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Big Foot Triathlon - TriathlonSprint

View Member's Race Log
Big Foot, Wisconsin
United States
Custom Competitions
75F / 24C
Total Time = 2h 13m 52s
Overall Rank = 104/155
Age Group = 30-34
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

Re-assembling my bike, as my husband insisted on taking off front and rear tires, AND seat in order to fit bike properly into trunk. He packed it meticulously, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I was a smidge worried about it coming together properly! Husband is a professional mechanic, so he should be able to reassemble a bike, but I am not, so I remained a bit worried. All was well, and seat was at correct height, and tires went on easily. No problems. Ate a Hammer gel packet. Was going to use my regular Carb boom energy gels, but much to my DISMAY, 2 out of 3 of them "popped" in my transition bag, getting a sticky gooey mess all over my front compartment. Had to use the gel I found in my "goodie bag!" I know this is a race day no-no, but after my LAST race, when I totally BONKED on the run, I wasn't going to do this one without two gels. I took my chances.
Event warmup:

Short ride with bike to packet pick up area, short ride back to parking lot. General chit chat with other competitors. (Although this doesn't count as an actual warm up, it DOES warm up and relax the MIND....)
  • 17m 55s
  • 1000 yards
  • 01m 47s / 100 yards

As per above, water was beautiful, clear, and CRISP! Didn't see as many fish as I had expected. Could see all the way to the bottom of Lake Geneva. Not sure the depth of the waters I was in, but I did observe a waterlogged 2x4 on the lake bottom with rusty nails sticking out of it! A teatnus shot waiting to happen! Water was about 10 feet deep at this point.
What would you do differently?:

Be a bit more aggressive on the swim. I'm usually so worried about saving enough energy for the rest of the race, that I conserve in the swim, where I have the most potential to excel.
Transition 1
  • 02m 7s

Still not using bike shoes. I've only used a wetsuit in a race once before, and I had the same problem getting it off as I did this time... Need to step on it and peel it off my legs. Was a little out of sorts, as my husband and DOG appeared at the transition fenceline and said hello while I was in deep T1 concentration...
What would you do differently?:

Practice taking wet wetsuit off, that pull/peel maneuver on the legs/ankles.
  • 1h 16m 13s
  • 21.8 miles
  • 17.16 mile/hr

Tried slowing down a bit on the bike from time to time to drink water. And actually ate my other energy gel while riding on the bike. This is a near Olympic feat for me. :) I felt like I had a really good bike ride. Liked the distance.
What would you do differently?:

I need to work on cornering. Many competitors pedal through their turns, I'm still braking before them, slowing down a bit in order to maintain total control. I suspect as I become more adept at biking this will change.
Transition 2
  • 01m 15s

Had a hard time hanging up my bike.
What would you do differently?:

Slow down a bit and not be so frenzied! I was having trouble hanging my bike seat over the bar.
  • 36m 22s
  • 3 miles
  • 12m 07s  min/mile

Another miserable run! I don't know what's going on with my running this year, but I'm going backwards. Sometimes it feels like I AM actually GOING backwards while running... Ugh. Demoralizing to have people pass so consistently, especially after I had what I considered to be a pretty good bike ride.
What would you do differently?:

No longer HR training.
Post race
Warm down:

Walking around after the race, water station for a bottle of water, got some bagel. Generally walking around.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Not sure. I sometimes feel like I'm just not engineered to run. I didn't stop, though, and I managed not to fall on any exposed tree roots.

Event comments:

Nice race, in a good setting... Liked having the state park as the go-to place... good size race, nice t-shirt and goodie bag. And the Hammer-gel
seemed to work just fine. :) Overall a really nice way to spend a Sunday morning. I also liked the longer bike ride. I know this was not in the original plan, but it gave me a chance to get a good long bike in.

Last updated: 2004-06-08 12:00 AM
00:17:55 | 1000 yards | 01m 47s / 100yards
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/155
Performance: Average
Suit: Brother In Law's QR Longjohn
Course: Out and back... around a bouy and back, along the shoreline. Straight, only one turn (around the bouy).Very clear water.
Start type: Wade Plus: Waves
Water temp: 70F / 21C Current: Low
200M Perf. Average Remainder: Good
Breathing: Good Drafting: Bad
Waves: Navigation: Good
Rounding: Good
Time: 02:07
Performance: Average
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Yes Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: No
Getting up to speed: Average
01:16:13 | 21.8 miles | 17.16 mile/hr
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/155
Performance: Good
Wind: Little
Course: A really nice bike course. And it was good to go "overdistance"... I am becoming more and more comfortable with my bike... actually starting to LIKE my bike and no longer FEAR it... I respect it because I can get seriously hurt as a result of it's use, but I'm not handle bar grippingly afraid anymore...
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence:
Turns: Good Cornering: Average
Gear changes: Average Hills: Good
Race pace: Hard Drinks: Just right
Time: 01:15
Overall: Average
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike Good
Running with bike Average
Racking bike Average
Shoe and helmet removal Good
00:36:22 | 03 miles | 12m 07s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/155
Performance: Below average
Course: Off road! Woodsy, grassy, hilly, buggy!!!
Keeping cool Average Drinking Not enough
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? No
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2004-07-01 10:50 AM

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Silver member
Subject: Big Foot Triathlon

2004-07-01 11:00 AM
in reply to: #34802

Subject: RE: Big Foot Triathlon

Nice race Laura and great report.

I can relate to the wetsuit removal!! I need to practice different techniques as well. And thanks for the CarBoom explosion story... I will now immediately go to my gear bag and put mine in a plastic bag!

You did a fantastic job in your race - be proud...

2004-07-01 11:07 AM
in reply to: #34802

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Elite Veteran
Roscoe, IL.
Subject: RE: Big Foot Triathlon
Good race LW!

see you there next year

2004-07-01 11:12 AM
in reply to: #34802

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Big Foot Triathlon
Thanks you guys!!!
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