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2009-12-28 12:37 PM

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED

NAME: Jellyfish aka Megan

STORY: Hi! I grew up swimming competitively from age 8 through college. After starting work at an Ad Agency in NY I bumped into a friend who got me to join a local masters swim group. After doing well in swimming, I decided to take a crack at triathlons and entered my first tri about 6 years ago. Since then I have battled through hydration/nutrition issues, stress fractures, etc. to win my first USAT sanctioned race this past year. For more info on my story you can click here.

FAMILY STATUS: I am currently married, no kids yet. I have a Yorkie named Jake.

CURRENT TRAINING: I log all of my workouts on BT - so go check them out . This past year I raced sprint and Oly distances and threw in one 1/2 which went well till the run. I am starting heavy training in January after base building this fall/winter.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 4 local Connecticut Sprint races (2 first Overall, 2 second overall), 2 Oly's (Westchester 1st AG, and Stamford 3rd overall), Timberman (DNFed due to poor nutrition and dizziness), Bermuda 10K swim (1st overall)

2010 RACES: Florida's Great Escape, Escape from Alcatraz, Rev3 Quassy, Stamford, Sobe Mossman, Greenwich Tri, Timberman, also plan on bike road racing and OW swims (1-6.2 miles)

WEIGHTLOSS: No particular weightloss goals - I got a bit chunky last year during the winter 147! I am currently at 134 lbs. I don't diet.

- I am a USA Swimming and NSCA level 1 coach with 8+ years experience coaching adults
- I log all of my workouts on BT
- I started as a beginner, but now think of myself as seasoned
- I'll help you with training and racing questions, goal setting, workout ideas, etc.
- I am willing to share my speed secrets
- I'm friendly, outgoing and check BT daily

- Sprint and Oly distance racers
- Individuals struggling with swim, bike or run
- Ex swimmers who are new to the sport
- People looking to step up from MOP to FOP or Age Group placing to Overall Placing

Edited by jellyfish 2009-12-29 7:04 PM

2009-12-29 6:52 AM
in reply to: #2580308

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN
I don't do groups but here's a group I wish I could join.  I had not checked your logs in a long time.  You are still killing it.  I am still the counterweight doing/being the exact opposite.  Perhaps, it keeps the universe in balance.   Maybe, I will be your group's lurker.

2009-12-29 9:31 AM
in reply to: #2581452

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN
Good to hear from you! You are more than welcome to be the group lurker
2009-12-29 10:13 AM
in reply to: #2580308

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN

  My name is Alan, I am 35, married with one Daughter 13, and 3 dogs who are also like my children (2 poms and a mini pin). I am a beginner Triathlete who is no stranger to training. I have completed a couple of 15k and 1/2 marathon road races and have been cycling for several years. I would like to join your group and hopfully you can help me with my swim. I grew up on the water so the actual swimming is not my problem, I have actually been told that I have a decent form. I do not however know how to conserve energy while swimming and have a problem with long swims. My goal is to compete in at least 2 Sprints and complete 1 Olympic by the end of the year. 2009 was not a good training year for me. I have been battling Plantar Fasciitis in my right foot since the end of 2008 but now have some custom orthotics that, once I get used to them, will hopfully help. So, my training will defintly start slow for the first couple of months but Im sure I can bring my bike and run up to speed much quicker than my swim.
 I got a bit chunky this year (no races to train for left lots of time for tailgating)and would like to drop about 25lbs. I currently hover between 195-205 but would like to be back down to 175-180

 Thats me in a nut shell if you think you can help mentor me plz let me know!
2009-12-29 10:18 AM
in reply to: #2580308

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Warren, MI
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN

Hi Megan,

I was hoping to join your group.  Here is some of my information:

Name: Corrie

Story:  I also swam competitively for eight years, but once high school was over, I was done.  I was relatively inactive for about 10 years.  My brother is an avid triathlete, and suggested I train for one.  Last April I started training for my first sprint tri, and completed it in August.  Now I am hoping to train for an olympic distance tri this year.

Family Status:  I am married and have two wonderful children, Alex is almost 3 and Ana is 5.  We also have a black lab named Pepsi, and a Siamese cat named Freddy.  I am a high school English teacher.

Current training:  Trying to find an olympic distance plan to follow.  If I do not have a plan, I tend to be lazy with the work-outs.

This year's races:  I ran my first 5K and 10k races, and did the Island Lake of Novi sprint triathlon.

2010 races:  Not sure yet...I know I want to do the same Novi race again, and hopefully will be able to do an olympic distance race also this summer.

Weightloss:  I am always 10-15 pounds heavier than I would like.  Although I have been a vegetarian for 11 years, I love sweets.  I am somewhere between 145-148 right now.  I would like to be about 135.....but I do not believe in any restricting diets.

My hurdles:  Running is my weakest event, but I have been working on it and feel that I have improved.  Also, I have a 10 year old, $60 mountain bike.  I am hoping to be able to buy a better bike when I get my income tax money back.  Any suggestions on a modest budget??

Thanks for reading.  Hopefully we can exchange information, and work together.  I do not log my training, but will start doing so for your viewing!

Thanks again,


2009-12-29 10:35 AM
in reply to: #2581876

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN
Alan - welcome to the group! Since you have Plantar Fasciitis now is a perfect time to really work on your swimming!
If you can get someone to videotape your swimming (1 lap right side, 1 lap left side, 1 lap swimming away from camera and 1 lap swimming towards camera) I can take a look at your form to give you some pointers. If you have access to an underwater camera get the same shots underwater too.

Also, if you could provide me with your best times (running and cycling) as well as typical swim pace (100 yard or meter time that you could hold for 1000 yards or meters) that would be helpful.

Edited by jellyfish 2009-12-29 10:41 AM

2009-12-29 10:41 AM
in reply to: #2580308

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN
jellyfish - 2009-12-28 1:37 PM  I log all of my workouts on BT - I started as a beginner, but now think of myself as seasoned - I'll help you with training and racing questions, goal setting, workout ideas, etc. - I am willing to share my speed secrets - I'm friendly, outgoing and check BT daily WHO IS BEST SUITED FOR THIS GROUP: - Sprint and Oly distance racers - Individuals struggling with swim, bike or run - Ex swimmers who are new to the sport - People looking to step up from MOP to FOP or Age Group placing to Overall Placing

Hi Jellyfish: I also log all of my wouts here, been logging for about 18 mos now, in '09 I completed 4 sprints and 1 oly.  Been riding at least 20MPH for 20+ yrs, and just started running more than 3 miles last yr, now up to Half Mary.  My goals for 2010 are at least 2 olys and 2 HIMs.  That said, i realize I need to learn to love to swim-its my achilles' tendon; the other aspect I need to learn is race nutrition.  Always been the kind of guy who brought along water and nothing else unitl this yr - probably started bringing gels etc due to peer pressure more than need for it.

I mix my HIM training with a few road races (bike and run) where I do not place, but love the experience.  Most of my training is SOLO and not structured due to work. But I do LOVE triathlons.  My first tri experience was about 22 yrs ago but I took a 20 yr hiatus with an intermitent SPRINT every 5 yrs or so.

I live in the Tampa Bay area, where races start early in the season and last thru late in the yr. More than racing for racing sake I want to train and finish at least 50% in my target races.  I am joining your group because I do struggle with my swim even tho I might also be considered a "seasoned" mid pack triathlete.

Looking forward to the experience.
2009-12-29 10:52 AM
in reply to: #2581893

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN
Corrie - Welcome! Glad to have another former swimmer in the group!

If you could send me or post the results of your first race that would be helpful. Can you also let me know how many days per week, how many hours per week and distances you train on average.

As for the bike, if you plan on entering multiple races this summer I would advise getting a road or tri/time trial bike. I recommend getting fitted at your local bike shop to determine what size you first. Then you can purchase a great used bike on E-bay. Also a lot of shops are currently running end of year specials to clear out 2009 inventory. You could probably get a good new bike for under $1000.
2009-12-29 11:04 AM
in reply to: #2581966

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN
TrkHilo2K - Welcome to the group!

I'll try to help you learn to love swimming. Looking at your blogs you have not done much of it this December Do you find swimming hard or do you just not like it?

Edited by jellyfish 2009-12-29 11:05 AM
2009-12-29 11:36 AM
in reply to: #2580308

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Extreme Veteran
Minnetonka Beach, MN
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN

Hi Megan!

If it's not too late, would love to join the group!

Name: Robb

Story:  Started triathlons about 3 years ago when I hit an all time "low".  Was very athletic growing up and beyond my college years.  My wife and I had two wonderful girls and I unfortunately stopped doing much of anything else.  Since then, I am down over 60 lbs. and have been building most of that around racing.   This year, I am going to really focus on my running and see if I can't hit some age group/class podiums!!!!!  i had never swam before starting triathlons and turns out I'm not all that bad.  It is consistantly, my best event by a long shot.

Family Status:  I am married and have two wonderful children, Samantha (6) & Hailey (4). 

Current training:  I am working with a coach here locally and we basically have a rough annual plan based on my A & B races, and then we modify weekly based on how things are going. 

This year's races:  Minnetonka ½ Marathon, Gear West Du, Buffalo Sprint, Liberty ½, Waconia, Lifetime, Ironman Wisconsin, Silverman ½

2010 races:  Right now the plan is fairly set with the Minnetonka ½ marathon, Gear West Du, Buffalo Oly, Waconia, Lifetime, IM Boulder, Silverman ½  (looking to place at Lifetime & Silverman ... A races)

Weightloss:  I have "plumped" up 12 lbs. since wisconsin and will need to be down to around 200 (I'm 6'5") by Lifetime to have any shot of reaching my goals.

My hurdles:  Running has been my weak spot.  We spent about 6 months changing my running form last year and I now actually enjoy it and don't have any pain that I used to have (it could be that lost 60+ lbs that helped too)

(note: my logs are complete for this year... I also track on my coaches website, and there were a few times (late spring) when I got a bit lazy... however... my december is pretty much as pathetic as it looks! :)

Edited by ball6135 2009-12-29 12:03 PM
2009-12-29 11:52 AM
in reply to: #2580308

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New York
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN
Hi Megan,

Have room for one more??? I'd love to join!

NAME: tpnguyen10 / Tuffli
LOCATION: Originally from Madison, WI; then moved to NYC (5yrs) until I was transferred to Singapore.  I'm in SG until Sept 2010.
STORY: I'm a fairly athletic 30 yr old, but mainly played/participated in "quick" sports (basketball, volleyball, track&field - 100M, 200M, high jump).  So doing anything aerobically was a nightmare for me.  I was a gym rat and basketball junkie after high school until I herniated two discs in my lower back in March 2008, probably due to lifting heavy weights and physical playing style on the basketball court.  I was in severe pain and unable to do anything physically active for several months. Being active my whole life, I had to find a safe outlet, so I took up swimming with little knowledge or background other than how to tread water.  As my back slowly started to heal (1.5 yr process Frown), swimming led to biking and biking led to running.  I attended my wife's first sprint tri in July 2008 and was inspired by the people, environment, and stories.  I was hooked from then on and it has been a life changer for me!
FAMILY STATUS: Married with a girl on the way! My wife is due Jan 6th.Smile
CURRENT TRAINING:  Currently enrolled in the Olympic - Balanced Lifestyle training program.  Need to stay flexible with expecting baby!  I've been focusing more on the run lately since I recently completed my first half marathon.  I try to get in 15 - 20 miles a week.  I'm not swimming as much as I'd like, so need to pick things up here since this is definitely my weak point. 
THIS YEAR'S RACES (2010): A few sprints (Tris, duathlon, aquathlon), maybe 2 Olympics, and a few 5k & 10k road races.
2009 RACES:  A few sprints, half marathon, and a few road races.
WEIGHTLOSS: Not a big part of my training goals, but I wouldn't mind shaving a few pounds!
WHAT I'M HOPING TO GAIN FROM THIS: Meeting some cool people, get a chance to talk with others about triathlons, and learn from those who've done this much more than me (especially the swimming portion).

2009-12-29 12:10 PM
in reply to: #2580308

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN
Hi, Megan!  I, too, would love to join if there is still room.

Here is my info.:
NAME: Carteroak aka Karla

STORY: I started doing some road races in the fall of 2007 and worked up to a half-marathon in April 2008, mainly to get in shape for my wedding.  I loved it and wanted to continue.  I got a stress fracture in my pelvis from some speed work in the summer of 2008, so I jumped in the pool and started working on swimming.  I was reasonably comfortable with my own version of breast stroke, but I couldn't even do freestyle for 25 yards without stopping to gasp for breath!  I did my first tri in March of this year and then immediately planned a jam-packed season since I had lots of time to train.  I finished with a HIM at Beach2Battleship, and now, I'm taking a bit of a break and looking to start up again here pretty soon. 

FAMILY STATUS:  I am 34 years old, with a wonderful husband, a Ragdoll cat named Chloe and a Welsh Corgi named Mandy, but no kids.

CURRENT TRAINING: I am currently doing a fitness/bootcamp type class 2X per week, running 2-3X per week, and swimming with the master's group 2X per week.  I need to get my bike on the trainer - haven't been on it since B2B!

2009 RACES: Austin HM, Shamrock HM, Tune-Up-Tri (mini sprint), Rumpass in Bumpass Spring, Worldgate Sprint (1st place AG), Mooseman Oly (02:59), Montclair Tri (inbetween Oly and Sprint), Hagerstown Sprint (1st AG), Luray Olyp, Parks HM (01:55:11), Giant Acorn Sprint, Seagull Century, Beach2Battleship HIM (05:40:15), and a bunch of 5K's (placed in my age group in some of them)  Whew!!!!

2010 RACES: Rumpass in Bumpass Oly (April), Tune-Up-Tri (March), perhaps the Cloud Snapple HM on Jan 30, and some other 5K's, haven't planned beyond that yet

WEIGHTLOSS: My weight has always been all over the place.  I have gained about 25 lbs since I got married which makes me miserable and embarrassed.  I got super-fit this year with all of my training and racing, but I also got super hungry, so I pretty much stayed right around 150 +/- 5 lbs.  I would like to figure out how to manage my training/appetite/nutrition in a way that I can have plenty of energy, not be starving, and stay around 130.

GOALS FOR THIS YEAR:  I am starting to work more again, so I will have less time to train than I did last year.  I want to learn how to train well, and race faster, and also balance it better with the rest of my life.  I also would like to learn to LOVE SWIMMING.  I know that it is really good for me, and I hope to be able to do that long beyond the years that I will comfortably be able to run and bike in my life.  But I struggle to improve, so I get discouraged, and it definitely has not become fun yet.  I seem to average around 2:00/100yd in practice.  I would LOVE to be able to swim a mile in a  1:30 pace some day.  Oh, yeah, and enjoy it, too!  I am planning this year a bit as I go, and no travel races, as my husband and I are hoping to start a family soon, and I don't want to tie up a bunch of $ in entry fees if I end up needing to drop some.  My A-race for now is the Rumpass Olyp.
2009-12-29 12:12 PM
in reply to: #2582096

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN
Welcome Robb! You seem to be a pretty good swimmer! It is great that you are working with a coach locally - and you post your workouts so I can see how you are doing

Like you, I struggle on the run. I have been finding success increasing the number of times I run per week (from 3-4X to 6X) but decreasing the total volume per workout. After taking a break in October, I started with 3x10 min, 2x20 min 1x30 min run per week and increased 10% each week. It seems to be helping me build my base without getting injured.
2009-12-29 12:28 PM
in reply to: #2582141

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN
Tuffli - Welcome to the group and best wishes to you, mommy, and baby-on-the-way!

You have a really thorough blog which is great for getting a sense of your current level. Keep it up! FYI - I broke my L1 and L2 in 2003 and understand how hard and painful a back injury is, although it is much better now, I still get occasional flare-ups which can be frustrating.
2009-12-29 12:34 PM
in reply to: #2580308

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN

Megan-If the group is still open, I'd be honored to have my name added to your list of "mentees".


STORY: Grew up playing organized baseball, mountain biked a bit, and played pick-up basketball occasionally. After getting marred in 2003, didn't really exercise much until late 2008 when I decided to sign up for a triathlon. Completed my first tri in June 2009 with a second in July, followed by a 50 mile charity ride in October.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with two kids, ages 4 and 3, living in central New Jersey between Trenton and Princeton.

CURRENT TRAINING: Have been very inconsistent over the last 3 months. A little running and biking at the gym a couple of times a week.

2010 RACES: Signed up for a half marathon in April, a sprint triathlon in June, and an Olympic in New York City in July.

GOALS: Finish the half marathon at a 10:30 minute mile pace (I'm not particularly fast), start weight training regularly, and finish top 50% in the sprint and olympic races. Run regularly without nagging knee pain (which I'm 80% certain is due to the lack of strength in my quads - that's why I want to hit the weights regularly). Second half 2010 goals to be determined in late Q1 / early Q2.

WEIGHT LOSS: From Dec '08 through Sep '09, I dropped 30 pounds and I've since gained 15 back since my activity levels have plummeted.

WHY I WOULD LIKE TO JOIN THE GROUP: I like to read other people's stories and I find it motivating to be part of a larger effort.

Happy New Year everyone - I hope to be a part of the group. AJ

Edited by artford333 2009-12-29 12:37 PM
2009-12-29 12:34 PM
in reply to: #2582191

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Extreme Veteran
Minnetonka Beach, MN
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN
jellyfish - 2009-12-29 12:12 PM Welcome Robb! You seem to be a pretty good swimmer! It is great that you are working with a coach locally - and you post your workouts so I can see how you are doing Like you, I struggle on the run. I have been finding success increasing the number of times I run per week (from 3-4X to 6X) but decreasing the total volume per workout. After taking a break in October, I started with 3x10 min, 2x20 min 1x30 min run per week and increased 10% each week. It seems to be helping me build my base without getting injured.

I need to change something this year...  after a year of changing stride/form, it is time to focus and see what works with training.  (some of it may be mental and how hard I push... way to easy to sit back and cruise with the LONG IM training runs last year... time will tell!)

I love swimming... it is relaxing and coming out of the water "fresh" (if that makes sense) is great!  I still need to push there too... I would love to be down in the low 20's in the oly races with energy to spare!!

2009-12-29 12:37 PM
in reply to: #2580308

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Warren, MI
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN
Hello Megan,

I am kinda embarrassed to post my race results, but here goes:
Swim .5 miles: 18:28
T1: 3:45
Bike 21.4 miles: 50:44
T2: 2:23
Run 3.3miles: 43:05
Total: 1 hour 58 minutes 23 seconds

This was my first time, and the transition area was HUGE, and FAR away from the lake, so I was not happy with my transition times, but all of our times were up there because of the way it was set up. 

I know that my run could be so much better, and probably would be now, but that is what I did in August.  Since then I have done some running races, and focused almost exclusively on running. 

My training schedule is scattered right now, like I wrote, I am currently looking for a plan to follow, and will start that in the new year.  Now a days I am swimming, biking, and running about once a week each.  Swimming maybe once every two weeks...
Once I figure out how to work the training log, I will post there, but I try to do something 6 days a week! 

Thanks again,

2009-12-29 12:42 PM
in reply to: #2582183

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN
Karla - Welcome to the group!
It's great that you are part of a masters swim group - now we need to get you to enjoy it and hopefully a be bit faster too. Can you get videotaped swimming? I can take a look at your stroke if you can send me a link. See my first post to Alan for specific camera angles.
Also, hopping on the trainer will help shed those holiday lbs (at least it works for me). I do almost all my riding inside during the winter so have some good trainer workouts posted in my blog.
2009-12-29 2:17 PM
in reply to: #2582250

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN
AJ - Welcome to the group! I am often driving through central Jersey as my main client is located in Princeton. I know I-287 too well!

If your knee is bothering you, be careful with running and biking and doing too much too soon. I have found stretching after every run and bike workout extremely helpful in limiting my injuries. I typically spend 10 minutes stretching and 5-10 minutes using a foam roller or Trigger Point.
2009-12-29 2:21 PM
in reply to: #2582264

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN
Don't be embarrassed... everyone needs to start somewhere and now you have a benchmark to improve upon. The awesome part is you accomplished something new!
I'm guessing the bike leg was 12.4 not 21.4 miles?
2009-12-29 2:46 PM
in reply to: #2580308

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Findlay, OH
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN
Hi Megan, I am more of a lurker and don't post a whole lot but would love to pick your brain on swimming and some other issues.  I am trying to get out of the MOP and break into FOP.  It sounds like our goals are very similar for next year. If you have room I will post my info. 


Edited by razorxp 2009-12-29 3:00 PM

2009-12-29 3:09 PM
in reply to: #2582559

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN
David - You're in! Welcome to the group!
2009-12-29 4:38 PM
in reply to: #2580308

New user

Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN

Let me join please!!  I'm 41 and brand new to the sport. I am hoping to drop 20 lbs while training. My goal is to compete in at least 2 sprints or minis this year. I have been divorced for 3 years and have two boys. I truely need all the support and advice I can get!!


2009-12-29 5:21 PM
in reply to: #2580308

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San Jose, CA
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN
Not sure how to join this group but I'd like to!
My name is Sandy and I'm 39 years old. I'm married with a 4 year old and work fulltime so training times can be challenging but my goal is to stop making excuses and get busy working out! I've done several triathlons in the distant past (did them for several years in my 20s and my last one was in 2004 before I had my son). I've done both Olympic and Sprint distance races but I'm more suited to sprint because of my available training time and the fact that I've had several chronic running-related injuries in the past.
I'm starting out pretty healthy now and also attend an AM Fit Camp at my local community college 3-4 mornings/week. This will help with my cardio and strength as the workouts are killer!
I'm planning on doing a sprint distance race in June with a coworker.

2010 Races Planned Thus Far:
Mermaid Triathlon, Santa Cruz, CA 6/6/10
2009-12-29 6:09 PM
in reply to: #2580308

Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - OPEN
Room for one more? Lemme know and I'll post more info...

Thanks much

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