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2009-04-13 2:17 PM

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Woodland, California
Subject: Super scary high blood pressure

Yesterday my husband and I were at the drug store.  While we were there, we used the automatic blood pressure reading machine.  Mine was 107/74, which is in line with what it usually has been in the past couple years since I began tri training.  However, my husband's read something like 170/110.  I made him do it again, same results.  He was wearing a long-sleeved shirt, but I have used that machine with long sleeves before and it didn't seem to make much of a difference.

Has anyone ever gotten a crazy high result from one of these machines?  I'm thinking it's not the machine, considering that I've used it many times and have always gotten fairly consistent results that have been verified by actual readings at the dr's office.

I told my husband he needs to make an appointment and find out if this is for real.  He seems less concerned about it and says he'll check it again in a few days.  How concerned should I be about this one reading?  For more info, he is 29 years old and rather heavily muscled, but also could stand to drop some lbs.

2009-04-13 2:28 PM
in reply to: #2081397

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Super scary high blood pressure
Def. make an appointment to have that checked by a doctor.
I don't normally use those machines, so I don't know how reliable they are.
When I was pg with my first child, my bottom number got up to 90 and they put me
on partial bed rest as a result, so I think 110 is way too high.
2009-04-13 5:06 PM
in reply to: #2081397

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Subject: RE: Super scary high blood pressure
The bottom number is very high, I would have him call his doctor and have a blood pressure check done.  Most people with high BP don't have any symptoms.
2009-04-13 5:23 PM
in reply to: #2081397

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Queen BTich
Subject: RE: Super scary high blood pressure
He should get to a Dr. That is high.
2009-04-13 5:41 PM
in reply to: #2081397

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Subject: RE: Super scary high blood pressure
If his arm is big, the machine will probably read too high.  I'm not a big guy, but those machines usually give me a reading a good bit above what manual BP cuffs do.  He should go have a professional check it out just to be safe.
2009-04-29 11:40 PM
in reply to: #2081397

Subject: RE: Super scary high blood pressure
Those machines are notoriously unreliable, so I wouldn't worry to much, but would get it checked out just in case. At my doc office, the nurses will take your BP any time you drop by (no need for an appointment).

2009-05-03 4:52 PM
in reply to: #2081397

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El Segundo, CA
Subject: RE: Super scary high blood pressure

I've had some borderline high BP readings on those grocery store machines. When I mentioned it to the nurse taking my BP at my last physical, she said those machines aren't calibrated on a regular basis, and as a result, are not especially accurate.

That said, you probably want to get him to a doc. If those readings are accurate, he should probably look into ways of lowering his BP.

2009-05-03 9:43 PM
in reply to: #2081397

Akron, OH
Subject: RE: Super scary high blood pressure
Prior to a doctor visit, which is advisable.  He should check his BP first thing in the morning for a couple days by either stopping by his docs office, also, most fire stations the medics will check your BP also.  Write the readings down and get several.  Elevated BP isn't called the "silent killer" for nothing.  Most people feel perfectly fine.  The effects however damage the vascular system over the years and lead to premature heart disease, stroke, etc.  Not a problem to ignore.  He needs to know.  If it's high, it's typically easily treated.  Men are notoriously bad about wanting to deal with this kind of stuff.  You may have to convince him. Best to tell him you want him around for a long time and please get it checked for both your sake. 
2009-05-04 12:25 PM
in reply to: #2081397

Subject: RE: Super scary high blood pressure
DEFINITELY see the doctor. I have worked in Neuro as a nurse for almost 20 years and am still constantly suprized by the healthy, active folks that have very high bp readings.

BP issues are pretty easy to deal with as far as dietary changes, lifestyle changes, and awareness of things/symptoms to watch for. But, uncontolled high BP is truly a silent killer.

That being said...I totally agree that the store models of the bp machines are unreliable. It is important that the machine is callibrated regularly, that the person is not talking during reading, that arm position and size is taken into acct, etc, etc. Nurses will repeat BP's when an odd reading is checking the readings is important. There were some great suggestions for options on how to get reliable readings on earlier posts.

But, seeing a GOOD and receptive doctor is still number one.

2009-05-05 11:27 PM
in reply to: #2081397

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Stairway to Seven
Subject: RE: Super scary high blood pressure
Both of you are right.

He's Right:
There is no need to be concerned about a SINGLE BP reading. Your body is designed ot allow your BP to fluctuate in response to all sorts of things, in order to maintain adequate blood flow to vital organs (heart, brain, kidneys) under all conditions at all times. Maybe he was really upset at a neighbor or something that happened in traffic ont he way over? It's not a single reading that makes people sick, it's exposure to consistently high blood pressure readings over time. His "I'll check it again in a few days" attitude is actually along the right lines of gettign multiple readings to see what the true trend is.

You're Right:
170/110 is way too high to be walkign around with all the time. If that is his normal blood pressure, he needs to have it treated, or take lifestyle measures to lower it ASAP. His body will suffer the damaage associated with chronic exposures to high presssures including heart, kidney and stroke risks.

The bottom line is that he needs to being keeping a blood pressure diary usign any of the methods metioned above. having said that, here are a few ways NOT to check your blood pressure:

-He's got a headache, is having pain, just had an argument with his boss. DON"T take is blood pressure because it WILL be high, and it will cause further distress to know that it is high when you dont' relaize that it is a probably normal reaction to the situation (pain, stress, anxiety)

-You just took his BP and it was high...DON"T take it again. Because it will be even higher as he will become stressed that you are bugging him about his high blood pressure.

Just like you can't get in shape for a tri by doing a single threshold workout, you won't suffer heart or stroke damage from a single high BP reading such as 170/110.

In order to finish your goal triathlon you need to undertake a consistant routine of regular exercise. Likewise, your husband's blood pressure needs to be consistently at a healthy level over long period of time (over a lifetime). One reading doesn't mean much. Multiple high readings does.
2009-05-06 6:42 AM
in reply to: #2081397

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Subject: RE: Super scary high blood pressure
Your BP was normal and his was high.  I am less inclined to blame the machine.  I think he's probably needing a diuretic.  So see a doctor soon.

Home BP monitors are not too expensive and will help him get over any anxiety from having a measurement taken.  That would make the reading falsely high.  Get him one.  I think the Omron models with Intellisense are pretty close to professional readings.  Lots of doctor's offices use the same basic monitor.  This is the model I have.  Janicewhokeepsmehealthy gave it to me for Valentine's Day.

2009-05-06 10:44 AM
in reply to: #2133221

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Suwanee, Ga.
Subject: RE: Super scary high blood pressure
You can have him stop by any local fire station and they can take his B/P.  That might be a little less stressful than setting up a Dr's appointment.  Have him go for a 2-3 day period and try to go at the same time each day....then if it still reads high, go to the Dr.

2009-05-19 2:11 AM
in reply to: #2081397

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Stairway to Seven
Subject: RE: Super scary high blood pressure
Any update?
2009-08-23 9:30 PM
in reply to: #2159917

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Extreme Veteran
Bainbridge Island, Washington
Subject: RE: Super scary high blood pressure
Ugh, I am dealing with this too. Yesterday, I had a EMT check it for me because I have been borderline high for years, but never high enough to have to start medication. My dr. just said to keep an eye on it. I had a seriously stressful day on Friday so yesterday when they checked it, it was 184/104! They took it 3 times on two different machines and were just about to take me to the ER. So wierd how our bodies work - my resting heart rate is 38! Anyway, I was told NOT to do anymore training until I could see a Dr. so will be hopefully doing that tomorrow. I did go buy a BP cuff for home and just got a reading of 115/72 with a pulse rate of 40, so hopefully it was just the stressful day. But dang, have a 100 mile cycle ride next Saturday and Triathlons the following two weekends!

2009-08-24 6:52 AM
in reply to: #2081397

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Extreme Veteran
Bainbridge Island, Washington
Subject: RE: Super scary high blood pressure
Mine was taken on both arms and twice on the left, with two different bp cuffs - one electronic and one manual.
2009-08-25 7:11 PM
in reply to: #2081397


Subject: RE: Super scary high blood pressure
I am prob on the wrong site, found this for my own health questions.  I am a nurse, not an athlete. YES make an appt! High BP can cause strokes and heart attacks!  Things to raise BP, stress, pain, or excess fluid, check for swelling/edema at ankles.  Avoid any sodium right now until he gets in to the Dr. Monitor his pulse also. Its always easy to blow something off, not wanting to over-react or be dramatic. But working with a 34 yr. old everyday who is a living stroke victim, that eats thru a tube in her stomache, and cant have a conversation with her 10 yr old daughter, it IS better to be safe than sorry. Please get it checked, like yesterday!

2009-08-25 7:17 PM
in reply to: #2081397


Subject: RE: Super scary high blood pressure
LOL! As a healthcare provider, yes you are right. I had a Medical assistant take mine the other day. 
 "What was it".. I asked......." I dont know." she said. "What do you mean... you dont know?" i kinda chuckled. 
"You just got one of those really weird numbers."  I said that my BP readings always run bout the same. 

"Nope, you just have one of those weird ones" she replied as she wrote in my chart 140/20... and left the room.  Doc rechecked 110/60, and I asked for her job, if I would live that long that is...

Never be afraid to ? or ask ?s, professionals but still humans... you know your body better than anyone.
2009-08-25 7:28 PM
in reply to: #2370536

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Extreme Veteran
Bainbridge Island, Washington
Subject: RE: Super scary high blood pressure
So I went to the doc today - got put on a low dosage BP med for now. I have been down closer to 140/90 since the high reading on Saturday. Still a tad high, but I got the green light to continue training! Woohoo!
2009-08-27 9:27 AM
in reply to: #2081397

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Subject: RE: Super scary high blood pressure
I trimmed the thread to keep in on topic. Let's keep to the original subject please.
2009-08-27 9:53 AM
in reply to: #2081397

Behind you
Subject: RE: Super scary high blood pressure

Good idea on trimming that thread DerekL.  If you would like to know more about lipitor or atherosclerosis just let me know.

So the medical personel put you on some bp meds and didn't tell you what was wrong?  Otherwise, good job on going to get that checked out.

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