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2004-03-17 8:35 PM

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Subject: Triathletes for the metric system
I was out on my long run and started thinking about the metric system again. I think us Americans need to start a movement to convert over to the metric system. It is so simple and it improves the outlook of the average triathlete. Here are some good examples of why we need to convert: Improved self image, I only weigh 90Kg not 200lbs. Increased milage, my 31 mile week just went to 50km. And just think, suntanning when it is 32 degrees out.
Triathletes already have the distance thing down. What is an olympic Tri, but 1.5km swim, 40km bike and 10km run, but we still train with 2000yrds(how many miles is that?) in the pool and 7 mile runs. What was your first run? Maybe a 5k!
I think that it is time for us to join the rest of the world and convert over to the metric system. Just think soon we could be drinking pop out of a 2 liter bottle.

2004-03-17 11:36 PM
in reply to: #12977

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: Triathletes for the metric system
I agree! And I like your theory on your weight and mileage - how it seems to work to your advantage.

I had friends move to Australia recently. They emailed to ask if we could tell them how many cups of butter was equal to x number of grams. They couldn't even cook using their old recipes!

Health care uses metric, too!

2004-03-18 4:25 AM
in reply to: #12977

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Subject: RE: Triathletes for the metric system
lol, interesting theory... well it would make things much easier for me in not having to convert everything back to metric (im a metric aussie), but it still doesnt solve my time conversion problems. oh well not much i can do there except move...

2004-03-18 8:07 AM
in reply to: #12977

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Triathletes for the metric system
I must admit that it took awhile to get used to the metric system but now that I have been using it for over 30 years, it makes more sense than the old standard system. And, it sounds much more impressive to say that I was zipping along at 50 on my bike rather than to say I was riding at 30. Then there is the advantage of having everything divisable by ten.
2004-03-19 12:55 PM
in reply to: #12977

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Twickenham, London
Subject: RE: Triathletes for the metric system
Surely I couldn't work in Imperial Units

But the same thing occurs with other things.... for instance English is spoke everywhere... guess majority always win

Edited by bambino 2004-03-19 12:56 PM
2004-03-19 12:59 PM
in reply to: #12977

Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Triathletes for the metric system
We tried the Metric thing in the US, all we got was 2-liter cola bottles

2004-03-19 1:28 PM
in reply to: #12977

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Triathletes for the metric system
If it is a question of majority, then I believe that Chinese is spoken by more people than English! Democratic majority is okay but not when it comes to language. I believe everyone should be speaking French anyways.
2004-03-19 1:32 PM
in reply to: #13283

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Twickenham, London
Subject: RE: Triathletes for the metric system
well.. but that's whats happening in the world...
Anyway theres a lot of chinese that speak english and how many people you know that speak chinese?
For instance in my country maybe 30% of the population can speak a very reasonable english.

et je parle français aussi
but I don't like it ... ehehehe
2004-03-19 2:10 PM
in reply to: #12977

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Triathletes for the metric system
Il ne faut pas prendre ça trop au sérieux mon ami! Aprèt tout, ce que je disait n'était qu'une blague. Il y a passablement plus de mouches au monde que de gens mais nous ne parlerons jamais leurs language!
2004-03-19 2:12 PM
in reply to: #13290

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Twickenham, London
Subject: RE: Triathletes for the metric system
je n'ait pas prend ça au sérieux. Et plus tu as la raison aussi...
2004-03-19 2:34 PM
in reply to: #13293

Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Triathletes for the metric system
Je m'appelle Jason. Comment vous appelez-vous?

I took French in school

2004-03-19 3:07 PM
in reply to: #13299

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Twickenham, London
Subject: RE: Triathletes for the metric system
pretty good
I took french in school too...
Too bad I never practice it and it turns to be difficult to speak it... however I can understand when other people speak
2004-03-19 3:20 PM
in reply to: #12977

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Subject: RE: Triathletes for the metric system
I don't know about french, but I agree that the english speaking have come to expect that everybody now speaks english, why learn anything else. I learned German and got to study in Germany for 14 months. This is where I learned what a great place I live in Holland Michigan USA. I also learned that not everything is perfect here. More then just our standard measuring system. Everybody should learn a second or third language and check out what other cultures are out there. Lets all keep an open mind
2004-03-19 3:37 PM
in reply to: #13311

Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Triathletes for the metric system
I agree, we all should learn not just the language but the culture as well. Unfortunately, we seem to be moving away rom this instead of towards it.
2004-03-19 5:58 PM
in reply to: #13293

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Mount Vernon, Iowa
Subject: RE: Triathletes for the metric system
Faut pas vous laisser penser que les Etatsunisiens ne peuvent pas repondre en francais, mais ces emmerdant accents ne marchent pas....
2004-03-19 6:54 PM
in reply to: #12977

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St Charles, IL
Subject: RE: Triathletes for the metric system
Il y a certains d'entre nous qui comprennent et parlent plus qu'ils peuvent écrire...

J'etudie francais dans l'ecole aussi. Et j'habite au Paris pour deux mois, aussi.

2004-03-19 9:40 PM
in reply to: #12977

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Triathletes for the metric system
Et moi j'ai étudié le Français pour huit ans à l'école primaire mais j'ai préféré étudier en Anglais au secondaire, au collège, et maintenant à l'université. C'est ma langue natal mais ce n'est que depuis une dizaine d'années que je m'efforce de concentrer sur un bon parler Français. Mon Anglais en est fort supérieur.
2004-03-20 7:09 PM
in reply to: #13371

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North Carolina, USA
Subject: RE: Triathletes for the metric system
Hmmm...the metric system. That is an interesting concept. If you think about it, it is a good idea. Track and cross-country athletes in the US are brought up using these distances. In high school it is not the mile run, it is the 1600 meter run. This is in fact about 4 feet shorter than a mile. In cross-country, athletes run anywhere from 5k, 6k, 8k, or 10k. I believe it is a good idea to move to the metric system. First it is a decimal system. For those of you that are not good in math, it is base 10. It is easy to move from one unit to the next. There is no use of 12's or 3's or 5280's. Doing scale on maps would be much easier. That's a different point on it's own.

Second, children going through school would have a better concept of this system. They are the future. They are taught the metric system, so why not let them use it? They are taught how to read, they end up using this through their life span. Adding and subtracting is another thing they use on a regular basis. Give them the metric system to use.

Finally, if it weren't for a couple of votes either in the house of reps or in the senate back in the 70's, the US would be using the metric system. However, there were a couple of older politicians that did not want it to pass so they voted against it.

Y lo siento. Yo quiero usar los emoticons. :-) :-( :-O ;-) Yo pienso que es todo. Hasta luego.
2004-03-21 9:03 PM
in reply to: #13012

Brisbane-Melbourne, Australia
Subject: RE: Triathletes for the metric system
Go easy there COgirl, there are a few of us convicts from down under here LOL

2004-03-24 7:12 PM
in reply to: #12977

budapest, hungary.
Subject: RE: Triathletes for the metric system
the metric system rules. i can never understand how come peoplecan measure things not by the metric system.
at least hight and weight should be changed. come on , to take a unit and divide it to 12 equal parts, does not make any sense.
2004-03-24 11:12 PM
in reply to: #12977

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Subject: RE: Triathletes for the metric system
Well, until the day when we make logic official, install convert.exe on your PC's:


2004-03-25 8:18 AM
in reply to: #12977

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Triathletes for the metric system
I'm Bi lingual.
I can speak English and American!

I can and have survived outings in France, Spain, Belgium and Denmark (and Montreal) with very little recourse to the English language. A first out of choice – later because I was too drunk to think in English never mind speak it!!

I learned the Imperial system at school, then we converted to metric then I moved to the USA and went to the American version of Imperial and now I have to go back to metric again.

Ignore me – I’m the gibbering wreck in the corner!
2004-03-25 1:37 PM
in reply to: #12977

White House
Subject: RE: Triathletes for the metric system
Canada's really confusing with measures. I just came across this article that sums it pretty well...
2004-03-25 10:26 PM
in reply to: #12977

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Subject: RE: Triathletes for the metric system
And I always thought that Canadians had made the switch for good. But I only drove through at 100kph. I heard the USA, gave it a shot once, but people just don't like change.
2004-04-09 1:20 PM
in reply to: #12977

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Palm Coast, FL
Subject: RE: Triathletes for the metric system
Good luck. Ever see the Simpsons episode when Homer joins the "Stonecutters" and in their theme song they exclaim "Who keeps the metric system down? We do! We do!" You see its all an underground conspiracy
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