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2013-05-28 8:25 AM
in reply to: #4749431

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: Can't Enter Nutrition Data - Bordering on Ridiculous
I attempted the following nutrition entry using a Dell PC running XP with Firefox, Chrome, and IE. I then attempted the same thing with a Dell PC running Win7 using Firefox, Chrome, and IE. The problem is pretty clearly a server side issue.

Attempted to add 'spaghetti with sauce' to dinner for 5/18. First, the search function as you type 'kicks you out' after one or two letters. It does not let you type the entire word (in this case spaghetti). Second, on the old site, you could preview the nutrition data of a selection, that was handy as many of the public foods have zeros for all the data (0 carbs, 0 fat, 0 protein). Would be REALLY nice to get the preview feature back. When I attempt to save the food, it churns for a bit then says, "Opps,, there has been a problem."

That frankly is getting to be a regular occurrence and is beginning to border on ludicrous. I understand a couple problems with a major roll-out. That is not the case however. Indeed you posted warnings in which you CLEARLY anticipated the extensive problems you are having. The roll-out OBVIOUSLY was not ready for prime time. Does the new site look nice? Yes! Absolutely! Unfortunately the price of the new look is reduced functionality. What has happened is like putting chrome valve covers on a race car. They look nice but do nothing to make the car go faster.

You could argue, "well, the site is free, be patient and give us a break." Except it isn't free for me, I paid my pennies for a gold membership. I rely on BT and indeed the BT site has become an integral part of my exercise plan. I draw significant motivation and inspiration from many things on the site. Now many of those things don't work. Can't log in on my phone, can only upload nutrition data on a hit and miss basis, server not found errors, broken links, the list goes on and on. As often as not, it takes two or three attempts to enter log data.

This will be my last bug report and my last complaint. BT has, for nearly a year, been an integral part of my daily routine. Sadly, it is beginning to look like it is time to find an alternative. My concern is not that the problems will be fixed, I am actually quite sure they will be. My concern is that this should not have happened. The roll-out should have been properly BETA tested. I have been in I.T. for nearly 30 years; you simply DO NOT roll out largely untested software into a production environment. PERIOD. You simply do not do it. Yet, you did, and now all the users are paying the price. My concern is, what will happen the next time someone decides it is time for an upgrade. Unfortunately this has tainted the entire BT experience.

2013-05-28 8:26 AM
in reply to: #4749431

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PEI, Canada
Subject: Nutrition Log

Took a quick look at the nutrition log and having the details on the items presented is much better.  I'd still like to see some sort of logic applied to what gets offered to me first.  ie. when I enter Milk, show me milk, not cottage cheese that has milk in it.

The option to delete an item rather than set the total to zero is good but there is a typo and grammatical error in the popup.  It says "are you sure you want to remvoe this items?"

2013-05-20 7:30 AM

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: Nutrition Log
Nutrition log is not working. When I add an item it creates a blank food.
2013-05-28 8:25 AM
in reply to: #4748464

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Subject: Nutrition Log Outstanding Bugs
Thanks for your work on this.

There are still several outstanding problems with nutrition log. Since it isn’t loading well, it’s hard to enumerate them, but to start:

• The layout seems to assume there are only four meals in a day (or a snack) and no way to differentiate. For example today a I had a snack before my swim, a breakfast, and am now having a snack mid-morning. My only option seems to be to lump them into one “breakfast” and that isn’t as accurate or as user friendly as simply selecting the timeas you could in the old BT or you can now in Training Peaks.
• There doesn’t appear to be a delete options within the meals. For example, I have a recipe for oatmeal with raspberries. Since I didn’t have raspberries today, I am not able to delete them. I can set the number to "zero" but why not just delete?
• It takes three clicks to get to logging whereas before it used to take one. Please don’t make us click on “training” then, wait for a flyout for nutrition, then hope to see the flyout for add. Just one click, please.
• On iPad (in Safari) saving a meal just yields a “processing yoru request, please wait…”
• And now on iPhone, just getting as far as the “processing your request… “ so I’ll stop now.

Thanks again. I'm sure it will be wonderful when it's up and running.

2013-05-20 4:46 PM
in reply to: parrj

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Nutrition Log
Is there an estimated ETA for repair of the nutrition logging?

Seems like the site went live with too many bugs. Can you convert back to the old version? And next time get better beta testers. These are issues that should not have been missed.
2013-05-20 6:08 PM
in reply to: parrj

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Nutrition Log

First, I want to make sure you have cleared your browser cache and temp internet files and try again.  

Second, was it a particular food that you added that produced a blank entry?  If it happens again can you get a screenshot?  Was there an 'error' associated with it?

2013-05-21 8:16 AM
in reply to: Ron

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Nutrition Log
I realized what was happening was I was selecting frequent foods from my list that were no longer in the system, so they would not show up. Once I did a search and added the food, it would show up. But after adding all my meals and foods I went to save and got an oops, something went wrong error message.

Additional concerns with the nutrition log.
1. Can't see calories for individual items when posted.
2. I don't like having "snacks" under a single category. I don't eat all my snacks at once and being able to identify when snacks are being eaten is important for peak performance/recovery and weight loss.
3. When searching for foods. Many foods show as having 0 nutrients, but will cause an increase in calories once added. Not being able to see the nutrients beforehand makes it hard to determine if the food is actually close to what I'm eating.
2013-05-21 8:20 AM
in reply to: parrj

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Nutrition Log
I finally confirmed that frequent food error from another user loading up nothing and erroring.  We are on it.
2013-05-21 9:59 AM
in reply to: Ron

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Subject: RE: Nutrition Log
X3, can we go back and try again, please? The fly outs on the iPhone an even the supported browsers are exceptionally difficult to navigate. Would be a much better experience to just wait and get it right. Thank you!
2013-05-28 8:25 AM
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Gold member
Subject: RE: Can't Enter Nutrition Data - Bordering on Ridiculous

We have made some updates to the nutrition log to address some of your issues, make sure to clear your browser first.  There may be a 'frequent food' error that is still causing problems.

I totally understand your post.  I put up a writeup in my blog from my perspective.  I wouldn't even call BT a company...It's me, a two part time contract programmers (full time at the moment) and a few other part time support staff.  

While I would have LOVED to have more time, more money for more isolated testing servers, more money for programmers to debug in development over a longer period of time - as I agree with your points,   I didn't.  I had to do this at this moment.  The programmers we have now, I know their dedication and we would get the bugs fixed soon...we are.  Many BT'ers know that I will get the job done, I always have.  There are several companies in our field with a lot more manpower that pulled off a complete overhaul with the same or less-than-stellar results. It's a big job to totally overhaul code you have been writing for 10 years.  You have no idea what is lurking behind every browser, every scenario, every feature.  BT is the most diverse regarding features of any site 'genre'.  This was even a bigger job then anything done in the industry. I agree, if things were optimal...we could have done it a lot better.  But things never are optimal.  Many will disagree, but given the size of the job, I think we did a helluva job...the first few days were not fun, but we got the main core features usable very soon (not nutrition though, ironically it was very ill-used too, hardly any used it as it was terrible in the old form - now that it's part of the main navigation, it's getting put through the paces).

Please be patient and we'll get it done.  I value your input and detailed bug reports...and you will make it a better place sticking around and helping me with some fine-tuning.

And don't think for a second this will not be a learning is currently one.  I wont' forget.  

Stick around, help us with the remaining issues.  You will be glad you did.

2013-05-28 8:25 AM
in reply to: edwardsmjoj

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Nutrition Log Outstanding Bugs

Win XP, SP3/Chrome 27

I find that when I hit the "Save" button to enter a meal that I get a "Saving" message that just spins and spins. I can see the entry on my log in the background, so I hit "Reload" on the browser and it is there and good to go.

I have also found quirkiness with Nutrition Logging, in regards to editing. I'll be able to do more in depth testing tomorrow morning.


2013-05-28 8:25 AM
in reply to: cdban66

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Subject: RE: Nutrition Log Outstanding Bugs
Originally posted by cdban66

Win XP, SP3/Chrome 27

I find that when I hit the "Save" button to enter a meal that I get a "Saving" message that just spins and spins. I can see the entry on my log in the background, so I hit "Reload" on the browser and it is there and good to go.

I have also found quirkiness with Nutrition Logging, in regards to editing. I'll be able to do more in depth testing tomorrow morning.


Same issue for me - Windows7Pro/Chrome

Also - there doesn't appear to be a way to edit a recipe once it has been entered into the system.
2013-05-28 8:25 AM
in reply to: #4749735

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Subject: What is on the known bug list: nutrition long I issues

Still trying in vain to log nutrition. And any platform I use has numerous bugs. Is there a list of what is known or shall we enumerate them again?

2013-05-28 8:33 AM
in reply to: edwardsmjoj

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Gold member
Subject: RE: What is on the known bug list: nutrition long I issues

We just applied a few fixes last night and this morning.

There were a lot of hangups last week - especially loading 'empty' frequent foods that seemed to gum everything up.  I have tested this this morning in Firefox, Safari and Chrome - all very fast.  IE9 works, though it seemed a little slow the first time.  I have loaded searchbox foods, frequent foods, meals and custom foods, then deleted some, changed servings and saved.  Seems to be quick for the most part.

I have not looked into the create meals or new food bugs that may have been reported.  Doing that today.


Play with it today, let me know any issues (especially your browser and version), you can also re-iterate and other bugs you have with create meals and food.

2013-05-28 6:56 PM
in reply to: Ron

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: What is on the known bug list: nutrition long I issues

I will annoy the hell out of you to make this site better, and I mean that in a good way.

Two of the biggest problems I am seeing right now are that you cannot see a food in detail when picking it. You are given the basic macro-nutrients, but can't see the micro-nutrients. For me, this is an issue when trying to determine fiber intake. When people entered food previously and made it public, they didn't always enter all the nutrients. So I'm never sure if I'm picking the correct food and if the micro-nutrients are correct.

Also, when creating a food, the entry for micro-nutrients is based on mg or ug or etc... In the previous edition you could enter it as a % and it would calculate the actual quantity.

I will keep working to look for issues.

2013-05-28 8:39 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: What is on the known bug list: nutrition long I issues
Hi Ron,

Up front and for the recored: I truly appreciate your work on this. The following won't sound like it, but know that I am simply frustrated with the process and think some good communication could have eliminated much of the fracas even with the same bugs. I also appreciate your commitment to getting it right and will be bugging you too until it is right or we have to agree to disagree.. In any event, I saw you noted that there is a known issues list but I have yet to find it so i'll itemize what I still see here again.

For perspective, I'm someone who has logged every meal (yes, even though it was ugly) and every workout in BT for over five years. I use it to monitor my progress, share info with my coach and set goals. Not being able to see the details of a workout or the nutrition of the whole day without hovering over a fly out is a huge step back for me and borders on asinine. It makes it darn near impossible to see the wholistic view of a week in a blog format. That being said, I can respect the interface changes if you truly believe that is what your core customer wants. What I cannot get past is a loss of functionality.

1 - Nutrition Log Loss of Functionality: (all browsers) Please, please, please bring back specified times for food intake as does almost every other food logging site including TP. I'm sure you know how much triathletes in general eat and lumping them into four meals just plain stinks for a tracking perspective. It is important for me personally as I try to lose weight to see a wholistic view of my day. The 4:30 AM English muffin pre swim lumped in with the 9:00 AM oatmeal doesn't do a thing for me or my coach. I can't imagine the utilization of this feature will improve unless THE SITE improves. Also x2 on seeing the caloric details in advance. That is still not working for me either.

2 - Notes MIA: (all browsers) Here is where some basic communication pre-launch could have solved a ton of work. I have stored in my notes every body fat measurement I've had done professionally at great expense over several years. This info is very personal and important to me. I stored it on BT so I couldn't lose it. I'd like that data back. Had we simply been alerted that it would be deleted pre "maintenance" the entire stress point could have been avoided.

3 - Meals: (on the mobile site via Safari, so this might be out of scope for this post) They simply don't work. A click on "meals" yields nothing. Logging an egg sandwich now requires about 16 taps to update the number of pieces of bread, the number of egg whites, etc.

Regarding communication: That "the site will be down for a couple of hours" does not equate to "the site will be down, will look completely different, your notes will be gone and there will be bugs". It may save you a lot of angst next time to just let us know what is coming so you can work through these issues (or get them right pre-launch) with some breathing room.

I historically recommended BT to everyone I know due to the extensive data collection, lovely graphs and ease of seeing your progress both at a glance and in detail. It would be a shame if we lost current and prospective members due to a few issues and communication challenges that could easily be solved for.

Just my $0.02 and sending this to you in PM as well in case it gets lost in the fray. Thanks for listening.

Edited by edwardsmjoj 2013-05-28 8:40 PM

2013-05-28 9:20 PM
in reply to: edwardsmjoj

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Gold member
Subject: RE: What is on the known bug list: nutrition long I issues


Let me address a few quick things:

1 - X2 on not seeing calorie information when choosing food.  Can you send me a screenshot?  Or, like the previous poster, you want the micronutrients too (fiber, calcium, etc) - not just cal, carbs, prot, fat when browsing food.  We chose the current format as from using other nutrition logs, its takes a large amount of clicks to search then log food.   And our old log constantly had a complaint of 'faaaaaaaaaaar too many clicks to log food.  Honestly, you may have been the only one using it.  'Though maybe we sacrificed detail too much. I'm sure I'll figure it out and the programmers can work it.

2 - Notes - where were these notes?  In the nutrition section?  'Private notes'?  Nothing was deleted.  Maybe moved, or 'not seen' in the case of the training log, but not deleted.  Let me know exactly where they were and I will check.

3 - Meals, will look into.

I will concede on communication.  We had a red alert in the top left of the site 24 hours before...but we could have done better with something of this magnitude.  It's obvious that I don't do this often.  Embarassed

2013-05-29 6:38 AM
in reply to: Ron

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Subject: RE: What is on the known bug list: nutrition long I issues
Hi Ron,

Thank you on all three.

I'll attempt to attached a screen shot where I would expect calories to be listed. It already lists the saving size and meal (another plug here for TIME) so. In my NON computer programming mind it doesn't seem a stretch to list calories and/or macronutrients. I personally do not look for micronutrients.

My notes were on the right side of my training blog. They aren't specific to nutrition.

Thanks again...


image.jpg (395KB - 20 downloads)
2013-05-30 5:10 PM
in reply to: Ron

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: What is on the known bug list: nutrition long I issues

Another issue I've found with the nutrition is there is no way to modify/edit or delete a recipe/meal once created.
2013-06-03 1:40 PM
in reply to: parrj

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Subject: RE: What is on the known bug list: nutrition long I issues
*** Bump ***

If there is an ETA on these items just let me know and I'll leave you alone 'till then. I may not scream the loudest, but I might scream the longest...

2013-06-06 10:58 AM
in reply to: edwardsmjoj

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Gold member
Subject: RE: What is on the known bug list: nutrition long I issues

I have just confirmed that you can save the quantities you put in when saving a meal/recipe template.

Still working on the other issues.

2013-06-06 1:46 PM
in reply to: Ron

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Subject: RE: What is on the known bug list: nutrition long I issues
Thanks for the update...
2013-06-25 2:25 PM
in reply to: edwardsmjoj

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Subject: RE: What is on the known bug list: nutrition long I issues

Have yet to receive my notes. Please provide an ETA at a minimum.

2013-06-25 2:44 PM
in reply to: edwardsmjoj

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Gold member
Subject: RE: What is on the known bug list: nutrition long I issues
The regular log 'notes' section (had nothing to do with nutrition) is something that I submitted to the programmers last week.  It may take 2 weeks until we get to it and was a long list.
2013-07-01 7:47 PM
in reply to: Ron

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Subject: RE: What is on the known bug list: nutrition long I issues
Thank you for the update...
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BT Development New Site Bugs » Nutrition Log Rss Feed  
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Nutrition log

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2013-05-21 11:20 PM Ron
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