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2008-08-14 6:09 AM

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Subject: Recovery time from long rides/runs

During your peak IM training weeks, how much time do you allow for recovery from your century rides and 3 hrs runs?

I got to thinking about this recently becuase of the discussion about doing a race after the IM and people suggesting "do nothing for 2 weeks after an IM" to recover. 

From my experience....for my body, I think the long run is the driver for recovery.  Obviously one's body can be trained to bike long day after day as evidenced by the Tour de France.  Hmmmm, and then there is that guy who ran a marathon every day for 50 days in 50 states.

OK, I think I answered my own question.  Maybe it all comes down to your base and your body's ability to recover.


2008-08-14 6:31 AM
in reply to: #1602443

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Mooretown, Ontario Canada
Subject: RE: Recovery time from long rides/runs
I think your right, everyone is different. Although for me, the long run is what I need recovery time from. A 3hr run is just hard on my body, and I feel it for a couple of days after. After my first marathon, I was a good week before I felt 100%.

2008-08-14 7:13 AM
in reply to: #1602443

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Fountain Hills, AZ
Subject: RE: Recovery time from long rides/runs
24 hours between my long rides and long runs on the weekend and then a complete day off or easy swim on Monday.
2008-08-14 7:21 AM
in reply to: #1602443

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: Recovery time from long rides/runs

An ice bath will help you recover faster. 

Water in tub to cover your thighs + 2 bags of ice.  Sit in ice water for 10 min.

Good Luck!!!

2008-08-14 7:23 AM
in reply to: #1602443

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Recovery time from long rides/runs
Rogillio - 2008-08-14 6:09 AM

During your peak IM training weeks, how much time do you allow for recovery from your century rides and 3 hrs runs?

I got to thinking about this recently becuase of the discussion about doing a race after the IM and people suggesting "do nothing for 2 weeks after an IM" to recover. 

From my experience....for my body, I think the long run is the driver for recovery.  Obviously one's body can be trained to bike long day after day as evidenced by the Tour de France.  Hmmmm, and then there is that guy who ran a marathon every day for 50 days in 50 states.

OK, I think I answered my own question.  Maybe it all comes down to your base and your body's ability to recover.


yes, how long it will depend on your fitness level and your physiology as we all recover at different rates.

About the bolded part I highlighted above - I personally don't agree that you should have to do nothing for 2 weeks post IM (mentally maybe, physically no). In fact the more active you remain the faster you can recover (doing a little something every day i.e. a 10-15 min swim or a 20-30 easy spin, walk for 20-30 min or do some other activity(ies). Don’t run until the soreness/pain on the legs is gone unless you are a top AGer).

You are NOT exercising to further adapt your body to induce fitness gains/training adaptations; you are just trying to stimulate it easy and short enough to jump start the recovery process in your body and enhance it.
2008-08-14 10:10 AM
in reply to: #1602443

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Subject: RE: Recovery time from long rides/runs
For me it is the long runs that fatigue me not so much long rides. How long it takes to recover, I'm not really sure as it becomes an overall lingering fatigue that left only when I tapered.I take longer than most to recover it seems from long runs. Next IM the plan is that I'm going to do them differently instead of weekly maybe every 10 days or so which means I'll have to start building the up sooner. Once I start doing longer runs my bike pace drops off.

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