Subject: Bikes and CarsI went out on a ride today, mixing it up again with those cars who don't seem to understand that there's a fragile sack of flesh and bones sitting on that bicycle that they're zooming past. I love riding, but I hate the occasional stupid idiot that won't give me room considering I'm a mere 185lbs stacked up against his/her 4000lb car. There are some really stupid people in the world. I was amost hit today, I felt the air from the mirror go past my thigh. Another idiot made a right turn immediately after passing me, forcing me to slam on my brakes to avoid t-boning them. Scared the crap out of me, but now I'm just mad. Georgia is the worst cause our city planners didn't decide to put sidewalks or bike lanes in until just the last few years. Not to mention, the drivers here are pretty impatient and rude.
Sorry to complain, but it just is very cathartic to get it out. We need another one of those "Share the Road" campaigns.