BT Development Mentor Program Archives » medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS Rss Feed  
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2007-12-07 1:02 PM

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
NAME: medic0020/Eric
STORY: Just over 3 years ago, I was diagnosed with Hodkins Lymphoma.  After 8 months of chemo, I was looking to rebuild my health. A friend suggested that I train for a sprint triathlon and an addiction was born.  I am a paramedic in Charlotte, NC.
FAMILY STATUS: Married with 4 children, including an 8-month old
CURRENT TRAINING: I'm fortunate enough to work with a local coach. I typically train about 10 hrs a week.  This past year I moved up to the Olympic Distance and my 2008 plans are for a Half-Iron.  I do use a HRM for most of my workouts.  I think that I tend to train by feel (perceived effort) as much as anything else.  I like some technology to help me along the way but I'm not a huge fan of too much technology.  Although, I'm finding this is changing as I become more experienced and look for extra ways to improve my fitness and racing.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: 2007--7 sprints (1 3rd Place Clydesdale); 3 Olympics (including a 3rd Place Clyde at the Setup Championship Event
2008 RACES:  

Monthly Averages--350 miles bike; 40 mile run; 15000 yds swim
Qualify for Setup Championship Invitational (Top 15 Clydesdales)
4-Lowe's Time Trials

Myrtle Beach Half Mary/Mich Ultra Metric Century 2/16/08
MAP Sprint 3/29/08
White Lake HIM 5/03/08
Over the Mtn Olympic 5/31/08
Latta Sprint 6/14/08
Hurley Sprint 7/19/08
Lake Logan Olympic 8/08
Lake Norman Sprint 8/23/08
Setup Championship Event 10/08  ???

Beach2Battleship HIM 11/08

WEIGHTLOSS: I currently race as a Clydesdale (male over 200 lbs).  I've accepted that my body type will always keep me a Clyde.  Even at my sickest I only got down to 205 (I'm 6'4).  I'm running about 225 currently and would prefer to go thru this season around 215.
WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: Last year I was a BT mentor and felt that I had some good advice to offer. Over the last year, I've gained a trememdous amount of experience and knowledge.   I love this lifestyle that has become my addiction, so much so that I helped start a new triathlon club in Charlotte focusing on beginner triathletes.  Thru my work with them, I seen how inspiring it can be to help someone tackle their first race and succeed. I'm looking forward to that opportunity again this year!

Edited by medic0020 2007-12-18 2:51 AM

2007-12-07 7:52 PM
in reply to: #1088860

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - OPEN
How can we join a group with the mentors I am very interested

I have been running for the last 4 years. The last 2 doing half marathons at season end. I did a sprint triathlon over 5 years ago and had the most fun I have ever had in any sporting event. But considered the running my week point and picked that up and then kind of let the Tri thoughts slip away. I am currently taking swimming lessons to improve my swim and believe me it needs improvement. I just picked up my bike last week and finally got to ride it today for the first time. This was actually the first time I have ever ridden a road bike my tri was on a mountain bike.

I am trying to figure out a training schedule as I am living with my girlfriend and there is a total of 5 kids ages 13 to 11 months. So trainings is mainly in the mornings before work and maybe the odd night. I do get out on weekends for a couple of hours also.

I am not sure if we get picked or what but I am interested as it will be good to have someone to be accountable to and go to for advice.

Edited by ShawnC13 2007-12-07 8:01 PM
2007-12-08 7:54 PM
in reply to: #1089686

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - OPEN


Welcome to the group...once we get some more suckers...err...victims.....we'll see about addressing some of your concerns.  I'm betting a lot of folks have the same issues.  I've got 4 kids at home so I feel your pain.  Finding time to train can be really tough.

2007-12-09 12:13 AM
in reply to: #1088860

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - OPEN
Eric thanks but I sent messages to quite a few groups and Yanti's group seems to have got going. So I said I would stay with her not sure if you can be in two groups as I am sure there are so many people trying to get into one but I wouldn't mind bouncing ideas off of you also, if possible even if I am not allowed to be in two groups
2007-12-09 9:47 AM
in reply to: #1088860

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - OPEN
No problem Shawn.  Good luck and feel free to check in anytime.
2007-12-09 1:32 PM
in reply to: #1088860

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Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - OPEN
Hi Eric,

How do you feel about taking on a North Carolina newbie? (Yes, I'm a newbie - despite my impressive post padding count.)

I stumbled upon BT in August, when I was searching the internet for swim goggles. I joined, and immediately became a BT addict. Most of my time here has been spent in the Challenge Forum. (Although I've been known to pop into CoJ on occasion.)

My main goal is to improve my fitness level. I also think it would be fun to do a Sprint Tri next year. I live in an area of NC that is fairly quiet, and where many people don't seem to list "exercise" as a priority. On the plus side, this means that I get my own lane in the pool.

Swimming: This is probably my strength. I swam in high school, MANY years ago. I picked it up again in August. I promptly overdid it, and now have "tendonitis" in my left shoulder. I'm sure that this is a technique issue. So I've love to talk about swim technique with this group. (I can hear your "excitement" from here.)

Running: I'm an absolute running newbie. As with the swimming, I promptly overdid it, and my knee started hurting. I changed my stride, which caused my ankle to hurt. Last month, I read some posts about barefoot running. I've been doing this on the treadmill and having good results. It's made me shorten my stride and not land on my heels so hard. I'm now able to run a mile nonstop, and have been increasing the speed and incline (but leaving the distance as is). OK, you can stop laughing at my lonely little mile now. Believe me, it's an improvement from where I was before.

Biking: I have an old mountain bike that's been in storage for about 14 years. Someday, I'll take it in for an overhaul (and new tires). In the meantime, I've been logging time on a stationary bike.

Health and weight: Fortunately, both are ok. I had ovarian cancer about two years ago. Surgery took care of it. (Fortunately, I didn't need to go the chemo or radiation route.) I have a very good oncologist, whom I see several times a year.... Hm, I could also stand to lose about 5 or 6 lbs. If it happens, great. If not, well, I won't lose any sleep over it.

OK, I think that's about it.

Oh yeah, and I like to talk/post. A lot. (In case you couldn't tell....)

Please let me know if you think I'd be a fit for your group. (I did warn you that I post a lot. You may want to keep that in mind. LOL)

Edited by D001 2007-12-09 1:35 PM

2007-12-09 3:03 PM
in reply to: #1088860

New user

Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - OPEN

Name: Nathan, 32 6-4 220

Hello, I am interested in joining your group. I am a tri newbie but I am totaly hooked on the sport. What do I need to do to join? I am a firefighter/emt (paramedic school in Augest) in a western suberb of Chicago. I am just getting started with my base traing so any words of wisdom are welcome. I have some biking experience, but just started swimming, and running.

Family: Married with 1 child, 1 on the way
2007-12-09 3:52 PM
in reply to: #1088860

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Auburn, Wa
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - OPEN
Eric, just wanted to put my name in to get in this group. I've got to go put the Christmas lights up and hopefully get in a workout. I give ya more background later. Thanks for stepping up and being a mentor!! Chris
2007-12-09 4:34 PM
in reply to: #1088860

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - OPEN

D, Nathan, and Chris......welcome to the group.  I hope you guys are as excited about the 2008 season as I am.  Most of our race registrations locally open Jan 2nd, so I'm counting the days.

It looks like D is our official queen of posts.  I'm sure she'll keep us all in line.  Nathan, did you get involved in the Chicago marathon at all?  I'm sure you've heard some war stories from the first responders who worked it.  Chris, we're looking forward to hearing about your goals and challenges.

2007-12-09 4:39 PM
in reply to: #1088860

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - OPEN

My name is Amy and I am from Haubstadt, Indiana. I just finished my first season of training and competing in two sprint triathlons and several roadraces 4k, 5k, 7k and 8k. I went to watch my first sprint triathlon in August of 2006 and the pull I felt to enter the triathlon world was overwhelming to say the least. When training I felt myself growing in spirit, mind and body and the effects felt "great". I won't give you my entire story but here is a brief summary.
Well, on second thought if you look at my albums you will know me the best.

I was in a BT mentor group last year, but it was very lacking in motivation. I am a very motivational person, and want to be with like people. It sounds like you are a person with knowledge, determination, and a respect for blessings you have and a willingness to share your experiences and knowledge of training. I have some lofty goals for the next year and would like to share in your knowledge. I'm serious about training and I respected your bio.

I would appreciate being in your group.

Amy Mutz in Indiana
2007-12-09 6:30 PM
in reply to: #1091208

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Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - OPEN
medic0020 - 2007-12-09 5:34 PM

D, Nathan, and Chris......welcome to the group. I hope you guys are as excited about the 2008 season as I am. Most of our race registrations locally open Jan 2nd, so I'm counting the days.

It looks like D is our official queen of posts. I'm sure she'll keep us all in line. Nathan, did you get involved in the Chicago marathon at all? I'm sure you've heard some war stories from the first responders who worked it. Chris, we're looking forward to hearing about your goals and challenges.

Hehe, when it comes to posting, TriAya's (Yanti) group will win. There are some big time post padders posters in that group.

How quickly do the races close out? I haven't even thought about which ones I want to do yet. (Other than they're going to be Sprints.) Do I need to figure that out, and be ready to register on Jan 2nd, so I don't get closed out of them?

P.S. I swam today! I love swimming.


2007-12-09 6:58 PM
in reply to: #1088860

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - OPEN

D--Set Up Events,, are well-run, which also means they are very popular.  What part of NC are you in?  Azalea, MAP, Latta, and Lake Norman are some of their most popular races.  Last year, their web server got overloaded and shut down at 1145am (registration opened up at 12n).  After 2 hrs, they came back up.  The most popular races were sold out by about 630am the next day.  That's why they are using the rolling opening of registrations.

Amy--welcome to our group.  I hope you'll find that we are just what you need.  I worked with a group last year and we had mixed results.  Quite a few of our folks just kind of faded away.  I'd definitely like to see this group be very active supporting each other.

2007-12-09 7:12 PM
in reply to: #1088860

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - OPEN

I will remember you for swimming tips!!!! What do you think is the most important thing to remember when wanting to learn faster swimming? Hope I get in the group.

Amy in Indiana
2007-12-09 7:45 PM
in reply to: #1088860

Extreme Veteran
El Cajon, Ca
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - OPEN
May I join your group? I can post more later. After the kiddos go to bed.

edited to add

I am also Amy. I live near San Diego, Ca.

34, two kiddos. Boy, almost 4, girl 2 1/2.

I have been training for tri's since July of this year. I did two sprint distance races in October. I did my first 8k yesterday.

When I started training in July, I could barely swim 50y without feeling like I was going to drown. I am up to about 1750y. I am slow, but getting better. I have been spinning at the gym. My bike is a bit big. I have to take it to a shop and see if I can get it fitted better. I got a great deal, so I have to work with the size. As for running, the 8k yesterday is the longest I have ever run. I had to take a few walking breaks, but I finished. I need to get more miles in.

I was also an EMT and a volunteer firefighter. A 911 dispatcher for my actual paying job, until I had kids, and my hubby is a fire engineer for the state.

Edited by abud7373 2007-12-09 10:27 PM
2007-12-09 8:15 PM
in reply to: #1088860

Desmoines Iowa
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - OPEN

My name is Mike I live Desmoines IA. I have been training for 2 years now, started when I was 44. Curious as to what it means to join a group? What are the benefits,goals etc. Some stats about me I'm 6'2' 230 lbs married 3 kids, 2 grandkids am an electrician with Union pacific Rail Road and retired Navy. Presently am recovering from knee surgey and IT band Snydrome. I also do some road bike racing mostly TT, will be racing on a team this year, also am planning on doing 5 or 6 tri building to a half IM in August this is what I really enjoy the biking is second am getting stonger at swimming but running remains my biggest challenge mostly because of my size am going to try and shed another 25 lbs by May, not sure I could shed more might lose to much hard earned muscle.
2007-12-09 9:28 PM
in reply to: #1088860

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - OPEN
Hi Eric,
I too am a newbie to this site and just began running two days ago. I have great motivation and I am fired up to get in shape. I would love to be a part of this group. I am in California, I used to race mountain bikes and was told by many that I would be fabulous roadie (have a great endurance level - when I am in shape) but retired some five years ago and usually only can be found riding my cruiser bike to and from places. I have run in various 3, 5 and 10k races and used to run daily...I lived in the swimming pool growing up, but never swam competitively and I am not in the habit of swimming laps, but that is going to change. I am need of some direction and I hope that I can get it from you and the group. Thanks. Julie

2007-12-09 10:47 PM
in reply to: #1088860

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Auburn, Wa
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - OPEN
Ok, so the lights are on the house but I haven't worked out yet, I'm letting dinner settle. I guess some more info on me is in order. This is about round 3 for me to get back into tri shape. I tried last year and did one sprint last August(Timberman in NH). Yes, I live in Washington State but my big brother lives back EAst and there's a whole competition thing going. This will hopefuuly help my motivation level.
Back in the late 80's-early 90's I was very active in tris, sprint and olys. Swimming is my best sport(love it and was competitive from 5-17-distance freestyle). Biking I'm decent at and enjoy. Running is my achilles heel (sorry for the pun) and don't enjoy it mostly cause I suck at it. I'm 6'2 245 and turned 40 in July.
Goals for the off season are to build strength in my legs (long hx. of knee problems) and to slowly build up endurance for the runs. I found last year that if I build up strength in the quads the kneecap tracks better and there's no knee pain.
I'm planning on doing a sprint a month starting in June. I'm planning on doing a 5k in May and hopefully a 10k by next Oct/Nov. I'm thinking just sprints for 2008 or possibly an Oly at the end of the year. I would love to do an Ironman at some point but I would need to lose alot of weight and I would like to be more competitive with other Clydies in sprints.
I'm planning on getting new bike this winter. I'm currently riding an 86 Centurian Ironman.It's big and heavy, kinda like me. I also have an ergometer and bowflex in the garage which makes it easier to get workouts in. It also makes it harder to come with an excuse as to why I didn't get in a workout.
I'm the proud papa of two wonderful girls, ages 2 and 6, and my wife and I have been married for 13 years. They are all very supportive of my training and it's becoming more important to me to be a role model for them when it comes to fitness.
I work as a registered nurse in the emergency room in South Seattle. This schedule both helps and hurts with training and racing.The flexibility is great but the double shifts and overtime leave me tired alot. I work from 5pm to 3am and have to be up at 0830 to get my oldest to the bus stop by 0900 so some weekdays I don't sleep much. we'll see how that affects things.
I very glad to be a part of this group and hope I can encourage everyone as much as I hope you all encourage me. Any advice will be greatly appreciated especially when it comes to running. Have a great night everyone!!!! Chris
2007-12-10 6:18 AM
in reply to: #1088860

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - OPEN

Hey I wanna join too!  Here is my story:

Name: Pam

Story: This is the start of my third year racing, fourth year of training.  I started because of the book Slow Fat Triathlete and have been addicted ever since.  I am a current college senior in Minnesota studying child psych.

Family Status: Single but somedays it feels like I am married to my homework

Current Training:  I am kind of in a mixed up mess.  I am training at least one day a week with running, biking and swimming.  I know I need to add more time.  The majority of my time that I use to spend doing those three things is now spent back in the gym doing gymnastics.  I use to compete when I was younger and I decided to pick it back up as cross training.  Next semester I also add spring board diving twice a week to my schedule.

This year's races:  Now really on to the reason I want a support/mentor group...last year I ran my first half marathon in May, however, during the month of Jan and Feb I started having ITBS problems and pretty much by the time May came around was burned out.  I worked full time during the summer after a really busy semester and just lacked the general motivation to be successful which caused me to drop out of three races   My season was not as productive or successful as I would have wanted.

2008 Races:This year with graduation pending in May and me not really knowing what I am doing with my life after I graduate, I am looking to make training the stability in my life till the other parts of my life settle down.  I would love to do a longer race because someday I want to do an Ironman, so I need to build up my endurance.  I have an indoor triathlon scheduled in February and a 10K or half mary planned for April/May depending on what race I decide to do.  I am looking at a HIM in July...but I have a lot of training to do till then.  And if I was feeling really ambitious there is a full marathon in October that I would really like to do in the Twin Cities.

Weightloss: I keep bouncing around the 170's and have gotten as low as the 160's.  Technically by BMI I should be anywhere between 130-140's but I don't know if that could ever maybe losing some of the extra this season would be a added bonus and make me faster! I am...I am excited.  I have been waiting for 2008 mentor groups for about two months.  Now I just need to get my butt in gear! 

2007-12-10 8:32 AM
in reply to: #1088860

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - BUSTIN AT THE SEEMS

Wow!  I go away from the computer for about 12 hrs and our group fills up fast.  Everybody who has posted so far is in.  I think we'll call the group full and closed for now.

As an answer to Mike's question and a way to get things started, here's what I see these groups being able to do.  First, they are a great way to have other people checking in on you.  This gives you someone to "answer" to as well.  We'll know what your goals and plans are and will deliver the occasional kick in the butt  to keep you on track.  Second, bringing together a group like this also helps because each of us have knowledge that can be beneficial to someone else in the group.  We've already got several members who are strong in the pool and strong on the bike.  As usual, running seems to be the least popular among this group.  We see that a lot with most aspiring/beginning athletes.  I'm no exception to this either.  One year ago, I had never run more than 3.5 miles and still hated running.  Since then, I've successfully completed 3 half-marathons.  I still can't say that I love running, but I don't hate it anymore.

Ok, so a little homework for everyone....
1-Add all of our members to your friends list (let me know if anyone doesn't know how to do this)
B-Make sure that you log your workouts (we'll all be checking on you )
3-Check in on each other from time to time
4-Add your planned races to your race log so that we can see what is on your schedule
e-Post your 2 biggest strengths and 2 biggest weaknesses
Last but not least--Set 3 goals for January. December is tough with the holidays and travel.  Make these goals something you can measure--i.e, ride 15 miles at a time; swim 10,000 yds during the month, loose 5 lbs, etc

I'm really excited about this group.  I won't have all the answers to all of your questions.  I certainly don't claim to be an expert, but I do love this sport. I also love seeing people succeed.  That's why I'm doing the mentoring program.  If you have any suggestions for ways we can help each other, please let me know!

2007-12-10 11:22 AM
in reply to: #1091431

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Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - OPEN
amy mutz - 2007-12-09 8:12 PM


I will remember you for swimming tips!!!! What do you think is the most important thing to remember when wanting to learn faster swimming? Hope I get in the group.

Amy in Indiana

Hi Amy,

These are just my opinions. I'm in no way a "swim expert."

1) Do not sacrifice technique for speed.
In September, I tried to set some new PRs. I did it, but picked up some bad habits at the same time. The result is tendonitis in my shoulder. Now, I need to get over the tendonitis AND get rid of the bad habits.

2) Keep your body horizontal in the water.
Try swimming with your body vertical (legs dropped). Then swim with your hips up (near the surface). I think you'll notice a difference between the two positions.
Yesterday, I saw someone who had a decent stroke, but his legs were dangling WAY down. End result was he had to work REALLY hard to move through the water. (I'm sure he expended more energy than I did, but I was able to lap him pretty easily.)


2007-12-10 1:04 PM
in reply to: #1092512

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Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - OPEN

2007-12-10 2:28 PM
in reply to: #1092755

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - OPEN
See our posting queen is already paying dividends!
2007-12-10 5:26 PM
in reply to: #1088860

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS after reading through everyone's posts I see we are a bunch of emergency medicine junkies...I'm an EMT- Basic.   That is great!  Maybe if no one minds I will pick some minds because I am graduating from college and not sure where I going in life    I am excited...this group sounds like we are all around the same level and will be able to use each other for good I just have to get to the gym!
2007-12-10 6:24 PM
in reply to: #1092961

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Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - OPEN
medic0020 - 2007-12-10 3:28 PM

See our posting queen is already paying dividends!

Yeah, but I'm not entirely sure that I like that green color. LOL

On the plus side, I logged 2400 yards in the pool today.

AND our team is in first place in the December Swim Challenge.

Yay Avenging Angels!

(I think my arms are gonna fall off.....)

2007-12-10 7:50 PM
in reply to: #1088860

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
If your arms don't fall off, you'll have some serious triceps and shoulders.
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