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2008-08-04 3:39 PM

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Subject: Moving to Denver...This Week!
Hi all!  I'm moving to Denver (from Colorado Springs, so I'm not completely unfamiliar, but still fairly clueless). I'll be living in the Capitol Hill/Cheeseman Park area - 2 blocks from Cheeseman actually and working at Buckley AFB in Aurora.  I'm looking for any recommendations for pools/masters swimming/tri clubs?  My next race is the Harvest Moon Long Course and plan to swim in the Aurora Rez as often as possible.  Also training partners would be great! Especially for longer rides as I'm not sure of my way around town.  Also, any suggestions for a bike commute route to Aurora? I'm thinking I can go down 6th or 7th Ave east... anyone ride that way?

2008-08-04 5:03 PM
in reply to: #1581013

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Subject: RE: Moving to Denver...This Week!

firstly - welcome!  You are moving to a beautiful part of town.  I grew up near there, but now live in the dreaded Highlands Ranch.  So no route recommendations from me.  But another place to swim is in Chatfield.  They open it up on Mon & Wednesday afternoons at 4:30 and Saturday mornings at 7:00.  Great place to swim.

I'd definitely be up for some longer rides too.  It seems that we prepping for the same race in September.


2008-08-04 10:08 PM
in reply to: #1581013

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Douglas County
Subject: RE: Moving to Denver...This Week!
I'm moving to Denver in 3 weeks......I probably won't be able to keep up on rides before you do Harvest Moon thanks to the altitude, but would love to get on your e-mail list if you ever decide to do a group ride in late September or October.  We're probably moving to Highlands Ranch or Parker, but I'm used to driving all over to train.   
2008-08-04 10:34 PM
in reply to: #1581013

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Extreme Veteran
Aurora, CO
Subject: RE: Moving to Denver...This Week!

Welcome to both of you.

There are a lot of choices for tri clubs and groups to get involved in. My wife and I belong to the Parker Tri Club and we really like it. Most of the other clubs seem to be a little "elitist" but this one is pretty laid back. We usually swim at the Aurora Res but we haven't much this year for various reasons. I haven't been lucky enough to find a masters class that works for me but there are a lot of them. Good luck with the move and keep an eye on this forum cause we often get togther for group rides and runs.

2008-08-05 2:36 PM
in reply to: #1581013

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Rocky Mountains
Subject: RE: Moving to Denver...This Week!

Welcome to the crowds.  The BT group in Colorado/Denver Metro is strong.  Outside of Parker Tri, Rocky Mountain Tri, Bike Source, and various coaching groups (D3, C2E) there really is a super cool community.  Keep an eye on some of the locals Blogs or in the Colorado Forum, and their are group rides, runs, swims, or general get togethers going on all the time.

As for Masters groups.  Check out  Or do a general search for Colorado MAster Association.  There is a great Masters program at Northridge Pool in HR.  There is an early morning and evening group.  The Tuesday/Thur mornig Masters group is fun.  It kinda caters to triathletes.  Not to mention that Susan Williams (US Olympic Bronze Medalist in Tri) is the coach. 

2008-08-05 3:47 PM
in reply to: #1581013

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Extreme Veteran
Highlands Ranch, Colorado
Subject: RE: Moving to Denver...This Week!
Pick up the "Bicycling the Greater Denver Area" map at a local bike store or go to They have the city mapped out with paved streets with bike lanes, paved sidewalks, etc. Looks like 7th ave east is ok and then there's a paved path that picks up near Lowry and heads east along 6th ave. I can't verify these as I've never ridden them though...

2008-08-05 3:48 PM
in reply to: #1581013

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Extreme Veteran
Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Moving to Denver...This Week!


My husband (tlnewman30) and I just moved to Aurora in June - he's with a USMC unit on Buckley AFB and we also live on the base.  There is an indoor pool (Beck pool) just off 6th Ave on Telluride - walking distance from the base.  The Aurora Rez is great for swimming as well (as long as you have a wetsuit - it's pretty chilly even now).  Can't really help you with a commuter route, though I will say that if you ride 6th you will have to detour a bit in the Lowry area as it doesn't go straight through.  Alameda Ave would be a better bet (though high-traffic).

Once you get settled, if you're looking for training partners let me know!  I work from home on the base so I'm good to go for whatever, whenever, really.

2008-08-05 4:02 PM
in reply to: #1581013

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Moving to Denver...This Week!
Now that you've got the scoop on training opportunities, the real question is:

when are the house-warming parties!

We Denver-ites usually prefer this event be facilitated w/in 48-72 hours of your permanent arrival, so that should give you plenty of time to unpack, get your entertainment system hooked up, get communications on line, get patio furniture arranged, find cooler, stock cooler, buy another cooler seeing as one cooler likely not enough, prepare for BT onslaught, etc.

In any event, welcome to the neighborhood!

2008-08-11 6:54 PM
in reply to: #1581013

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Subject: RE: Moving to Denver...This Week!

Everyone, thank you so much for the welcome and recommendations!  I just had my orientation and I'm still unpacking/organizing my apartment - whew! 


I will keep an eye out for any group rides etc posted in this forum  



2008-08-12 7:44 AM
in reply to: #1581013

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Centennial, CO
Subject: RE: Moving to Denver...This Week!
If you want to ride out to Aurora res.  Do the following.  Ride south to the Cherry Creek Bike Trail.  Follow that trail to Cherry Creek Res.  Then when you get to the east side, you can hop on Quincy and ride that out to the Aurora Res.  Really then the only Road you have to spend time on in Quincy and a couple of small roads down to the CC trail.  You do not want to ride on 6th or Alameda unless you like traffic and have good life insurance.
2008-08-12 7:53 AM
in reply to: #1581013

New user
Subject: RE: Moving to Denver...This Week!
Welcome to the neighborhood! I live just across the street from Cheesman on the north end.  I usually run in the park in the mornings, since my distances haven't gotten long enough for me to get bored of the loop yet.  For biking, I usually head down the cherry creek path.  Starting here, I've got loops from 5 to 50+ miles.  I'd also look into taking the cherry creek path to Aurora.  If you cut through Cherry Creek State Park, I think you'd end up pretty close to the base, and it would be a much  nicer ride than just going down 6th.  I'll PM you my contact info, but if you want to train you should keep in mind that I put the 'beginner' in Beginner Triathlete .

2008-08-13 5:47 PM
in reply to: #1596454

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Lafayette, CO
Subject: RE: Moving to Denver...This Week!

AccidentalChef - 2008-08-12 7:53 AM Welcome to the neighborhood! I live just across the street from Cheesman on the north end.  I usually run in the park in the mornings, since my distances haven't gotten long enough for me to get bored of the loop yet.  For biking, I usually head down the cherry creek path.  Starting here, I've got loops from 5 to 50+ miles.  I'd also look into taking the cherry creek path to Aurora.  If you cut through Cherry Creek State Park, I think you'd end up pretty close to the base, and it would be a much  nicer ride than just going down 6th.  I'll PM you my contact info, but if you want to train you should keep in mind that I put the 'beginner' in Beginner Triathlete .

Oh, no, going down the CC path to CC State Park gets you WAY south of Buckley.  

AC, I'm dying to know more about your username, are you a local chef?  

2008-08-13 7:04 PM
in reply to: #1581013

New user
Subject: RE: Moving to Denver...This Week!

I cooked in Boulder for a few years...  now just recreational.  Since I went veggie, it feels like I'm learning to cook all over again.  I think I finally have tofu figured out, though, which is making my life a lot easier.

How far south of Buckley does Cherry Creek take you?  If 6th would be a straight shot there, I can't imagine it would be more than a few miles, and I wonder if you would save enough time by avoiding so many traffic lights to make up for it.  It'd certainly be a more enjoyable ride, if you could spare the extra time.  How far East does the bike path on 7th go?  I've never taken it past Colorado Blvd.


2008-08-13 7:48 PM
in reply to: #1601949

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Subject: RE: Moving to Denver...This Week!
I'm always up for rides on the East side, as I live in easy riding distance to the Aurora Rez and surrounding roads which are used for Rattlesnake and Harvest Moon races.
2008-08-14 8:21 PM
in reply to: #1601949

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Extreme Veteran
Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Moving to Denver...This Week!
AccidentalChef - 2008-08-13 6:04 PM

How far south of Buckley does Cherry Creek take you?  If 6th would be a straight shot there, I can't imagine it would be more than a few miles, and I wonder if you would save enough time by avoiding so many traffic lights to make up for it.  It'd certainly be a more enjoyable ride, if you could spare the extra time.  How far East does the bike path on 7th go?  I've never taken it past Colorado Blvd.


If you take the CC Spillway Trail from the East entrance of CCSP to the Powerline Trail up to Tower Rd, then Tower Rd to the Mississippi Ave gate of Buckley AFB, it's about 7 miles.

2008-08-23 10:41 AM
in reply to: #1581013

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Subject: RE: Moving to Denver...This Week!

Whew!  Everyone thanks so so much for all the advice, and routes   I'm finally getting settled here.  I did ride to work yesterday and I'm doing the 7th Ave bike route, cross Colorado, end up on 8th right before Quebec and through Lowry to 6th Ave.  I take 6th Ave all the way to Buckley and its not too horrible traffic-wise east of Lowry.  At least the right lane is fairly wide at that point.  Its only 12.5 miles and nice and flat. 

 I need need need to get in the Rez to swim.  I can leave work around 4:30ish so if anyone wants to ride from Buckley or meet up at the park please let me know! I don't really want to swim by myself.

 Looking forward to meeting you guys!


2008-08-23 4:32 PM
in reply to: #1581013

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Evergreen, CO
Subject: RE: Moving to Denver...This Week!
Which Rez?  My husband and I will be at Chatfield gravel pond Monday by 5:00.  Otherwise we'll probably be swimming at Aurora next Saturday after riding the HM course.
2008-08-25 11:56 AM
in reply to: #1581013

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Subject: RE: Moving to Denver...This Week!
Welcome!  I'm also looking for some longer bike rides here, but can only do them on the weekends. 
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