if I can do it you guys can all do it too.  

To everyone that asked my dad did really well,  although he was disappointed with his time,  he had some knee problems before the race (from dancing at my sisters wedding hehe)  so he had to stop and walk a couple of times which he hasn't had to do before.   He finished in 5 hours 40, which was 10mins longer then last year.  But he still beat me hands down faster!!

2006-05-10 9:29 PM
in reply to: #419970

Perth, Oz
Subject: RE: Busselton Festival of Triathlon

Tizzy - 2006-05-11 1:31 AM Oh Mel, that was fantastic!! You DID it! Thats what is so amazing. I read the whole rr, and felt like I was there watching you, great rr. I loved the fact your Dad was with you, in years to come you will forget the pain you went through and just remember you and your Dad doing something amazing together. I`d like to know how those two guys died from going running, what happeded? The swim portion sounds so scary with all those people, but I reckon looking at the pretty fish was a good idea, it would have really calmed me down. My stomach does not like gels or anything with caffine in it. I can take gels, but only with a drink of water and one that has no caffine. I`m no person to comment on nutrition during a tri, but perhaps just gaterade would be a better choice for you....Red bull during a thats the first time I have heard that. I`ve seen individual people drink it, but not for the actual race to provide it. You did awesome girl, we are all so proud of you, you are an inspiration to us all...walk with you head high Miss HIM!!!

Tizzy the poor guys that died this season are sad unexpected stories.  both from my Tri club.   One was out running in a National Park in the Hills around Perth,  he was running with some running buddies and they were around 5ks from the car park with no mobile phones.  (probably no reception even if they did have phones i owuld say)  He just collapsed and they could not revive him.  One of his running buddies sprinted the 5ks back to the car park to phone an ambulance but it was too late.  He was only 36! and we all thought he was super healthy,  he was entered in the Half this weekend and also the full Ironman in Dec and had just signed up for a 100mile running race somewhere in the US.   Very very sad.  we think it was heart problems but there was no previous heart problems.

the second death has really been felt by the whole tri community here.  he was out running round the river and again collapsed and could not be revived, the ambulance ws there alot quicker this time being in the city area and they could not save him either.  He did have previous history of Deep vein thrombosis though.  very heavily involved in the tri associations in WA and also helped sort out the Tri AUs board when they were going through troubles. 

altogether very sad news for the community ahd their families and it was great to be able to have a min's silence for them before the race!

 and to the food during the race,  I'm the same can't have things with caffiene in them and also can't even stomach gatorade I think next time I'll have to see a nutritionist and sort out what works best for me.  I was using the carboshotz as they were provided on the course but I think I should have stuck with hammer gels as they seem to be pretty good on the stomach.

2006-05-10 9:31 PM
in reply to: #419380

Perth, Oz
Subject: RE: Busselton Festival of Triathlon
ejc999 - 2006-05-10 8:54 AM

Hey Mel,

Great race report.  I read it before my run this morning and it took all I had to stay in zone 2.  I was so fired up to race at that point.  I know what I'm reading the night before my 1/2.  I have to agree with Chris, you're quite an inspiration.  Going from hardly able to run with the injurys in the fall to finishing a 1/2.  It definitely shows what you can do when you put your mind to it.  You should a write an article for the website about this season.  I think everyone would get a lot out of it.

I loved reading about you racing with your Dad.  Hopefully someday (A new one for my list) I'll get to do that with my kids.  Your Dad must be very proud.  Congratulations on a great race.


thanks Ernie!!  don't quite know about the inspiration part but I do know that if I can do it you guys can do it easy!!  I'm really surpised at what people can achieve if they put their minds to it and decide they can do it.

It was great to race with my dad even when he was behind me and everytime we passed he said I'm coming to get you! hehe.  maybe one day I'll even beat him!    He would love to do an Ironman so maybe we'll have to do our first one together!!

2006-05-11 5:27 AM
in reply to: #418279

Orlando, FL
Subject: RE: Busselton Festival of Triathlon
Awesome report, - thanks for all the details and emotions, I could feel it like I was watching! I agree with Ernie, and Chris and Tizzy - you should feel so proud at how far you have come! Remember in our challenge team when you couldn't even run, and now you did a half marathon AFTER swimming and ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I for one will be looking forward to watching you do another HIM and move into an IM...way to go!

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