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Cycle to the Sun - CycleRoad Race

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Paia, Hawaii
United States
Maui Cyclery
70F / 21C
Total Time = 3h 37m 44s
Overall Rank = 28/188
Age Group = M30-39
Age Group Rank = 9/31
Pre-race routine:

This was it. The big Tamale. 36 miles climbing 10,000 feet to the top of Haleakala! The goal was to break 4 hours. Pretty arbitrary, but there were a few people that I train with that did the race last year. And most of them finished in the 4:02 to 4:30 range. And I feel that I'm stronger than all of them this year compared to where they were last year.

Training went well. Despite my lack of training for 8 straight days while on a business trip, I put in a lot of good miles. Lots of laps of Tantalus at hard efforts, and one good 85 mile solo ride with Kamehame and Wailae Iki at the end were helpful.

Staying at Nalukai Lodge is super convenient. Granted it's bare minimum, but perfect place for focusing on the race.
Event warmup:

Didn't expect check in to take so long, so I was only able to squeeze in about 5 minutes of riding. Didn't really matter though.
  • 3h 37m 44s
  • 35.5 miles
  • 9.78 mile/hr

Started out hard to stay with a strong pack and take advantage of the draft since the bottom half is flatter and more exposed to the wind...meaning the draft has more effect. So my plan was to hang on as long as possible...then time trial the rest of the race. Plan worked pretty well. Started out with a pack of 6, which soon became 12, then dwindled down to about 3 of us as people dropped off. At the park entrance, I let the last 2 guys go and my time trial began.

I was pretty much riding on my own for the next hour. I stood up every 3-5 minutes just to stretch out my lower back and my legs. Going to need to work on that for next year...more lower back strength.

At about 6500 feet, I caught up to Robery Patey...a Hilo guy who did Sea to Stars last week. He jumped on my wheel, then started working for me...which was interesting because the few people I passed, I passed them and dropped them pretty easily. He was clearly pushing himself to work for me...even when I told him I couldn't pull through at the current pace he was going. He told me not to worry, and that I would eventually drop him. Well, turns out I did...unintentionally at the last aid station at 8000 feet. I slowed up and looked back, and he gave me a look like I should just go on. What a nice guy...pretty much did a Jens Voit for me.

At this point, I'm feeling good. I know the end is near and my legs feel great. I start to open it up just a hair...but still cautious that the altitude might get to me at the 9000 foot mark, and that the steepest part of the race is at the end. I heard a lot of stories about the end being brutal, so I wanted to make sure I didn't cook myself before then. I'm doing all kinds of math in my head, trying to figure project what my time might be. I was calculating anywhere from low 3:30 to 3:35...which was way faster than my sub 4 hour goal.

Well, turns out at 8500 feet I start to lock up my left inside quad. I back off immediately and try to down some water and salt. It quickly releases, but I decide to back off for 10+ minutes. Still feeling good...just a bit scared that my race may somehow fall apart with all the unknowns still ahead.

At about 9200 feet, I realize that the altitude is not really bothering me at all. I can tell that there is less oxygen in the air, but not nearly like the stories I was hearing. My legs haven't had any signs of cramping again, so I decide to push on with the observatory in sight. I finally hit the last steep part of the race...but have no idea how long it lasts. It's actually about half a mile at 9-10% avergae, with portions over 14%...but I wasn't sure if it was closer to a mile. I can't see the finish line, so I can't assume anything. So while I could have attacked the hill, I held back a little...which may have been just as hard trying to go up at 5-6 mph.

I finally see the finish line 100 yards ahead...almost shocked to see it so close, and I still had more than enough kick left. So I pop down on my cassette and "sprint" to the finish just under 3:38. Overall, I was estatic with my time. If you gave me 10:1 odds that I would break 3:40, I wouldn't take the bet.
What would you do differently?:

Ideally, I would have liked to gone easier in the beginning. But it was a trade off with the draft. My cramp near the end (and slower last 3 miles as a result) was most likely due to my effort at the beginning. But I saved a lot of time following that back in the draft, so it's hard to say I would have been faster if I backed off earlier.

Knowing the finish would have been really helpful...but I wouldn't have caught the guy ahead of me anyway.

Would have also liked to have been 10 pounds lighter...but oh well.
Post race
Warm down:

Stretched a little, ate, drank, and waited for the others to finish. Lower back was really stiff, but slowly loosened up over time. The post race party had free massages, which really helped.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

The only thing I was really dissapointed in was my race weight. I really wanted to be down to 150 by this time of the year.

Event comments:

Just an awesome race. Really a must do for any avid bike racer. It's a perfect all around race. There is some road racing and strategy involved in the beginning of the race. THERE'S CLIMBING!!! There's a time trial aspect to it as you'll likely be on your own eventually. The view is absolutely amazing. And the sense of accomplishment at the end is unbelievable when you look back down at the horizon of clouds BELOW you.

Not to mention the post race party with free beer doesn't hurt. I'm hooked...I'll be back next year.

Last updated: 2011-06-14 12:00 AM
03:37:44 | 35.5 miles | 9.78 mile/hr
Age Group: 9/31
Overall: 28/188
Performance: Good
Avg HR 168..... 1st Half 19.37 miles, 4.9% avg, 1:44:10 (27th), HR 170...... 2nd Half 16.16 miles, 5.7% avg, 1:53:32 HR 166
Wind: Some
Course: Paia to the observatory at the top of Haleakala
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence:
Turns: Cornering:
Gear changes: Good Hills: Good
Race pace: Hard Drinks: Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5

2011-08-22 3:31 AM

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Subject: Cycle to the Sun

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2011 CTS 2.jpg (58KB - 27 downloads)
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2011-08-22 8:35 AM
in reply to: #3653138

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University Park, MD
Subject: RE: Cycle to the Sun
You averaged almost 10mph up that climb. Not too shabby.
2011-08-22 10:04 AM
in reply to: #3653354

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Subject: RE: Cycle to the Sun
Good job.  Love your report.  Need to put this race on in bucket to do.
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