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2010-12-21 3:10 PM

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far northern CA
Subject: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

NAME:  Tracy (aka. owl_girl)

STORY:  As a Mommy of a 20 month old boy, I know how difficult it is to juggle kids, husband, home, work, and exercise.  Mommies are expected to do it all...and to do it all well.  Exercise is the first thing that gets scratched off the list.  I have been doing triathlons for six years and on Beginner Triathlete since 2006.  Triathlon was my way of staying healthy before I had a baby, while I was pregnant, and after giving birth.  Today, I am a much better Mommy and Wife because I put my mental and physical health at the very top of my list of responsibilities.

FAMILY STATUS:  I am a Wife to my fabulous Husband who is an awesome runner and cyclist and Mommy to our 20 month old boy.  We live on the far northern California coast.

CURRENT TRAINING:  I do not follow a pre-determined training plan.  Trial and error and consistency has determined the appropriate schedule for me.  I do not schedule rest days.  Rest days take care of themselves when my toddler (or husband) is sick or cranky.  I love to run so I base my bike and swim workouts on my self-imposed running schedule.  I train for half-ironman distance races so I can race well at sprint and olympic distances.

2010 RACES:  2010 was a good year for me.  I did several running races between 2 and 10 miles.  I did three sprint triathlons.  One did not go very well.  I placed first in my age group at the other two.  I also did two bike time trials and broke my age group record at both of them.

2011 RACES:  I plan on doing several running races again this year.  A half marathon is on the schedule for May.  I will be doing the time trials again and I plan on doing two sprint triathlons.  I'd like to do another half-ironman but I'm not sure if that will happen this year.

WEIGHT LOSS:  I have lost all of the weight I gained while pregnant.  Now I'm just working on getting back to racing weight.  I am slowly and thoughtfully working on losing 10 more pounds to make me more competitive.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR:  I am on BT all the time.  I was a mentor a few years ago.  Some of my old mentees have gone on to do Ironmans, multiple marathons, and other great endeavors.  I have listed every workout for the past several years.  Yes, even while I was pregnant.  Go ahead, take a look!   I can help other Mommies of small children try to make the transition from Super Mom to Super Healthy Mom!  Please keep in mind that I will limit this mentor group to Mommies of small children.  I can't wait to get to know you!  Cheers!

Edited by owl_girl 2010-12-27 4:25 PM

2010-12-21 4:05 PM
in reply to: #3256657

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Denver Area
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies

I'm in, Tracy. 

I'm a two time mama, 4.5 yo & 7 mo, on BT since 2007. Did my first HIM last summer and lookin' forward to mixing with other mommies who train, knowing the juggling act is constant and challenging.

2010-12-21 4:38 PM
in reply to: #3256657

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies

Awesome, Ada!!!  Great to have a Mommy on board before we even go live!   Tell us a little more about your workouts, goals, hurdles and ambitions for 2011.

BTW, Ron.....I am available to begin mentoring immediately.

2010-12-25 9:31 PM
in reply to: #3256657

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies
I would like to join this group.

NAME:  Rachel

  I did my first triathlon in 2008.  I did a HIM in 2009 and was planning to do a 2nd HIM that August but I got pregnant again and could not get on my bike without horrible vertigo.  In 2010, after having my baby, I got training and completed American TTT in NC in October.  Since then my training has been very inconsistent.  I have been married 12.5 years and have 4 children ages 4, 3, 3, and 9 months.  My biggest challenge is my husband travels weekly so finding time to train with such young kids can be quite the challenge.  We don't live in the same city as either of our families either.

  Right now I am not following anything and really need to get back on track.  In February, I start my training program for IMKY and and am really nervous but also excited.

2010 RACES: 
2010 was an interesting year.  I had my fourth child in February so I was not doing anything for a while and was basically starting from scratch when I did get back into the swing of things.  I did American TTT in OCtober, although not well.

2011 RACES:  I am doing IMKY in August, my first IM.  I am also looking for a good HIM to prepare.  I am thinking of one in Morgantown, WV.  Other than that, I am not sure what is on my schedule.

Edited by tricrazy 2010-12-25 10:28 PM
2010-12-26 10:51 AM
in reply to: #3256657

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Conroe TX
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies
I'm in.

My name is Ren.  I have no experience.  I started running in August, I bought a bike in October.  I've been doing my own form of training since I started in October. 

My goal is to do a super sprint in May and hopefully other sprints in 2011.  Of course, one day I'd love to do a longer race. 

I'll be running a 1/2 Marathon in Feb, so I am very run focused at the moment. 

I have 2 kids 5 and 7 (boys) and they are homeschooled. 

In the past 3 years I have lost almost 100 lbs and this triathlon thing is just one more step in becoming a better person, mother, wife and athlete.  So far, so good

2010-12-26 11:36 AM
in reply to: #3261806


Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies
Hi, my name is Linda and I would love to join your group!  My 6 year old daughter has done 3 kids tri's so far and I am yet to do one!  I need to learn how to swim this year and have the total immersion dvd to hopefully help with that.  I am planning a few sprints early in the season, and hopefully something longer for later if those go ok. Smile

2010-12-26 12:41 PM
in reply to: #3256657


Bristol, England
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies
Hi I'm Sue and would love to join too!

I'm married with 2 kids (16 and 13) and have due to being pretty sick for a few years meant I didnt do any exercise at all! Since being all fixed with surgery I have lost 90lb and still have a few lbs to lose but am almost at goal weight.  OH is an avid runner and is training for his first marathon at Easter.  So, if I cant beat him then do something different!

Have booked my 1st 10k in May and have my eye on a ladies only sprint tri in June.

I have been running for a few weeks and today did 5k bike and then ran 2.5k for the first time .  Ok the run was slow at 23.08 minutes but I actually ran it!

So happy with that achievement so its time to push the boundaries more

Edited by Cariann 2010-12-26 12:44 PM
2010-12-26 12:45 PM
in reply to: #3256657

New user

Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies
I'd like to join this group too please

I am truly in the beginning stages of becoming a triathlete.  I have three children ages 9 years, 3 years, and 8 mos.  Prior to finding out I was pregnant with our third, I had lost (finally!!) the weight I'd gained from my second child and had begun running.  Did a 5k and loved it, then found out shortly afterwards I was expecting and all training went out the window.

 I have several family members that do an annual triathlon here in our province (New Brunswick, Canada) and after being motivated by watching an Ironman documentary, decided I would start training.  I still have some weight to lose from the baby but have already made significant diet changes and with that alone have lost 15lbs Yeay!  I planned on doing the biking program listed on this site to bring up my endurance and to lose the last of the weight so I can start safely running.  

 I am crazy busy with being a stay-at-home mom and completing another degree (through distance education) but have truly prioritized exercise in my life. Even if it means getting up at 4 am just to beat the morning rush.  I have more than a ton of questions so appreciate this forum immensely.   Looking forward to chatting with all of you!
2010-12-26 5:26 PM
in reply to: #3256657

New user

Subject: I'm in!

Hi All - I am also a mother of 3 children ages 6,3 and 1 and I work full time. Prior to becoming a mother I swam and exercised regularly. After each child I've struggled to restart an exercise routine but for the past 9 months Ive been at the gym, running or in the pool early mornings. I did my first sprint tri last summer and look forward to training and improving this year!

2010-12-26 6:53 PM
in reply to: #3256657

Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies
I'd like to join if there's still room! This sounds like the place for me.

I'm a wife and mom to a 3 year old daughter and a 9 year old son. I've been working seasonally the since my daughter was born, only in the winters, but recently returned to a more full time job. I commute a ton to and from work, but am planning on renting a room so I can stay overnight at least one night a week - which should equal free time for training (if I can keep the energy up)!

I started doing triathlons in 2008. I started running in 07 to lose some baby weight and ran my first half marathon. Tried triathlons in 08, just sprints.... I'm a terrible swimmer. Love the events, love training, but I often cheat on my training or find excuses out of it. So each year I end up saying ..."This is the triathlon I didn't really train for.... or this is the half marathon I didn't get around to training for". I really want to step it up and and least complete the training I initially plan out to do. I respond really well to motivation from others on these boards.

I signed up for a sprint in June, that's the only race on my radar so far...

Weight loss: was never a huge priority for me... I have a few pounds to lose, but never obsess so long as my body can do the workouts. However, this year, I seem to be in a race to put on as much weight as possible before new years...

Look forward to gettnig to know you all!

2010-12-26 7:59 PM
in reply to: #3256657


Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies
I'd like to join too....

Name: Nikki

Story: I have been a swimmer since age 5, swam in high school and college.

Family Status: Have 3 daughter 12,10 and 6. I'm married and live in Montana.

Current Training: I was going to gym and Masters Swimming, but with holidays and work I have not gone for awhile. I need to start again.

2010 Races: My first and only tri was the Grizzly Sprint Tri in Missoula in April 2010. I finished! But would really like to improve.

2011 Races:  I would like to do the grizzly again and a few others but I don't have those planned yet.

Weight Loss: Yep I need to loose like 40 lbs


2010-12-26 9:55 PM
in reply to: #3262259

Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies
This sounds like my kind of crowd! I'm typing this on my iTouch while laying next to my sicky 16 month old boy who is finally asleep.I've only done one sprint tri (this past September), but I have my eye on an Oly for this summer and maybe a sprint or two. I also have a Tough Mudder in April and a HM in May. I've been running for about five years, but after having my son I'm in the best shape of my life! I like to imagine that being pregnant knocked something into place. I could not have drempt of a triathlon or HM three years ago, and now my legs are all ready to go!My biggest challenge for the next few months will be staying healthy. I recently started working in an elementary school part time so I'm catching every bug in the place. For weight loss, though I am happy with how I look, I would be way faster running around 15 lbs lighter!

Edited by TheGoGoGoes 2010-12-26 9:57 PM
2010-12-27 4:54 AM
in reply to: #3256657

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Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies
Hi There,

I would love to join this group if I could. My name is Jennifer (bet you couldn't) have guessed, I live in the UK where I have a 12 year old son. He lives part time with his dad, so my challenges are to balance a full time job with not wanting to cut into time i spend with my son pl8us leaving time for my partner. I joined a mentor group last year and it was great. Although I'm not very good at being consistent (a resolution for this year), or doing anything at all for large portions of time, the mentorship encouraged me to go out and do something..more than I would have done anyway.

I think my efforts were reflected in my 4 triathlons i did last summer (all sprint). I the first 3 I came last (beaten by the youngest and the oldest) and i didn't finish the last one due to not doing enough ows ans panicking in a river.

However, that gives me something to improve from I think.

I am being particuarly troubled by all the snow and ice we have here this year. It doesn't half put you off!

I do hope I can join the group

2010-12-27 7:10 AM
in reply to: #3256657


Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies
This also sounds like a wonderful group for me! I hvave 4 children (9, 7, 3 and 9 months) and work part time as an ICU nurse. I have done 1 sprint tri many years ago, but have waited for the day that I could dedicate more time to traning for tris. I am signing up for a tri a month starting in April and am looking for advice/help/support on training and gear. I have already printed off my training schedule for Oly distance tris. Please let me know if I can join. Thank you, Jeni
2010-12-27 9:13 AM
in reply to: #3256657


Bristol, England
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies
Have booked my novice sprint tri - so d-day for me is 5th June - gonna have to put the work in now as Ive paid for it

Plus my local gym has just announced that they are starting tri classes next week!


Edited by Cariann 2010-12-27 9:55 AM
2010-12-27 11:21 AM
in reply to: #3256657


Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - OPEN

Hi Tracy, I'm in

I''m a mom of 2 darling girls 4 yrs and 11 yrs old. I am an avid runner and newbie on the cycling...I've done 2 spinning classes to get myself started. I'm very athletic so I dont see any real issues with the swimming etc, I am just a little ify on how to train incorporating everything...and yes I need support

Super excited to do my first happy to join.


2010-12-27 11:31 AM
in reply to: #3256657

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - OPEN

Hello ladies!!!  So glad to see that we went LIVE on Christmas!  What a treat!   I'm back from a whirlwind trip to see my grandma who was in the hospital with pneumonia and kidney issues.  She is doing a little better.  I'll be catching up with this thread and write back to everyone individually.  Cheers!

2010-12-27 12:24 PM
in reply to: #3256657

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - OPEN

It looks like we have a nice big group of Mommies!  All of us are going to do great this year!

Ada (AdaBug)-Glad to have you in the group.  Do you have any races planned for 2011?

Rachel (tricrazy)-TTT!!!!  AWESOME!!!!  IMKY!!!!  WOW!!!!  I can't wait to watch your training progress!!!

Ren (mammaren)-Awesome weight loss so far!  I think running is the best way to lose weight.

Linda (lmcvettey)-It's time to catch up with your daughter!

Sue (cariann)-It looks like you have a great start.  It doesn't matter how slow you run.  It just matters that you got out there and did it.  Tri classes?  Sounds interesting.

jolene1979-I'm assuming your name is Jolene.   When is the tri that your family does?  What a fun family activity!

megardiner-Is your name Meg?  I love repeating my first tri.  I have to do it every year and make it point to improve on some part of it.

Suzanne (vtgirl)-I'm a terrible swimmer as well.  It's a real struggle.  We will help you train this year through your challenges.

Nikki (nickle 91)-I think you are our swimming expert!  The first tri is always the hardest.  The next time you do Grizzly, you will know what to expect.

TheGoGoGoes-What is your name?   I know what you mean about being in better shape now than before pregnancy.  I hope you boy is feeling better today.

Jennifer (jennifer65)-Consistent training in bad weather is difficult.  We will help each other get through this winter yuckiness.

Jeni (stjlc)-What distances are the tris you have signed up for?  Sounds like you have a good start!

Paige (paigemang)-Spinning classes are a great way to break into cycling if you have a good instructor.  Juggling training for three sports is challenging at first but then you get used to it.

I can't wait to get to know all of you.  Add everyone to your "Friends" list.  If you need help with this, just let me know.  Ask any question.  Nothing is off limits (unless BT needs to censor it ).  If you need help with navagating the site, just ask.  OK!  Let's go!

Edited by owl_girl 2010-12-27 12:29 PM
2010-12-27 12:25 PM
in reply to: #3256657

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - OPEN

We have room for two more Mommies!  Sign up if you would like to join this awesome group of ladies!

2010-12-27 1:05 PM
in reply to: #3256657

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - OPEN

I sen't everyone "inspires".  If you did not get one, it is because you have your training log set to "private".  You are more than welcome to keep your training log private, but if you add everyone in the mentor group as a friend, we can encourage each other via "inspires".  If you don't know what an "inspire" is or how to create them, just ask.

2010-12-27 3:53 PM
in reply to: #3262962

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Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - OPEN

owl_girl - 2010-12-27 1:25 PM

We have room for two more Mommies!  Sign up if you would like to join this awesome group of ladies!

I'd love to join, but my babies are 17 and 14 and not small by anyone's definition but mine- do I qualify?  There's still LOTS of juggling to be done...

2010-12-27 4:14 PM
in reply to: #3256657


Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - OPEN
I would like to join this group...I'm a mother of five (16y,9,5,3 and 9 month), ran my first half marathon in October and really want to do a triathlon this spring/summer. Don't have any plans yet, just going to the gym when ever I can..
2010-12-27 4:24 PM
in reply to: #3263262

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - OPEN

momandmd - 2010-12-27 1:53 PM

owl_girl - 2010-12-27 1:25 PM

We have room for two more Mommies!  Sign up if you would like to join this awesome group of ladies!

I'd love to join, but my babies are 17 and 14 and not small by anyone's definition but mine- do I qualify?  There's still LOTS of juggling to be done...

Sure!  Why not?!   Welcome to the group!

2010-12-27 4:25 PM
in reply to: #3263302

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - OPEN

Run5 - 2010-12-27 2:14 PM I would like to join this group...I'm a mother of five (16y,9,5,3 and 9 month), ran my first half marathon in October and really want to do a triathlon this spring/summer. Don't have any plans yet, just going to the gym when ever I can..

Welcome to our group!  Congrats on finishing your first 1/2 mary!  That is a big accomplishment.  Welcome to BT!!!

2010-12-27 4:26 PM
in reply to: #3256657

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Mentor Group for Mommies - CLOSED

Our little mentor group is full! 

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