BT Development Mentor Program Archives » QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL Rss Feed  
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2010-12-26 12:31 PM

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - FULL

Name: Judi

2011 season goals:  Get to a starting line and finish what I started.  My season is somewhat in the air right now as I rebuild fitness from my torn gastrocs last summer.  I have a 10K in April so far.  Not entirely sure what else I will do because everything hinges on how my leg responds as I rebuild fitness.  Possibly a century ride, few sprints and maybe an oly and a half marathon.

Weight loss:  Several years ago I lost a lot of weight (70 lbs) that's what got me the courage to tri.  My injury last season caused me to regain about 20 lbs.  I am working on losing that.

Experience: This is my fifth year involved in this sport.  I have done a multidude of sprints, a few Olys, several half marathons, some century rides and assorted odds and ends.  I was derailed last summer from my attempt at a HIM by injury and illness.....more on that later.

Why I would make a good mentor:  I have co mentored in the past and had a lot of fun.  I enjoy the group process.  None of us hold all the answers, we learn together and share our follies as a group.  I have had several injuries in my few years here so I can relate to those questions.  I asked Dex to co mentor with me cause he is the guy who handles a lot of my questions when I get hurt.....cause my in person PT is releasing me soon I need my cyber PT friend along for the ride.  Wink

Who is welcome to join the group:  Anyone looking to tri, looking for folks new to the sport....those who have been sidlined with injuries and are rebuilding fitness,

2010-12-29 8:11 PM
in reply to: #3261875

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Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop
Hi the better other half here.  Name Dud only mom calls me Dudley. 

2011 goals-  Defend my Musselman title, Rev3 Sandusky 140.6, Freeze my off marathon and other stuff Marmadaddy talks me into.  Run 5Ks with my wife, help improve her Sprint time, namely that 6 minute T1 time.  Yell at Judi till she takes a day off. Lose the weight, duh.

I have been doing the tri stuff for 5 years now.  I became involved to have a goal for fitness and weight loss.  I still have some to take off yet, but the tiara will be mine again!  At the age of forty I figured out what I wanted to be, a physical therapist.  Had a very supportive wife that let me go back to school and three later graduated and realized that I also need to practice what I preach and this triathlete was born.  Really a underlying dream for a long time.

Experience  12-sprints, 2-Olys, 4-HIM, 1-IM, few OWS, numerous runs from 5K to marathon.  I race for myself.  I find it a thrill to push yourself to the best you can do.   I was a high school swimmer and mom threw us in the water before we could walk so I'm a bit of a fish.  I ride well and my run has come along a lot thanks to Marmadaddy.  I had my left knee scoped the year before starting running since highschool.  Careful stressing and rest and recover got me going  with little trouble.  Of course most of that yelling came from my ortho doctor who seemed to pop up everywhere I went without my crutches. 

Join our group if you can toe the line of rest and not to anal about having a peach colored calendar.  Judi could have another thought on that though.  

Did pull my grastroc last year but not as bad at Judi also got side lined for month with hip bursitis. 

2011-01-12 11:58 AM
in reply to: #3261875

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Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop
Second page I'm getting a complects. 
2011-01-12 2:03 PM
in reply to: #3261875

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2011-01-12 4:04 PM
in reply to: #3261875

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop
Welcome, Rob!  Glad you decided to join up!
2011-01-12 9:32 PM
in reply to: #3261875

Fresno, CA
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop
Count me in guys, please!

Wiped out after being out of town on business, but I wanted to 'secure' my spot if that's ok.

I'll post a bio in the next day or so.

2011-01-13 7:08 AM
in reply to: #3261875

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop
Welcome aboard!!!
2011-01-13 9:05 PM
in reply to: #3261875

Fresno, CA
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop
As promised, here's the bio...

Name: Michelle

2011 season goals:  Let's just say that my main goal at a minimum is to maintain, and if I'm lucky, build on my current tri-fitness.  Normally I like to plan out my season very carefully with 1 to 3 main races that I want to train for and compete in.  Unfortunately though, the company I work for just announced a major restructuring that will have me closing down one of the facilities I manage in September.  As you can imagine, the 200 employees in that location aren't dealing well with the news.  There are also a lot of transition plans that have to be developed and implemented between now and then to make this go as smoothly as possible.  Between this little 'project' and a fair amount of business travel under normal circumstances, I'm playing things pretty loosely right now.  No firm commitments until I get a sense of how things are going to shape up.

Weight loss:  Back in 2008 I was about 20 pounds heavier than I am now and I took up running to address that.  Worked like I charm.  Between S/B/R and now some weightlifting, I've been able to successfully manage my weight ever since.  Of course, I work hard to do that, but you have to do what you have to do.

Experience:  This is technically my second year in the sport.  Like I said, I was, and am, a runner foremost.  I've done some 5ks, a 10k, and three half marys since starting in 2008.  Got more serious on the bike last year and took a few swimming lessons to take that aspect beyond just paddling around in a back yard pool.  Started serious lap swimming to build endurance and improve my basic skills mid year last year.  Timing was never right for my first tri, but I hope to knock out a sprint or two this season if my work schedule cooperates.  There's also an opportunity for a century this year too--but again, only if it looks like I can work the training into my schedule.  

Why I would make a good mentee:  I consider myself a life-long learner.  I've learned a ton about this sport just by absorbing the information that is exchanged regularly on BT by some very knowledgeable and experienced athletes.  I may not always be the first with a question, or have any first hand advice to pass along, but trust me, I'll be there soaking it all in and benefitting all the way.   I look forward to whatever help the group has to offer.
2011-01-13 10:43 PM
in reply to: #3261875

Nassau, Bahamas
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop
I like the idea of good cop / bad cop.  Kinda like high school where the head coach was always a dick and the assistant was your training at least!

History:  Swam in high school (not great, but not bad).  Weighed in at 185 in April, lost weight and began swimming, then got into tri's with running and biking.  In 2010 did a 3k swim, 2-5k's, one sprint, a 5k race and a 10k informal race, training up to a Half Marathon on Sunday!

2011 goals:  Olympic Triathlon in March/April, Half Ironman in May/June.  July focus on swimming (it's hot here!) Work on speed work and faster times for swims/sprints/olys/him.  Maybe a HIM in October, then  IM in Spring 2012.  Just shooting from the hip.  

I am in no way fast, except the swim part.  Need help on biking, running I am about a 10:00 pace for long distance I think (will know more on Sunday!)

Check my blog for my race info.  Also love sailing, heading off to Key West Race Week right after half Marathon Bahamas on Sunday.

Not many people here in Nassau to train with or that share my goals and ambitions, especially at my beginner level.  Would be nice to have a place to share training and accomplishments.  People think I'm nuts when every long run is the longest, and i'm sure people on facebook are tired of hearing of my mini feats!  

Let me know if I'm in, i'll bookmark and participate as much as I can.  I keep logs mainly in times, but can start putting in distances etc more if required.  Never even read through these Mentor forums, on a whim jumped in and saw this one and decided to join.

edit:  I was at 185 in April as I said - last time I weighed myself between Christmas and New Years I was 155.  In better running shape now, would think about 150 but haven't weighed in recently!

Edited by islandflyer 2011-01-13 10:44 PM
2011-01-14 12:05 AM
in reply to: #3261875

Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop
Would you mind if I tagged along?

Name:  Chris

2011 season goals: Get to the starting line at IM Australia (May 1) fully recovered and ready to race. I fully ruptured my achilles on September 15 playing stupid basketball. 

Weight loss:  In 2007 I found myself married, fresh out of college, with a one year old and was expecting another.  I also found myself to be pushing 220lbs.  I bought a Bowflex and started running more frequently.  I was always a runner but I forgot for a while.  Later that year I found was behind the Oreos all along.  I lost about 40 pounds that year but every so often I find a bit of it here and there.  Luckily I always tend to lose it again.  I try to keep myself right between 180-185 as that's when I feel my best and so far have been the fastest. 

Experience:  Australia will be my 4th IM.  2008 IMFL - 2009 IMJapan - 2010 IMLP.  Awesomely enough, I've gotten slower with each one.  Good stories behind the slowness but still, kinda sucks.  I did some sprints, an oly, and a half when I was in Florida but there aren't a lot of other races on this tiny island, so until I get back to the US (2012) I'll stick with one big one a year.

Why I want to join:  Last year I had the IMLP thread which was home to tons of people to chat with on our journey to the starting line.  I miss that camaraderie, support, smack talk, and the fun that goes along with watching others succeed. 

Looking forward to working out with you from afar.
2011-01-14 12:26 AM
in reply to: #3261875

Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop
Hey all - mind if I join in?

My name is Catherine and I'm a soon to be 43 year old second year triathlete.  I'm married with no kids but with two dogs, a cat, 5 goats (soon to be more) and 12 chickens...  I'm a full time engineer by day and a small sustainable farmer by night.  I'm also on the verge of starting my third career change by heading back to school to be a veterinarian.   

My 2010 season: In late 2009 a friend talked me into signing up for my first tri for May 2010.  I've been a cyclist for 6 years now, but I was never a distance runner and not much of a swimmer.  Everything I did, I did in 'sprint' mode (very short and all out effort).  Until I started cycling, I never even considered any sport that would be considered 'endurance'.  Anyway, I had to slowly ramp up my running and eventually switch to basically barefoot (on the recommendation of my podiatrist) and pretty much learn to swim again.  I did 3 official sprint races, 1 'super' sprint unofficial race, 1 organized cycling century and 1 5K last summer.   My strength is cycling, my weakness is running.  I was managing MOP swim times by the end of 2010.

I spent the off-season working on my running and until the past couple of weeks, was getting close to 20 mpw (that was my end of winter goal).  I also bought a tri bike and have been trying to get used to aero in between rain storms (meaning...not much!).

For 2011 I have the following planned:
same 3 sprints as 2010 plus one additional one
My first Oly
my first half-marathon (Oct 2011)
and at least three 5K's (first one in Feb

Oh, and since it sounds like just too much fun: The Warrior Dash next September.

Weight loss:  I started this whole journey at 175 lbs (I'm 5'4").  I got down to 150 by the end of the 2010 summer but then put 5 back on over the winter.  Now I'm on a quest to get to my final goal of 130 lbs.  I've been a weight fighter my whole life, but tri has finally given me some perspective on my weight goals and I have no doubt that I'll hit them eventually. 

Right now I'm working on my own little 7 week plan to take me until the end of Feb where I will start the BT Oly Run-Focus training plan (16 week).  My 'A' race is my Oly which is at the end of June and at it'll be a doozy for me. 
"A" race number 2 is my half-marathon which is in mid-October. 

2011-01-14 7:05 AM
in reply to: #3261875

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop
Wow!  Glad I checked in the thread today!

Welcome to Michelle, Chris, Catherine and islandflyer!!

Anyone have races coming up soon?
2011-01-14 7:32 AM
in reply to: #3261875

Nassau, Bahamas
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop
Yup, Half Marathon Bahamas on Sunday morning!  (and key west race week but that's part of the quad...not tri!)

BTW I'm Lee.   
2011-01-14 11:33 AM
in reply to: #3298965

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop
islandflyer - 2011-01-14 7:32 AM Yup, Half Marathon Bahamas on Sunday morning!  (and key west race week but that's part of the quad...not tri!)

BTW I'm Lee.   

Sounds fun!  I love the half marathon distance!  Bahamas would make for an interesting run course too.  I did one last winter on an island off GA that's maybe 2 milws long to begin with.  What a crazy course to get a half marathon on such a tiny island!
2011-01-14 1:01 PM
in reply to: #3261875

Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop
Welcome everyone. Now that the bad cop has been talking to you I liked to say TGIF.  I got a race tomorrow 5K in the snow and cold should be fun.  I'll try to get a chance to read who you are and what your goals are soon maybe to night. 
Your friend the Good cop. 
Dex  or Dud.
2011-01-14 4:21 PM
in reply to: #3299914

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop
dexter - 2011-01-14 1:01 PM Welcome everyone. Now that the bad cop has been talking to you I liked to say TGIF.  I got a race tomorrow 5K in the snow and cold should be fun.  I'll try to get a chance to read who you are and what your goals are soon maybe to night. 
Your friend the Good cop. 
Dex  or Dud.

Haha, I am the good cop!  He just yells at me!! That makes him the bad cop! 

Seriously, we banter a lot about stuff...he fusses at me and sometimes I listen.  That about sums up my friendswhip with Dud.  Tongue out

2011-01-14 10:25 PM
in reply to: #3261875

Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - OPEN
Chris welcome aboard.  Gotta read about your IM do you have race reports posted?

Lee good luck with your race. 

Oh Judi it is all in the perception.  Did ya get new sneaks? 

Rob and Michelle what up this weekend? 

It 10 degrees and dropping gotta hit the rack for a 5K in the morning. 
2011-01-15 4:50 AM
in reply to: #3300885

Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - OPEN
10 degrees!  I'm spoiled over here in Okinawa.  We think it's freezing cold this evening and it's only 50 out.  Good luck with the race.
2011-01-15 7:16 AM
in reply to: #3261875

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - OPEN

Dud, I'm heading to my favorite run shop after coffee.

Lee, Sending you good race vibes!!

2011-01-15 10:33 AM
in reply to: #3261875

Fresno, CA
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - OPEN
Sorry guys if it seems like I do a lot of hit and run in terms of responding on the forums...I get on BT pretty much every day, but don't always have enough time to do anything much beyond logging my training for the day.  I usually catch up on all the posts on Saturday mornings.

No races scheduled at the moment but I'm toying with a 5k on February 19.  Don't you just love 5k's?  You can certainly train for them and run to win, or you can just go into them with your basic run fitness and go all out.  Either way, they are loads of fast fun!

On tap for today?  A run through the hood.  Somewhere in the 3-4 mile range.  Since I'm not training for anything specific right now, my 'long' runs are about the same as my non-long runs. 

Lee, good luck on your HM tomorrow! 
Dex/Dud, hope your 5k goes well--and try to stay warm!
Judi, do all the fabulous stuff you normally do--including obliterating dust bunnies from under your washing machine and dryer!
2011-01-15 10:47 AM
in reply to: #3261875

Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - OPEN
Hey there! I'm a 36 year old working mom / wife / and TOTAL TRI NOOB... Let's see... I lost about 50 lbs in 2006-2007 and got into running; never very fast but built up enough miles to run the NYC Marathon '09 (like I said - not fast - 5:20 something with a HUGE positive split) then got all hooked on it, started training for a spring '10 marathon and got a lovely 1-2 combo of plantar faciitis and patellar tendinitis, dropped to the 1/2 in that race, then when training for NYCM '10 got shin splints bad enough that my dr. & PT feared a stress fracture and kept me out of it for about 3 months, so no NYC marathon for me...

Got to thinking, "Hmmm, am I doing something wrong?" (DUH) and started biking, swimming, strength training, and reading about tri's. Now I'm mildly obsessed but still a tri debutante. I've paid for my first one, anyway! I'll be hitting up the Mini Mightyman in East Meadow, NY in April, have a few sprints including the Tri in the Buff in Buffalo in mind for summer, and hope to complete an Olympic (still deciding between Mossman, Pine Barrens in NJ, Mighty Hamptons or the Westchester Tri) by the end of the season. Still heavy, still slow, but hoping triathlon will help on both counts. I figure if I can run for over 5 hours, I can swim / bike / run for 3 or 4 or so, right? Right!

Currently working on rebuilding running endurance (and building speed - concentrating on 5k and 10k this year, maybe a half or 15k in the fall), and building swim and bike endurance. Taking adult advanced swim at the Y, where I swam 2000 yards for the first time last Sunday (yay me!) and saving my precious $$$ for a nice entry level road bike to be purchased after the snow melts. I'm thinking a Giant Avail 3, maybe, but in that price range, anyway.

Looking forward to help from all of the experts and benefiting from the good cop / bad cop approach, ha ha!

- Katie

2011-01-15 11:46 AM
in reply to: #3261875

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - OPEN
Haha, Michelle
Todays escapades included letting my daughter drive over to the LRS cause she needed the hours (state law requires 45 hours practice before you can test here)  I got Brooks Trance.  Slightly more padding than what the adrenalines have so I'm hoping that helps my leg as I resume running!

I did obliterate cat hair and dust from the ledge around my loft. Wink  Gonna do some mondo cooking after my run!
2011-01-15 11:50 AM
in reply to: #3261875

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - OPEN


Welcome to the group!  Dud has battled shin splints a lot.  One of my other friends on BT has had shin splints to stress fractures.  Very frustrating.  Yes, rest is HARD (as we all know I hate it), but the best thing for these kinds of injuries.  Have you done any aqua jogging?  It helps keep you running but no impact on the legs.  I believe Paula Radcliffe used it to train for NYC marathon once, Kara Goucher used it during her pregnancy as well.

2011-01-15 12:01 PM
in reply to: #3301425

Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - OPEN
Yeah, agua jogging is good stuff - back to running pain free every other day or so now, just trying to build back up (longest run post has been about 10k)

Me & Paula and Kara like aqua jogging together ha ha ha ha ha ha
2011-01-15 12:03 PM
in reply to: #3261875

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QueenZipp & Dexter's good cop/ bad cop - OPEN
You're doing better than I am getting back at it.  My longest run post gastrocs tear was 3 miles.  Then I rolled my ankle and stirred up the gastrocs again.  Just building to over a mile again. 
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