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2010-01-01 11:13 PM

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Royersford, PA
Subject: Southwestmba's group-Full
Name: Southwestmba/Andy
Story: Entering my 8th season doing Tris. Started to lose weight (lost 65 pounds) and get in shape but it has become a passion. I finished 6th to last my first sprint with a 9.8 mph bike split, but I was totally hooked. My second season I did an olympic, my third a Half Ironman, and at the end of my fourth I completed Ironman Florida. The next year I won a lottery spot and got to compete in the Ironman World Championships in Kona, HI. I have kept it up and done an Ironman each of the last four years (FL,HI,AZ,UK). Last year I cut back and only did two hilly half ironmans (Black Bear and Rev 3) but they were back to back weekends and did Ironman UK in Bolton, England. While I have improved greatly since that first race, the most important thing for me is having a good time and enjoying training and the experience of racing. I have gotten the chance to compete in triathlons in 11 different states, 6 different times zones and two countries. This sport is so unique, I have met World Champions, (Andy Potts, Natash Badmana, Chrissie Wellington) and they are as down to earth and friendly as any triathete you would meet at a local race. Triathlon is a great sport and has helped my grow in many way and achieve many goals and a few lifelong dreams and I would love to help folks get into it and achieve their goals. I have reached two of my lifelong dreams in a 6 month period when I had the opportunty to compete at Kona and then run the Boston Marathon 6 month later. There is no greater feeling than realizing a dream, and if I could share that feeling it would be great. I did my first mentor group last season.

Family Status: Married with 2 boys (13 and 9).

Training Status: Planning on completing the full REV 3 triathlon series in 2010. An Olympic in Knoxville TN, a HIM in Middleton , CT, and a full Iron Distance in Cedar Point Ohio. I do a lot of base distance work and hills, not much emphasis on speed. I have a Computrainer and got two new interactive course (IM Canada and IM Lake Placid -one of which I hope do in 2011), so I see a lot of cycling in my future.

2009 Races: Black Bear HIM, Revolution 3 HIM Middleton, CT, Ironman UK, and 3 Local 5Ks

2010 Races Planned: The full REV 3 triathlon series in 2010. An Olympic in Knoxville TN, a HIM in Middleton , CT (and possibly the Olympic distance the same weekend), and a full Iron Distance in Cedar Point Ohio.
Weightloss: I lost about 55 pounds my first year from 230 to 175, and have maintained that weight until this year when I dropped another 5-10 pounds to help reduced the ponding on my knees.

Why a good mentor?: As I am starting my 8th season, having completed 4 Ironmans, 11 HIMS, 8 marathons, 17 half marathons, and over 45 Tris and DUs, I have learned a lot of things the hard way. I am self coached, have have to balance family, a demandding job with quite a bit of travel, but along the way have improved greatly (Bike splits from a 9.8 mph ave to 21+ mph, running from 9 min miles to 7 min miles, and swim from struggling to breath to 1:42/100 ave for an ironman swim). I am a MOPer, who has been able to do 4 ironmans keeping training volumes to 10-12 hour week max.

I was also selected the BTer of the Month for Nov 2009, so you can listen to the podcast to learn a little bit more about me.

Edited by southwestmba 2010-01-03 12:44 PM

2010-01-02 2:30 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-open
Can I join your group?

Name: _Josephina_/Joanne (28 yrs old)

Story: I am interested in doing my first tri for 2011 but due to lack of skills I will start my training now. I lost 60+ lbs a few years ago and have gained a few back. I am interested in trying a tri to have some fun and meet some new people. I work FT and am also a FT University student so the key to success is to fit it all in. Current residence is in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I am not particularly skilled at any of the three sports - so why would I pick a tri? Well, in general I have stamina. I will never be fast at any sport but I should be able to finish. I have been running on a TM for the past year (off and on) and enjoy going for a family bike ride with the child carrier in tow. Swimming will be my biggest weakness as my only experience is my recent scuba swimming.

Family Status: Married with 2 girls (almost 11 and 4). Both my girls play hockey so I spend a lot of time in arenas.

Training Status: I am using a hodge-podge of a training plan that I pieced together from various internet sources. I start swimming lessons in a few weeks to gain some aqua experience and work on my form. I run 3 or 4 days a week but the actual days vary in order to fit into my crazy life. For the bike portion I will be using an indoor bike trainer but I am hoping to extend my bike training to something more substantial.

I have yet to complete my first race.

2010 Races Planned: 10km run in March (likely in the snow!), 1/2 Mary at the end of May (still a possibility of snow at this race, seriously!), and The Ride to Conquer Cancer 200km bike ride at the end of June. If I can gain some fitness confidence, possibly a sprint tri at the end of summer. 

Weightloss: I would love to be 15lbs lighter this time next year. I don't have a specific plan on weight loss but will include portion control, food choice and not eating out of boredom.

2010-01-02 6:41 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-open

Can I join your group?

A little about me:
This will be my second year "tri-ing".
I am married with 3 children (10,8,2), and random foster kids that I love to talk about.
I am a Master's and Age Group swim coach for the YMCA.
My strongest sport is the swim and my weakest link is my run.  But I have been and will continue to focus on picking up the pace in that area during the off-season.
I am currently racing as a part of an indoor triathlon series in the Chicago area.  ALL OUT for an hour!!!  I'm learning to love it.  Keeps me sharp and committed.
Still working on organizing my races for 2010, but my #1 goal is to qualify as an amateur to race in the elite wave (sprint distance).  Just a matter of figuring how to go about doing that. 
So that's a little about me.
Can't wait to see Winter turn into Spring!! -15 degrees F windchill today. Yell


***Remember why you're here.***
2010-01-02 6:45 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-open
Sure would love to have you in our group Joanne. Triathlon is a great sport, in that alot of people sind out the even though they never excelled at any of the three sports, when you put them all together good things happen.

Most important thing is having the guts to get out there and give it a shot and to have fun!

Talk to you soon

2010-01-02 6:49 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-open
Welcome aboard Marsha!

This could work out well for me too since the swim is my weakest leg. Look forward to talking to you soon.

2010-01-02 7:27 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-open
still looking for more to join, sign me up please

2010-01-02 11:20 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-open
Hi Andy!
I'd like to join your mentor group, if there is still room.  Your Tri "resume" is impressive.  If you are like the triathlon world that I've met, then you are down to earth and willing to cheer us beginners on!
Thanks for taking on the role as Mentor!
2010-01-03 7:23 AM
in reply to: #2588732

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Extreme Veteran
Toledo, Ohio
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-open
Hi Andy,
I too would like to join if you still have space. Although I have some tri experience I am a new mom now and am working to lose the pregnancy weight and I need to learn about how to do more time efficient workouts (something I never worried about before). Most of the training I did before was just about logging in miles and miles, not really about quality. Now I need to figure out how to change that big time!
Will write more if there is room for me!

Edited by shiggy 2010-01-03 7:24 AM
2010-01-03 11:01 AM
in reply to: #2588732

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-open
I'd like to join as well please, if there are spaces left...


I've been on/off with fitness and triathlon for many years. I did my first tri about 12 years ago and nearly died after a total lack of respect for what I was trying to do, and did a few more sprint events about 5 years ago. A nagging knee injury stopped me running for a long time and one thing led to another and by last Sept I was 201lbs and needing to get fit and motivated again.

Training Status

Since then I've been doing a S/B/R endurance building programme and getting back into shape. I've lost 27lbs, got my long run up to 9 miles today at an easy pace, and got hooked on cycling again. I train 6 days a week, which has mostly been low intensity aerobic endurance work to build base fitness again. I have recently started doing some upper body weights and plan to add some high intensity circuits, kettlebells and other sessions for the next 6 weeks or so to see if I can shift another 6-8lbs of fat and add a little muscle and definition.


I signed up for a half marathon in mid March as an extra incentive to keep pushing forward. I have 4 target pool sprint races next season and also want to do some sportive rides and do some long distance cycling. I'd love to complete a century ride but that might be a goal for 2011. I'm 39 and want to hit 40 next summer in the best shape of my life!  That means losing some more fat and adding some muscle...

Family Status

I'm married, with a son, and my work as a consultant gives me a very flexible schedule with more weekday training time than most people, but often countered by a lot of work travel of 2-5 days at a time and regularly overseas. I'm based in England so we can make this an international group.



Edited by Bigpikle 2010-01-03 11:10 AM
2010-01-03 11:13 AM
in reply to: #2588732

Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-open
Hi Andy

I would like to join your group if possible.  I did my first sprint two years ago and loved it.  I made grand plans to do some olympic distance tri's last year and for whatever reason only did two sprints and have been kicking myself since October for my procrastination.  This year though I am in better shape physically and definitely more confident mentally and am looking forward to the year.


2010-01-03 11:37 AM
in reply to: #2588732

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-open
I love to join the group if there is an opening.

I'm Jeff, 47, this is third year of tris.  Been a runner/cyclist for a long time.  Work PT in a LBS, so I could provide a bit of technical advice on cycling matters.

I'm a divorced father of three.  I have worked all kinds of weird shifts while still trying to stay competitive in the MOP.   

Hope there is room for one more.....Good Luck, everyone!  jeff (jeffnboise)

2010-01-03 12:10 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-open
Hi Andy,

Is there an opening left for me to join your group. I admit to being a little daunted at your resume. I trained for a sprint triathlon last year but admit that in the end I wussed out. And i haven't done anything now since the middle of november.
So, I need a little motivation..and inspiration - but I intend to complete a sprint triathlon this year by hook or by crook.

Oh, I'm 44, a little overweight and juggle a full time job with my 11 year old son and revamping my house!!

look forward to hearing from you either way.

2010-01-03 12:42 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
Welcome Nate, Lea, Claire, Damon, Bryan, Jeff, and Jennifer. With Joanne and Marsha that makes 9 of us.

Glad to have everyone on board. Looks like we have a good group of people here and hopefully I can help you stick with it this winter. I look forward getting to know everyone and sharing some of the things I've learned over the past few years.
For me triathlon is a way a guy like me can put the stress and strain of day to day life aside and let the little kid inside me out to play. This sport can be a lot of work and can be intimidating at times but the feeling you get when you get to see the fruits of your labors and achieve your personal goals is worth it.

For the group, I would like to get an idea of what reasources you have available to you. IE Do you have a bike, do you live somewhere where you can run/bike outside all winter (personal preference, I live in the Philadelphia area and will run outdoors year round but you couldn't pay me to bike on these roads in the winter), do you have a gym/pool available to you. Also please take full use of the training log feature on this site. I think it is one of the best logging tools around and it will let the group see how you are doing.

2010-01-03 4:30 PM
in reply to: #2590726

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Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
In response to what resources we have available, I am primarily at the gym during the winter.  I am an at-home mom with two young sons (ages 6 and 2), so childcare tends to be an issue regarding my workouts.  I am at the gym 4-6 days per week.  I'm either doing boot camp or a brick workout (spin and run or run and swim).  I have to be efficient with the time I have available, so I've learned how to pack the most into 60 or 90 minute trainings.  For this reason, I will focus on Sprint Tri's with a few Oly distances by the end of the season.  As the roads become safe, I'll run outside or ride my QR Kilo.  We live close to Mt. Rainier, so often my "training" looks like snowshoeing or climbing.  We hope to finally summit Rainier this summer, weather permitting (this continues to be a factor).

Last year I caught one triathlon in September and fell in love with the sport.  I'm a complete rookie at all three of the disciplines.  (Too bad using an ice axe isn't a part of triathlon training!)  Although I've discovered that some of the same muscles required for mountain climbing suit me well on a bike, so hills and speed seem to come naturally to me.  I used to be a lifeguard, so I know swim technique.  Transferring those skills to the open water with people all around will be a focus for me this season.

I've been using the training log, but forgetting to log in some work outs.  Since I now have folks keeping me accountable, I will be much more consistent.

I'm so very excited to be inspired by all of you!
2010-01-03 7:51 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
Hey everyone!!
   I'm a member of the Y so I have access to an indoor pool and all the gym equipment and classes.
   I wish I could run outside year round, but I'm not committed enough to run below 20 degrees F.  I can usually find 1 day a week to get outdoors but that's about it.
   In the summer I cruise around on my Cervelo P1.  We have some great roads that are bike friendly and many biking groups take advantage of it.  But my baby stays off the ice and salt and on a Computrainer through the winter.
   I love the logging features on this site (including the training plans).  It not only keeps me on track for current training but it  easily allows me to reflect on mileage during any point of my training.
   I am also a part of a local triathlon training group.  I absolutely love the camaraderie.  There are so many people to keep me encouraged and to push through tough workouts.  I have learned an incredible amount from each of them.  We cheer for each other at races.  It's like an extended family (so I don't have to guilt my husband and 3 kids to hop out of bed at 4am to watch me compete).
   The newest addition to my S/B/R regimen is Crossfit.  I never really incorporated resistance or weight training prior to this offseason.  This type of workout suits me just fine.  Quick and painful.
   Yoga and Pilates tops it off.

2010-01-03 8:17 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Extreme Veteran
Toledo, Ohio
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
Thanks for including me and hello to all!

I ride my bike indoors now on a trainer. Sessions need be short because I typically do this while my daughter naps. I also have an exercise ball and weights at home and do strengthwork at home.
I also can hook in short gym workouts before or after work and there is a pool there although I haven't been in it since August.


Edited by shiggy 2010-01-03 8:17 PM

2010-01-03 8:33 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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New user

Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full

Hello group!

I live in northern Canada so most of my running happens indoors on my TM. I recently purchased a slip on ice cleat and I plan to head out for my first outdoor running experience soon, wish me luck!! My first race is mid March and there is a very good chance of snow/full winter conditions so I really need to start training in my natural conditions. I plan on utilizing the wonderful river valley running trails that are located near my work/school.

For my bike I just purchased a trainer. It is set up but I need to get some road tires on my bike before I can really use it. All I have is an average mountain bike and I'm hoping that it will suffice for a while. I do love a good spin class at the gym but probably won't make it to one often due to my schedule. I really do need to harden up my derrier though (and I never thought I would ever say that, lol).

And swim training. I am a terrible swimmer. I have very little experience with swimming other than what was required to get my open water scuba and the occasional vacation swim. The pool we go to for our family swim always has lanes set up in one fo the pools. I think I can realistically get there 2-4 times per month with the family and in addition I am taking weekly swimming lessons (starts at the end of the month). My weakness as a swimmer is the reason I don't have a tri scheduled for this year but I am hoping to grow enough to attempt one in 2011.

Most of my training will happen solo due to my schedule. I'm sure I could entice my husband to run with me occasionally or at least drive out my runs to map the distance. I'm really looking forward to making progress

Edited by _Josephina_ 2010-01-04 7:58 PM
2010-01-03 10:43 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
Wanted to share a post from Marmadaddy (actually from last year but on a cold windy Sunday I though it was fitting:

"We are one week into the New Year.

Did you resolve to do a triathlon in 2010? Lose weight? Exercise consistently? The resolve that drove many just one week ago to declare this a year of increased exercise and better eating habits, maybe even to declare that this is the year they complete a triathlon is waning. Maybe that's the case with you.

You know what? It happens to all of us. It's normal. Anyone who's ever done a triathlon, from the person who did one Sprint to multiple Ironman finishers have all gone through the exact same thing. The idea of suiting up to go run in the cold, or drive to the gym, or have an apple instead of the cookies just seems...bleh. I'll say it again: it happens to all of us. We all feel that way at times.

There are different ways of dealing with it. There's a phrase that's worked for me: "Screw lack of motivation. I'm going to do it anyway." You'll get past this. By doing your workout or following your nutrition plan now, when you just don't feel like it, you'll get in the habit of doing it regularly. That's what you need to learn now. Don't pay attention to the voice that says "it's only one mile, it's not worth doing" or "I'll never be able to do a triathlon anyway".

You're in the period where how long you swim, bike, walk or run isn't important. What's important is that you just swim, bike, walk or run.

Picture yourself not at the finish line of a race, but at the starting line. Imagine having done the work to deserve your place at that starting line. Now do it.

Do something today to create the person you want to be tomorrow.

Go do your workout.

Do Not Give Up."

Make it happen

2010-01-03 11:15 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
One thing for certain is that we never seen to have enough time to do everything, but somehow we are always able to find the time to do thing we want to do. One of our first goals is to find a way to make our daily workout(s) part our daily routine and to keep it fresh and enjoyable. The first thing you need to do it take a look at yourself. For example, I am not a morning person, I can wake up early for a race (since I paid $ for it) but I struggle to get up early before work, so I don't. I work out at lunch at work (we have a small locker room and 2 showers) and then I usually do a trainer ride at night after the kids go to bed or I go to the Y with my kids (karate, swimming, basketball, etc) and get a workout in there. I don't have a problem falling asleep after a hard workout and a shower. I let my workout fall into my schedule and I don't stress out if things get in the way and I miss a workout, but for the most part they are part of my routine, my stress relief, my me time, and I tend to look forward to those workouts. I do some of my best problem solving, thinking, and developed a few great compromisses during my mid day runs or night time trainer rides. I value those opportunities and in return, they help me deal with everyday life.

The other big thing to remember is balance. Triathlon is a hobby. It is fun, it is rewarding, but make sure you don't make it into an obsession. Alot of people (myself included) got into triathlon to improve their health using their kids as motivation (to set an example, and to make sure we are healthy enoughto watch them grow up). So it is alway a priority for me to be there for their games, band preformances, or just to play catch in the back yard. I alway try to make sure my hobby doesn't get in the way of those priorites.

Enjoy the ride, and remember to have fun!


2010-01-04 8:39 AM
in reply to: #2591689

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
  Picture yourself not at the finish line of a race, but at the starting line. Imagine having done the work to deserve your place at that starting line. 

This line gave me chills!!

It is SO TRUE!  What a great reward for all that hard work. FOP MOP or BOP it doesn't matter.  We've earned a spot at that starting line.
Thanks Andy for the inspiring words (and marmadaddy)
2010-01-04 8:47 AM
in reply to: #2588732

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
So here's a question.  Since I'm not a "born runner", I don't know about all the winter training gear.  This is my first attempt at training in the freezing weather.  What's the deal with the cleats that you can slip on to your shoes for better grip in the snow?  Would they be a good addition to my gear bag or not?

2010-01-04 9:30 AM
in reply to: #2588732

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
Hello group-Andy, thanks for letting me tag along,

Resources-I'm a Golds Gym member so I have 24 hr access to pool and equipment.  I try to do a bit of spinning classes, but frankly, the music drives me nuts.  I have a few free weights, pull up bar, Total gym, jump rope, and stretchy bands at home and can usually motivate myself to do alot of my strength training at home.  I have rollers in my garage, but as long as there isn't ice on the roads, I can usually ride outside.

I just got on a new work schedule, (M-F 8:00-5:00) so I'm anxious to race this season without having the excuses to miss training I've always struggled with.

I'm a horrible swimmer, a decent cyclist and a (slightly) above-average runner.  I also do alot of bike maintenance working PT in my LBS.  That's me in a nutshell.  Welcome everyone!  jeff
2010-01-04 10:50 AM
in reply to: #2588732

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
Thanks Andy and hello to everyone else...

I'm in the UK, so its cold and wet in the winter but rarely bad enough you cant train outside. Having said that we seem to be having another bad spell with snow and ice around, so who know's what will come this winter...

I run outside all year round and just cant stand the treadmill unless absolutely necessary. I am a member of a municipal pool and gym that is only 5 mins jog away, so can get easy access to the pool and a basic weights room. I have recently started adding some weights sessions to my routine, and Thursday I start a kettlebells class for the first time. I would like to get some KB's for home use along with some resistance bands, so I can do more regular strength training more easily. I have a few bikes, including a MTB, CF road bike and an old alu framed road bike I recently converted to a singlespeed hack bike. This is the first winter I have made an effort to ride in the winter to try and keep some fitness up so I hope to get a few hundred outdoor miles logged before spring arrives. I keep my log up to date daily with all my workout info as well as my bog.

I re-started training last Sept primarily to get back in shape. I have several goals to keep me focused, although triathlon is only 1 of them. I primarily S/B/R to avoid the boredom of single sport training and to get the fitness benefits of doing different activities. I hope I can bring a sense of fun and energy to the group and help keep people going. I'm slooooooow, and that probably wont ever change much, but I'm good at just keeping going and getting it finished!

Edited by Bigpikle 2010-01-04 10:51 AM
2010-01-04 1:56 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
I've also added everyone to my training log as 'friends' to make it easier to see, and comment, on everyone's progress.
2010-01-04 7:00 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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New user

Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
I've followed Damon's lead and also added you each as "friends" to my training log.  So much easier to cheat myself when I knew no one was looking.  Wink  You all are already helping to keep me accountable!

I think Marsha is doing CrossFit.  Just wanted to get another plug in for this terrific workout.  My husband does CrossFit daily (he is a trail runner, mountain climber).  He says this is a great way to build strength by incorporating an extra 15 minutes to your regular training regiment.

I enjoy our gym's Boot Camp classes.  However, they are a longer version of CrossFit.  Whereas CrossFit can be an add-on to your S/B/R, Boot Camp would be your only workout for the day.

A couple of great ways to incorporate more strength training into your workouts.  Make it a great first week of the new year!
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