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2005-09-12 1:53 PM

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Subject: flirt like a drunk receptionist

The Advice Goddess' advice for successful, intelligent women who have trouble meeting/dating mature men:

"Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac," said Henry Kissinger. Sure it is - unless you're a woman, in which case, it's about as man-magnatizing as mentioning "Well, yes, each of my late husbands did die under mysterious circumstances, but heh, heh, heh, the D.A. was never able to pin anything on me." Research by Stephanie L. Brown and Brian P. Lewis, published in "Evolution and Human Behavior", seems to confirm what many lonely women at the top already know: When guys go for the boardroom, it isn't the woman running the meeting but the secretary who wheeled in the coffee and croissants before it started.

... time to locate a guy who's comfortable enough with who he is and what he does to be comfortable dating you, then drop your CrackBerry and the steely corporate warrior act and flirt like a drunk receptionist."

I love the Advice Goddess. She's very realistic about how things are rather than preaching about how we wish things might be.

I'm seriously going to take this advice.

(Sue, this is for you.)

2005-09-12 3:26 PM
in reply to: #245052

Subject: ...
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2005-09-12 5:38 PM
in reply to: #245052

Subject: RE: flirt like a drunk receptionist

Let's start a nationwide manhunt for Renee.   Describe the guy for us, Renee.

Hmm.  If we do that, she'll have Mr. Right.  She'll get smug, satisfied and domesticated.  Then she won't be rowdy and entertaining on BT.   On second thought, cancel the search, guys. 

Just kidding Renee.  Have fun in Atlanta.  I'll give you a list of my my ten favorite restaurants


2005-09-12 5:42 PM
in reply to: #245301

Subject: RE: flirt like a drunk receptionist

Hyuck, hyuck. Have your fun with the desperate and dateless...

Ooh! Atlanta restaurants -

Soleil (French)

Rusan's (sushi)

2005-09-12 5:47 PM
in reply to: #245305

Subject: RE: flirt like a drunk receptionist

Dish.  Agave.  Tamarind Thai.  Joel.  Eclipse di Luna.  Spice.  Floataway Cafe.  Bacchanalia.  Seegers.  Canoe.  Antica Posta.

That's eleven.  I could go on for awhile.


2005-09-12 5:55 PM
in reply to: #245052

Subject: RE: flirt like a drunk receptionist
I can bring a life size male blow-up doll with me to Tampa. Do you have any preferences as far as "optional equipment" is concerned?

I promise not to buy the one with the voice synthesizer.

2005-09-12 5:59 PM
in reply to: #245052

Subject: RE: flirt like a drunk receptionist

"How you doin?"

Oh I'm sorry, I thought this was a request. My bad.
2005-09-12 6:02 PM
in reply to: #245310

Subject: RE: flirt like a drunk receptionist
tech_geezer - 2005-09-12 5:47 PM

Dish.  Agave.  Tamarind Thai.  Joel.  Eclipse di Luna.  Spice.  Floataway Cafe.  Bacchanalia.  Seegers.  Canoe.  Antica Posta.

That's eleven.  I could go on for awhile.


I love Canoe! We have a Dish here. I prefer the locally owned to the chains.

2005-09-12 6:11 PM
in reply to: #245052

Subject: RE: flirt like a drunk receptionist

I don't think Dish in Atlanta is a chain.  And it is great.  Funky Virginia-Highlands converted gas station.  Rosemary popcorn.  Sesame crusted tuna.

Canoe is good too.  But it is a bit more conventional.

I could add Taqueria del Sol and Everybody's Pizza to the list.

2005-09-12 6:56 PM
in reply to: #245329

Subject: RE: flirt like a drunk receptionist

Yep, the food at Canoe was 'safe' for the most part. I love New American Cuisine, food like that found at my fav Tampa place - Mise en Place. Checkout their menu to get an idea - www.miseonline.com. Going there in the next week for dinner.

What I liked most about Canoe was their fabulous scenery. Beautiful and peaceful and the food didn't suck.

2005-09-12 7:28 PM
in reply to: #245052

Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: flirt like a drunk receptionist

Yeah but then they find out the truth and dump you anyway.  

Women with death star resumes Unite!!!!

2005-09-12 7:38 PM
in reply to: #245379

The High Plains
Subject: RE: flirt like a drunk receptionist
sue7013 - 2005-09-12 8:28 PM  

Women with death star resumes Unite!!!!

Why don't y'all just move to Atlanta and date younger men?   

Renee, Rusan's is right on.  That's my sushi joint - da*n good sushi and at a great price too.


Edited by sranney 2005-09-12 7:39 PM
2005-09-12 7:40 PM
in reply to: #245052

Subject: ...
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2005-09-12 8:23 PM
in reply to: #245394

The High Plains
Subject: RE: flirt like a drunk receptionist
Lara - 2005-09-12 8:40 PM

ok guys.. here's your chance..  what the heck is it about a career gal that sends you guys screaming? 

Not a thing.  There ought to be more available for dating, if you ask me!

is it that we make as much as or more money than you? 

Nope - most everybody does anyway, and more than likely, in my ultimate career path, I'll (hopefully) end up teaching, so more than likely, everyone will end up making more money!

is it the travel sometimes required? 

Nyet.  I think the fact that a women is well traveled (even if it is for business) only adds to the intelligence she'd have.  Why would travel matter in the first place?  Who cares?  So she gets to cruise around the country on the company's dime?  Good for her!

is it that we might be smarter than you? 

Nein.  I hate dominating Jeopardy! in my house.  I need a challenge.  I could always use a second for ruling the local watering hole on Team Trivia nights.  I dig smart chicks.  Besides, people who are smarter than I can usually teach me things that I maybe wouldn't have learned otherwise.       

do you guys feel the need to take care of a girl and we don't need to be taken care of? 

Non.  I like the fact that a smart girl doesn't need to be taken care of.  A shoulder to cry on, someone to hold her every now and again, yes - everyone needs that.  But the fact that she can take care of herself is precisely one of the reasons why I'd be attracted to her in the first place.  Confidenence - another quality I dig. 

are we too darn pushy? 

Hmmm - doesn't confidence go along with pushy? 


I've said it before and I'll say it again: Women who are Smart and Confident (and interesteing) will ALWAYS attract me.  More often than not, women who possess these (and a few other) qualities are the kinds of women I enjoy dating. 

I'm really not sure if any of this makes any sense, but take it for what it's worth.

Good luck -


Edit follows:

And NO, I wouldn't expect her to take care of me.  I'm too much my own man for that to happen...


Edited by sranney 2005-09-12 8:25 PM
2005-09-12 9:13 PM
in reply to: #245355

Subject: RE: flirt like a drunk receptionist
Renee - 2005-09-12 7:56 PM

Yep, the food at Canoe was 'safe' for the most part. I love New American Cuisine, food like that found at my fav Tampa place - Mise en Place. Checkout their menu to get an idea - www.miseonline.com. Going there in the next week for dinner.

What I liked most about Canoe was their fabulous scenery. Beautiful and peaceful and the food didn't suck.

If you like Mise en Place, then your tastes are much like mine.  You would like any of the places I named.  The most creative food would be Floataway Cafe, http://www.starprovisions.com/float/.  Bacchanalia and Seegers are well-known stratospheric haute places with prices to match.  Joel is also a foodie sort of place but really fancy decor.   It is in a building called the Borghese that looks like a high-rise bordello. 

Here is a gem I forgot to mention Tierra, http://www.tierrarestaurant.com/menus/.  Husband and wife are chef and hostess. 

Janicewhokeepsmehumble and I tried to go to all the good restaurants in Atlanta but it is hard to keep up.  I am wishing we were back in town.  I didn't even list any of the really great ethnic places.  Instead of a race report, you should do a restaurant review. 

2005-09-13 12:36 AM
in reply to: #245394

Subject: RE: flirt like a drunk receptionist
Lara - 2005-09-12 4:40 PM

ok guys.. here's your chance..  what the heck is it about a career gal that sends you guys screaming?  is it that we make as much as or more money than you?  is it the travel sometimes required?  is it that we might be smarter than you?  do you guys feel the need to take care of a girl and we don't need to be taken care of?  are we too darn pushy?  all of the above

don't get me wrong.. it could be worse..  watch out for the guys that expect you to take care of THEM

If you're truly at another level in terms of earning power, education, etc., then the guys may be insecure and find it imposing, feel unable to keep up, or otherwise inadequate.

You just need to find someone who is a better match.... or wants to be dominated..... haha JUST KIDDING about that last bit!

2005-09-13 6:31 AM
in reply to: #245052

Queen BTich
Subject: RE: flirt like a drunk receptionist
ONE MIDTOWN KITCHEN. One of my favorite places. Maybe its the $20-$40 bottomless glasses of wine depending on the menu level. Mix and match...start out with white, switch to red, then to port.....mmm......food is goood...mmmmm. Renee, if you want to go there, I'll take you! I love it!
2005-09-13 10:03 AM
in reply to: #245608

Subject: RE: flirt like a drunk receptionist
I think that 'a man doesn't want his s.o. to make more than him' is an old wive's tale. I would LOVE it if my wife made more than I did. It all goes into the same pot anyway. I have a hard time beleiving that you could find any man that would say they need the woman to make less. I've never heard anyone say it. It just doesn't make sense to me.
2005-09-13 10:18 AM
in reply to: #245052

Got Wahoo?
San Antonio
Subject: RE: flirt like a drunk receptionist
Part of the problem is that career women, even more than women in general, don't have the time and are too focused to be in the right places and situations to meet men period. I know attractive woman who are not high powered money earners who can't find a guy - the fact that your working, confident and not as available as your competition only exacerbates the situation - still, respect is important, and unfortunatley, some of that can be lost if she is more "successful" than he. Some men might instinctually stay away from that situation.
2005-09-13 10:23 AM
in reply to: #245052

Queen BTich
Subject: RE: flirt like a drunk receptionist
Ugh. You're such a pig. lol
2005-09-13 10:29 AM
in reply to: #245806

Subject: RE: flirt like a drunk receptionist


There are men out there who believe the woman's place is in the home and they make no bones about saying so.  There are men who believe women shouldn't work at all, much less make more money than their mate. They're called Southern Baptists. (No disrespect to SB's; it's their dogma, not mine.)

How can you be so incredulous that some men are threatened by women who have higher income? This is primal stuff, reality. It's everywhere!

My exBF was more threatened by my superior intelligence than by my income. He told me that I was smarter than him and that he felt at a disadvantage because of it; that I had the upper hand because I was smarter; that he couldn't control me as he had his ex-wife because she wasn't as smart as him. Suprising, yet stupid, honesty.

2005-09-13 10:41 AM
in reply to: #245832

Subject: RE: flirt like a drunk receptionist
I guess I am jst going by my personal feelings. Or, maybe it's the area of country I'm from, or something, but my wife is smart (kicked my ass in college), beautiful, (I think I married up) hard working (can't sit still, if she's not preparing for work, she's cleaning the house, feeding the kids, likes to mow the lawn, wash the car etc...). The only thing she doesn't do is make more money than I do (just barely). It's my feeling that all of these things that 'men' find a negative about women, is a an asset of hers. And, I can gaurantee you, that if she were single, she would have no trouble finding a man. Again, maybe it's just a matter og geography, or something as simple as that.
2005-09-13 10:50 AM
in reply to: #245840

San Diego
Subject: RE: flirt like a drunk receptionist

uberbeginner - 2005-09-13 8:41 AM I guess I am jst going by my personal feelings. Or, maybe it's the area of country I'm from, or something, but my wife is smart (kicked my ass in college), beautiful, (I think I married up) hard working (can't sit still, if she's not preparing for work, she's cleaning the house, feeding the kids, likes to mow the lawn, wash the car etc...). The only thing she doesn't do is make more money than I do (just barely). It's my feeling that all of these things that 'men' find a negative about women, is a an asset of hers. And, I can gaurantee you, that if she were single, she would have no trouble finding a man. Again, maybe it's just a matter og geography, or something as simple as that.

Same here Brotha'. I definitely married up. I cheated from Happycow all through college

For me I don't think it has anything to do with being male or female. I don't associate with guys who are caught up with moving up the corporate ladder, so why would I be interested in a woman who was caught up as well?

2005-09-13 10:51 AM
in reply to: #245052

Queen BTich
Subject: RE: flirt like a drunk receptionist
I think it just varies from man to man. I've met both types of men-yes they are out there uber. Ego? yes. The environment they were raised in? yes. I think it can stem from a number of things.
2005-09-13 11:00 AM
in reply to: #245052

Preferably on my bike somewhere
Subject: RE: flirt like a drunk receptionist
I love hearing women complain about how hard it is to meet men. So many times, those same women would COMPLETELY blow off a guy because maybe he's bald, or short, or a little on the pudgy side. I understand the need to be physically attracted to someone, but physical attraction only goes so far - at some point there are other things that sustain the attraction.
I'm not a particularly handsome man, but I couldn't tell you how many times I've gotten blown off or looked past. And hell, I'd be happy to have my wife make more than me!!!! THen I wouldn't need to work so hard myself!!!
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