Subject: RE: Zen Run Tonight... raises some questions I only really do very easy riding but I do find that except for my bottom, I seem to have very little ill effects from riding. I sometimes ride an hour to work, run easy an hour at lunch, ride an hour home. Sometimes I just ride. (most of the time I just run ).
I find that an easy hour bike ride impacts my lunch time run greatly. I don't necesserly feel sore but I have less pep in my legs and I feel like I am working harder to go the same pace as if I didn't run, I cannot do a hard run workout. However, when I ride home, after running, so my second ride of the day, I don't really find that there is a difference in my ride home whether I run or not, the run doesn't effect my ride home.
I also find that on days I don't run, if I bike, my next day running is better. Although, for the most part, it is better for me to do a recovery run than a recovery bike ride.
On days that I bike and run I find that if I don't bike the next morning I am well recovered by lunch for a hard run workout. |