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2010-04-06 8:45 AM

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Knoxville area
Subject: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Closed
NAME: Leegoocrap / Chris

I'm a 26 year old used car salesman who has always had a very competitive streak. This is my third year in Triathlon, I came from a competitive bodybuilding background. Later I drank the "Crossfit cool-aid" for a while which introduced me to cross training. Then I started running a bit, and cycling with some friends. The transition to Triathlon came soon after that. I currently ride a 2009 Scott CR1 and a 2009 Planet X Stealth (which I built myself - I'm an O.K. wrench if anybody needs any questions answered.)  

Have a great family that puts up with my antics. The Relationship area is always convoluted and changing it seems, but generally happy.  Single currently

Currently training for my first 140.6 at the Rev3 in Cedar Point... thereby making me a hermit.

I'll probably do some sprints and maybe some Oly's in preparation / fun, but my eyes are on the Rev3 first and foremost.

2009 RACES:
  Did a bunch of running races, some cycling races and some sprints. Injury kept me out of my A-races though.

I'm currently fluctuating around the mid 150's, but I'll probably drop down into the 140's when racing really picks up. I come from a bodybuilding background, so if anyone needs some help with diet, I can probably steer you in the right direction. 

I think it's most important to say that we should all be willing to learn something every day. I don't know all the answers, but I can promise if I don't know it, I'll do what I can to find out. I'm also a big computer nerd even at work, so I check BT on average about 5 times a day, so hopefully I can be pretty responsive. So let's all have our best season yet, beginner, experienced, all ages, guys and girls welcome.

Edited by Leegoocrap 2010-04-13 8:54 PM

2010-04-11 8:11 PM
in reply to: #2770788

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Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Open
I'd like to be part of your group if I can.
2010-04-11 8:48 PM
in reply to: #2770788

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Open
you're in!
Now lets see your stats
2010-04-11 9:19 PM
in reply to: #2784134

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Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Open
Meaning my logs?? or a Bio?
2010-04-11 9:25 PM
in reply to: #2784180

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Open
Tri.me2010 - 2010-04-11 10:19 PM Meaning my logs?? or a Bio?

sorry, bio.
2010-04-11 9:32 PM
in reply to: #2770788

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Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Open
I just added you to my friends, now you can check out my awesome logs :D

Little about me.

I am 24 and a full time student

This is my first year of Tri's. I am signed up for one a month till September, and I did my first about 3 weeks ago. My next is April 24th. :D

I have 2 oly's this summer, my first being May 15th.

In the past 16 months I have lost a total of 15o pounds... more than I currently weigh.. and I am to the point where I am extremely happy with my new gorgeous body and I just want to improve my fitness and tone up a little more along the way. :D

I LOVE tri training and currently train 6 days a week, but sometimes I need a little motivation to make the extra push. :D

My goal is to do an IM before I am 30 :D I have NO doubt that I will :D

I LOVE getting advice on improvement. It REALLY helps me make the changes I need to be the best I can be. :D

Anything else you want to know, just ask. :D

2010-04-11 11:13 PM
in reply to: #2770788

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Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Open
Hi, I'd like to join too if you'll have me! I am about to pass out, but quick bio: First year of triathlon. Have a mini sprint in two weeks and so far, a sprint in the end of May and an Olympic distance in September. Hoping to fill in the summer with two or three more races. I'm a 25-year-old law student with little athletic background other than the usual gym going and a couple of 5Ks. Single, so no kids, thank god (sorry parents, but I do not envy you). I'm pretty small- 5'3", 105 lbs. Hmm not sure what else there is to say, but I look forward to getting to know everyone!
2010-04-12 8:27 AM
in reply to: #2770788

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Open
welcome Emily!
2010-04-12 1:36 PM
in reply to: #2770788

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Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Open
I'd like to join!!! 

A little about me..

Name:  Jess

Story:  Let's just say I got hooked on challenging myself once I lost 150lbs.  I used to be in the morbidly obese category, but never again.  I've done 5K's walks and runs for charity and now am looking for a bigger challenge.  I've always loved swimming and cycling and want to incorporate that into my next biggest challenge, a triathlon.  I'm also a disabled person

Family Status:  I'm lucky to have a bf that's fitness oriented too, having been into bodybuilding (as a hobby, not pro) and he keeps me motivated.

Current Training:  Beginner all the way!  I'm reviewing different programs on the site that might be appropriate for me and seeking a mentor.

This year's races:  I'm open to suggestions as to what might be appropriate for a beginner like myself

Weightloss:  I've maintained a 150lb weight loss for over 2 years now.

What would make you a good mentor for me?:  I have relied heavily on fitness/bodybuilding routines up until now for my weightloss and am excited to have an awesome role model such as yourself!

2010-04-12 2:35 PM
in reply to: #2770788

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New user
Washington, DC
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Open
I'd like to join if you're still taking members. About me:

NAME: Dr Phungky / Erik

24 years old, trying out triathlons because why not? Right now starting out small, but I'd like to do an Iron Man in a couple years. I've done athletics my whole life, playing football growing up and wrestling since second grade (we start early in Ohio). In college I walked on to the rowing team because we didn't have a wrestling team, and found a whole new crazy sport world I never would have seen otherwise. As is often the case with rowers, after graduation I don't want to see another rowing machine for a while, however I need to stay in shape. I took my 9 months off or so before I really started putting weight on, and am now ready to start over in a new sport. Settled in to my new job (I'm an economist) and my new apartment (Washington DC) and looking to get started!

FAMILY STATUS: Living with my girlfriend and my awesome dog, Barnaby J. Poodle. My g/f may be getting a dog soon as well, which would mean a sweet running partner for me, since my miniature poodle tends to lag on long runs.

  I'm following the "Idiot's Guide to Triathlons" training outline pretty closely, and starting the third week. Mon-Sun it's basically: swim, bike, run, swim, day off, long bike and t-run, long run. If I screw up I usually err on the side of going too hard, or missing a workout and then doing two in a day. I've got no problem with taking my weekly day off, but sometimes "easy" workouts end up being too hard, ESPECIALLY swimming, since I'm not very efficient yet. Also working on getting my run times back down to what they were in college, because I am WAY slower  than I used to be.

Training for the new DC triathlon June 20th, sprint distance, then the Nation's Triathlon in September, Olympic distance. I'm also doing Tough Mudder coming up on May 2nd, which bills itself as the toughest one day event on the planet, but we'll see.

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm a bit heavier than I was in college, but nothing that won't come off with another couple weeks of hard training. I don't pay much attention to numbers, except for times. 

I am currently riding a Felt S32 that I just bought, finally having enough money to get a decent bike. I'm running in shoes that correct my slight over pronation, according to the running shop guys, and not getting a wetsuit this year because I've spent enough money, haha.

WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR: I'm definitely looking for motivation and accountability. I miss team sports, because I've done them my whole life. I have awful, awful willpower and mental toughness, but am super competitive. Basically I'll sleep in if I'm supposed to do a swim workout by myself in the morning, but will kill myself on a run with a buddy of mine, regardless of how out of my league he is speed-wise. This is great in team sports, but awful for triathlon, which is part of the reason I want to try it out, to see if I can get better about pushing myself. Of course, some camraderie would be wonderful!

Oh - and I'm also a HUGE data nerd. The whole reason I chose this site for my logging is because I can output my log into a comma separated value file, and play with it in excel or SAS. So if you have a ton of backlogs and are really good about logging your values, I'd be happy to play with your data to see if I can tease out any associations or trends. It's what I do for a living, but I still find it fun, believe it or not.

Edited by drphungky 2010-04-12 2:46 PM
2010-04-12 2:54 PM
in reply to: #2770788

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Open
Welcome Jess and Erik! We are glad to have you both!

Nice pick on the S32, that was my first bike as well... great ride

2010-04-12 2:59 PM
in reply to: #2786111

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New user
Washington, DC
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Open
I've only taken it out for like 120 miles, but I am in love. I cannot believe how comfortable it is riding in Aero Bars. I commute on an old 28 pound late 70's Schwinn, so it was an awesome switch. I can hear the wind, I can feel the wind, but I just slip right through the wind. SUPER fun.
2010-04-12 3:25 PM
in reply to: #2770788

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Seattle, Washington
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Open

NAME: Christina            

STORY: I’m 23 and an engineer in a small town in the mountains of Western Colorado. I’ve been athletic most of my life and was a competitive swimmer for 12 years before a shoulder injury sidelined me at the end of high school.  In college I let engineering school and my social life take over and gained 15 lbs. I started into triathlons last year after my spinning instructor found out I used to be a runner and a swimmer.


CURRENT TRAINING: On week 13 of 20 week BT Beginner Half Iron program.  After a week letting life take over (i.e. slacker week), I’m back at it, full steam ahead.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: First race this Sunday! Sprint this week, another sprint in May for an OWS practice, then my “A-race” – the Kansas 70.3 – on June 6th.  After that I’m hoping to do two more sprints, an oly, maybe another half iron in September and a couple other running/biking races and an adventure race

2009 RACES:  Did the Bolder Boulder 10k, a half marathon (both firsts for me at those distances), two relay triathlons, and a sprint tri.

WEIGHTLOSS: I’ve lost 16 lbs since last summer, 10lbs since training started and I’m shooting to lose another 4-6 before my race in June.

I run in Brooks Adrenaline GTS 9. I have an 09 Bianchi road bike that I absolutely love and have fitted it with aerobars. And I use a Garmin 305 for training, best training tool ever!

WHAT I’M LOOKING FOR: Motivational help and any advice on injury prevention (I over did it last fall with running and gave myself a nice case of ITBS, something I still work hard at keeping in line)

2010-04-12 7:30 PM
in reply to: #2770788

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Open
Welcome Christina!

looks like we're going to end up having a good, diverse group!
2010-04-12 7:58 PM
in reply to: #2770788

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Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Open
OK first question to the group: I went on a 2-hour ride yesterday that was pretty tough. Windy the entire way and it was my first long ride like that (previously had only done a 1-hour ride). Today I am SO sore in the upper body (traps, delts, and forearms mostly). And my hands were starting to go numb by the end. Is this normal for the beginning or am I positioning myself wrong? Or do I just need to work on core strength? My bike seems to fit me- it's comfortable and I had it professionally fit, so I don't think that's the problem.

I also don't have aerobars yet, and after that ride I'm thinking it would make things a lot more comfortable. Does anyone go without them?
2010-04-12 9:00 PM
in reply to: #2786779

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Open
eca712 - 2010-04-12 8:58 PM OK first question to the group: I went on a 2-hour ride yesterday that was pretty tough. Windy the entire way and it was my first long ride like that (previously had only done a 1-hour ride). Today I am SO sore in the upper body (traps, delts, and forearms mostly). And my hands were starting to go numb by the end. Is this normal for the beginning or am I positioning myself wrong? Or do I just need to work on core strength? My bike seems to fit me- it's comfortable and I had it professionally fit, so I don't think that's the problem.

I also don't have aerobars yet, and after that ride I'm thinking it would make things a lot more comfortable. Does anyone go without them?

The first couple of longer rides will definitely let you know you've been doing something How often were you changing hand positions, some people death grip the whole way... or maybe some thicker bar tape could help.  I'd say if you were pro fit, your position should be good. Sounds like your body is just letting you know 2 hours is a long time!

As far as aerobars go, I use them on my tri bike, but not on my Roadie... Outside, I ride my road bike probably 75% of the time, it's just safer on the roads I ride. I race on my tri bike and ride it just enough to "not forget" the differences in handling, but otherwise, drops all the way.

2010-04-12 9:15 PM
in reply to: #2786928

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Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Open
Leegoocrap - 2010-04-12 10:00 PM
eca712 - 2010-04-12 8:58 PM OK first question to the group: I went on a 2-hour ride yesterday that was pretty tough. Windy the entire way and it was my first long ride like that (previously had only done a 1-hour ride). Today I am SO sore in the upper body (traps, delts, and forearms mostly). And my hands were starting to go numb by the end. Is this normal for the beginning or am I positioning myself wrong? Or do I just need to work on core strength? My bike seems to fit me- it's comfortable and I had it professionally fit, so I don't think that's the problem.

I also don't have aerobars yet, and after that ride I'm thinking it would make things a lot more comfortable. Does anyone go without them?

The first couple of longer rides will definitely let you know you've been doing something How often were you changing hand positions, some people death grip the whole way... or maybe some thicker bar tape could help.  I'd say if you were pro fit, your position should be good. Sounds like your body is just letting you know 2 hours is a long time!

As far as aerobars go, I use them on my tri bike, but not on my Roadie... Outside, I ride my road bike probably 75% of the time, it's just safer on the roads I ride. I race on my tri bike and ride it just enough to "not forget" the differences in handling, but otherwise, drops all the way.

Hahaha I may have been doing the "death grip"- my hands didn't move the entire time. I had them on top where the shifters and brakes are (is there a name for that spot on the handlebars?). Do people usually move their hands around? I guess I'm still a little nervous and not too comfortable changing positions- I'm a little afraid of wiping out if I make a wrong move.

Thanks for the advice- I'll see how I feel next time and keep you posted.

In terms of the aerobars, I did a little more reading and I'm not sure I'm ready for them or need them- but is there a way to get a little more aero on a road bike when it's really windy? Do you move your hands down to the bottom of the drop bars or just bend your elbows more? Sorry, this is probably so basic but I appreciate the help!
2010-04-12 9:33 PM
in reply to: #2786959

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Open

Hahaha I may have been doing the "death grip"- my hands didn't move the entire time. I had them on top where the shifters and brakes are (is there a name for that spot on the handlebars?). Do people usually move their hands around? I guess I'm still a little nervous and not too comfortable changing positions- I'm a little afraid of wiping out if I make a wrong move.

"On top of the hoods" "On the Hoods" or whathaveyou. Most everybody moves their hands around (or...gasp... takes them off the bars altogether) a bit to relieve the pressure. If you will relax your grip a bit, it should help your front end be a bit more stable also.

Thanks for the advice- I'll see how I feel next time and keep you posted.

In terms of the aerobars, I did a little more reading and I'm not sure I'm ready for them or need them- but is there a way to get a little more aero on a road bike when it's really windy? Do you move your hands down to the bottom of the drop bars or just bend your elbows more? Sorry, this is probably so basic but I appreciate the help!

On my road bike, on the bottom of the drops, my position is very similar to what it is on my tri bike. You can lower yourself almost down onto the top of the drop bars also, which will make you more aero. It might feel a bit weird at first though.

Don't worry, sounds like you are doing great!
2010-04-12 9:44 PM
in reply to: #2770788

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Open
Ooooh this looks like a group filled with young 'uns! May I join? 

NAME: krystyna47 / Krystyna

 21 years old, and studying Wildlife Biology in university. I've been into triathlons for 2 years now, ever since I had surgery on my knee from a soccer injury. I've done a couple Oly's, a Sprint, some running races (but never a marathon, just half-marathons), and a HIM. I'll be doing at least 1 Oly this season, along with my 2 'A' races: 2 70.3 distances. Don't ask me WHERE, I have no idea where I'll be in 3 weeks - I'm moving across the globe and I haven't decided where yet!! (Australia, New Zealand, Colorado, Hawaii, British Columbia?)

FAMILY STATUS: Single single single, bahahaha. 

  I was training for an IM since last August, but in February of this year I found out that I'd been accepted to study abroad in Australia for a year at the same time as the scheduled Ironman (IM Canada, Aug 2010), so I had to rearrange my plans. There's still a slim possibility I'll do the IM at the end of August, but most likely I'll do IM New Zealand or IM Australia in March 2011. So for now I'm just focusing on the 70.3 distance, and getting faster on the bike, goddammit!!

Oly, 70.3, some half-marathons (one this weekend!), other running races or duathlons or trail races or whatever I encounter, and mayyyyybe IM Canada 

WEIGHTLOSS: Nope, I eat everything (well, anything that's vegan). 

WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR: Honestly, motivation and inspiration from triathletes that are also young such as myself. I only know older ones... I love hearing people's stories and I love reading up on everyone's training. Fast or slow, strengths and weakness, good times and bad, I love reading about it all!! There's still SO much I have to learn, especially about biking - my definite weakness - so bring it on!! 
2010-04-12 10:14 PM
in reply to: #2770788

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yorba linda
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Open
Hey Chris, looks like you have a good group here. Still have any room?

NAME: Eric

Im 27 and just getting into the sport.  i was very active my younger life and due to my work i became very sedentary, which caused weight gain and just being plain out of shape.  I have only 1 race on the books for this year because where ever i do i like to do well and be competitive. So my first race will be to my self.  I am doing this for fun but i don't like to lose either

FAMILY STATUS: Single, and ready to mingle.

  Around 4-5 days a week if possible, i work 12 hours grave yard shifts so if work is slow i try to go outside and run on my break. But that always isnt the case.

I have only set a goal to race my first race in Sept, in Long Beach (CA) and after i will decide what shape i am in and how much more i will need to train for my next one.

WEIGHTLOSS: A big reason why i am doing this is to drop some weight and get into shape. Im about 250 right now and would like to lose between 15-25lbs, but im not a big number guy. More of how i look.

Im looking for some guidance, as i really don't know what i am doing and some of the smaller details.  Also i am looking to make a few friends
2010-04-12 10:26 PM
in reply to: #2786779

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Seattle, Washington
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Open
eca712 - 2010-04-12 6:58 PM OK first question to the group: I went on a 2-hour ride yesterday that was pretty tough. Windy the entire way and it was my first long ride like that (previously had only done a 1-hour ride). Today I am SO sore in the upper body (traps, delts, and forearms mostly). And my hands were starting to go numb by the end. Is this normal for the beginning or am I positioning myself wrong? Or do I just need to work on core strength? 

Emily, when I first started road riding I had this same problem with aching in the shoulder area. Somebody in my riding group pointed out that I would ride with my shoulders tensed up towards my ears and told me to relax my shoulders and shake them out every once in awhile.  That really helped me! 

2010-04-12 10:30 PM
in reply to: #2787042

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Seattle, Washington
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Open

NAME: krystyna47 / Krystyna

 21 years old, and studying Wildlife Biology in university. I've been into triathlons for 2 years now, ever since I had surgery on my knee from a soccer injury. I've done a couple Oly's, a Sprint, some running races (but never a marathon, just half-marathons), and a HIM. I'll be doing at least 1 Oly this season, along with my 2 'A' races: 2 70.3 distances. Don't ask me WHERE, I have no idea where I'll be in 3 weeks - I'm moving across the globe and I haven't decided where yet!! (Australia, New Zealand, Colorado, Hawaii, British Columbia?)


Move to Colorado!!! Haha. Sounds like you have quite the year coming up! Smile 
2010-04-12 10:44 PM
in reply to: #2770788

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Open
Christina, are you bribing me?
"If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space." -Anonymous  

THAT, right there, is an AMAZING quote!! I'm jotting it down, it's for the books. It's what I'll keep in my mind as my "motto" during my half-marathon this Sunday.  
2010-04-13 6:27 AM
in reply to: #2787042

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Open
Welcome Eric and Krystyna!

I think we'll take one or two more people and then close it down.

I suppose it's a good time to throw out there, I only ask three things out of the group.

1.) Always respect the others... I know that won't be a problem.
2.) Keep up with your logs
3.) Be an active part of the conversations.

I know, I'm a slave driver.
2010-04-13 7:55 AM
in reply to: #2770788

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Seattle, Washington
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap's Mentor Group - Open
Krystyna (cool spelling by the way, I've never seen that before, very unique!), yes that is a bribe, I could use a training buddy that actually does all three sports!

Good luck on your half marathon this weekend! 
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