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2009-08-17 11:04 AM

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Oakland, Fl
Subject: Interesting "side-effect"?
OK...I am 32 yrs old and since i was young up until the beginnin go f the year, I can't say my eating habits were great.  Normally I ate 2 meals a day and the 2nd on was rather late 9-10pm.  I am obese and my hypothyroid was no help for the situation.  I do know i snacked on some very bad items during the day as well.  Hell, I think if you gave me a box of Ho Ho's I would go to town.

As of the beginning of the year, I have replaced my 2 meals plus snacking to 5-6 smaller meals that are much healthier....not great, but much better then Mickey D's or BK.  Now, sometimes the thought of food upsets my stomach.  I eat a small bowl of cereal for breakfast, then a banana for a mid-morning snack, a ham and cheese sandwich on marble rye for lunch, granola bar for 3pm snack, lean chicken for dinner and sometimes another granola bar later.

I have noticed recently, when it comes to snack time, I get an overly full and almost neaucious feeling.  I have been like this for the last few months....anyone else feel this way?  I do exercise 1-2 hours a day (burning about 1500 cal per my HR monitor) 4-5 days a week.  I am not losing lbs (other then the 20 spread ot since Jan) but I am losing some inches, slowly, but that's the best way, no?

2009-08-17 12:14 PM
in reply to: #2353142

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Subject: RE: Interesting "side-effect"?

I was having the same problem as you with nausea associated with eating...Mine normally comes in phases (3 weeks on, 3 weeks off)...I haven't really figured out why yet though?

I guess it could be anything? It is summer and in general when its hot I just dont feel like eating...It could also be the proximity to workouts that you are eating...I find that after workouts I am just not hungry and I have to force myself to eat something. Last week after a swim I was force-feeding myself an energy bar in the change didn't feel too great!


2009-08-17 12:58 PM
in reply to: #2353142

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Interesting "side-effect"?
I would have to question if you are REALLY burning as many calories as this: I do exercise 1-2 hours a day (burning about 1500 cal per my HR monitor).

Seems a bit high. What are you doing to burn that many calories? Have you checked again other resources to see if that is accurate?

I only bring it up because if you say you are not losing weight, it might be because you are over estimating how many calories you are burning. Maybe.

2009-08-17 1:07 PM
in reply to: #2353142

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Oakland, Fl
Subject: RE: Interesting "side-effect"?
ksh....I am just saying on round estimates.  I am swimming 1 mi and then biking 1.5hrs both keeping my heart rate in the high 170's.  I am also 280lbs at 5'10" so I have the additional weight I am carring around with me.  Losing weight has always been an uphill battle with having a severe hypothyroid issue.  I am losing inches though, so I am not overly concerned.  I am just surprised at the nausea I have even when not close to working out.  I had to choke down my banana this morning....and I love bananas.

Oh HR monitor is so-so...a Polar F4...not sure how totally accurate.  I use it as round numbers.  My 26min swim on sat regisered at 381 cal and then the 1.5 hr hilly bike ride with headwinds came in a 1358 cal burned.  Resting HR is 70.

Per the online website it said I burned 2045 total cal.  (swim 353 and bike 1692) I will stick with the lower number.

Another web-site came in at exactly 1500 cal total (bike was 1164 cal and swim 336)

Edited by DolphinGirlMB 2009-08-17 1:19 PM
2009-08-17 1:44 PM
in reply to: #2353568

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Interesting "side-effect"?
My question is : is this what you are really eating or is this a synopsis? No veggies? The outlined meal is lacking in nutrients and vitamins/minerals. You could be naseous because your body is actually starving (even though your stomach is full). Cereals and granola bars are full of sugar and processed ingredients, and if the above is a typical day I'd say it's pretty heavy in gluten. I'd start my day with a good organic cereal (like Kashi) or regular oatmeal with fruit .. avoid the bread/sandwich at lunch and go with salads or wraps, have a good supper of chicken and steamed/roasted veggies, a bit of pasta or rice ... snacks can be fruit, veggie sticks, cottage cheese/yogourt with veggies/fruit, hard boiled eggs, wasa crackers with hummus, etc ...
2009-08-17 1:48 PM
in reply to: #2353142

New user
Subject: RE: Interesting "side-effect"?
Your HR is staying inthe 170's?  Isn't that dangerously high?

I'm no expert, but that seems like you're at your max heart rate.  Sustaining that for long periods of time is not good.  It's my understanding you don't really want to go beyond 85%

Maybe someone with better knowledge can chime in here.  (I know its off track from the original discussion)

2009-08-17 5:39 PM
in reply to: #2353706

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Interesting "side-effect"?
JC5066 - 2009-08-17 1:48 PM

Your HR is staying inthe 170's?  Isn't that dangerously high?

I'm no expert, but that seems like you're at your max heart rate.  Sustaining that for long periods of time is not good.  It's my understanding you don't really want to go beyond 85%

Maybe someone with better knowledge can chime in here.  (I know its off track from the original discussion)

That HR could be fine for her.

220 - your age does not equal your max HR.

If that were the case, then I'm a 14 year old girl. Trust me, I'm not.

Well all have different max HR's.

2009-08-17 6:30 PM
in reply to: #2353142

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Subject: RE: Interesting "side-effect"?

My initial reaction to what you are eating....not a chance that would work for me.  I am trying to lose some body fat and I eat way more protein that you do, way less carbs, and TONS more veggies (fiber is your friend).  A lot of the carbs I get are from fruits & veggies, minimal carbs from grains.   If my priority is TRAINING, then I eat more carbs than this.  If my priority is fat loss, I keep my carbs pretty tight.

I also do not believe my garmin or any of the online calculators for how many calories I burn.  I think they way overestimate.  

All that to say, if you are losing inches, screw the scale.    But really think about adding in some veggies. 

2009-08-17 8:05 PM
in reply to: #2354364

New user
Subject: RE: Interesting "side-effect"?
gopennstate - 2009-08-17 7:30 PM

 A lot of the carbs I get are from fruits & veggies, minimal carbs from grains. 

I just read an article about this.  It was saying to get off the old thinking of pasta the night before a race...It also talked about how Lance Armstrong was working with a nutritionist who had him getting most of his carbs from fruits and vegetables instead of the traditional way of grains and pastas.

Fruits and vegies not only provide you with much needed fiber, it also supplies you with nutrients your body needs.  (don't try to say you take vitamins, its not the same)
2009-08-17 8:23 PM
in reply to: #2354521

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Interesting "side-effect"?
I'm a sports nutritionist ... I generally recommend to my clients that 50% of what they eat be veggies, and of that 50% be raw (so 25% of everything they eat be raw veggies) ... of course this varies from person to person, but that's a good guideline.

The other 50% is a balanced mix of fruit, nuts and seeds, fish, lean poultry, lean red meats, and whole-wheat pasta and rice. Again - this varies according to personal need. I do NOT recommend cereals and granola bars, unless they are specifically being used for fuel for workouts (there is a difference between nutrition and fuel). I slap their hands if I see anything processed or manufactured in their food logs, unless it's a cheat meal.
2009-08-17 10:27 PM
in reply to: #2353142

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Oakland, Fl
Subject: RE: Interesting "side-effect"?
Well, starting Sept 1 I am going to change up the diet and see what happens.  I am going to eat more veggies, fruits and lean protien.  I will do this for the month of Sept. and report back.

2009-08-18 10:15 AM
in reply to: #2354778

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Interesting "side-effect"?
Why wait until Sept 1?

2009-08-18 11:35 AM
in reply to: #2353142

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Oakland, Fl
Subject: RE: Interesting "side-effect"?
So I don't waste the food I have in my house...
2009-08-18 11:45 AM
in reply to: #2353142

New user
Subject: RE: Interesting "side-effect"?
I would suggest adding some Brown Rice too.

Just remember, you need to eat foods you like.  If you don't like what you're eating  you won't stay on your diet.  You don't need to give up the food you're already eating, just replace some of it with more vegies and fruits and may be even that rice.

Replace that ham with boneless skinless chicken breast.
2009-08-18 12:31 PM
in reply to: #2353142

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Oakland, Fl
Subject: RE: Interesting "side-effect"?
I do realize that...and I don't consider myself on a diet...just trying to make better choices for myself.  I don't eat fast food anymore, nor do I miss it.  However, if I am on a trip, I don't feel bad when I eat there, if I have too....I just try to pick better choices on the menu.  I don't want to be a person that says they can't go somewhere b/c they dont serve my style of food.  I am just trying to be more concious.  As for the cereal and ham sandwich..they are just cheap meals.

I don't know about eating brown rice, I try not to eat rice or pasta.  Breads have only been re-introduced into my diet about 2 months ago, and I do not eat white bread, only marble-rye.

Funny thing is that when I went from eating fast food and no exercise, to 5 days a week of exercise plus no fast food, I didn't lose much weight.  I don't drink soda, only water and 1% milk.  My body has always been stubborn about losing weight and I am ok with that...but I know what I am doing for myself is helping me in other ways.  I.E. My resting HR used to be over 100 and now it's 70. 

Thanks everyone for thier opinions.  I am still unsure of the nausea when eating..but lets see what having more veggies does for me....

What veggies are the best?
2009-08-18 12:44 PM
in reply to: #2355886

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Interesting "side-effect"?
DolphinGirlMB - 2009-08-18 1:31 PM

What veggies are the best?

The ones you like well enough to eat! But seriously, try for some "color variety" in your veggies - dark green veggies (broccoli, beans, etc.) red veggies (tomatoes, red peppers), orange veggies (carrots, orange peppers) yellow squash, etc.... Some of my personal favorite easy to eat raw veggie snacks are baby carrots, grape tomatoes, sugar snap peas, and sliced peppers (in various color varieties).

2009-08-18 12:47 PM
in reply to: #2353142

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Interesting "side-effect"?
Great veggies for steaming, roasting, or stir-fry are broccoli, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, carrots, kale, spinach, zucchini, sweet potatoes, peppers, onions ... if you don't have a steamer get one. They're cheap, and all you have to do is a little bit of washing, slicing, then throw the veggies in the steamer for 10 minutes. Done - drizzle with a bit of olive oil, a tiny bit of sea salt and pepper, and enjoy! If roasting, toss with a bit of olive oil and some sea salt and pepper, then just throw them in the oven until done ... same with stir-frying. Just make sure you don't over-steam (or over-roast, or over-fry), they should still be slightly crisp ... over-cooking depletes the nutrients. Do not boil your veggies.

Salads - go for the dark leafy greens - spinach, mixed greens, etc - instead of the iceburg and non-lettuces found in commercial salads. Add some prawns, sliced chicken breast or turkey, salmon, etc ... throw on a few nuts and seeds and use olive oil or flax oil instead of dressing - you got yourself an awesome salad ...

Snacking veggies - peppers, carrots, broccoli, snap/sugar peas, celery ...

Whole wheat pasta or brown/wild rice will not hurt you - keep your portions to 1/2 - 1 cup, and it'll do more good than harm.

Another great way to get your veggies is home-made pizza - get some whole wheat flatbread, drizzle it with a bit of olive oil, sea salt, garlic, etc .. then pile on spinach, mushrooms, red onion, tomatoes, whatever else you want, top with a *little* bit of feta or goat cheese - throw it in the toaster oven for 10 minutes. Delish! I used to make these at work for lunch.

There's no end to the different ways to get your veggies! Cottage cheese w/ tomato and cucumber is one of my favourite snacks, for example.
2009-08-18 12:47 PM
in reply to: #2353142

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Interesting "side-effect"?
I have hypothyroidism, too, as was having the nausea while eating.  Lots of tests later, the doctors decided I had Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), which seems to be common with hypothyroid patients.  I have medication to take when I have stomach cramps or nausea and that has helped a ton!

I've also been working on changing my diet.  Eating more fiber, less gluten (especially bread and pasta), and more protein.  It's helped a ton.

If you want any more info, feel free to send me a PM. 
2009-08-18 1:43 PM
in reply to: #2353142

New user
Subject: RE: Interesting "side-effect"?
WHITE RICE has little to no nutritional value where as BROWN RICE does.

With brown rice I highly suggest pre-soaking the rice for 4-6 hours.  Drain, then cook according to directions.  You'll be amazed at the difference this makes.

I eat 2+ cups a day.  I eat very little bread.  Bread is processed.  That and my morning oatmeal is about all of the "starches" I eat.  The rest of my carbs come from fruits and vegetables.

When I'm sticking to my "diet" I feel great.  Lots of energy.

The best part of veggies is you can eat a ton of them because the calories are so low.  Plus they help give you a balance in fiber that you don't get from whole grains.
2009-08-18 3:11 PM
in reply to: #2353142


Subject: RE: Interesting "side-effect"?
I am no expert on any of this but I lost 10lbs fast and then nothing, I was doing heavy exercise every day ( 1 mile swims followed by 35 mile bikes) and it was frustrating me so I simply starting counting calories, I didnt realise how many calories I was drinking in Gatorade every day! One week later I had dropped 2.5 lbs and my caloring counting is easy...hope that may works!
2009-08-18 3:21 PM
in reply to: #2353142

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Subject: RE: Interesting "side-effect"?
SpiritFire - Thanks for sharing your knowledge. I've lost close to 100lbs so I know how to track calories and activity but I still struggle with veggies and a healthy diet. I'm much better then I used to be but there is lots of room for improvement. Anyway your veggie post was helpful so I just wanted to say thanks!

2009-08-18 5:34 PM
in reply to: #2356504

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Interesting "side-effect"?
Hey - no problem! I'm always happy to share my knowledge and my personal experience both. ;-)

If anyone ever has any questions re: nutritional advice, please don't be afraid to PM me - I enjoy helping people out in the little ways, when I can. Of course - without a full consultation I can't make specific recommendations ... but I can at least point you in the right direction and give you my opinion!
2009-08-18 7:42 PM
in reply to: #2353142

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Oakland, Fl
Subject: RE: Interesting "side-effect"?
Well, I couldnt wait and hit the grocery store for...cucumbers, tomatos, green pepper, banana, oranges, plumbs, spinach, strawberry and manderine oranges.  I already had broccoli in the broccoli it was for dinner.  Tomorrow is spinach, strawberry and manderine salad..yum.
2009-08-18 7:48 PM
in reply to: #2356969

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Interesting "side-effect"?
Yay! I suspect you'll start noticing a difference in your health/feelings/mood/bowel/everything within 2-3 days. ;-)

Edited: you can add these things to the foods you already have (that you wanted to use up before Sept 1) ... but I suspect you already know that.

Edited by SpiritFire 2009-08-18 7:49 PM
2009-08-18 9:07 PM
in reply to: #2356969

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Subject: RE: Interesting "side-effect"?
DolphinGirlMB - 2009-08-18 8:42 PM Well, I couldnt wait and hit the grocery store for...cucumbers, tomatos, green pepper, banana, oranges, plumbs, spinach, strawberry and manderine oranges.  I already had broccoli in the broccoli it was for dinner.  Tomorrow is spinach, strawberry and manderine salad..yum.

Awesome!!!  your salad sounds great.  Here's a simply & yummy homemade dressing you can try.  I make this ALL the time.

Balsamic Vinaigrette

1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

1/4 cup balsamic vinegar

1 clove crushed or pressed garlic

1/2 teaspoon ground mustard (Grey Poupon)

1/2 pinch salt

ground black pepper to taste

In a small bowl, whisk together olive oil, white balsamic vinegar, garlic, and mustard powder. Season to taste with salt and black pepper. Stir in minced fresh herbs if desired.

Tips:  Use a good brand of EVOO & Balsamic Vinegar.  It makes a big difference.  I buy EVOO in a dark glass container, not clear glass.  Also, do not skip a real clove of garlic.  I tried to sub garlic powder and it was terrible.

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