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2007-12-09 11:52 AM

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Subject: cathyd's group - Closed

NAME:  cathyd (real name- cathy, who would have guessed ???)

STORY: I've been a runner for almost 10 years, ran my first marathon in 2000. Wanted to do triathlon for years but I'm not a swimmer.  Did the run leg on a relay team at a local tri in 2006 and decided I would do the whole thing the next year so signed up for swimming lessons and learned to swim starting in Oct 2006.  Bought a road bike in March 2007 and the rest in history.  I'm a total tri addict now.

FAMILY STATUS:  I'm married, our 2 kids that are grown.  I work rotating 12 hour shifts so my work schedule affects my training.  I have a dog but his legs are pretty short so I don't make him run with me, he does come on my cool down walks though.

CURRENT TRAINING:  Because I'm new to biking I'll be concentrating on that this year. Also planning lots of swimming technique work (ie. drills) and may take some lessons in the new year.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: In 2007 I did 5 tri's - 2 sprint, 1 olympic, 1 local odd distance tri, and 1 HIM.  Also ran a PR 1/2 marathon prior to tri season.
2008 RACES:  My plan for 2008 is a few running races, a spring HIM, the local tri, and a fall HIM.  I may throw in a sprint in July just for fun.

WEIGHTLOSS:   I'd like to drop about 15 pounds before June. I haven't lost any weight in 2007.  Yes,  I have some food issues.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR:  I  was a mentee last year and found being part of a group helpful.  As your mentor I will be checking your logs frequently and providing you with motivating inspires or a kick in the butt if that's what you need.  I have lots of running experience and knowledge to share and have learned a lot about the other two sports. Also have done weight training and yoga for years (though not so much in the past year due to lack of time).  If you have a question I will find you the answer or refer you to someone who knows. 

Edited by cathyd 2007-12-13 3:36 PM

2007-12-11 6:15 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - OPEN
Cathy, I would love to join your group.

NAME: Steve

STORY: I have done two full marathons a few years ago, the Baltimore and NJ Shore and was in the Army for nine years. But for the last several years I have not done much. I have never swam and only mountain biked for fun. But a few months ago a friend challenged me to do a triathlon with him. Be overly competitive (according to my wife) I agreed to do one. I was training good and consistently for a month back in Sept-Oct but just started back yesterday. With that being said I will need a good kick in the butt now and then to stay consistent.

FAMILY STATUS: I am married and have 4 kids, a 9 year old girl, 7 year old boy, 4 year old boy and a 20 month old boy. If that and a full time job that is over an hour from home doesn't keep me busy enough; I also teach snowboarding Friday night and Saturday.

CURRENT TRAINING: I just started a 20 week swim focused Olympic training plan. For improving my swimming I enrolled in a master’s program. It is designed to help you complete the swim section of the race. I will also be picking up my new Giant road bike this week. My last one was only a few weeks old, but I left it out one night and it rode away.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I am signed up for the Columbia Triathlon in May 2008.

WEIGHT LOSS: I would like to get down to around 190ish. I am currently at 214 and have a 40 inch waist. So I really want to get back to a 34-36 inch waist. Makes me look better in my wet suit when I go scuba diving in the summer.

Please feel free to give me any advice you feel I need. I have a very thick skin and will not get offended.

Edited by sczerny 2007-12-12 6:57 AM
2007-12-11 7:00 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - OPEN
I would like to join your group.

Name: Lori
Story: I have been into sports for most of my life. I was a competitive swimmer in high school and one season of college (not great, just a solid 3-4th place distance freestyler). I started running 8 years ago and loved it. I have done many races at distances from 400m to 50 miles. This past year I moved to Florida and found that summer marathon training was impossible. I started biking to supplement the running because it was easier in the heat. In July, I was at the local bike shop and the guy asked why I didn’t do tris. Duh. Great question. So I tweaked my training a bit and entered a sprint. I was hooked, and I found that the multi-sport training was kinder to this 45 year old body than just running.

Family Status: I am married, but just separated last month. I will be starting a new job in Jan. I teach college composition. I have two grown sons, one in Navy Officer Candidate School right now and the other in college. I also have two dogs and an obnoxious parrot. One of the dogs is a border collie/retriever mix, and he runs with me in cool weather. The other is a chubby lab mix with short legs who does a one block run after I finish so that she can be a “runner dog” too.

Current Training: I have divided my year into two seasons: tri and running. Tri is May through Nov. Running is Nov. to April. I should be further along in my running training than I am right now, but November was a bad month for me: separation, moving, and son’s wedding and pre-wedding visit. I am trying to get back into a routine with four days a week running and two days a week biking. I also am trying to work weights and yoga into the mix. I only swim train in tri season. It only takes me about four weeks to get back into racing shape for the short tris.

2007 races: In late 2007, I did 3 sprints. Earlier in the year I did several 5ks. I had taken the whole of 2006 off from training, and was slowly building back into racing.

2008 races: In early 2008, I have several races planned, including one or two ½ marathons and the odd 5k here and there. A major goal race for me is a 5k in February. I was hoping to break 20:00, but I don’t think it will happen now with me being behind in the training. I may need to change that goal to a race later in the spring. I haven’t chosen specific tri races yet. I want to do at least one Olympic distance and probably three or four sprints. I like to race a lot.

Weight loss: I need to lose about 5-8 lbs if I want to make the running goal. I put on 3 lbs. in November because of the reduced training load. (Eat less because I am training less—are you kidding me????? )

I am really looking forward to being in this group. Currently I train on my own in all sports and really don't have anyone to talk tri with. I know I will benefit from the extra motivation, accountability, and camaraderie. I also will need advice on making the transition from the sprints to the longer distances. My weakest sport is biking. That will be a major focus for me in 2008. I would like my bike performances to be on par with my swimming and running.
2007-12-11 9:30 PM
in reply to: #1096164

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - OPEN

Hi Steve.. welcome to the group.  Sounds like you have a busy life and will need to stay motivated to fit your training in.  Being signed up for a race already is great motivation!! Consistency is important and even if you can only fit in a short workout it's better than skipping days.  I checked out your log for Sept. and it  looks like you were doing great.    Masters swimming is a great way to get into a routine and have some coaching help.  Looking forward to following your training and providing any help I can.   What distance is your May tri?

2007-12-11 9:38 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - OPEN
If you'll have me, I'd like to join your group. I'm Jeff, from Boise, ID. 45, recently divorced with three kids 14-13-6. I, too, work rotating 12 hr shifts, so scheduling work out time can be a challenge. I've run most of my life, never very fast-FMOP. I've been cycling (road and mtb) for about 20 yrs. I saw Greg LeMond win the 1999 Tour and I was hooked. I work PT in a bike shop, so maybe I could help with maintenance issues. My water skills can be described as
"Dive like a feather-swim like a rock". I'm doing the "Total Immersion" workbook and it seems to be helping-I feel 'longer'. I'm not real careful about my diet (love beer and red meat products), but I'm noticing that I've developed a bit of a, er, uhm...spare tire. I'd like to do several Oly distance tris this summer with a half marathon in the early spring and again in late fall. I'll be in Moab, Utah for the Skinny Tire Festival in March and Seattle, WA for the Seattle to Portland (STP) bike ride in July. That's it in a nutshell. I look forward to meeting you all. jeff
2007-12-11 9:41 PM
in reply to: #1096300

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - OPEN
Welcome Lori.  First I must say you are a fast runner !  And sounds like you have no problems with swimming either.   I also do most of my training alone, and found the support of a mentor group last winter helpful.  I'm hoping we can all motivate each other and learn from each other's strengths.  I'm thinking some weekly focused discussion and goal setting will be helpful for the group, which we can start once our group is filled. Looking forward to the next few months,  Cathy

2007-12-11 9:50 PM
in reply to: #1096637

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - OPEN
Welcome to the group Jeff... yes shift work has it's challenges for sure.   When I decided last fall to start triathlon I had never swam freestyle in my life.  I read the total immersion book from cover to cover the week before I started group swimming lessons at the Y.  The first length of the 25 yard pool winded me but my stroke was not too bad  thanks to what I'd learned from the TI book.  Do the drills and you will improve quickly.   Looking forward to 'training together' the next few months. We'll start some organised discussion once the group is filled.   Cathy
2007-12-12 7:10 AM
in reply to: #1096619

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - OPEN
It is an Olympic distance triathlon. After I registered I read the following about it:

Welcome to the Columbia Triathlon, one of the most challenging Triathlons in the USA.

The Columbia Triathlon run course has been acknowledged as one of the most challenging in triathlon.

2007-12-12 8:29 AM
in reply to: #1096648

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - OPEN
Well, I just took the plunge and signed up for a training half marathon on Jan 6. It only allows 250 runners, so I needed to get in before it was over the limit. It is a trail run called "Roots and Ruts," so it sounds like fun. The age group awards are little tree roots mounted on a plaque, which is kiind of cool. I like odd ball awards like that. Anyway, I have my work cut out for me now since in the last month I think my two longest runs were 7 and 8 miles. Nothing like a race to motivate you to get out and do the longer runs.... I am hoping that because it is a trail run it will help make up for the fact that I will probably not have any overdistance runs under my belt. There is a practice run this weekend on the course that I am going to try to do.

Steve, Don't you hate it when you see a quote like that AFTER you register. Still you have plenty of time to train, so I am sure you will be able to tear it up.
2007-12-12 2:56 PM
in reply to: #1097106

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - OPEN
wyldrunner - 2007-12-12 9:29 AM

Steve, Don't you hate it when you see a quote like that AFTER you register. Still you have plenty of time to train, so I am sure you will be able to tear it up.

I do. And to make it worse, when I asked my friend that convinced me to do this about the challenge of the course he said "Oh did I forget to mention that part".

I am going to need all the time I can get to get into shape for this. Although, I am looking forward to the challenge of it.

2007-12-12 4:04 PM
in reply to: #1097022

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - OPEN

sczerny - 2007-12-12 8:10 AM It is an Olympic distance triathlon. After I registered I read the following about it: Welcome to the Columbia Triathlon, one of the most challenging Triathlons in the USA. The Columbia Triathlon run course has been acknowledged as one of the most challenging in triathlon.

All the more reasons for us (your fellow group members) to keep you on track with your training.

2007-12-12 4:05 PM
in reply to: #1097106

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - OPEN
That award sounds cool Lori.  I love trail running, though I haven't yet done a trail race.   Does it have a web site?
2007-12-12 7:09 PM
in reply to: #1098263

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - OPEN
I really love trails too. That is why I got into ultra running for a time. Most of the trail races where I used to live were ultras. Trail running is just so beautiful. A friend of mine once made an analogy that said that track running is like a symphony (all fine tuned and metered and controlled), road running is like rock and roll (wild and fast and intense), and trail running is like country western (friendly and laid back and folksy). I think it is a pretty good summation.

The web site for the race is

There is still time to register if you want to get out of the cold weather and have some sun. I have a spare bedroom.
2007-12-12 7:34 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Worcester, MA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - OPEN

can I play too?

NAME:  em73 - Monica

STORY:  I've never been the most in-shape or athletic person... and I've never been remotely skinny.  I lifeguarded, but was never a fast swimmer.  I rowed, but while I worked hard during practice, I never transferred that into the rest of my life.  Then I dropped into the real world... and stopped doing anything active and gained a bunch more weight.    Fast forward a few years, got into triathlons in 2006 - did three sprints my first year.  Compulsively read BT and learned a lot... but didn't really have a plan, just tried to work hard and be consistent.  I then stopped working out because, well, I'm an idiot.  So there's me, 33, almost 34, about 90 lbs over where I think I should be.  I started eating better this past Memorial Day, and then got back into exercise this past October.  Now I'm motivated and hopefully I have learned from my mistakes.

FAMILY STATUS:  Married (to AdCo) since 2005, no kids, giant black lab, two cats. 

CURRENT TRAINING: Well, I've been doing this women's bootcamp since October, and I started running again (my weakest sport). I just hurt my hip a couple weeks ago, but hopefully I will be back at it soon.  My plan is to start swimming this weekend (must join gym) and then start running as soon as my hip can stand it.  I'm going to work on the higdon 12 week novice running program first, then see where I am after that.  In the meantime, I'm working on my pushups.

THIS YEAR'S RACES:   I ran a 5K on thanksgiving.  That's it.
2008 RACES:
  Webster Lake Sprint (6/22), MetroMan Sprint (7/13), Danskin MA (7/27, same course as Webster Lake), Cranberry County (8/27, Oly), Tufts 10K (Columbus Day), Feaster 5K (Thanksgiving - have massive bet going with husband and brothers in law)

WEIGHTLOSS:  I've lost about 20 lbs since May, and almost two full dress sizes.  I really want to lose about another 70 lbs (if I can), but I'm really more interested in getting to a healthy weight - the number doesn't really matter in the end.


2007-12-12 7:38 PM
in reply to: #1096637

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - OPEN
It is good to have a bike guy in the group. I have lots and lots and lots of questions all the time. My LBS guy has incredible patience with me, but I am really, really clueless about bikes and biking in general. Maybe I can bug you now instead... I used to teach and coach swimming many years ago, maybe I repay you by helping you out if you have questions.

It looks like you have some races planned in some really pretty places. I was wanting to do a marathon in Moab a few years back but couldn't work it out. It looked like it would be a nice one.
2007-12-12 8:06 PM
in reply to: #1098674

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - OPEN

Welcome to the group Monica.  Looks like you have lots of plans for 2008... we'll try to help keep you motivated and on track to reach your goals.


2007-12-12 8:14 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - OPEN

I've had one more request via PM from someone wanting to join our group.  Once she confirms here I'll close the group and we'll all get to work !!!


2007-12-12 10:35 PM
in reply to: #1098681

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - OPEN
Anything I know about bikes-I'll share. I'm with you on the trail runs. My old creaky bones don't appreciate the pounding that road running gives you. Beside, Boise has such a marvelous trail system it would be a shame to waste it running around the urban sprawl.
2007-12-13 10:13 AM
in reply to: #1090940

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - OPEN
Yesterday I got pedals and shoes for the tri bike. (When I bought the bike I didn't have enough money left over to get them then.) Today I did the first ride with them. Oh my gosh, it is definitely a new set of muscles!!!! I was planning an hour ride but cut it short because my legs were burning so bad. I guess that is a good thing, but it will take some getting used to. My LBS guy promised me about a 10% speed gain from the switch, but I think it will take a while to build to that if today is any indication. Also, I have always been really comfortable in the aero position, but today my back was hurting. I must have been tense and straining. At least I didn't fall over
2007-12-13 11:40 AM
in reply to: #1090940

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - OPEN
Hi Cathy,

I'd love to join your group! Here's my info....

NAME: Jenny

STORY: I've beed doing tri's for 2 seasons now. I started in the summer of 2006, with, I think, 4 sprints & 1 Olympic distance, and my first half-marathon. Last summer, I did something like 3 sprints & 2 Olys, and my first full marathon. I've always been pretty active and enjoyed a variety of outdoor activities, but I had never really been "competetive" (i.e., doing races or other organized events) until I started tris. Like many others, I used the goal of doing my first few tris as a motivator to help me loose some weight and get more fit. I was not super overweight, but I felt doughy & out of shape...

FAMILY STATUS: Married 14 years, 3 kids ages 6, 8 & 10. I'm currently a stay at home mom.

CURRENT TRAINING: At the moment, I'm kind of taking it easy, and not really following a set training plan, but just trying to maintain fitness. I'll get more structured in a month or so as my tri training season officially begins. I'm enjoying including some weight training & yoga in the routine this time of year, as I often don't have much time for it when I am full-on tri training.

Running is probably my limiter at this point, so I'm hoping being in this group with a couple of real runners will help me out!

2008 RACES: My schedule is not really set yet. My big goal for the year is to do my first HIM. Since it's easier for me to find big chunks of time to train when my kids are in school, it will probably be an early season race. I'm trying to decide between two races at the moment and I'm still on the fence. The only race I have officially signed up for at this point is the Philadelphia Insurance tri (oly) in the middle of June. I will probably throw in a couple more sprint and olympic distance races, and maybe do another marathon in the fall.

WEIGHTLOSS: I've dropped about 20 lbs since I started tri training, but would ultimately like to loose another 8 - 10 lbs. Like Lori, I have put some weight back on in the last month or so because I kept eating like I was training for a marathon when I wasn't training for a marathon anymore... Gotta work on that!!

I've been lax with my logs lately since I haven't been following a structured plan, but I'll try to get back in the habit.

Looking forward to participating!!


2007-12-13 1:36 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Extreme Veteran
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - OPEN

Hello Cathy!

Is it too late for this other Ontario tri chick to join your group?

2007-12-13 3:35 PM
in reply to: #1100259

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - OPEN

Love to have you Nats... since I'm still hoping to get into Muskoka.  I'm adding you to our group so feel free to post a little intro here.


2007-12-13 3:36 PM
in reply to: #1099965

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - OPEN

Welcome to the group jenny... I'm at work now so will reply proper later but will add your name to our list.



2007-12-13 3:55 PM
in reply to: #1090940

Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

NAME:  Babs (real name - Barbara)

STORY: I've been a dancer and a competitive horse rider - I do date back to the days when girls' sports were pretty much either cheerleading or softball - so thinking of myself as any kind of athlete came late in life! Started running 5 years ago in a local program that gets women from walking 1/2 mile to running a four miler over the course of the summer. I loved it, and love running and was even a coach this past summer in that beginner's program. Some friends doing tris got me inspired to give it a go and a year ago this fall I started learning how to *really* swim - and did my first tri this August. Had a blast ... and finished third in my age group. Woo hoo! I'm hooked.

FAMILY STATUS:  Married: hubby swims. Two kids; 13 y/o daughter is very athletic, 7 y/o son is still a kid

CURRENT TRAINING:  Just got a road bike - whee, it's fun going fast. Training for a half-marathon in Feb, swimming Master's weekly. Logged nine hours of training last week. :-)

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Sprint tri I mentioned above - that was fun. Two trail races, one 5K and one 10 miler (love trails). 4th of July 5K which was a PB for me, and the Women's Four Miler which I walked with my team (all new to exercise women, most of whom walked) 2008 RACES:... not ready to discuss that yet ...

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm OK but sure it would be good to lose those last few to be at my weight pre-last baby (which was, well almost 8 years ago)

OTHER: Really enjoy strength training/weights - nothing makes me feel so, well, strong. Also Pilates devotee. Dedicated exerciser. Biggest challenge for me? Confidence. Anyway, I look forward to being part of this group!

Edited by BabsVa 2007-12-13 4:06 PM
2007-12-13 6:58 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
Wow, what a difference a day makes. Hello Monica, Jenny, Nats, and Babs!! It looks like we are going to have a great group.

Hey Jenny, I have family near you. I have a brother on the Norristown PD, and my dad lives in Douglassville. I have been considering coming up there to do a triathlon next summer... My dad has never seen me compete in anything, so it would be kind of fun. I had looked at the women's tri that I think is on July 6. It is just a sprint and the site says "spectator friendly." Do you know anything about that one?
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