I came across a great running list of healthy easy recipes- http://www.beachbody.com/beachbodyblog/category/nutrition/recipes/p... I have been going through this for a while now and it's great. It makes it easy to figure out what to eat each night. I usually make enough for lunches through out the week and I really look forward to them now. I hope this helps
I scanned through a fair number of pages and I see a lot of good ideas. I saved the website and I should be able to use quite a few of the recipes. My wife is vegan and I see lots she might like as well.
If you are looking for a simple, yet special, gift for your running buddy, teammate, or active friend, enjoy making one of these recipes that will be sure to please any hungry athlete.
Are your long workouts approaching 3 hours? Can't seem to eat enough or time your nutrition? Use the following calorie recommendations and recipes to create your own meal plan.
Depending on the length of your workout, there are several options to choose for a post-workout snack. Includes 3 smoothy recipes for workouts over 2-3 hours.
Whether you want to analyze your sports diet, get an answer to your questions about creatine, or find a new recipe for chicken, you can get an amazing amount of health information on the web.
Eating To Win, Eating To Live. A collection of heart-healthy recipes that fuels Ironman training. Also some pre-race thoughts before Ironman Coeur d’Alene.
I have compiled a list of the eleven most important things, in my opinion, that I have learned in my first three months as a triathlete and a BT member. Hopefully you find this useful.
As race day apporaches anxiety builds. Don't let packing add to that list of worries. Part 1 is a checklist compiled by many that I have used on race day.