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2008-12-30 9:21 PM

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: Jeff's Group - CLOSED


Story: I had open heart surgery and ran a marathon seven months later. I wanted to continue doing endurance events to motivate heart patients--actually anyone wanting better health--but didn't want to "just" run. The "triathlon" light went on and I discovered Beginner Two Ironman medals later I'm still going strong.

Family Status: Married with children; two children to be exact. Sometimes they move out and sometimes they move back in. Right now both are at home but the oldest (daughter) is moving out 1/1/2009.

Current Training: I believe balance is the key to a successful season, and that includes strength/flexability training as well as S/B/R training. In 2008 I completed my second IM as well as a marathon and Olympic distance race. An elbow injury cut my season short this year.

This Year's Races: I completed the Duck Bill Thrill Olympic Distance triathlon, the Eugene Marathon, Ironman Coeur d'Alene, and the Hardesty Hardcore 14 mile Trail Run.

2009 Races: This year I'm signed up for the Eugene Marathon and Ironman Lake Stevens 70.3. I'm hoping the University or Oregon Triathlon Team holds the Duck Bill Thrill Olympic race again this year. If they do I'll enter it. One thing about this year is that my wife and I want to spend our anniversary on Kona in November, so I'm saving as much as I can which means fewer races. But, I want to look great for the beach so I'll be training and dieting all year.

Weightloss Goals: The elbow injury caused a drop in training but not a drop in eating. Hence, I'm about eleven pounds over race weight. In about a week from today I'll begin marathon training in earnest as well as maintaining/building swim, bike, and strength/core training so I'm confident the pounds, meaning "fat" will drop off.

What Will Make Me A Good Mentor: Well, first of all I genuinely care about people, as opposed to being a self-centered egotistical jerk. Second, I've made some mistakes in my three-year career and have learned from them, and most importantly haven't repeated any. Third, I'm confident that I know what works and what's BS and am always open to sharing my experiences and tips with others. That's one reason why I've written over a dozen articles for BT. I'm a student of life and even though I've completed many races I don't feel I "know it all," and am always open to suggestions. Fourth, I love life and like to have fun, and I desire to run a very enjoyable yet challenging mentor group.



2009-01-07 9:36 AM
in reply to: #1878962


Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

Hi Jeff,

My name is Kathy and I am a 52 (almost 53) year old female.  I am married and my husband competed in endurance kayak races.  We are both active, just in different sports.  The thing that struck me most was your statement on balance both in life and training.

In addition I teach physical activity classes in conjunction with my Wellness classes at a local community college.  Spring semester I will have to teach six total (1-Monday, 3-Tuesday, 2-Wednesday).  In addition I also enjoy dance and will be taking classes in Latin (Sat) and Hip Hop (Thurs).  Jan thru Mar will be devoted to teaching group instructor training.  I will be finishing up my master's in exercise science and will have to work on my thesis as well as present it this semester.  Needless to say it will be a busy semester for me.

 You will find that I am not afraid of any challenge and will jump in with both feet.  Currently I am scheduled to do my first sprint tri Jan 25th and second Apr 19th.  In July I plan on a duathlon and another tri in Sept/Oct time frame.  During junior high and high school I was a competitive swimmer and thought that picking up swimming again would be easy.  NOT!!  Since then I have done various running races and worked out on my bike somewhat consistently.  Right now I am spinning 4-5 days a week depending on my schedule, but will go back to 3 when I start teaching mid-January.  I run 2 days a week and right now am swimming 3 days a week.  Swimming is focused on form and not speed.  It is just too hard to correct something once your body has learned how to do it incorrectly.  For that reason, I figure just completing my first sprint tri will be enough.  My biggest concern is the transitions.

Issues:  Like everyone else I would like to lose 10-15 pounds.  This doesn't seem to be a problem since I am currently losing 1-2 pounds per week through increased training.  Strength training - not something I enjoy (time related), but will take care of itself when I start teaching since 80% of the physical activity is strength related.  Flexibility is difficult this time of year since I was rearended twice within 9 months several years ago.  No pain, just stiffness during the cold.  Nutrition - when I teach eating can be a problem since I don't want to eat and immediately go to teach.  Other than that, I eat plenty of carbs (or hit the wall) and adequate protein (both food and smoothie).

While teaching I have learned that if you open your mind you will find that those around you can often see things you can't or have a slightly different version of what you are doing that is equally effective.  Every class I have taught has leads to increased knowledge in one way or another.

Please let me know if I am going to be part of your group.


2009-01-07 10:31 AM
in reply to: #1878962

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Extreme Veteran
Champaign, Illinois
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

Hey Jeff!  I'd love to join up with  your group.  You've already been a great help to me. 

So, just for everyone to know about me:

Name:  Gene Cossey  (First name is David, but I go by Gene which is my middle name.)

Occupation: Airport Manager at the Airport in North Bend, OR

My Story (so far): So, like a lot of other people, I've wanted to do triathlons since the first time I saw one.  Two years ago, my son (15 at the time) and I decided to do one.  We picked the Pacific Crest Olympic Tri.  We did a duathlon before that and a cuople of 5K and 10K's to build up.  Then I was addicted.  This last summer I did the Duck Bill Thrill, an off road du, the Eugene Marathon, and the Pacific Crest 1/2 Iron (plus a few more races).  And now I've committed myself to the IMCDA this comming June!

Training Plan :  So, my big problem is time!  I know I'm not alone.  It is very hard to work in the time to train with both work and family in the way.  The smallest things can through of my training.  It doesn't help that I tend to procrastinate things.  My current goal for training is to just train.  Get all of the stuff out of my way and work, work, work.  I'll fine tune this as things come along.

Weightloss: So, I want to drop about 40 lbs before my IM.  I really don't know if that is even possible for me.  I'm a fairly muscular person and I haven't been under 200 since I was 18 and then I had about 8% body fat.  I know I do have quite a bit to loose, but I just don't know if 40 is really practical.  So, I'm going to just work on it and let my body decide what the perfect race weight is.  I just know that where I'm at now is not it.

So, anyway... I look forward to working more with you and your group.  Talk to you later, 





2009-01-07 1:11 PM
in reply to: #1878962

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

Hi Jeff,

I'm interested in joining your group if there is a slot open.

NAME: Dirkericson/ Dirk

STORY: I'm 43 married and have one infant daughter that still doesn't sleep through the night. I did my first triathlon last  year in April and was hooked after that. I've only done one other sprint distance tri (blue lake,  Troutdale).   Prior to this I was an avid cyclist. The bike is by far my strongest  event, I only really started swimming last Dec but I've made  progress so far. Running is hard for me but in this I'm also getting better.

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm currently  trying to balance running, swimming and workouts before work with my daily commute(20miles). I have no lack of motivation or drive only direction and instruction.

2009: This year I plan to start with a Sprint in April then do the Duckbill thrill in May and after that I'm not sure what I want to do. I'm hoping that since we live in the same area you can help me decide where to go from there depending on my progress.

Just a side note I used to work with your wife in the ICU. At one time you and I tried to coordinate an open water swim but with the pending birth of my daughter I couldn't follow up.

Also wanted to let you know that your story is inspiring.


2009-01-07 7:01 PM
in reply to: #1891865

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

Hi Kathy,

Consider yourself part of the group! As of this moment we are two in number, but I'm sure others will follow. Be sure to add me to your "friends" list.

I agree that as you continue to train you're weight will change, that's what I'm curently experiencing. Too bad about the accidents but I guess everyone has something that can put a snag in training. 

I believe I can help you with transitions and as we get into the questions phase I'll do just that.




2009-01-07 7:05 PM
in reply to: #1892082

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

Hi Gene! I'm glad you want to be part of the group. I can help you with the IMCDA training and working it in to your schedule because I have a good idea what you can focus on. I think I may have conversed with you recently about training now that I think about it. Anyway, welcome!


2009-01-07 7:08 PM
in reply to: #1892605

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

Hi Dirk,

Welcome to the group. Congrats on your daughter BTW. I'm sure we'll be able to work in a swim sometime soon, at least when the water warms up into the fifties!

Talk to you soon.


2009-01-08 5:37 AM
in reply to: #1878962

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Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open
hi Jeff,
I'm 28, female and a complete novice to triathlons. I'm not overweight but i need to tone up.
I'm a keen cyclist and can do 10 miles in around 25 mins at a comfortable pace, i'm a total non runner but tried a 3km fun run in december which took me 30mins but i was dressed as santa complete with beard i'm very determined to see this through and would love to be part of your group.
2009-01-08 6:48 AM
in reply to: #1894177

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open
Welcome aboard Beca. I would have loved to see the Santa run. Hilarious. Sounds like cycling is your strongest leg alright and I'm confident your run times will improve when you drop the beard! Hows your swimming?
2009-01-08 8:13 AM
in reply to: #1878962

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Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open
thanks Jeff, i'm excited about this!
I'll try posting a picture of me in full santa pose later- if you look carefully you can see fear behind the beard!

If i'm honest i've always been full of excuses or totally defeatist for not doing things properly or well. Last time i went swimming i was a doggy paddling but after 3years of swim lessons before i do know how to swim properly so i need to get in the pool and knuckle down. I'm tall (6ft) so i was always a bit selfconcious but i hope now this might work in my favour.
2009-01-08 8:23 PM
in reply to: #1894380

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

Fear Behind the Beard sounds like a great blog title.

I wouldn't give a second thought to being six foot, just dive in, stretch out, and hit the other end.

2009-01-08 9:36 PM
in reply to: #1878962

New user
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

Hi Jeff,

I am a total noobie at the tri scene.   A little about me.  I am 44 y.o. and extremely overweight.  I do have a decent road bike and have plenty of room for running, however, finding a place in the winter to swim may be a little challenging but I am looking for a pool

What do I want to accomplish: At this point just getting in better shape and losing weight.  The reason I would like to work with you is multi-fold.  Our ages aren't much different, we are both in the northwest, and we both have/had health issues.

I am married with two girls and plenty of animals and a full time and part time job.

I know I can be a challenge at times because I get bored or find an excuse or two not to work out.  I am hoping by having a supportive mentor and group that I can get beyond it.

I do need to schedule a physical with my doc which I will do first thing tomorrow so I can get started.   I hope you are willing to take on this challenge cause I don't even know where to begin but have been reading everything I can find.



2009-01-08 10:18 PM
in reply to: #1896551

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

Hey Brian,

Everybody's a newbie at one point. I say welcome to the group. Once you get squared away with your doc just let me know how I can help you. Where in the PNW do you live?

2009-01-08 11:26 PM
in reply to: #1878962

New user
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

Hi Jeff,

I live about 40 minutes west of Olympia.   My main concern is just how to get started without overdoing it at first.  

2009-01-09 9:02 AM
in reply to: #1878962

New user

Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open


 I go by Scott. I started a new lifestyle in July with a move to Shanghai, China and I have lost from 225 down to 200. I did this by bicycling into work everyday (everyone here bikes) and now I have got the idea in my head that I want to set a Tri Challenge in my 2 year goal plan. I am looking for a group to lean on over the coming months to figure out how to plan out and implement a training plan. I read thru the strings and we be honored to be part of such a positive group if you don't mind the frequent newbie questions.



Edited by biffle95 2009-01-09 9:29 AM
2009-01-09 9:03 AM
in reply to: #1878962

New user

Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

Edited by biffle95 2009-01-09 9:04 AM

2009-01-09 6:13 PM
in reply to: #1878962

New user

Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

Hey Jeff, I think I would like to join your group.  I am the most unatheletic person, who happens to have three grown children that were all super athletes.  I was always the mom that cooked for the teams.  I fed 85 highschool football players every week of football season and playoffs all four years of my youngest son's time on the field.  He is currently serving in the Air Force in the middle east and is special forces.  My middle child, was the star soccer player.  Both of my sons snowboard and ski, love water sports and mountain bike.  My daughter was the head chearleader and gymnst from the time she was 8years old through college.

I am 49 years old.  Seperated after 28 years of marriage, and living on my own for the first time of my life.  I am currently 35-40 lbs overweight, I fight my weight always, losing and gaining...and I have a bad back caused by wearing high heels and lifting/carrying dead heavy weights for years, (I am a funeral director.)  I have made several goals to meet by my 50th birthday, September 2009.  One of them is to be healthier, stronger and disciplined in all areas of my life.  When I heard about triathalons, I was intrigued, but knew I could never do it.  Remember what I said about being the most unathletic person?  Anyway, I also have harboured the fear of water all my life.  I panic when I can't touch the bottom of the pool and would have to be bribed to get into our family boat.  Now I am living at the beach, the boat is mine and I have mastered driving and jet docking it in the past six months.  So the next step is swim lessons.  I have now had three and today I was able to swim 250 wasn't pretty, but I did it.  My kids can not believe that their momma is learning how to swim..."Mom, your scared of the water, why are you taking swim lessons?  You'll drown!" 

I have a mountain bike I am riding right now until I can afford a road bike, but I am riding five miles about three times a week.  I have always walked, but now I am learning to run.  I walked four miles in 55 minutes, and today, I walked/ran a mile in 15 minutes on the treadmill, (after my swim.)  I am working on my diet, no wine since New Year's Day, no sugars and more protien.  I want to compete and complete in a beginner triatholon before my birthday.  I live in the Charleston SC area and I know they have them between here and Savannah. I just have to find one and sign up. 

So Jeff, I am excited and scared!  I want desperately to do this to overcome fears and prove to myself that I can be strong more ways than physical.  I need to do my homework and get a plan that is more focused and ironclad, but I plan on getting that done this weekend.  On top of all of that, I am beginning a new job with a Forensic Physician which will be stressful and I need to control my stress.  I also will start training to be a Chaplain late February for 11 weeks.  I will finish up the first week of May, so I would like my first race to be after that. 

What do you think?  Am I allowed to join your group or am I crazy?

Teri Morris

2009-01-09 6:25 PM
in reply to: #1897169

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

Hi Scott,

Wow, China huh? I think it's great what you've accomplished so far. Yes, by all means be a part of the group. Welcome!



2009-01-09 6:55 PM
in reply to: #1898736

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

Hi Teri,

What a story! Bravo for braving the pool and facing your fears. With that kind of gumption you'll make that triathlon by your birthday and I hope you'll join the group so I can help you do it.

First, keep up the swim lessons. A sprint tri swim is usually 500 yards, or ten laps in a 25 yard pool.

Second, there's nothing wrong with training on a mountain bike at first. In fact, many sprints have a mountain bike category on the registration form so you could probably go that route, though a road bike is much better.

Third, keep up the run/walk on the tread for now and I think starting out running for maybe 3-4 minutes and walk 1 minute repeating sequence until you get to 15 minutes or even longer. A sprint run leg is usually 3.1 miles and that's what you'll be working up to.

At the top of the page is a checkered flag tagged "races." Use that page to locate a race in your area around the time of your birthday. In fact, there;s a sprint triathlon in Hartsville, S.C. on Sunday, Sept. 6. I have no idea where that is but you get the idea. Once you find the best match count back 20 weeks, like April 1 for example, and make that  your official "Teri Conquers the Triathlon" training program kickoff. Everything you do from now until then will be to get you in shape to train just for that race. We can talk more about this as time go on but take what I say as guidelines for now and keep up the good work!



2009-01-09 10:03 PM
in reply to: #1878962

New user

Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

Thanks Jeff. My biggest concern is form. I know my form is wrong in all three areas but luckily I have a buddy who is a road racer and she is willing to work on that aspect. I have been trying to find mentors in each area but it is a little difficult. Suggestions?

I am biking to work 6.5 miles each way 5 days a week. Right now I am using a modified single gear road bike to build up my muscles and burn fat. I will mix it up with running back from work twice a week starting next month. I will not start swimming until the spring as it is very expensive here for indoor swimming and our pool at the housing complex is outdoor.

 Thanks for the help and encouragement. It took a lot to get my butt off the couch and I don't want to fall back into those old habits.


2009-01-10 12:08 AM
in reply to: #1899079

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

You can do exercises to immitate swimming until such time as you can actually swim. If you have access to a cabled pulldown machine you can stand an arms length away with a palms down grip on the bar and pull the bar down to your thighs. Remember to keep your arms straight throughout the movement. Or, if you have elastic bands you can afix them to a pole and do a swim-type movement with an alternating stroke.

As far as cycling, it sounds like your building a great base with your daily rides. One thing you could do there is on your return ride do intervals. After a mile or two warmup ride hard for like 30 seconds then ride easy until your breathing is under control. Repeat this a few time but give yourself a mile or two to cool down. On this kind of ride I wouldn't run afterward. On another day if you ride at a comfortable pace back home you can run rightaway after riding. So maybe do the interval ride on day one, do the run on day two (known as a brick) and just do a comfortable ride on day three. On day four if there are hills in the area you could ride the hills. Basically just try and add some variety to your rideing.

The same can be said for running in that there are days where you can do quick bursts of speed and jog to recover, or you can do an endurance run straight out.

2009-01-10 9:40 AM
in reply to: #1878962


Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open
Hey Jeff:
Seems like the group is filling up fast, hope there is still room. I started browsing (or lurking) in BT for training related articles and shortly joined up as a member. As a rookie to all this, I see that having some guidance and inspriation is crucial. Your story is amazing and I thought this the cornerman to have! But I view my TRI and training more as an adventure rather than a duty.

I participated in Ride the Rockies last year ( 6 day 437 mile tour) and later ran in some local 5 k's and thought that I may have found a new athletic pursuit for this creeky 45 yo body. Currently, I am folloiwing the Michael Pate 22wk " Sprint Tri" program. Like everyone else, I am commited but have the realities of juggling family and career.

Biking is a passion. I commute or mountain bike and ride to the grocery store. Even on the frosty Boulder mornings. Running is not my forte, but my pr's for a 5k are around 37:00 to 38:00. I am not much of swimmer and this is where I need to work Stroke and form development will be my '09 challenge. Currently my goals are rather sketchy, I don't have any races on the docket, but I want to do 2 Sprints, a 10K and another state tour ( either Ride the Rockies or Tour de Wyoming). I dig the Multi sport scene here, but can seriously do with out the pretention and ego. Your persona seems totally contrary to that, which is very cool.

Look forward to hearing from you

2009-01-10 1:09 PM
in reply to: #1899421

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

Hi Joe,

Welcome to the group. You're in a great area for training. As I understand it Boulder is the "place to be." I've had the "Tripe Bypass Ride" on my list for a couple of years now and still hope to do it.

It's good to see you're following a plan. I don't want to mess with it but if you have questions about anything "fire away." Life does get in the way of training but as I learned last year you can actually do better in races with less training. Don't fret about a missed workout or two as that will happen, just train well when you do train.


2009-01-10 1:11 PM
in reply to: #1899667

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Eugene, Oregon
Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open

I want everyone to know that I've installed a group shortcut on my training page. Just add me to your "friends" list and the link I've installed will take you here directly. 


2009-01-10 4:51 PM
in reply to: #1878962

New user

Subject: RE: Jeff's Group - Open


 Thanks for the encouragement.  But not only am I the most unathletic person but I have a hard time navigating do I actually sign on to your particular page and into your group?  Oh yeah...I found a race in Hilton Head on May 2.  I would love to do that one.  Do you think I have enough time to train?


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