General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Lake Tahoe Triathlon - 9/17 Rss Feed  
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2005-08-12 12:16 AM

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Durham, CA
Subject: Lake Tahoe Triathlon - 9/17
Who's going to Tahoe on September 17th? I just signed up, this will be my first Oly, with what promises to be some pretty brisk water, and a killer bike ride (with some pretty thin air). Anyone else up for the challenge?

2005-08-16 8:38 PM
in reply to: #223473

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Durham, CA
Subject: RE: Lake Tahoe Triathlon - 9/17
REPORT FROM LAKE TAHOE - I just came back from pre-running the course this weekend - the water was a balmy 70+ degrees (the wetsuit was not needed at all), and Brockway summit, while a significant hill (about 2.9 miles, mostly 8% grade), it was not the Max heartrate, anarobic monster I thought it would be. Anyone that has trained on hills, and has a reasonable level of endurance should be able to take this hill on. By the way, I'm a flatlander, and the altitude did not seem to affect me, except on the swim, where it was a little harder to get a good rythym going. I swam in the afternoon, and the lake had a pretty good chop going, but that shouldn't be an issue at the 7:00 AM start, unless we have some nasty weather.Dennis
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