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2017-01-13 10:56 PM

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Subject: What is the Obamacare 'replace'?

OK- since I apparently only get left wing media, all I'm hearing about is the Repeal part of the Obamacare Repeal and Replace.  Nothing about what the replacement consists of.

I've heard Trump talk about many of the popular tenets of the ACA he would retain in the replacement plan, and I've heard him state that the replacement would be done at the same time or very close.  However, I don't seem to be getting what the replacement is.  Like- what is the basic philosophy of what the GOP would like? other than it be something terrific and much lower cost?  (doesn't tell me much)

can any of my conservative friends here enlighten me?  Because I always thought that the ACA/Obamacare basically WAS the conservative plan, with Heritage foundation roots and the Mitt Romney seal of approval.  The progressive plan was always Single Payer.

It seems like negotiating with drug companies is back on the table.  So, that'll be part of it.  (methinks a good part).  Health savings accounts- so individuals will be able to purchase health care that is tax deductible (like businesses get to do).  Also will be popular.  But where is the money going to come from to cover a bunch of poor people that either don't buy insurance, or use services and cannot pay?  See- that was the thing about Obamacare- it raised a bunch of taxes to pay for the coverage assistance.  All I'm seeing right now is that rich people will get a tax break and poor people will no longer get subsidies to buy insurance. Good plan! (being facetious


2017-01-13 11:37 PM
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Subject: RE: What is the Obamacare 'replace'?


Edited by Left Brain 2017-01-13 11:39 PM
2017-01-13 11:38 PM
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Subject: RE: What is the Obamacare 'replace'?

Originally posted by morey000

OK- since I apparently only get left wing media, all I'm hearing about is the Repeal part of the Obamacare Repeal and Replace.  Nothing about what the replacement consists of.

I've heard Trump talk about many of the popular tenets of the ACA he would retain in the replacement plan, and I've heard him state that the replacement would be done at the same time or very close.  However, I don't seem to be getting what the replacement is.  Like- what is the basic philosophy of what the GOP would like? other than it be something terrific and much lower cost?  (doesn't tell me much)

can any of my conservative friends here enlighten me?  Because I always thought that the ACA/Obamacare basically WAS the conservative plan, with Heritage foundation roots and the Mitt Romney seal of approval.  The progressive plan was always Single Payer.

It seems like negotiating with drug companies is back on the table.  So, that'll be part of it.  (methinks a good part).  Health savings accounts- so individuals will be able to purchase health care that is tax deductible (like businesses get to do).  Also will be popular.  But where is the money going to come from to cover a bunch of poor people that either don't buy insurance, or use services and cannot pay?  See- that was the thing about Obamacare- it raised a bunch of taxes to pay for the coverage assistance.  All I'm seeing right now is that rich people will get a tax break and poor people will no longer get subsidies to buy insurance. Good plan! (being facetious



But did people who fell into that category (the bolded) actually get better care? I'm asking, because I don't know. I know they now had insurance under the ACA.....but did they get better care? Some of the insurance plans, that I did see, under the ACA were a joke. If you can't afford the deductibles then exactly what is the difference between that and having no insurance? Again, I'm not trying to be argumentative, I'm asking because I don't know.

I'm trying to catch up on this issue because the ACA didn't affect us at all. My wife is a federal employee so our insurance is through her employer (and it's excellent)....ACA was a non-issue for us. (funny how the ACA didn't affect federal employees, huh?)

Edited by Left Brain 2017-01-13 11:39 PM
2017-01-14 10:11 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: What is the Obamacare 'replace'?
There's a large percentage of the American population that doesn't want it replaced. The year after this legislation was rammed through via budget reconciliation, I received a notice from my employer. This notice told me my healthcare coverage was increasing $500 a year because of the ACA. Every year since this legislation was enacted, my costs have increased and coverage has decreased. Out of pockets, Dr. visits…. everything has gone up exponentially compared to previous years with the same employer. Small business owners are really taking the brunt of this bloated pigs carcass. I don't want this. I don't want to pay more money for a degraded product. It isn't working for me.

All we hear from the democrats is that 20 million people will no longer have insurance because the evil republicans are taking it away from them. 20 million. Every single American family is facing the increasing financial weight of this disaster. All to benefit, by the democrats own estimate, 6% of our population. Wipe this bill off the face of the planet. Tax every household $100 a year and put that into a healthcare fund. Make the applicants applying for healthcare prove need and assist them until they can pay their own way. Existing conditions? Simple enough, put those people into this pool and give them priority.

Replace? No, I don't want that. I want it gone.
2017-01-14 10:26 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: What is the Obamacare 'replace'?

Originally posted by mdg2003 There's a large percentage of the American population that doesn't want it replaced. The year after this legislation was rammed through via budget reconciliation, I received a notice from my employer. This notice told me my healthcare coverage was increasing $500 a year because of the ACA. Every year since this legislation was enacted, my costs have increased and coverage has decreased. Out of pockets, Dr. visits…. everything has gone up exponentially compared to previous years with the same employer. Small business owners are really taking the brunt of this bloated pigs carcass. I don't want this. I don't want to pay more money for a degraded product. It isn't working for me. All we hear from the democrats is that 20 million people will no longer have insurance because the evil republicans are taking it away from them. 20 million. Every single American family is facing the increasing financial weight of this disaster. All to benefit, by the democrats own estimate, 6% of our population. Wipe this bill off the face of the planet. Tax every household $100 a year and put that into a healthcare fund. Make the applicants applying for healthcare prove need and assist them until they can pay their own way. Existing conditions? Simple enough, put those people into this pool and give them priority. Replace? No, I don't want that. I want it gone.

Don't we already have such a plan in place in most states, known as Medicaid? 

2017-01-14 11:16 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Subject: RE: What is the Obamacare 'replace'?
It is difficult going from a party of opposition to the governing party, but once they repeal they own it. What they need to do is take their time and make it a bipartisan effort, otherwise the Dems will beat them up with it in 2018. And no, we need some structure within the health care sector, like it or not, it is ~20% of the economy, the wild, wild west is not a good plan.

2017-01-14 11:30 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: What is the Obamacare 'replace'?

Originally posted by Left Brain

[But did people who fell into that category (the bolded) actually get better care? I'm asking, because I don't know. I know they now had insurance under the ACA.....but did they get better care? Some of the insurance plans, that I did see, under the ACA were a joke. If you can't afford the deductibles then exactly what is the difference between that and having no insurance? Again, I'm not trying to be argumentative, I'm asking because I don't know.

I'm trying to catch up on this issue because the ACA didn't affect us at all. My wife is a federal employee so our insurance is through her employer (and it's excellent)....ACA was a non-issue for us. (funny how the ACA didn't affect federal employees, huh?)

Since nobody answered my question yet, about what the GOP plan looks like for 'replace', it appears that we are going to re-hash the ACA instead.  So- I'll try to defend the onslaught.  

so- to answer question #1.  Did they get better care.  well- first we have to look at who 'they' were.  as there are a few categories.  Let's start with the ones that wanted to have coverage but either couldn't afford it, or couldn't get it due to a pre-existing condition.  Yes- these people overall got much better care, because they were now able to see a physician for their ailments or when they walked into a hospital or emergency room, they had an insurance card.  When doctors know they are going to get paid, they are more likely to treat you.  

The ACA did little to define a standard of care.  And- while emergency rooms (if that's where you get your medical care) would treat people regardless of whether they could pay (thank you Reagan), we all ultimately shared in the expense of those unpaid visits.

Understand, that for the non-dickhead governors that allowed their people to receive federal payments, there was the part of the ACA known as the Medicade Expansion- which, on a sliding scale, helps lower income people with the cost of their health insurance.  So- yes, you have to buy insurance (or face a small tax penalty), but for those who cannot afford it, the government helps you buy it.  nice for these folks.  Oh, this included 8.4 million children- I presume at least a few of whom actually needed serious health care that their families in now way would have been able to afford.  I just can't imagine being a parent of a sick child and not be able to afford the medical care it would take to make them better.  

2017-01-14 11:34 AM
in reply to: Oysterboy

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Subject: RE: What is the Obamacare 'replace'?
Originally posted by Oysterboy

It is difficult going from a party of opposition to the governing party, but once they repeal they own it. What they need to do is take their time and make it a bipartisan effort, otherwise the Dems will beat them up with it in 2018. And no, we need some structure within the health care sector, like it or not, it is ~20% of the economy, the wild, wild west is not a good plan.

Owning the healthcare debacle really is an interesting issue. Imagine the republicans allowing this POS to completely implode on itself. Allowing the democrats to fully own it in all of it's glorious failure. That is a n approach they might consider. I would be OK with them doing that and then repealing it 2 years down the road. Bipartisan effort? Like when it was enacted? Sorry, the bipartisan concept of govt left the building years ago.

Party of opposition? What has obama not vetoed since the repubs took over House and Senate?

I really have a problem with the government being in control of 20% of the economy. Show me a program the US gov. manages properly. TSA? FAA? SS? Medicare, medicaid? VA? National Park service? They can't manage a hangnail, much less 20% of our economy.
2017-01-14 11:40 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: What is the Obamacare 'replace'?

Originally posted by mdg2003 There's a large percentage of the American population that doesn't want it replaced. The year after this legislation was rammed through via budget reconciliation, I received a notice from my employer. This notice told me my healthcare coverage was increasing $500 a year because of the ACA. Every year since this legislation was enacted, my costs have increased and coverage has decreased. Out of pockets, Dr. visits…. everything has gone up exponentially compared to previous years with the same employer. Small business owners are really taking the brunt of this bloated pigs carcass. I don't want this. I don't want to pay more money for a degraded product. It isn't working for me. All we hear from the democrats is that 20 million people will no longer have insurance because the evil republicans are taking it away from them. 20 million. Every single American family is facing the increasing financial weight of this disaster. All to benefit, by the democrats own estimate, 6% of our population. Wipe this bill off the face of the planet. Tax every household $100 a year and put that into a healthcare fund. Make the applicants applying for healthcare prove need and assist them until they can pay their own way. Existing conditions? Simple enough, put those people into this pool and give them priority. Replace? No, I don't want that. I want it gone.

As I'm on the executive staff of a mid-size company, I'm aware of the additional costs to implement the ACA.  at first we were pretty scared, that (for a variety of reasons which I won't go into here), that it might cost us millions more in our health care costs.  Turns out- costs us a couple hundred tho' more (out of a healthcare budget of I think around $8M).  So, it seems to me that your employer may be 'blaming' Obama and charging you a little more - which ultimately goes into their own pocket. oh, sorry we need to screw you, it's Obama's fault.  Fortunately, my company's owners are bigger men than that.  Small biz owners (under 50 employees) are not affected.  Health care costs were skyrocketing, and after the ACA, the rate of increase was much reduced.  So- you don't really know what would have happened with your company's coverage if the ACA had not been implemented.  

but- no doubt, there are some increased costs. you can't help 30 million more americans get health insurance without additional costs (all covered/paid for in the ACA by a selection of tax increases- so it is at least a fiscally responsible bill).  And- since most american workers get their coverage through their employers, spouses, parents... then for them, a majority of americans, they could give two about those poor unfortunate souls, due to no fault of their own, who are getting screwed.  So- not everyone has empathy for their fellow man, and only see this as a cost that they need to bear.  so be it.  you'd rather save a few hundred in your own pocket than help others.  a valid position.  not exactly the moral high ground here, but valid.  depends on your morals tho'.

2017-01-14 11:42 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: What is the Obamacare 'replace'?

Originally posted by mdg2003
Originally posted by Oysterboy ... Show me a program the US gov. manages properly...

I'm pretty happy with the GPS satellites.

(as far as those other agencies - I'm still very glad they exist and it's not something the private sector could or would do.)

2017-01-14 11:49 AM
in reply to: morey000

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Subject: RE: What is the Obamacare 'replace'?

So- are we all agreeing here that there IS no replace plan?  So, Trump and all the GOP talking heads are just blatantly lying?


can we get back to "what is the GOP plan?"  that was the question.  unless you all still want to banter about the pros/cons of the ACA.  


and- you do all know that every single other economically developed country in the world has found a way to provide basic health care to its citizens, mostly at half the cost of how we do biz in the US.  Seems to me, that we're about to go back to the old system.  Which allowed insurance companies to deny people coverage, and where they would fight sick and dying people to not pay for their coverage.  it was pretty horrendous.  

me- I get my insurance through my company, am healthy, and have no pre-existing conditions.  so, screw the sick and the poor.  I'm fine.

2017-01-14 11:58 AM
in reply to: morey000

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Subject: RE: What is the Obamacare 'replace'?

Originally posted by morey000

Originally posted by mdg2003 There's a large percentage of the American population that doesn't want it replaced. The year after this legislation was rammed through via budget reconciliation, I received a notice from my employer. This notice told me my healthcare coverage was increasing $500 a year because of the ACA. Every year since this legislation was enacted, my costs have increased and coverage has decreased. Out of pockets, Dr. visits…. everything has gone up exponentially compared to previous years with the same employer. Small business owners are really taking the brunt of this bloated pigs carcass. I don't want this. I don't want to pay more money for a degraded product. It isn't working for me. All we hear from the democrats is that 20 million people will no longer have insurance because the evil republicans are taking it away from them. 20 million. Every single American family is facing the increasing financial weight of this disaster. All to benefit, by the democrats own estimate, 6% of our population. Wipe this bill off the face of the planet. Tax every household $100 a year and put that into a healthcare fund. Make the applicants applying for healthcare prove need and assist them until they can pay their own way. Existing conditions? Simple enough, put those people into this pool and give them priority. Replace? No, I don't want that. I want it gone.

As I'm on the executive staff of a mid-size company, I'm aware of the additional costs to implement the ACA.  at first we were pretty scared, that (for a variety of reasons which I won't go into here), that it might cost us millions more in our health care costs.  Turns out- costs us a couple hundred tho' more (out of a healthcare budget of I think around $8M).  So, it seems to me that your employer may be 'blaming' Obama and charging you a little more - which ultimately goes into their own pocket. oh, sorry we need to screw you, it's Obama's fault.  Fortunately, my company's owners are bigger men than that.  Small biz owners (under 50 employees) are not affected.  Health care costs were skyrocketing, and after the ACA, the rate of increase was much reduced.  So- you don't really know what would have happened with your company's coverage if the ACA had not been implemented.  

but- no doubt, there are some increased costs. you can't help 30 million more americans get health insurance without additional costs (all covered/paid for in the ACA by a selection of tax increases- so it is at least a fiscally responsible bill).  And- since most american workers get their coverage through their employers, spouses, parents... then for them, a majority of americans, they could give two about those poor unfortunate souls, due to no fault of their own, who are getting screwed.  So- not everyone has empathy for their fellow man, and only see this as a cost that they need to bear.  so be it.  you'd rather save a few hundred in your own pocket than help others.  a valid position.  not exactly the moral high ground here, but valid.  depends on your morals tho'.

I have no idea what will replace it, and yeah, for my family's situation it really doesn't matter. We can live with whatever comes.

Just so you know.....and I'm sure you do.  That bolded part is exactly why liberals are sitting on the outside looking in right now......and to use your words, if that's your position, so be it, it's a valid position. 

The problem is, you have no idea about my morals, and you certainly can't make an inference based on my opinion of a govt. program with many tentacles. But rest assured, every single time someone from the left tries to attack based on morals, values, etc. and tries to hold themselves up over someone they don't have any idea about except that they hate big govt........you have made a political enemy.  This is the reason your party has NO voice right now. 

2017-01-14 1:57 PM
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Evergreen, Colorado
Bronze member
Subject: RE: What is the Obamacare 'replace'?

I'd love to know the answer too. I suspect the answer is that there is no replacement, and I don't think it will much affect those who have corporate employers (including those who saw their premiums rise - do you really think you're going to see your rates go down with a repeal? Ha!), but I think you'll see a lot of people lose coverage. 

My husband owns his own small company and I'm self-employed as well. Our rates have stayed steady throughout the past 8 years, but we were already paying an arm and a leg just to have insurance prior to ACA. The main difference is I no longer lay awake at night worrying about someone in the family getting sick, getting dropped, etc.I have many artist friends who simply couldn't get coverage prior to the ACA due to pre-existing conditions. One of them survived throat cancer a few years ago - he would not have made it were it not for his insurance through the ACA. 

My $1200 per month insurance plan prior to ACA did not cover pregnancy (that kind of plan pretty much didn't exist at the time if you were self-employed), so I payed cash out of pocket for all of my prenatal care and delivery of my son and hospitation, despite having paid over $12,000 into my insurance plan that year. We have the money to do so and planned accordingly, but others are no so fortunate, and this repeal adds in the double whammy of taking away funding for Planned Parenthood. I'm scratching my head trying to figure out a lot of this. 

A lot of people seem to want to blame rising healthcare costs on the ACA, but I don't think that's the problem, and I suspect everyone who wants it repealed will still see increases in premiums regardless. I broke a rib this year and had to have an xray to rule out a lung puncture since it was displaced. It was a weekend, and two urgent cares turned me away because they wouldn't xray an abdomen, so I had to go to the ER. I paid $1200 out of pocket to get an xray and I have insurance. The healthcare system is just plain broken when a simple xray costs over $1000. I see the Republicans saying yeah it's broken let's do away with the current system, but I have yet to hear their solution. Repealing ACA isn't a solution unless there is some sort of plan to address skyrocketing healthcare costs.

Edited by Stacers 2017-01-14 1:58 PM
2017-01-14 2:07 PM
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Subject: RE: What is the Obamacare 'replace'?
Originally posted by morey000

Originally posted by mdg2003 There's a large percentage of the American population that doesn't want it replaced. The year after this legislation was rammed through via budget reconciliation, I received a notice from my employer. This notice told me my healthcare coverage was increasing $500 a year because of the ACA. Every year since this legislation was enacted, my costs have increased and coverage has decreased. Out of pockets, Dr. visits…. everything has gone up exponentially compared to previous years with the same employer. Small business owners are really taking the brunt of this bloated pigs carcass. I don't want this. I don't want to pay more money for a degraded product. It isn't working for me. All we hear from the democrats is that 20 million people will no longer have insurance because the evil republicans are taking it away from them. 20 million. Every single American family is facing the increasing financial weight of this disaster. All to benefit, by the democrats own estimate, 6% of our population. Wipe this bill off the face of the planet. Tax every household $100 a year and put that into a healthcare fund. Make the applicants applying for healthcare prove need and assist them until they can pay their own way. Existing conditions? Simple enough, put those people into this pool and give them priority. Replace? No, I don't want that. I want it gone.

As I'm on the executive staff of a mid-size company, I'm aware of the additional costs to implement the ACA.  at first we were pretty scared, that (for a variety of reasons which I won't go into here), that it might cost us millions more in our health care costs.  Turns out- costs us a couple hundred tho' more (out of a healthcare budget of I think around $8M).  So, it seems to me that your employer may be 'blaming' Obama and charging you a little more - which ultimately goes into their own pocket. oh, sorry we need to screw you, it's Obama's fault.  Fortunately, my company's owners are bigger men than that.  Small biz owners (under 50 employees) are not affected.  Health care costs were skyrocketing, and after the ACA, the rate of increase was much reduced.  So- you don't really know what would have happened with your company's coverage if the ACA had not been implemented.  

but- no doubt, there are some increased costs. you can't help 30 million more americans get health insurance without additional costs (all covered/paid for in the ACA by a selection of tax increases- so it is at least a fiscally responsible bill).  And- since most american workers get their coverage through their employers, spouses, parents... then for them, a majority of americans, they could give two about those poor unfortunate souls, due to no fault of their own, who are getting screwed.  So- not everyone has empathy for their fellow man, and only see this as a cost that they need to bear.  so be it.  you'd rather save a few hundred in your own pocket than help others.  a valid position.  not exactly the moral high ground here, but valid.  depends on your morals tho'.

You don't know me. You don't know what I do to help my fellow man. You don't know that I conduct a charity drive at my job every year to help kids that are stuck in the middle of the system through no fault of their own. You don't know about the volunteer work I do to help my fellow man. You don't know about the environmental causes I donate to. You'd probably be surprised that i am a member of the Sierra Club and I don't believe in climate change 'science.' You'd be surprised to see that I support gay marriage and most other social issues that are labeled liberal. I'm a Teamster. You don't know me. You have lumped me into a mold of what you think I am. You have stereotyped me. This is why your worst nightmare is about to assume control of our government. People like me are tired of being told by others what is moral, right, wrong, racist, ignorant, xenophobic, homophobic, etc. People like me voted to get the narrow minded wahoos out of my government.

The ACA is a goat rope of epic proportions and nothing you can say will convince me otherwise. The facts are there. You'll need to look deeper than Huffpo and CNN to find them, but the numbers don't lie. It isn't working and never will. I don't want to see it replaced because I really don't believe the republicans will do it right either. Am I sorry that many people in this country can't afford healthcare? Yup. Is it my responsibility to provide it for them? Nope. I certainly wouldn't stop you from adopting the healthcare costs of a needy family if you so wished. Hell, I commend you for doing so. But until you take that moral highroad, I'd suggest you STHU and don't assume you have any right in telling me how I need to spend the money that I earn.

edited to replace STFU with STHU

Edited by mdg2003 2017-01-14 2:10 PM
2017-01-14 5:56 PM
in reply to: morey000

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Centennial, CO
Subject: RE: What is the Obamacare 'replace'?

Originally posted by morey000

So- are we all agreeing here that there IS no replace plan?  So, Trump and all the GOP talking heads are just blatantly lying?

Actually  my understanding is that there are 9 different plans.  (I do not know the details of said plans)  The issue is getting all parties to agree to one that can actually pass through the house and senate.  Unlike the ACA where no one had actually read it, I believe that they will be reviewing the plans and identifying what will and won't work.

This is going to be a very difficult thing to pass as the republican party is actually quite diverse in terms of economic, religious and societal beliefs.  Imagine trying to agree on what coverage should be included?  Birth Control?  Experimental procedures?  Mental Health?  Each one has it's own set of issues.  

2017-01-14 6:39 PM
in reply to: morey000

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Subject: RE: What is the Obamacare 'replace'?

I wasn't coming here to argue the benefits of the ACA.  I was just asking what the GOP plan was to replace it.

Here's what I think I've learned:

The GOP has no plan. The whole 'replace' thing is a smoke screen.  i.e.. they're lying.  None of you care or want to see a replacement.  I did not expect this. Thank you for giving me a look into your world.

I'm sure you're all wonderful people.  You give to charity, take care of those you love, etc.  I didn't call anyone here xenophobic or racist.  But, you are supporting the plan to take away health insurance from 10's of millions of americans so that the very wealthy can pay lower taxes.  There's an inherent moral decision there.  You can decide if it's good or bad.  It's not the world I want to live in, but perhaps it's the world you want.  

What I'd prefer to see from the right, is some action to actually make the country a better place to live.  It's so much easier to destroy than build.

and your strong opinions on climate change, do not outweigh the overwhelming science that says otherwise.  It just says that you've made up your mind and really don't understand what 5,000 climatologists have unanimously determined.  Apparently you know more than they do.  I'm not sure how, but you seem to feel strongly that you do.

2017-01-14 6:49 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: What is the Obamacare 'replace'?

Originally posted by Left Brain

 This is the reason your party has NO voice right now. 

It has more to do with gerrymandering, the electoral college, lack of education of civics, and media attention.  Democratic senate candidates received 23 million votes more than republican candidates.  and, as you are well aware, Hillary received almost 3 million more votes than Trump. But yeah (sarcasm), it's because you get offended when liberals claim the moral high ground for wanting the government to protect people from toxic water.

2017-01-14 7:25 PM
in reply to: morey000

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Subject: RE: What is the Obamacare 'replace'?
Originally posted by morey000

I wasn't coming here to argue the benefits of the ACA.  I was just asking what the GOP plan was to replace it.

Here's what I think I've learned:

The GOP has no plan. The whole 'replace' thing is a smoke screen.  i.e.. they're lying.  None of you care or want to see a replacement.  I did not expect this. Thank you for giving me a look into your world.

I'm sure you're all wonderful people.  You give to charity, take care of those you love, etc.  I didn't call anyone here xenophobic or racist.  But, you are supporting the plan to take away health insurance from 10's of millions of americans so that the very wealthy can pay lower taxes.  There's an inherent moral decision there.  You can decide if it's good or bad.  It's not the world I want to live in, but perhaps it's the world you want.  

What I'd prefer to see from the right, is some action to actually make the country a better place to live.  It's so much easier to destroy than build.

and your strong opinions on climate change, do not outweigh the overwhelming science that says otherwise.  It just says that you've made up your mind and really don't understand what 5,000 climatologists have unanimously determined.  Apparently you know more than they do.  I'm not sure how, but you seem to feel strongly that you do.

That's OK. nobody asked me if I wanted my existing healthcare costs to increase so I could pay for another bloated hand out program. Nobody listened when the overwhelming majority of the people in this country said we didn't want the ACA. So, at this point we really don't care if they gut it and don't replace it. My hope is to see a mistake erased. Not tens of millions. 20 million. That's the number the democrats are crowing from the rooftops. 6% of the population. Tens of millions, hardly. If the democrats are using the number 20 million, I'll have to rely on their lying, like they have about everything, and just assume the number is even lower than 20 million. How does this affect the taxes the wealthy pay? Worried about how much rich people pay in taxes? You should also be worried about where all that QE money went then.

Climate change. Let's see, 5000 people that earn a living promoting the concept of climate change… first it was called global warming. Shiite, the temps went down. So they renamed it global climate change. Then they've invented the science of global climate disruption to dismiss well known events such el nino and la nina. There was a time when all the science in the world told us the earth was flat and the stars were gods. Not sure I fully believe the guy who makes money trying to justify this backwards way of thinking.

The PEBH is running deep and long this cycle. You see it as destruction, I see it as returning my country to where it was before this little experiment into socialism. What has been built? Trillions spent on the infrastructure creating shovel ready jobs. TRILLIONS. Yet the infrastructure is still a mess. Where did that money go? Windmills and solar panels we outsourced from China? QE? Exactly why have my healthcare costs risen under the ACA, when I was promised they would go down. You should be ticked off that the people you vote for lie to you about everything. I know i'm ticked off that the people you vote for lie.
2017-01-14 7:44 PM
in reply to: morey000

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Subject: RE: What is the Obamacare 'replace'?

Originally posted by morey000

Originally posted by Left Brain

 This is the reason your party has NO voice right now. 

It has more to do with gerrymandering, the electoral college, lack of education of civics, and media attention.  Democratic senate candidates received 23 million votes more than republican candidates.  and, as you are well aware, Hillary received almost 3 million more votes than Trump. But yeah (sarcasm), it's because you get offended when liberals claim the moral high ground for wanting the government to protect people from toxic water.

Oh, it's water and not health care now......got it.

Sorry, but I'm not offended, and I've been called anything you could possibly come up with.  I'm still laughing that the liberals still don't get it. For the record,you can claim whatever you want to claim. In fact, you can have the moral high ground if you need it to make a point, I'm fine down here with the folks who just go through life taking care of themselves and their families and not hurting others. That's my contribution to my fellow man, to not intentionally hurt anyone, not be a burden to anyone, and raise self-sufficient productive members of society.

Of course we can help those who get beat down through circumstances they have no control over, all decent people do that, it's expected....you have no high ground there and get no points for taking that position. Like I said,  it's expected of decent people.  But let's face it......there are a lot of poor life choices involved too. I can't fix that, and I'm not paying for it.

And you're wrong on the election, btw. I stood there on the protest lines and watched as folks who just wanted to live their lives were screamed at, spit on, blocked from going on their way, and talked down to by folks on the high ground you think you hold. I watched their faces and heard them talk to each other and nod knowingly. A year ago I warned that they would have their say.....and they certainly did.  For now they hold every card......and with 3 possible Supreme Court appointments coming they have assured they get to play them.  Happy now?  Claiming high ground doesn't mean you have it.  That's a lesson for your party....although from what I can see it's still not learned...despite the fact that your party was virtually destroyed and lost it's voice in November. Now you can sit and watch the Replicans do whatever they want.....that's your prize....at least your view should be good from up there.

Sure, Clinton moved ahead when the votes from California came in.....I can live with that. For fun, when you have to come down from the mountain to go to sleep.....check out the national county by county vote. 

2017-01-15 9:00 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: What is the Obamacare 'replace'?
Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by morey000

Originally posted by Left Brain

 This is the reason your party has NO voice right now. 

It has more to do with gerrymandering, the electoral college, lack of education of civics, and media attention.  Democratic senate candidates received 23 million votes more than republican candidates.  and, as you are well aware, Hillary received almost 3 million more votes than Trump. But yeah (sarcasm), it's because you get offended when liberals claim the moral high ground for wanting the government to protect people from toxic water.

Oh, it's water and not health care now......got it.

Sorry, but I'm not offended, and I've been called anything you could possibly come up with.  I'm still laughing that the liberals still don't get it. For the record,you can claim whatever you want to claim. In fact, you can have the moral high ground if you need it to make a point, I'm fine down here with the folks who just go through life taking care of themselves and their families and not hurting others. That's my contribution to my fellow man, to not intentionally hurt anyone, not be a burden to anyone, and raise self-sufficient productive members of society.

Of course we can help those who get beat down through circumstances they have no control over, all decent people do that, it's expected....you have no high ground there and get no points for taking that position. Like I said,  it's expected of decent people.  But let's face it......there are a lot of poor life choices involved too. I can't fix that, and I'm not paying for it.

And you're wrong on the election, btw. I stood there on the protest lines and watched as folks who just wanted to live their lives were screamed at, spit on, blocked from going on their way, and talked down to by folks on the high ground you think you hold. I watched their faces and heard them talk to each other and nod knowingly. A year ago I warned that they would have their say.....and they certainly did.  For now they hold every card......and with 3 possible Supreme Court appointments coming they have assured they get to play them.  Happy now?  Claiming high ground doesn't mean you have it.  That's a lesson for your party....although from what I can see it's still not learned...despite the fact that your party was virtually destroyed and lost it's voice in November. Now you can sit and watch the Replicans do whatever they want.....that's your prize....at least your view should be good from up there.

Sure, Clinton moved ahead when the votes from California came in.....I can live with that. For fun, when you have to come down from the mountain to go to sleep.....check out the national county by county vote. 

Water and not healthcare… Yeah, that's right out of the playbook. Change the subject and insult the intelligence of the opponent. Scientists… I've been watching the show Planet 7 Antarctica on NG. Mostly for the scenery and wildlife viewing, but also for the sheer entertainment brought on by the stupidity these 'smart' people. Just watch the first three episodes, you'll see what I mean. Cross wind landing a drone behind a moving ship and the ice crevasse debacle were two of the best so far. Anyhow, it seems the goal of all the scientists from all the different nations is proving global warming. You go in supported with millions in grant money to prove a hypothesis. I promise you they will come up with conclusive evidence to prove that hypothesis, even when it involves ignoring data proving otherwise. Cause if you don't prove the science, you lose grant money AND the highly sought after ticket to work in the Antarctic. Here's a group of people who are spouting global warming science and the need to keep the continent 'pristine' every other sentence. Yet none of them seem to have a problem with all of the fossil fuel being burned to support them and their experiments. Choppers, C-17s, tankers and icebreaker ships and not to mention the fuel burned to heat and light their compounds. It reminds me a lot of the hypocrisy of Leo decaprio and Al Gore. Jetting around the world to promote global warming science.

I agree with your assessment of the impact the protests against Trump people had on the outcome. I was not a Trump fan during the primaries and voted against him. This led to some lively discussions at home as my wife and two daughters (all rabid obama supporters in the past) having realized what an error they made supporting obama, came out full force pro Trump. However, the protests and subsequent need to cancel rallies, made me sympathetic to the cause. They had paid protesters disrupting rallies and essentially suppressing the Constitutional rights of thousands of Americans. Those protests made me decide to support Trump should he gain the nomination. I'm still leery of him and a lot of the crap he spews gives me gas, but I am behind him because of the despicible actions of those protesters who violated the rights of those people just wanting to attend a political rally.

Again the argument that she got more votes and more people voted for democrat senators… blah blah blah. That's the system we live under. Endorse it or move. Gerrymandering? It exists. How else do you explain Sheila Jackson Lee and Nancy Pelosi? Arguably two of the dumbest and in Lee, the most racist people to serve my country. They'll both die in office because their districts are gerrymandered. Election fraud. Suddenly we need to have a discussion about it. Because the party narrative is 'the Russians' wanted Trump in office. They hacked our email, that we didn't protect. Were the emails made up? Nope, they got caught with trousers at half staff.

Morey, your own party deliberately went against the will of the democrat voter and stabbed Bernie Sanders in the back. Yet, you are ignoring that fact and blaming it on some Trump driven Russian hacking scheme for bringing that news to light. You're not mad at me or Trump, you're mad at your own party for screwing you and lying to you again. Own it.

Edited by mdg2003 2017-01-15 9:03 AM
2017-01-15 9:20 AM
in reply to: morey000

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Subject: RE: What is the Obamacare 'replace'?
Originally posted by morey000

Originally posted by Left Brain

 This is the reason your party has NO voice right now. 

It has more to do with gerrymandering, the electoral college, lack of education of civics, and media attention.  Democratic senate candidates received 23 million votes more than republican candidates.  and, as you are well aware, Hillary received almost 3 million more votes than Trump. But yeah (sarcasm), it's because you get offended when liberals claim the moral high ground for wanting the government to protect people from toxic water.

http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/14/politics/voting-wars-democrats-2020/i... - OMG, you can't make this stuff up fast enough. PEBH running rampant through the party.

2017-01-15 11:34 AM
in reply to: morey000

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Subject: RE: What is the Obamacare 'replace'?
Originally posted by morey000

Originally posted by Left Brain

 This is the reason your party has NO voice right now. 

It has more to do with gerrymandering, the electoral college, lack of education of civics, and media attention.  Democratic senate candidates received 23 million votes more than republican candidates.  and, as you are well aware, Hillary received almost 3 million more votes than Trump. But yeah (sarcasm), it's because you get offended when liberals claim the moral high ground for wanting the government to protect people from toxic water.

I agree. It has NOTHING to do with democrat policy. It was the Russians, the media, the hacked DNC, etc. Dem sbould not change a thing. They should double down on liberalism so they can win back the House, the Senate, the WH and those 1,000+ state legislature seats and governorships. Hillary won the popular vote! Democrats need to obstruct, obstruct, obstruct and trash Trump every time they open their mouth. That is what Americans really want!
2017-01-15 6:12 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

, California
Subject: RE: What is the Obamacare 'replace'?

So- are we all agreeing here that there IS no replace plan?  So, Trump and all the GOP talking heads are just blatantly lying?

If there was a detailed counter-plan to the ACA that was agreed upon by most / all of the Republicans in Congress, then it would've been pitched to us sometime during the past 8 years, probably during an election cycle.

When they finally do offer a plan, it will be the usual conservative checklist: block grants to states, defund Planned Parenthood, deregulate insurance companies (hello high risk pools and lifetime maximums), and oh yeah run up even more of a deficit.

And before anyone goes off and flames me, why don't we just sit back and see if my prediction comes true.

2017-01-15 8:14 PM
in reply to: spudone

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Subject: RE: What is the Obamacare 'replace'?

Originally posted by spudone

So- are we all agreeing here that there IS no replace plan?  So, Trump and all the GOP talking heads are just blatantly lying?

If there was a detailed counter-plan to the ACA that was agreed upon by most / all of the Republicans in Congress, then it would've been pitched to us sometime during the past 8 years, probably during an election cycle.

When they finally do offer a plan, it will be the usual conservative checklist: block grants to states, defund Planned Parenthood, deregulate insurance companies (hello high risk pools and lifetime maximums), and oh yeah run up even more of a deficit.

And before anyone goes off and flames me, why don't we just sit back and see if my prediction comes true.

Maybe, but will it also have lower end plans that cost less for people who don't need an expensive plan with low deductible.  Will small businesses be able to ban together to purchase insurance on the same level of large companies?  Of course there are other improvements that could be made as well. 

Let's not pretend that Obamacare was the be all and end all....especially when it was insurance companies who helped write it. LMAO '

But yeah, it will have some Republican slant to it......that's the benefit of a Republican House, Senate, and President.  Maybe the Democrats should have thought of that while they were up there on that high ground.  


2017-01-15 9:25 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

, California
Subject: RE: What is the Obamacare 'replace'?

Not directly related, but a big cost savings would be if they change the law so that Medicare is allowed to negotiate drug prices.

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