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2009-12-14 10:36 AM

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Extreme Veteran
Carrollton, Virginia
Subject: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Closed
NAME: sdanaher, Shane
I was athletic and in to sports growing up, got into weight lifting in college, stopped doing any endurance-y things until I was 28, 20 pounds heavier than my heaviest college weight (which was then 180lbs), had an almost 1.5 yr old, and spent way too much time playing video games and drinking beer (awesome microbrews, of which I reviewed over 250).  I decided to start running, tried a couple times, 6 months later I dedicated myself to it, decided I liked it but couldn't run as much as I wanted to, so I added spinning and swimming.  Eventually realized... hey this could be a triathlon if I got a road bike and went outside.  So I did in January 2009 and did my first tri in April and my most recent, a 70.3, in September.  I've been running now for 1.5 years, swimming for about a year, and biking for about 11 months.  I read VORACIOUSLY on this, talk to ANYONE about it, and am signed up for Eagleman 70.3 and Ironman Louisville 2010. I like to be helpful and think that I spend a LOT of time reading and learning about this, so I believe I have help to offer.  I also have a lot going on with a new company (company started a little over a year ago), travel for work often, MBA program, 2 year old, wife, and a loving dog - so I know and understand how to balance.
FAMILY STATUS: Married and a 2 year old (and an awesome rescue dog)
CURRENT TRAINING: Currently doing winter maintenance, trying to stay focused, get faster, and stay healthy.  I added weights this wniter, which I avoided last year due to time.  I'll start a 20 week HIM plan in January and switch to a 12 week HIM to IM bridge in June.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: I raced: three 5ks, one 13.1, two 23 mile cycling time trials, one aquathlon, one sprint triathlon, and one 70.3 triathlon
2010 RACES:  Eagleman 70.3, Ironman Louisville, Shamrock 13.1, Smithfield Sprint Triathlon
WEIGHTLOSS: I was never very overweight, but I am down from 180 when I started to 149-ish now.  I'm now trying to keep my weight there, which is actually somewhat hard based on my diet (gluten free vegetarian) and training load.
WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I get it.  We're amateurs trying to do this for fun, maybe weight loss, hitting goals, doing something "as myself".  One of the main reasons I do this (which I didn't mention yet) is because I wanted to take on something that I can finish any training session or race and know that it was ME out there that did it - this is not a team sport, people aren't holding you up during the race, etc. 

Also, all the things I mentioned above make me excited about being a mentor, I'm available often and want to help.

2009-12-16 6:46 AM
in reply to: #2557483

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New user

Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Open

I'd like to join your group and start training for my first triathlon.  I would like to be ready to complete an olympic distance this summer. 

I'm 35 and have led a sedentary lifestyle until about three years ago when I started to run.  In the first year or so I lost 65 lbs (i'm only 5'6'') and have been running ever since.  I recently completed my second marathon in 4:17.

I live in Atlantic Canada so I'll have to do my biking at the gym for now.  Infact I don't even own a bike yet!  Another big challenge is that I'm not much of a swimmer so I'm going to have to get some lessons!  I'm going to hit the pool for my first lap swim tomorrow. 

I am married with a 5 year old and 1.5 year old.  I am seeing some very early morning workouts in my future!  As you can see this is going to be a challenge!

2009-12-16 8:09 AM
in reply to: #2557483

New user

Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Open
Hi Shane.  I'd really like to join your group.  I'm completely new to all of this so I might end up being a little "high maintenance".  Hope you're up for it...  

Background:  I've always been just good enough to pass in gym class, but never really took the initiative to do much more than that.  I'm much more academic than athletic.  Last year I spent 6 months working in Hawaii and the year round beautiful weather inspired me to start jogging/running.  I completed 2 5k's and a 10k, but then fell out of the habit of running once I moved back to South Korea. (which is where I am now)  Some friends here have encouraged me to take on a triathlon.  This weekend will be my first swim and despite the cold weather I'm hoping to use my new bike sometime next week.  I'm pretty nervous about all of it. 

Plan for 2010: I'd like to finish at least 3 tri's (sprint and possibly olympic) here in Korea.  There are several opportunities here (from what I understand) so now I just need to get myself prepared. 

Training: Right now I'm just going to the gym 5 days a week. I do core exercises, about 30 minutes on the bike and either jump rope sets or jog/walk on the treadmill.  I've lost about 22 pounds so far (oh yeah, did I mention that I'm a bit overweight?). I need some advice on how to swim, how to train swimming, how to start training on the bike, etc. I'll take all the advice I can get. 

Thanks for all of the help, in advance.
2009-12-16 10:13 AM
in reply to: #2557483

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Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Open
Count me in! I'm a 39-year-old mom of one, university 8-5 job, mildly over committed on the volunteer front, overweight and signed up for Louisville 2010... I'll discuss that particular brand of insanity later, since I've never in my life done a triathlon. I have a marathon scheduled for later this spring (my first, done a half and tons of shorter runs), am committed to a reasonable eating plan and a slightly less reasonable training schedule, and am looking for all the support and encouragement I can get.

My goal: Finish under 17:00. Preferably vertical and alive. Lots of time to spare would be a bonus. I'm looking forward to it!

2009-12-16 10:13 AM
in reply to: #2557483

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Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Open
I would like to join this group if I may.

Background: Was a fat kid/teen....When I was about 20 years old I lost 30 lbs 'the healthy way' and started working out. I really got into weight training. Fast forward 2 years, started graduate school, romantic relationship was getting screwy...ended up with an eating disorder and lost 25 more lbs by seriously restricting. Since then I've gained about 15 of those pounds back and I want them gone...but would like to do it via healthy food and exercise.

I'm a vegan. I love to cook and bake. My love of cooking and baking can be a problem. Yeah yeah, I can cook loads of healthy recipes, but unfortunately this past year I've made too many cupcakes and cookies and it shows. My new years resolution is to get back on the healthy food bandwagon and start eating a LOT more veggies.

I am in the last year of my Ph.D., as is my husband. So things can get a little crazy sometimes. I like to work out first thing in the morning, as this way things can't come up and keep me from getting to the gym.

I'm about to leave for Christmas holidays. I am staying with my parents in my hometown. There is a small gym there...nothing fancy but it has a few weights and a treadmill. I plan on getting back to serious training in January when I return. I am looking at doing two sprint tri's next spring, and hopefully a 10k. I am a very slow runner and my swimming is pretty abysmal at this point. I would also like to get down to ~140 lbs in 2010, but I'm trying not to focus too much on numbers and go more by how my clothes fit.

Sorry this turned into such a novel. I look forward to getting to know the group.

2009-12-16 12:17 PM
in reply to: #2557483

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Woodbridge , Virginia
Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Open
Yo Shane,
You still have room..

I've mentored the last couple times.. figured I should see how it is on the receiving end..

Our Race outlook is about the same except my IM is planned for 2011. I may do Patriot HIM if im home.

2009-12-16 12:23 PM
in reply to: #2557483

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Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Open

If you have room for one more, I would love (and need) to be in the mentor group.  I was in one last year and it really pays to have people keep you accountable on your workouts and training. 

I will post my "all about me stuff" later, gotta get back to work.

2009-12-16 1:15 PM
in reply to: #2557483


Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Open
Hey Shane,
If you have space for one more, I would like to join your group. Just starting out with triathlon and would like to get some perspective. I was a cross country runner in high school but slacked off after a knee injury. I'm back though and have been competing in local runs around town. The swimming will be a completely new experience though and I'm really looking forward to it.
2009-12-16 4:13 PM
in reply to: #2557483

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Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Open
Is there room at the inn?  Tis the season, right! 


My name is Brian, I am coming off my 1st season of triathalon.  in 2009, I completed 3 sprint tri's, a 5K and 10K.  This year I am planing on running a Half Marathon, 2 olympics, a few local sprints and a 70.3 to close out the season in October.

A little about me.  I am married with a 3 year old son and a yellow lab.  I transitioned into triathalon from weightlifting last spring due to a shoulder injury.  I got into weightlifting and excercise in general for the sole purpose of weight loss/maitnance.  I am 5'10' and currently 204lbs.  I fluctuate like Oprah between 230 - 195.  It sucks, but I love food, when not doing triathalon, I compete in BBQ competitions! they are two difficult hobbies to balance! 

I have lofty goals for 2010 and I'd like to join a group of athletes to bounce ideas off of, vent and gain knowledge, share any knowledge I may have gained during my 1st season competing and mostly to be able to talk to people who can relate. 

I'd love to join your group, I hope you have some space for me. 

2009-12-16 4:38 PM
in reply to: #2557483


Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Open
I would like to join the group.  I can relate to your busy schedule and background and I think you could really get me where I want to go.  I have never run a triathalon, but have run several marathons.  I'm currently training for one in Feb and a 15k in March.  There are a few tri's in the Jcksonville area in June and I want to target that.  Can you help?

2009-12-16 5:16 PM
in reply to: #2557483

New user

Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Open
HI there,

if you still have room I would love to join. My name is sarah and  I was in penticton, BC (canada) this summer and camped and ran with a bunch of really nice Ironmen/woman this summer and I was told to try a Triathlon. So here I am I have started my training in sept. (just to see if I could do it) and have registered for my first race in April 2010. It is a sprint and I am really excited and nervous and would love some great tips and advice.

2009-12-16 5:29 PM
in reply to: #2557483


Nassau County, NY
Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Open
Hi, I'm definitely interested in this group. I'm 24 years old and having a hard time making the adjustment from my single active college/high school lifestyle to the married working a stressful job life. I ended up gaining 30 lbs in 2 years after going completely stationary hitting 203 lbs 12 month ago. I started working out again and eating right and got down to 155 lbs. I needed something to keep me focused and decided endurance sports was for me. After a few setbacks (hernia included) I just completed the Philly Half-Marathon in 1:56:30. I'm signed up for an Olympic Tri in July and could use some motivation to get going through the long cold winter months. I have a strong background in swimming (WSI, former instructor, etc), absolutely no experience riding a road bike (I do love spinning though), and enjoy running. If you still have room count me in. Thanks!
2009-12-16 6:43 PM
in reply to: #2557483

Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Open

If there is still room, I'd love to get involved.

I am 41 years old, married with 2 children (11 and 7) and a medical professional.  I have been a weightlifter/bodybuilder for many years and woke up one day and asked myself what my goals were.  You guessed it, I had none. 

In June, a friend coaxed me into the Marine Corp MudRun in SC.  I ran for the first time in 15 years on June 29, 2009.  Through the ups and downs, I completed the Rock and Roll Las Vegas Half-Marathon a few weeks ago.  In my old age, I realize that multi-sport training is a good balance for me since the running has taken a toll on my body. 

My plans are modest. A couple sprint tri's in the spring, some local running races and maybe another half-marathon in 2010. I would love the advice and encouragement.

2009-12-16 10:15 PM
in reply to: #2557483

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Open
Shane, I would like very much to join your group. I'm starting my second season and I think I embarked my self into some pretty good challenges. I'll need all the help I can get!!
NAME: Jaime
I've always been involved in some kind of recreational sport. I like them all!! I come from South America and always liked Triathlon, but never had the chance or the guts to try it. Now I'm well in my 40's and after one season, my only regret is not having started before. I have two kids who swim and one day I got tired of watching them swim and decided to jump in the pool. I was adopted by a local coach and swimiming became the anchor of my training. Finish this year (2009) my first Tri seanson and I am very exited about next years season.
FAMILY STATUS: Married with a 7 yo boy and 6 yo girl
CURRENT TRAINING: Just doing maintenance training. Due to work, family and health reasons I had to slow down quite a bit. I need to start a training program for Oly St Anthony's Tri, St. Pete, Fl in April
THIS YEAR'S RACES:  Tybee Island 5k, Beaufort 5 mile, Hunter AAF 10k, Aspen 5 mile, Virginia Beach Rock'n Roll 1/2 Marathon, Savannah Sprint Series (First Triathlon EVER), Charleston, SC Sprint Series, Rock of the Marne (sprint) Savannah, GA and Melbourne, Fl Olympic Triathlon (first Oly) running a 10k Dec 31
2010 RACES:  Some sprints tri's, and 10 k's, Beaufort River Swim 3 mile, St. Anthony's Oly April, Augusta, GA 70.3, New York Marathon. 
WEIGHTLOSS: Up and down 210 - 180. Only cracked 180 at the peak of this year's season. Haven't weighted that since high school!!!.
WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MEMBER: I like to listen, to follow instructions, to ask questions and ask for advise and to share what ever I can with the other members.
I am super exited and motivated, I think Thriathlon has been one of the best things that has ever happened to me.

Edited by boxer 2009-12-16 10:32 PM
2009-12-16 11:10 PM
in reply to: #2557483

Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Open
Hi Shane, I was wondering if I could join your group.

My name is Ken. I just got into tri. I will be going for a training in CA starting from February, 2010 for two years. Each day, I will have about one hour for exercising. I would like to dedicate it to Triathlon training. I am also going to bring my bike trainer with me, and wake up early to do some spin.  I only have one day to use Internet starting from February. But I really need support and instruction. I was wondering if you could help me.

I am 30 years old, had done one marathon in December, 2004 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Since then, I haven't done any race. I got a new bike, and a heart rate monitor (Garmin 305, no foot pod yet.)

I am very slow in term of swimming. (13 mins for 450 yards.) Running is slow, too. (5 hours 3 mins for the Honolulu Marathon.) I have been biking since I was a child, but have never been trained.
I would really appreciate your advice.
2009-12-17 7:31 AM
in reply to: #2557483

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Southern Indiana
Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Open
If you still have room I would like to join.

NAME: Daniel
I began running again about 2 years ago, and sustained a foot injury last winter that slowed my running schedule.  I supplemented my exercise quota by starting swimming a few times per week, while trying to nurse my body back.  In the early Summer I started biking ,and much to my surprise, absolutely loved it.  It seemed natural to then sign up for a local triathlon.  I competed in my first Tri in September and am now hooked.
FAMILY STATUS: Married and with 3 boys (11, 9, and 5), 2 cats and a dog
CURRENT TRAINING: Currently training 6-10 hours a week: 2-3 swim sessions, 1-2 weight training, 2 bike, and 2-3 runs.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: I raced: one 5k, one 5 mile, and one sprint triathlon.
2010 RACES:  The Louisville mini-marathon, Two Sprint Tri's (Spring Xterra and Fall Evansville YMCA) and at least one Olympic tri.
WEIGHTLOSS: I was 210 and am now down to 175, which seems to be a fairly stable weight for me.

2009-12-17 8:51 AM
in reply to: #2557483

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Lakeland, FL
Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Open

Shane - I just logged back on and noticed a few more groups open with less people.  I read that groups should be limited to around 5 and you have far more requests than that to join yours so I'll withdraw my request and join one of the smaller ones - best of luck everyone!!

Edited by Mojo11 2009-12-17 2:16 PM
2009-12-17 9:51 AM
in reply to: #2557483

, Indiana
Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Open
Hi Shane. If there is still room I would like to join your mentor group.NAME: wabashtriguy or BobbySTORY: Played college baseball for 2 years and ended up needing shoulder surgery for a partially torn labram, tightening of the rotator cuff, and shaving some bone to make room for tendons. Would have been 9months of rehab and I was in October of my junior year. Figured it was time to move on so I put on 15 lbs while sitting around doing nothing. My girlfriend decided to run a mini marathon so I figured it was time for me to get active. A friend from high school I knew did Ironmans so I decided what the heck. Now 20 lbs lighter, I have performed one sprint and ran one half marathon and enjoy every minute of training, even those days where I have to force myself out of bed.FAMILY STATUS: Single with a girlfriend and soon to be brand new golden retriever puppyCURRENT TRAINING: Currently am doing an Olympic swim training program to build swim endurance. Hoping for a trainer for Christmas so I can bike at my house and Running on the side. I am about 2 and a half weeks out from my half marathon and am easing back into running after an intense 10 week running program. I am also weight training 2-3 times a week while rehabing my hamstring.THIS YEARS RACES: Tri Indy Sprint Triathlon, Philadelphia Half Marathon 2010 RACES: Running at least one half marathon, with a projected few sprints, 1 or 2 olympics, at least one HIM, and possibly IM Kentucky, if I feel ready. This is my ultimate goal for the season.WEIGHTLOSS: Would like to get down to between 170-175. I usually am around 180.GOALS: To complete a HIM and possibly an Ironman if I feel I am capable. To stay true to a diet that will allow me better performance. Introduce friends to the sport of triathlon, I have a lot of college athlete friends who will soon be finishing seasons and they are going to need something to do to stay competitive I feel.
2009-12-17 9:53 AM
in reply to: #2557483

, Indiana
Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Open
Hi Shane. If there is still room I would like to join your mentor group.NAME: wabashtriguy or BobbySTORY: Played college baseball for 2 years and ended up needing shoulder surgery for a partially torn labram, tightening of the rotator cuff, and shaving some bone to make room for tendons. Would have been 9months of rehab and I was in October of my junior year. Figured it was time to move on so I put on 15 lbs while sitting around doing nothing. My girlfriend decided to run a mini marathon so I figured it was time for me to get active. A friend from high school I knew did Ironmans so I decided what the heck. Now 20 lbs lighter, I have performed one sprint and ran one half marathon and enjoy every minute of training, even those days where I have to force myself out of bed.FAMILY STATUS: Single with a girlfriend and soon to be brand new golden retriever puppyCURRENT TRAINING: Currently am doing an Olympic swim training program to build swim endurance. Hoping for a trainer for Christmas so I can bike at my house and Running on the side. I am about 2 and a half weeks out from my half marathon and am easing back into running after an intense 10 week running program. I am also weight training 2-3 times a week while rehabing my hamstring.THIS YEARS RACES: Tri Indy Sprint Triathlon, Philadelphia Half Marathon 2010 RACES: Running at least one half marathon, with a projected few sprints, 1 or 2 olympics, at least one HIM, and possibly IM Kentucky, if I feel ready. This is my ultimate goal for the season.WEIGHTLOSS: Would like to get down to between 170-175. I usually am around 180.GOALS: To complete a HIM and possibly an Ironman if I feel I am capable. To stay true to a diet that will allow me better performance. Introduce friends to the sport of triathlon, I have a lot of college athlete friends who will soon be finishing seasons and they are going to need something to do to stay competitive I feel.
2009-12-17 9:54 AM
in reply to: #2557483

, Indiana
Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Open
Well I tried to be cool like everyone else and set it up in a nice format but it didnt work the second time. Sorry guys that it is all jumbly.
2009-12-17 11:02 AM
in reply to: #2557483

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Lost Wages Nevada
Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Open

Hi, Shane if there is still room please count me in!

NAME: Jason Henderson
STORY: Last year was my first year, and I jumped in with both feet! (type A of course) I started the year with a Christmas gift to my wife of committing to Weight Watchers. After 5 months of watching what I was eating and working out I had lost 50 pounds and found a new me! In may my wife came back from a girls Marathon trip and said she was going to do a Triathlon. I figured what the heck and decided to join her.
FAMILY STATUS: Married 16 years with two children 19,13
CURRENT TRAINING: I’m on week 11 of a 30 week training program preparing for IMSG. I workout about 15 hours a week over 6 days, swimming 3 hrs, biking 100+hrs, and putting in 40-50 miles in runs.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: 1 sprint, 2 Oly’s, ½ marathon
2010 RACES: Arizona RR Marathon, Sun Down ½ IM, IMSG, Vinemae ½, and SilverMan
WEIGHTLOSS: Lost a total of 70 pounds this year going from 265 to 195, I am 6’2”

I look forward to the company and energy that a good mentor and group can bring!!!

2009-12-17 11:11 AM
in reply to: #2557483


Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Open
Sign me up my good man! I am masteringmyself or Amanda. Always been the naturally skinny chick, but never muscular. Started weight lifting some while deployed and really liked the results, but it was all too repetitive and boring. Stopped weight lifting upon redeployment (November of this year), and wanted to get my tone back. After reading an article in a magazine about how well rounded triathletes were I decided to accomplish two goals. The first to get my muscle tone and definition back, and the second to stick to something and complete it fully. I have a bad track record of wavering quite frequently.Married with a very spoiled cat, husband is currently deployed. Currently doing the Sprint x2 20 week training plan, on top of whatever my crazy personal trainer puts me through. Cardio isn't my strong suit, and this is going to be a pretty decent trek for me. I'm doing two 2010 races; these are Gateway to the Bay in Kemah, TX (April), then Bridgeland triathlon in Cypress, TX (August).

Edited by masteringmyself 2009-12-17 11:17 AM
2009-12-17 12:40 PM
in reply to: #2557483

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Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Closed
Hi Shane,

 if there is room i would like to join. Im 34 married with 3 kids (14,8 and 2) over the last 3-4 years ive been driving busses and trucks for a living and i want to lose some wieght and gett fitter.

ive signed up for a sprint Tri on my birthday in April and my long term goal is to do an IM on my 40th(or as near as)
2009-12-17 3:40 PM
in reply to: #2557483

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Extreme Veteran
Carrollton, Virginia
Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Closed
WOW! What a response - I was out of town on business yesterday and didn't have a chance to catch up on this.I'm excited for all of us!

Jason158: Totally get it. I didn't buy a road bike until this time last year and did all my training on a spin bike prior. You'll get it. It isn't that much different once you get out there. One thing I wish I did better when I didn't have a bike was pay attention tot he resistance/cadence more on the spin bikes. I didn't understand that well until I had a road bike (and subsequently a tri bike).

Teachsk: Hey, everyone starts somewhere. Read what I wrote to Jason and bike training. Totally wish I had that advice a year ago. As for swimming, set small goals and work up to each one. I was a competitive swimmer when I was a kid but then didn't swim until last year again. Probably about 13 or 14 years of no swimming. I had to start SMALL. I would do maybe a 300m swim and try to stop as little as possible. Oh, re: diet advice.... mine will be odd often because of my restrictions.

HNewman: AWESOME!!!! Another IMKY 2010! Let's DO THIS!! As you read, I'm in for that also. My first IM. Definitely an aggressive goal, but go for it! Definitely start your training ASAP so you can increase volume at a slow(ish) rate to avoid injury. Regarding diet, you will find (more so than *just* running I think) that you will be HUNGRY often. I've done well eating a lot of small meals. A lot. I eat like... 5am, 7am, 9am, 11am, 1pm, 3pm, 6pm, and maybe a SMALL snack around 8pm. No, really. And I keep a food diary. It helps.

lobsteriffic: I love you. Vegan... home cooker. Love it. I also love how you know the big secret. Being a vegan (or GF vegetarian) doesn't mean you are definitely skinny all the time. You can still eat poorly. Trust me, I know. I'm with you, I do my first workout of the day as EARLY as possible. Make your routine yours and you will stick to it. When I get out of whack is when I lose some focus. Those are great goals that you WILL achieve. Do you have a bike yet? If not, buy whatever you can afford/want/love/need. Getting out on the road before your tris will make a huge difference (HUGE!!!). Hey, also, you probably know about this already, but I just discovered agave nectar! HOTNESS!

momo: NO! Let's do this. And get it together and go ride with me at the dismal swamp. Let's target late January when hopefully it is a little warmer. I'm only biking outdoors 1 time a week right now, the rest is on the trainer in front of your pick of: {Rudy, Rocky, IMKY 2009, Invincable, or any Lindsay Lohan movie - yes really}

53epilot: Let us know more about your goals! We're excited to have you!rbartlett: Pick out a race for your first yet? (tri) Swimming is easy when you start to make an effort. By easy I mean.. you will do it Also, any biking yet? Never too early to hop on that thing and get some miles. Great cross training too.

mchubri: that's an awesome combo. Those are great goals too. If weightloss is a continued goal, you picked a great sport for sure. What was your training load like last year? How are you looking at doing this year vs that? Did you pick a plan or are you not a plan person?

klechwar: do you or have you swam or biked? Feb is close. You can definitely do it, but let's get you on a bike and in the pool ASAP. Finishing your first one is an awesome goal and you will get hooked, especially if you already enjoy running. The 10k is a great goal too, what is your MPW(miles per week) like so far?

sp-campbell: Welcome! Pay attention to this thread, your goals are aligned with several others here and the advice stands well for you as well.

duvman93: I was at this past Phill half! I was cheering a friend doing his first full. I'm from Philly originally and will be there next week for the holidays. As i said to some others, yeah... get on the bike. After you do a couple tris you will probably feel the way many do: bike fitness is king.

LostArrow: Read some of the advice above too... your goals are similar to many. Use this group to stay focused and add people to your friends list and inspire one another. That's the awesome part of a group, if we keep inspring one another you KNOW someone IS reading your training... you'll do it!!

Boxer: I feel the same way - it has been a life changer for me. I used to stay up late gaming, eating bad food and not being active. Now I am more productive all day long, have more energy, have great goals that I am proud of, and compete against myself to get better. Love it. St Anthony's is an awesome tri - have not done it but I spend a lot of time near the site (work) and I would love to do that one year.

whitehorse: speed not matters. Seriously. Speed is awesome, fun, exciting, challenging, motivating, etc. But finishing is the best part right now. Get to the finish line a couple times and you will try harder and harder. Use this group to stay motivated to get to the finish. Log your training if you can, I know you have limited access, but it can help. If you can't at least keep a log of your training on paper for YOU. Accountability rocks.

Phillipians: Awesome! Great goals! I'm excited to hear more about you training, sounds like you are building an awesome base that others can inpsire to do! Stay involved here!

wabashtriguy: Haha! I hear you, you use a mac? Mine does that sometimes when I am in OSX - removes the format for BT posts. Annoying!! Sounds like you have a good plan, stay involved, add friends and inspire! It helps!

VegasJason: WOW! Good luck! You tell ME how your IM goes, I need advice on nutrition for it! Or at least perspective! Nervous yet :P

masteringmyself: Read the above advices, they are great ideas and things for you. Endurance sports can be hard to ramp up on if you have never done them. But they are WORTH IT!!!

Blinddave: Great! Welcome!

Edited by sdanaher 2009-12-17 3:42 PM
2009-12-17 3:49 PM
in reply to: #2557483

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Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: sdanaher's Mentor Group - Closed
Hey wait, you have a video of IMKY2009?? Whar??!!! Must have.
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