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2009-12-14 10:39 AM

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Dallas, TX
Subject: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
NAME: KSH/ Karen



In 2004, I was sick of working out in the gym and decided I wanted to a do tri. October 2004 I bought my first road bike. February 2005 I did a duathlon as my first race. After that I did my first tri- with girls only. Then I was hooked.

See, what you need to understand is that doing triathlons is addictive. Here is why: you do one and you know you can do better, so you go back for more. It eats away at you that you didn't do ____ as fast as you wanted to.

I did a couple of races in 2005 and then in January 2006 I joined a Tri 101 training group. It was nice to train with people and helped me some. Unfortunately during this time I was having a lot of lower leg pain while running. So much so, it was near impossible for me to run.

I did a tri in April 2006 and then decided to get my running pain under control. So I went to see a running coach who specialized in injuries. I worked with him for 6 months one on one. I stopped running all together and learned how to run again. I went from a heel strike to mid-foot plant.

I would like to say that it fixed all my pain, but it didn't. Instead new pain popped up. I kept running through the pain though. I ended 2006 with a sprint tri in September... walking a lot of the run.

During this entire time, the idea of doing an Ironman was in the back of my head. But completely out of my reach because of all the running issues. RUN 26.2 miles? HA!

I made the decision to do a Half Ironman at the end of 2007... Longhorn in Austin, TX. While my running was coming along, I still had a lot of pain and lower leg tightness from it. So much so, there were many mornings I could barely get up and walk (only shuffle along) because my lower legs were so tight.

I hired my first coach in 2007 for my Half Ironman training. I wanted to make sure I did it right. I consider this to my first year of REAL training. I learned what it was really like to train for tri's.

My cousin (who is also on BT) had started talking about doing Ironman Arizona in 2008, and I thought about doing it with him. It certainly sparked the idea of doing an Ironman in 2008. After some consideration I decided to do Ironman Kentucky and signed up August 2007... before I had even done a Half Ironman!

A month out from my Half Ironman... I got an IT band injury that prevented me from running. In fact, I couldn't even walk without being in extreme pain. So I had no run training the month before my race.

I decided to go into the race with a positive attitude and to walk as fast as I could. While I had a 14 minute mile at my Half Ironman, I had a great race. I stayed happy and focused. That race taught me that it's all about attitude.

After the race I took some time off and got a new coach lined up for Ironman Kentucky training. January 2008 I started training for Ironman Kentucky. During this time I started doing a walk/run combo. 5 minute walk, 2 minute run. I wanted to stay injury free and it was working. I also attended a race walking clinic in May 2008 to learn how to walk funny- and fast!

So I kept training for Ironman Kentucky with the race plan of doing a walk/run combo.

Oh yeah... I haven't even mentioned swimming or cycling yet! I was a competitive swimmer in High School, so no issues there. Cycling... while I'm not all that fast, I can go forever. As you can see, running in the thorn in my side!

I trained really hard for Ironman Kentucky and made it to the starting line. I had a solid swim and bike. Oddly on the bike my Achilles tendons started hurting on both legs. When I made it to the run... I couldn't run. I was in too much pain. So I walked the entire 26.2 mile marathon. Feel free to read my race report for all the gory details. I did finish though in 15:45.

Once Kentucky was done I needed a mental break from training. So I sat around for a good 2 months. During this time my friend was saying I needed to go up to Minnesota and do a tri. I told her I would come visit if she did a marathon with me! She is crazy as I am... and she agreed to it!

From December 2008 - May 2009 my focus was marathon training. I trained doing a walk/run combo. 3 minute walk/2 minute run. With this I was able to keep a 11:00 minute mile and better sometimes. When I was running longer distances I kept that same pace, but my walk/run combo was so much more enjoyable. j

We had signed up for a walking marathon and we were told we could do a walk/run combo but would not be eligible for age group awards. So there were 12 people at this walking marathon. My friend and I came in 2nd and 3rd. We did a 10 minute walk/3 minute run combo. I went my friend's pace. During the race my right foot started to hurt on the outside. By the end of the race my foot hurt to walk on and the next day it was swollen and I could barely walk on it.

My focus was 2009 was to have fun and to finish the season with a Half Ironman. My focus in 2008 was all about the Ironman... so I missed out on doing what I wanted to do... I missed all the local races... and I missed seeing my friends. I decided that 2009 was going to be on MY TERMS... no coach... just me following a training plan that fit into my life... not my life fitting around it.

So there I was at the end of May 2009 with a foot I could barely walk on. I didn't have health insurance so I couldn't go to a Dr. I figure it was a stress fracture. The cure: to not run or walk and to stay off it.

I didn't want to get depressed about it happening so I switched to a swim and bike focus. It also gave me a good reason to go visit my sister, bro-in-law and niece in Maryland! I signed up for a 3 mile open water swim for7-11-09. So I stayed off my foot... swam and biked a lot.

After the swim, I decided to get back to running. I had taken 6 weeks off so I felt like I could ease back into it. I also had a 25K on 7-19-09. I knew I wasn't going to make the entire 25K but since it was a looped course I went out and did 6 miles.

While I had done a walk/run combo before... my friend made me want to to start only running. You see, she came to town to do the Cowtown Half Marathon with me (the one race before our marathon) and she said she wanted to RUN the Cowntown Half Marathon in 2010. I figured she did her best to train for the marathon and took on that challenge... the least I could do is TRY to run 13.1 miles with her. So I started to train- running only.

Guess what? I found out I can run! 9-27-09 I did my first ALL RUNNING half marathon and I did it in 2:11! My best half marathon time before that was 2:28 with a walk/run combo. That was a month out from my Half Ironman (Longhorn in Austin again).

Went and raced Longhorn and cut 45 minutes off my previous time! That of course is all thanks to RUNNING the half marathon at the end. I had a good race and felt strong. I was successful with training myself and fitting my training around my life and having a good time doing it!

Now that it's winter I have switched to a run focus. I just finished the White Rock Half Marathon 12-13-09, and did it in 2:07! 4 minute PR! My next race is the Cowtown Half Marathon that my friend from Minnesota is coming back for!

Now, during ALL of this I have been laid off my job. I was first laid off 1-1-09 from a job I had 3 years. I took a new job in February 20009... and stayed there for 3 months. Hated it. Got a new job making more money. They laid me off September 2009. As of 12-14-09 I am still out of work.

My career is in training and development. I have worked as a trainer and instructional designer for 12 years. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Counseling and 18 hours towards a Masters degree in Training and Development (from the University of North Texas). Unfortunately, I am unwilling to go into $8,000 debt for finish my Masters degree.

I have been making a plan B though. I ordered the materials to study to become a personal trainer (NASM certification). I test in February 2010. Even if I do get a full time job, it's something I will do on the side for a few special clients. I also enjoy working with endurance athletes, so I'm toying with the idea of becoming a USAT certified coach. I am looking to do the clinic April 2010 and will sign up 1-12-10.

I really love helping people achieve their goals and to be a part of their success.

I was married for 5 years and divorced in 2004. I did not have a child with my ex (great decision!) and have chosen to not have kids.

I met my now boyfriend (Jbrashear) shortly after my ex left me... and we have been dating for 6 years. We do not live together. I do not have any pets... as I'm too busy. I love animals but I can't give an animal a good home, and I know it.

While I have not been overweight in my lifetime... I have also worked to keep it that way.

I knew that losing 5 pounds was easier than losing 20. So whenever my weight gets up to 130 (tops!) I make sure to lose it. I am 5'4" with a petite frame, so if I gain 5-10 pounds I gain a size and my clothes do not fit! With all of that said, I have to work to maintain my weight.

I have had many years (off and on) where I log all my calories and stick to a strict caloric intake. If you want to lose weight, join my mentor group, I can help!

I love helping and inspiring people. I absolutely love it. I enjoy giving my input and advice and watching someone achieve something they never thought possible. I like listening to them when they need a caring ear and I like encouraging them when they need it.

When I mentioned to people I know about becoming a personal trainer- they all said, "that would be perfect for you". I think being a mentor is an extension of how I can help people with their health and fitness.

I also understand what it's like to be a normal person doing this stuff. I'm not extremely fast, and it took me 5 years of racing to finally get into the top 5 in my age group at the shorter races. I have been at the front of the back... but mostly I have been at the back of the pack.

I know what it's like to be injured and to not let it beat you. I have learned how to cope through an injury and to not give up.

For all of those reasons... and more... I think I would be a great mentor! Oh yeah, and I don't have a job... so I have plenty of time on my hands!

I welcome anyone and everyone to my mentor group! I will love helping and inspiring you! I can't wait to watch everyone succeed in their goals!

Edited by KSH 2009-12-14 11:53 PM

2009-12-14 4:32 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group Open! Let's do this!

Hi Karen...

May I join you?

I think I'll make a good mentee.  I have lots of lofty goals and don't mind putting in the work to get to them.

2009-12-14 9:03 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group Open! Let's do this!

Great to see you as mentor Karen!  You are going to do great.  I am in another MG, but hopefully you won't mind if I drop by from time to time...


2009-12-14 9:08 PM
in reply to: #2557497

Bronze member
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group Open! Let's do this!

Hey Karen,

I would like to join your mentor group.  I've seen your postings around here and like what you have to say.  I also can appreciate your struggle to learn to run well and without injury.  Here is my info:

NAME: Erica

LOCATION: Portland, Oregon 


I just completed my first year of triathlons.  I completed three sprint races, one a pool based swim, and the other two OWS.  I was pretty MOP (well in a small local pack, probably BOP anywhere else) in swimming and biking, but was totally BOP in the run.  So while there is tons of room for improvement, running was definitely my limiter for sure.  So I've been working on running, running, running in the off season.  I've actually gotten to the point where I really like running, and I'm seeing my pace drop steadily.  That is really exciting.  Right now I'm training for a half marathon on January 25, and then I'll hop back in the pool and on the bike.

Growing up, I was a competitive swimmer, mostly 500 yd free.  I really hadn't spent any time in the pool in more than a decade, and not much time training prior to the race season, and my swim times definitely reflect that.  But I think with some focused time in the pool at the start of this coming season, I can see major improvements in my swim time.

As for biking, I haven't spent much time on the bike really, and know that I will need to put a lot more time in the saddle, but right now, I can comfortably complete the sprint and oly portions of the bike with something left over for the run.

As for this year's races, I keep changing my mind.  But it looks like the for sures are a couple of half-marys, a 10k, 5k, and several sprint tris.  I would like to complete an Oly, and may do a late season HIM, depending on how the rest of the season goes.  And I'm about 90% sure that I will do my first marathon this year.

Boyfriend and I have been together 8+ years (neither one of us is the marrying kind), and have two dogs, both Rottweiler mixes, one a 5 1/2 year old big fella who is a rott/ lab/ shephard mix, and the other a 1 1/2 year little girlie who is a rott/ pug mix (don't ask).  Neither one of them is very good on the leash, but we've all been working on running together a little more often (me and the dogs, not the boyfriend).

I was always athletic growing up, and never had a weight problem when I was younger.  Sometime after college, when work and adulthood got in the way, I gained some weight.  Then I gained some more weight, and then some more.  All while continuing to exercise.  Finally, I was up more than 50 pounds from where I should be, and had enough.  I started ramping up my exercise and toning down on all those "I can eat this since I just ran this" types of food.  Since January 2009, I'm down 45 pounds, mostly by just eating more fruits/ vegetables and eating less junk.  I feel great.  I would like to lose another 15 pounds in total, which should have me at a pretty good racing weight.  I've been pretty proud of what I've accomplished, and feel like I've learned a lot along the way that will help me maintain my goal weight long term.  I definitely don't feel deprived of anything that I love food wise (and there is a lot of food I love).

WHY I'LL BE A GOOD MENTEE (not that you asked Smile):
I am diligent about using my training log (I love it, in fact).  I am open to learning what I can from others, and feel comfortable sharing my own thoughts.  I've also got a pretty good sense of humor, and am really supportive of other people reaching their goals too.

2009-12-14 9:39 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group Open! Let's do this!

Hello KSH/Karen,

My name is Angie and I would like to join your mentor group.  I am new to Triathlon; I completed a few indoor Triathlon's, a Duathlon and a few running races in 2009.  I am a slow but decent runner, a fairly good biker and a lousy swimmer. Two years ago I decided to hire a personal coach for swimming to help me with my terrible fear of water. I can now swim decently (!) and I am trying to build my endurance that I can actually swim across the pool!! Laughing Thus, I have yet to compete in open water and would like to do so this year along with other running races and Duathlons which I also enjoyed.

I am married with no children, I do have pets (5 parrots and a dog). I also have a very demanding job that will be very challenging the next few months, thus most of my workouts are in the early morning so I can gaurantee myself some training time.
Thanks for letting me join your goup!


Edited by AngieF02 2009-12-14 9:40 PM
2009-12-14 9:57 PM
in reply to: #2557497


Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group Open! Let's do this!
Hi, Karen!  I would love to join your group.  I'm afraid I will be the novice of novices to mentor for triathlons.... four years ago I was in a bad car accident and two years ago found out I was married to a Tiger Woods kind of guy.  Soooooo, I have neglected myself terribly.  This year I want to do something for me.  I want to start with some sprint triathlons in the Spring, maybe working to an Oly distance in the Fall.  I am in pathetic shape.  Please help me...... Jody

2009-12-14 10:18 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group Open! Let's do this!
Hello Karen,
It is soo nice to sit and read (an almost) replica of mine (story). I say almost because I've only done one whole triathlon, a Sprint Tri this past September 2009 (The Trek Tri  at Disney in Fl). I would love to join your group. I think you would not only help me immensely with support but also motivation to keep my butt moving. I hope you accept! But first a little about me. I also swam in Highschool...well middle school, high school, college and a little after college. Got a swimming scholarship, so I'm a good swimmer but sometimes, well alot of times, find myself pushing it to the side because I know how, but it's been about 10 years since I could swim swim, like in the old days. The only reason I used to run was if I was being chased and I'd ride a bicycle here and there to walk my dog. Now, I only run when I think about doing another tri and only bike when I don't have my car (My dog left me in May). I am in pretty good shape, but I have lost a lot of strength, so I'm a little weaker than I would like. I do belong to a gym and my husband and I go together, because it's easier for me to have someone there, even though he doesn't run or bike or swim, but at least he's there. I'm 29, have had no kids of my own (except for my dog), I weigh 116 lbs. and am 5'7. I would love to have you by my side for the next 5 months (and maybe thereafter). I am planning on doing the Danskin tri at disney on May 9, 2010. It's the same exact distance (sprint) and the same exact course that I did in Sept. and it's all female again, which takes half of the anxiety out for me. I would love to have that little extra motivation that I'm having a hard time with right now. I plan to start actually training for this tri the first week of Jan. I hope you'll let me in your cool group! Can't wait to hear from ya. Kyndal Dimon
2009-12-14 11:03 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group Open! Let's do this!
Hi Karen,

Can I join your group?  I've been struggling with knee problems and kind of stumbled into thinking about Tris since all I could do was bike and swim.  I did a super sprint this past summer and walked the run portion.  I have my sights set on some sprints this spring and maybe a oly in the summer, especially if I can attempt to get back into running.  I've mostly been a lurker on the boards, but I recognized you from your posts and was excited to see that you were a mentor. 
2009-12-14 11:16 PM
in reply to: #2558911

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group Open! Let's do this!
Hi Karen,
I'd love to join your group!  I've been on BT for a couple months now, and remember some of your posts.  You seem very positive and knowledgeable! 

Christina (Chris)

LOCATION: San Francisco, CA

I've been a middle of the pack runner for years, completing two marathons, nine halves (I think?), and numerous smaller races.  My younger brother has been a triathlete for years, and I watched tri change his life.  I've been toying with the idea of triathlon for ages, and finally decided to take the plunge in 2010.  I'm thrilled!

I am completely new to biking and swimming.  I've been cycling more, and am trying to build somewhat of a base.  Swimming is another story.  I took two swim lessons on technique, and let's just say I'm still struggling through it.  The cold weather and now being sick is not exactly helping with the pool motivation.  In March, I plan on joining an open water swim group here in San Francisco.  My brother is a member of the group, so I know that will help with the motivation (accountability) to go.  Another swim issue is the lack of a good/affordable pool.  I'm a teacher, so I have two weeks off starting next week.  So, I'm checking out a few pools then.  I need to get to the pool at least a couple times a week starting NOW.

I'm also planning on joining one of the major triathlon clubs in San Francisco in February.  With running, I preferred to go it alone.  Yet with tri, I'm reaching out to be a part of the larger community! Plus, I'll take all the help/encouragement/push with bike and swim that I can get!

So far, my two planned tri's for 2010 are the Vineman Showdown at Sundown sprint on April 17th and the Wildflower Olympic course the first weekend in May.  I'll probably do one to two more sprints also in the early summer.  I'm also planning to run the Marine Corps Marathon on 10/31/10!  I'm really excited about that!  Most likely, I'll do two or so half marathons as well.  In 2008, I ran the Chicago Marathon and did a few halves.  In 2009, I just ran many halves, but also was diagnosed with asthma!  Talk about a bummer for an endurance athlete.  The inhaler is my new best friend, and I'm finding it to be a delicate balance with watching my heart rate, RPE, and breathing.  I'm learning to handle it, slowly but surely.

I'm a single 31 year-old.  Dating can be a challenge.  I'm an elementary school teacher who only works with women and children, and I'm not exactly into the bar scene anymore.  Plus, the last two guys I dated were not encouraging with my running.  They didn't last long! 

While I don't have a weight issue, I'm trying to shed a few pounds.  I'm 5'9" and currently weigh 153 lbs.  At my fastest and healthiest I was at 145.  So, I'm trying to shed the extra eight pounds.  My high weight was 162.  I've been off all added and unnatural sugars, and processed foods since Halloween.  I've always been a very healthy eater, but I needed an extra kick to increase my health even more and shed the unneeded fat.  I feel great!  Well, I feel great except for the current cold (I hope it's not the flu).  I'm hoping to be at 145 lbs by the end of January or mid-February.

WHY I'LL BE A GOOD MENTEE :  I'm a school teacher, so I'm all about following plans and directions!  Plus, I'm looking for encouragement, advice, and consistency.  Thanks for being a mentor, Karen!

2009-12-14 11:33 PM
in reply to: #2557497

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group Open! Let's do this!

Hiya Karen and all,

Your saga of perserverance in running despite injury really attracted my to this group.  I came to triathlon last year due to a search for cross training while recovering from swimmer's shoulder.  Now I'm learning all about recovering from runner's knee and overtraining...  I'm just starting back into my second season of sprint training after a few months off.

NAME: Cheryl

LOCATION: Cincinnati, Ohio


I just completed my first year of triathlons.  I started with an indoor reverse triathlon,then completed a 5K,  and five sprint races, one a pool based swim, and the other four OWS, no wet suit.  I am solidly BOP in biking and running, but MOP in the swim.  Running is my limiter.  I was slow before I hurt myself.  Now I've got to start over and I'm paranoid.  I suspect I've still got something going on with my right hip...  I'm starting a 12-wk plan "for athletes with limited fitness" out of Gail Bernhardt's book Training Plans for Multisport Athletes.  It seemed a decently conservative plan.  I'm pretty wary of pushing too fast after two overtraining injuries.

Growing up, I also was a middle school/ high school competitive swimmer, breaststroke and IM, a hard worker, but not super fast.  I started back into lap swimming August 08 when my oldest kid got interested in swimming and renewed my excitement.  I worked up to 4x week when swimmer's shoulder struck me down.  After therapy, I took lessons that tore my old stroke apart and fixed it to fit my 40-something body.

Last year I went from phobic cyclist to BOP.  I hadn't been on a bike in 20 years after a bad wreck 20 years ago.  I still do most of my miles on my fluid trainer.  I went from trainer only to solo rides using clips and on real roads by the end of the season.

I'm part of a local multisport team, Cincy Express, and also monitor their forums.  This season I'll be able to keep up on the Saturday morning training rides and I can't wait!

This year's races, I plan to stick to sprints, probably repeating most of last season's races to see if I can make progress compared to my 09 times.

Married, working full time as a children's librarian, with 4 kids ages 4 to 15.  My husband is beautifully fully supportive of my training and a remarkably good sport about bringing the little kids to watch me cross the finish line.  He runs but is highly resistant to my attempts to recruit him to the dark side.  Something about "sinking like a stone" ...  My 5yo daughter did her first tri this summer and loved it.  The kids version was very cute.

A recent job transfer screwed up all my training patterns.  I'm now at a new gym with little lap time available.  My old job had a handy bike trail, the new one not.  I'm going to have to work harder to find ways to get off the trainer and off my butt in general.

I'm at a healthy BMI already but have crept up 5lb while taking time off to heal.  I've just started back into Weightwatchers (id = loves.tri) because I want to get down 8lb to 124 and their plan adjusts your food level, taking exercise into account.  Training makes me HUNGRY.  One of the things I've liked most about triathlon is that something I'm doing is finally making my belly flatter, something post-baby weight loss alone didn't do.  Favorite book:  Slow, Fat Triathlete because of Jayne Williams' down-to-earth light approach to training and tri.

I am good about using my training log.  If the work isn't on there, it's because I didn't do it... I'm working to put my plan onto my log.  Only 2 weeks entered so far, haven't decided yet how I'll handle the holidays and training.

I was an active part of Running Jayhawk's mentor group last year.  Some of us are still in touch.

I think last season's tri obsession is maturing into a healthy dedication to the sport.

2009-12-14 11:39 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group Open! Let's do this!
WOW! So many responses so quickly! I feel so honored!

I'll take a couple of more and then I'll close the group out.

On Tuesday I can take the time to respond to everyone! If you posted in this thread you are in!


Can't wait to get this going! Are you excited? I am!!!!

2009-12-14 11:43 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group Open! Let's do this!
Hi Karen! Can I join your mentor group? I think you'd be a great mentor for me, especially given your history with running, which sort of sounds like mine!

Here's some info about me:


LOCATION: San Francisco, CA

STORY/CURRENT TRAINING/THIS YEAR'S RACES: I've been an athlete my whole life. I played volleyball, softball and basketball as a kid and for part of high school, then switched over to rowing when I realized that I have the perfect body type for the sport (I'm 5'11" tall with long arms and legs). I ended up rowing at a D1 college until too much beer and not enough studying led to me having to quit the team. Once I stopped being active I ended up gaining lots of weight and in 2006 I found myself finished with college and graduate school having picked up about 40 pounds from my college rowing weight. For the past three years I've been working on getting back into shape and re-discovering my inner athlete.

In February a friend from college and I dared each other to do the Chicago sprint tri. She's from Chicago and the plan was for me to fly out for the race and visit. Thus the triathlon addiction began. I ended up doing three sprints in 2009 (two local and the Chicago sprint) and a stand alone 10K trail race last weekend. I've joined the Golden Gate Tri Club here in SF, and have totally immersed myself in the tri lifestyle.

I swam competitively as a kid, so while I'm still slow I have pretty good technique and LOVE open water swims. It helps that we have the Bay here in SF which is a great place to swim. I'm new to biking but have been seeing some nice gains this past year, and just bought a trainer which I think will be a great training tool. Running is really my weakness. I had some hip problems that plagued me throughout 2009 that made running painful, but by working with a great physical therapist and tweaking my gait quite a bit to limit overstriding I am now completely pain free.

In the spirit of working on my weakness I'm spending the winter run focused, building to my first half marathon on February 7th. I'm starting to get into the meat of my training program for that race and am really enjoying it. After that, I'm registered for the Wildflower Olympic in May and the Vineman Ironman 70.3 in July, which will be my first HIM! Not sure what my plans will be for the second half of the year, perhaps working towards a century or a trail race late in the year.

FAMILY STATUS: I married my husband in October 2008, so we're still pretty much newlyweds. No kids and no pets so lots of free time. My husband comes from a biking background so he is my companion for all my training rides, which is great. He's already looking forward to all my long rides for Vineman next year.

WEIGHTLOSS: As of today I'm down 51 pounds from my highest in 2006. I've been losing very slowly the past year, and my weight has really started to even out. I'd like to drop another 10-15 pounds, but I am in no hurry since right now fitness is a priority over strict weightloss for me. I find I lose better when I don't work out and that's just not an option anymore.

WHY I'LL BE A GOOD MENTEE : I'm looking for any tips, tricks and advice that the group can give! I update my training log religiously and really enjoy being a part of BT so I can promise to contribute as much as I can to this group.

2009-12-14 11:50 PM
in reply to: #2557497

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Puerto Aventuras
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group Open! Let's do this!
Hola Karen,

I hope this is not a girls-only group ;-) I have read a lot of your posts on BT and like your approach and advice.

My name: Gerry

I am 39 years old, married, with 3 kids. (two daughters 7 and 5 and a great little ups (boy) that is now 9 months)

I am 6'1 and weigh around 185 lbs. Went to college in Austin, Tx  yep Hook'em Horns!!

I am very lucky to live in front of Cozumel 15 minutes south of Playa del Carmen in the beautiful Riviera Maya, so the only problem with training and weather is the heat in the summer.

Running is my weakest link as well and, although I have been a very sporty/competitive person all my life I had not done endurance/slow twitch sports. I did an Olympic tri 10 years ago, for the heck of it and definitively under-trained. I finished it in 3:10 which was not too bad if you consider that I had never biked the 40 ks or ran a full 10k.

I started training about 4 months ago to do an Olympic in November, but got the flu and sinus and had to settle for a local sprint. I did it in 1:30 which was, not great, but what I expected. I then went to IMCOZ and cheered a lot as all the people went by. After a few friends did something I previously thought I would never do, i signed up for 2010.

I have also had some knee issues and ITB stuff. I have been working on correcting my form and got a lot of inspiration from "Born to Run" and like the idea of minimalistic running.

I am very motivated and passionate, but not the most organized and a small kick in the behind from time to time helps keep me focused.

I do have some training partners down here that help a lot.

I am very excited about 2010 and where the journey will take me. I want to do a couple of Olympics, maybe a HIM and IMCozumel in November.

Looking forward to sharing the journey.


2009-12-15 12:00 AM
in reply to: #2557497

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group! Let's do this! CLOSED
All right, we are up to 10 people. The group has been closed! Here is our team!

crews - First name?

hussybowler5000- Erica

AngieF02- Angie

jtsn- Jody

Luvhairz- Kyndal

TritoTeach- First name?

justtrichris- Christina (Chris)

lovesreading- Cheryl

calimavs- Margot

gerrydiego- Gerry

I will respond to each person on Tuesday! Great stuff!

2009-12-15 12:09 AM
in reply to: #2557497

New user

Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group Open! Let's do this!
Hi my name is john I'm looking to start training for a tri.I have been extremely lazy over the past year i have gained 20lbs Ive currently lost 15 of that and still have a long way to go.I realized i wanted to do  this when i saw a guy do a ironman on the biggest loser and i was sitting on the couch eating some type of fast food.    

  I have no expierence in any of these things S/B/R.Ive competed in many sports from basketball to mma but nothing with this kind of endurance.Im currently married and have a full time job delivering which includes alot of driving and alot of buffets and fried foods.I have a gym membership but to embarraced to use it so i tend to workout by myself.

Im running a 3.5 mile obstacle course in may with a friend which i guess is a start.
2009-12-15 10:40 AM
in reply to: #2558546

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group Open! Let's do this!
crews - 2009-12-14 4:32 PM

Hi Karen...

May I join you?

I think I'll make a good mentee.  I have lots of lofty goals and don't mind putting in the work to get to them.

Crews you are in.

So, why not tell us a little more about yourself.

Also... if you log your workouts, that would be great! I haven't checked your logs yet.. but that would make you wonderful mentee. Welcome to the group!

2009-12-15 10:43 AM
in reply to: #2558908

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group Open! Let's do this!
ashort33 - 2009-12-14 9:03 PM

Great to see you as mentor Karen!  You are going to do great.  I am in another MG, but hopefully you won't mind if I drop by from time to time...


Cruise by anytime you want Andy.

2009-12-15 11:03 AM
in reply to: #2558911

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group Open! Let's do this!
hussybowler5000 - 2009-12-14 9:08 PM

Hey Karen,

I would like to join your mentor group.  I've seen your postings around here and like what you have to say.  I also can appreciate your struggle to learn to run well and without injury.  Here is my info:

NAME: Erica

LOCATION: Portland, Oregon 


I just completed my first year of triathlons.  I completed three sprint races, one a pool based swim, and the other two OWS.  I was pretty MOP (well in a small local pack, probably BOP anywhere else) in swimming and biking, but was totally BOP in the run.  So while there is tons of room for improvement, running was definitely my limiter for sure.  So I've been working on running, running, running in the off season.  I've actually gotten to the point where I really like running, and I'm seeing my pace drop steadily.  That is really exciting.  Right now I'm training for a half marathon on January 25, and then I'll hop back in the pool and on the bike.

Growing up, I was a competitive swimmer, mostly 500 yd free.  I really hadn't spent any time in the pool in more than a decade, and not much time training prior to the race season, and my swim times definitely reflect that.  But I think with some focused time in the pool at the start of this coming season, I can see major improvements in my swim time.

As for biking, I haven't spent much time on the bike really, and know that I will need to put a lot more time in the saddle, but right now, I can comfortably complete the sprint and oly portions of the bike with something left over for the run.

As for this year's races, I keep changing my mind.  But it looks like the for sures are a couple of half-marys, a 10k, 5k, and several sprint tris.  I would like to complete an Oly, and may do a late season HIM, depending on how the rest of the season goes.  And I'm about 90% sure that I will do my first marathon this year.

Boyfriend and I have been together 8+ years (neither one of us is the marrying kind), and have two dogs, both Rottweiler mixes, one a 5 1/2 year old big fella who is a rott/ lab/ shephard mix, and the other a 1 1/2 year little girlie who is a rott/ pug mix (don't ask).  Neither one of them is very good on the leash, but we've all been working on running together a little more often (me and the dogs, not the boyfriend).

I was always athletic growing up, and never had a weight problem when I was younger.  Sometime after college, when work and adulthood got in the way, I gained some weight.  Then I gained some more weight, and then some more.  All while continuing to exercise.  Finally, I was up more than 50 pounds from where I should be, and had enough.  I started ramping up my exercise and toning down on all those "I can eat this since I just ran this" types of food.  Since January 2009, I'm down 45 pounds, mostly by just eating more fruits/ vegetables and eating less junk.  I feel great.  I would like to lose another 15 pounds in total, which should have me at a pretty good racing weight.  I've been pretty proud of what I've accomplished, and feel like I've learned a lot along the way that will help me maintain my goal weight long term.  I definitely don't feel deprived of anything that I love food wise (and there is a lot of food I love).

WHY I'LL BE A GOOD MENTEE (not that you asked Smile):
I am diligent about using my training log (I love it, in fact).  I am open to learning what I can from others, and feel comfortable sharing my own thoughts.  I've also got a pretty good sense of humor, and am really supportive of other people reaching their goals too.

Hello and welcome! Thanks for all the kind words!

Well it sounds like you are a season behind you, and you are ready to tackle a lot in 2010!

I would encourage you to really pick what you want to do and to start creating a training calendar. The best thing I ever did for myself was to pick my A race, to put the training plan on a calendar and then to drop my other races in after that. Once you start seeing what it takes to say... train for the HIM... you can know where and if the marathon fits in. I found the book, Training Plans for Multisport Athletes, to be worth the money.

I'll talk more on picking a training plan and how to use it... in another post for everyone.

Great job on the weight loss! That's HARD TO DO!

Keep this in mind... and I stress this to EVERYONE in this group who struggles with running... for every pound you lose... you gain .05 in time per mile. That can be a HUGE savings if you lose 10-20 pounds! So keeping your weight down is essential to being a strong runner.

Thank you for using your training log!

Everyone needs to use their training log! I can't inspire or make suggestions if I can't see what you are doing training wise!

The first commitment everyone needs to make to this group... is to log ALL THEIR TRAINING!

Thanks for your history and welcome to the group!
2009-12-15 11:12 AM
in reply to: #2559780

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Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group Open! Let's do this!

KSH - 2009-12-15 10:40 AM
crews - 2009-12-14 4:32 PM

Hi Karen...

May I join you?

I think I'll make a good mentee.  I have lots of lofty goals and don't mind putting in the work to get to them.

Crews you are in. So, why not tell us a little more about yourself. Also... if you log your workouts, that would be great! I haven't checked your logs yet.. but that would make you wonderful mentee. Welcome to the group!

OK, here goes...I'll try not to be too long winded.

I'm currently training for my first marathon which will be in March.  We are up to the 16 mile run this weekend...definatley my longest.  Started out my training with PF and lots of other nagging aches and pains, but with perserverance and a new pair of Brooks, I'm doing fairly well.  My biggest hang up now is getting in my shorter runs during the just gets in the way alot of times.

Speaking of life, I've been married for 7 years and have a 5 year old boy, 2 weimeriners and a cat.  We stay very busy with work and school!  Hubbs is fairly supportive as he love to do DUs.  He places well and is a definate FOP.  I, on the other hand, am a MOP in the athena division.  I completed 3 tris in '07 and 1 in '08.  All were sprints.  I also enjoy a couple of group (2000 or so participants) rides we have around here.  I've done the Big Dam Bridge ride (50 miles) a couple of times and the Tour de Rock (which we were on the committee for).  The Tour de Rock will be my first century this summer...very excited about that.  I'm comfortable with ows, biking and running, I'm just slow.

One of my main goals in this quest is to lose weight.  Currently 5'5" and 170.  I've only managed to keep off 10 lbs or so since starting this journey in Jan. 07, but I haven't changed my eating habits all that much.  I stopped drinking as much realizing how empty those calories were.  We've cut back on eating out quite a bit also.  I have no will power, so I get what I want at restaurants instead of making a healthy choice.  So, this quest continues.  I work out as much as I can and try to make a healthier choice at each meal and snack hoping that at some point I will get rid of the weight.

2009-12-15 11:18 AM
in reply to: #2558954

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group Open! Let's do this!
AngieF02 - 2009-12-14 9:39 PM

Hello KSH/Karen,

My name is Angie and I would like to join your mentor group.  I am new to Triathlon; I completed a few indoor Triathlon's, a Duathlon and a few running races in 2009.  I am a slow but decent runner, a fairly good biker and a lousy swimmer. Two years ago I decided to hire a personal coach for swimming to help me with my terrible fear of water. I can now swim decently (!) and I am trying to build my endurance that I can actually swim across the pool!! Laughing Thus, I have yet to compete in open water and would like to do so this year along with other running races and Duathlons which I also enjoyed.

I am married with no children, I do have pets (5 parrots and a dog). I also have a very demanding job that will be very challenging the next few months, thus most of my workouts are in the early morning so I can guarantee myself some training time.
Thanks for letting me join your group!


Hello Angie and welcome to the group!

Nice to hear you hired a coach for the swimming portion! That's the first thing I tell anyone who says they are struggling with swimming- get a coach.

Reminds me... and this is for everyone... I met a girl at the gym who was swimming laps and she was doing a decent job of it. She went to the Elmer Swim School (we have those in Dallas, TX). She paid $350 for 14 lessons! While it's not a swim school for adults and they have a small pool she was taught how to freestyle and flip turn for a great price. I think that's a wonderful starting place option and then after the basics are learned, to get with a swim coach one-on-one for improvement.

Lots of pets! Fun!

Sounds like you have to be focused on getting those workouts in, in the morning!

Good luck and welcome to the group!

2009-12-15 11:22 AM
in reply to: #2559000

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group Open! Let's do this!
Luvhairz - 2009-12-14 10:18 PM

Hello Karen,
It is soo nice to sit and read (an almost) replica of mine (story). I say almost because I've only done one whole triathlon, a Sprint Tri this past September 2009 (The Trek Tri  at Disney in Fl). I would love to join your group. I think you would not only help me immensely with support but also motivation to keep my butt moving. I hope you accept! But first a little about me. I also swam in Highschool...well middle school, high school, college and a little after college. Got a swimming scholarship, so I'm a good swimmer but sometimes, well alot of times, find myself pushing it to the side because I know how, but it's been about 10 years since I could swim swim, like in the old days. The only reason I used to run was if I was being chased and I'd ride a bicycle here and there to walk my dog. Now, I only run when I think about doing another tri and only bike when I don't have my car (My dog left me in May). I am in pretty good shape, but I have lost a lot of strength, so I'm a little weaker than I would like. I do belong to a gym and my husband and I go together, because it's easier for me to have someone there, even though he doesn't run or bike or swim, but at least he's there. I'm 29, have had no kids of my own (except for my dog), I weigh 116 lbs. and am 5'7. I would love to have you by my side for the next 5 months (and maybe thereafter). I am planning on doing the Danskin tri at disney on May 9, 2010. It's the same exact distance (sprint) and the same exact course that I did in Sept. and it's all female again, which takes half of the anxiety out for me. I would love to have that little extra motivation that I'm having a hard time with right now. I plan to start actually training for this tri the first week of Jan. I hope you'll let me in your cool group! Can't wait to hear from ya. Kyndal Dimon

I accept the challenge!

Yeah, I hear ya on the swimming. While I try to keep up with it, I can train 2 days a week and that's plenty for sprint to Ironman distances... so I tend to let that slide. I know I could be faster if I swam more- but honestly I need to focus my time on cycling and running... so it is what it is.

So sorry to hear about your dog.

I always work on weights in the off season because of the strength I lose during the season. While we triathletes can look good and swim/bike/run all day... tell us to curl 30 pounds... and it won't happen. As women though, as we age, it's important to keep the strength training up.

Starting training in January for the May race... plenty of time! You can even through some 5K and 10K's in the mix of training to keep things fresh.

I'll be here to motivate! Just please log all your workouts!

2009-12-15 11:25 AM
in reply to: #2559057

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group Open! Let's do this!
TritoTeach - 2009-12-14 11:03 PM

Hi Karen,

Can I join your group?  I've been struggling with knee problems and kind of stumbled into thinking about Tris since all I could do was bike and swim.  I did a super sprint this past summer and walked the run portion.  I have my sights set on some sprints this spring and maybe a oly in the summer, especially if I can attempt to get back into running.  I've mostly been a lurker on the boards, but I recognized you from your posts and was excited to see that you were a mentor. 

Hello and welcome to the group!

I hear ya on the running injuries! Sounds like you really need to ease back into it!

You might want to read more on the Galloway method of running. It's uses a walk/run combo... and will help you stay injury free.

All right... please just make sure to log all your workouts on your Log!

So you are a lurker no more! Welcome!

2009-12-15 11:31 AM
in reply to: #2559063

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group Open! Let's do this!
justtrichris - 2009-12-14 11:16 PM

Hi Karen,
I'd love to join your group!  I've been on BT for a couple months now, and remember some of your posts.  You seem very positive and knowledgeable! 

Christina (Chris)

LOCATION: San Francisco, CA

I've been a middle of the pack runner for years, completing two marathons, nine halves (I think?), and numerous smaller races.  My younger brother has been a triathlete for years, and I watched tri change his life.  I've been toying with the idea of triathlon for ages, and finally decided to take the plunge in 2010.  I'm thrilled!

I am completely new to biking and swimming.  I've been cycling more, and am trying to build somewhat of a base.  Swimming is another story.  I took two swim lessons on technique, and let's just say I'm still struggling through it.  The cold weather and now being sick is not exactly helping with the pool motivation.  In March, I plan on joining an open water swim group here in San Francisco.  My brother is a member of the group, so I know that will help with the motivation (accountability) to go.  Another swim issue is the lack of a good/affordable pool.  I'm a teacher, so I have two weeks off starting next week.  So, I'm checking out a few pools then.  I need to get to the pool at least a couple times a week starting NOW.

I'm also planning on joining one of the major triathlon clubs in San Francisco in February.  With running, I preferred to go it alone.  Yet with tri, I'm reaching out to be a part of the larger community! Plus, I'll take all the help/encouragement/push with bike and swim that I can get!

So far, my two planned tri's for 2010 are the Vineman Showdown at Sundown sprint on April 17th and the Wildflower Olympic course the first weekend in May.  I'll probably do one to two more sprints also in the early summer.  I'm also planning to run the Marine Corps Marathon on 10/31/10!  I'm really excited about that!  Most likely, I'll do two or so half marathons as well.  In 2008, I ran the Chicago Marathon and did a few halves.  In 2009, I just ran many halves, but also was diagnosed with asthma!  Talk about a bummer for an endurance athlete.  The inhaler is my new best friend, and I'm finding it to be a delicate balance with watching my heart rate, RPE, and breathing.  I'm learning to handle it, slowly but surely.

I'm a single 31 year-old.  Dating can be a challenge.  I'm an elementary school teacher who only works with women and children, and I'm not exactly into the bar scene anymore.  Plus, the last two guys I dated were not encouraging with my running.  They didn't last long! 

While I don't have a weight issue, I'm trying to shed a few pounds.  I'm 5'9" and currently weigh 153 lbs.  At my fastest and healthiest I was at 145.  So, I'm trying to shed the extra eight pounds.  My high weight was 162.  I've been off all added and unnatural sugars, and processed foods since Halloween.  I've always been a very healthy eater, but I needed an extra kick to increase my health even more and shed the unneeded fat.  I feel great!  Well, I feel great except for the current cold (I hope it's not the flu).  I'm hoping to be at 145 lbs by the end of January or mid-February.

WHY I'LL BE A GOOD MENTEE :  I'm a school teacher, so I'm all about following plans and directions!  Plus, I'm looking for encouragement, advice, and consistency.  Thanks for being a mentor, Karen!

Hello Chris and welcome to the group!

Hey, don't we have two of you from San Fran here? Also, I know AbbieR (posts a lot on BT) is from San Fran.

That's so nice that your brother inspired you to try triathlons!

Joining the clubs will let you meet other triathletes, keep you inspired, and let you meet nice singles in your area.

Here in Dallas, I have been in a couple of tri training groups, but they never really seem to work out for me. Mostly their training times/locations didn't fit in my schedule. I also had the issue with everyone in the group being too fast for me. Back in 2007 I had a tri club I would ride with and I would get dropped everytime. It would kill my mental psyche and I would beat myself up for sucking so bad. I finally realized that I needed to move on and ride with people who made training enjoyable for me (aka: no drop me!). So I have been with a cycling club for years... and I enjoy riding with them.

Great job on the healthy eating! While I can eat low calorie, I don't always eat great stuff. Frozen low calorie meals will be the death of me. I hate to cook.

If you need to lose 8 pounds... log your food. Log it all. I like> the Daily Plate. There are other great programs out there as well, that you can use for free.

A teacher- that's nice. My Mom was a teacher, she is now retired.

Thanks for joining the group and welcome!
2009-12-15 11:40 AM
in reply to: #2559076

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group Open! Let's do this!
lovesreading - 2009-12-14 11:33 PM

Hiya Karen and all,

Your saga of perserverance in running despite injury really attracted my to this group.  I came to triathlon last year due to a search for cross training while recovering from swimmer's shoulder.  Now I'm learning all about recovering from runner's knee and overtraining...  I'm just starting back into my second season of sprint training after a few months off.

NAME: Cheryl

LOCATION: Cincinnati, Ohio


I just completed my first year of triathlons.  I started with an indoor reverse triathlon,then completed a 5K,  and five sprint races, one a pool based swim, and the other four OWS, no wet suit.  I am solidly BOP in biking and running, but MOP in the swim.  Running is my limiter.  I was slow before I hurt myself.  Now I've got to start over and I'm paranoid.  I suspect I've still got something going on with my right hip...  I'm starting a 12-wk plan "for athletes with limited fitness" out of Gail Bernhardt's book Training Plans for Multisport Athletes.  It seemed a decently conservative plan.  I'm pretty wary of pushing too fast after two overtraining injuries.

Growing up, I also was a middle school/ high school competitive swimmer, breaststroke and IM, a hard worker, but not super fast.  I started back into lap swimming August 08 when my oldest kid got interested in swimming and renewed my excitement.  I worked up to 4x week when swimmer's shoulder struck me down.  After therapy, I took lessons that tore my old stroke apart and fixed it to fit my 40-something body.

Last year I went from phobic cyclist to BOP.  I hadn't been on a bike in 20 years after a bad wreck 20 years ago.  I still do most of my miles on my fluid trainer.  I went from trainer only to solo rides using clips and on real roads by the end of the season.

I'm part of a local multisport team, Cincy Express, and also monitor their forums.  This season I'll be able to keep up on the Saturday morning training rides and I can't wait!

This year's races, I plan to stick to sprints, probably repeating most of last season's races to see if I can make progress compared to my 09 times.

Married, working full time as a children's librarian, with 4 kids ages 4 to 15.  My husband is beautifully fully supportive of my training and a remarkably good sport about bringing the little kids to watch me cross the finish line.  He runs but is highly resistant to my attempts to recruit him to the dark side.  Something about "sinking like a stone" ...  My 5yo daughter did her first tri this summer and loved it.  The kids version was very cute.

A recent job transfer screwed up all my training patterns.  I'm now at a new gym with little lap time available.  My old job had a handy bike trail, the new one not.  I'm going to have to work harder to find ways to get off the trainer and off my butt in general.

I'm at a healthy BMI already but have crept up 5lb while taking time off to heal.  I've just started back into Weightwatchers (id = loves.tri) because I want to get down 8lb to 124 and their plan adjusts your food level, taking exercise into account.  Training makes me HUNGRY.  One of the things I've liked most about triathlon is that something I'm doing is finally making my belly flatter, something post-baby weight loss alone didn't do.  Favorite book:  Slow, Fat Triathlete because of Jayne Williams' down-to-earth light approach to training and tri.

I am good about using my training log.  If the work isn't on there, it's because I didn't do it... I'm working to put my plan onto my log.  Only 2 weeks entered so far, haven't decided yet how I'll handle the holidays and training.

I was an active part of Running Jayhawk's mentor group last year.  Some of us are still in touch.

I think last season's tri obsession is maturing into a healthy dedication to the sport.

I'm glad my story spoke to you! Thanks for joining the group!

I think anyone who does this sport for any amount of time will deal with injuries. The key is learning how to not let them stop you and to move forward, vs. giving up.

Sounds like have had your fair share of injuries! Poor thing!

Yes, take is easy. This is for everyone... What I learned is that if your body is hurting... and you are feeling bad on a run... STOP. It's OK to skip that training session. Call it a day. You also need to learn that thin line between suffering (what you can push through) and real pain that leads to injury. Sounds like you are learning to become in tune with your body.

And... This is for everyone... it can be hard to skip a workout. We get tied into training plans and we feel we MUST do it... no matter what. It's OK to NOT DO IT!

During my HIM training I recall a specific day where I had a 8 mile run scheduled. It was 3rd day of running... and I HAD TO DO IT to get in my long run that week. I started the run and everything hurt. Nothing felt right. I called it day. And you know what, I did great at my HIM and it didn't matter in the long run... but being injured would have.

Sounds like you have a great plan for 2010 for getting out and riding! Scary about the bike wreck 20 years ago... but ride safe and in groups... wear your helmet... and you will be good.

What a great job you have! Sounds like you have wonderful kids. A kids tri- how cute!

Having the support of your husband is important! Glad to hear he's there with ya on this!

I have to say, training for tri's has done more for my legs and stomach than the gym ever did! When I get the fat off my stomach I have a nice set of abs and I rarely do crunches! And my IM training really changed my thighs... all that cycling did it! Sounds like you are getting the same benefits!

Thank you for using your training log and welcome to the group!

For everyone.. She listed two great books in her post above!

2009-12-15 11:47 AM
in reply to: #2559082

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: KSH's Mentor Group Open! Let's do this!
calimavs - 2009-12-14 11:43 PM

Hi Karen! Can I join your mentor group? I think you'd be a great mentor for me, especially given your history with running, which sort of sounds like mine!

Here's some info about me:


LOCATION: San Francisco, CA

STORY/CURRENT TRAINING/THIS YEAR'S RACES: I've been an athlete my whole life. I played volleyball, softball and basketball as a kid and for part of high school, then switched over to rowing when I realized that I have the perfect body type for the sport (I'm 5'11" tall with long arms and legs). I ended up rowing at a D1 college until too much beer and not enough studying led to me having to quit the team. Once I stopped being active I ended up gaining lots of weight and in 2006 I found myself finished with college and graduate school having picked up about 40 pounds from my college rowing weight. For the past three years I've been working on getting back into shape and re-discovering my inner athlete.

In February a friend from college and I dared each other to do the Chicago sprint tri. She's from Chicago and the plan was for me to fly out for the race and visit. Thus the triathlon addiction began. I ended up doing three sprints in 2009 (two local and the Chicago sprint) and a stand alone 10K trail race last weekend. I've joined the Golden Gate Tri Club here in SF, and have totally immersed myself in the tri lifestyle.

I swam competitively as a kid, so while I'm still slow I have pretty good technique and LOVE open water swims. It helps that we have the Bay here in SF which is a great place to swim. I'm new to biking but have been seeing some nice gains this past year, and just bought a trainer which I think will be a great training tool. Running is really my weakness. I had some hip problems that plagued me throughout 2009 that made running painful, but by working with a great physical therapist and tweaking my gait quite a bit to limit overstriding I am now completely pain free.

In the spirit of working on my weakness I'm spending the winter run focused, building to my first half marathon on February 7th. I'm starting to get into the meat of my training program for that race and am really enjoying it. After that, I'm registered for the Wildflower Olympic in May and the Vineman Ironman 70.3 in July, which will be my first HIM! Not sure what my plans will be for the second half of the year, perhaps working towards a century or a trail race late in the year.

FAMILY STATUS: I married my husband in October 2008, so we're still pretty much newlyweds. No kids and no pets so lots of free time. My husband comes from a biking background so he is my companion all my training rides, which is great. He's already looking forward to all my long rides for Vineman next year.

WEIGHTLOSS: As of today I'm down 51 pounds from my highest in 2006. I've been losing very slowly the past year, and my weight has really started to even out. I'd like to drop another 10-15 pounds, but I am in no hurry since right now fitness is a priority over strict weightloss for me. I find I lose better when I don't work out and that's just not an option anymore.

WHY I'LL BE A GOOD MENTEE : I'm looking for any tips, tricks and advice that the group can give! I update my training log religiously and really enjoy being a part of BT so I can promise to contribute as much as I can to this group.

Hello and welcome our other San Fran lady!

Rowing? Wow that is so cool! Yep, you have an inner athlete that is dying to be used- happy to hear you are doing to use it!

That's great that swimming is easy for you! Many struggle with that- so much more so than running. Swimming in the Bay... crazy! Ha!

Good job on working to fix the hip pain. Most will realize that their running pain comes from poor shoes or poor form. As for me, I'm not sure what my lower leg tightness was all about. Weird stuff.

Sounds like a solid training plan for the season! First Half Mary... and HIM... congrats! Fun stuff! What training plans are you using? Do you have your entire race calendar laid out through the HIM? If not... do so. Trust me, it will be invaluable. It is your map to success.

Your husband sounds like a wonderful support and training partner. Very cool.

Trainers- a necessary evil. Ha! Reminds me, I should probably get on my mine again at some point.

Yes, focus on fitness and not weight loss.. but remember the more you lose the faster you run! I would challenge you to log your food for a couple of weeks. Just to get some insight as to where most of your calories are coming from. And now is the time to lose those extra pounds... while you are strictly running. I went on 1400 calories a day, plus 1/2 of what I burned exercising, earlier this year during my marathon training. I lost weight and did fine through the training. I could not have done that through HIM training.

Sounds like you are going to be a great addition to our group! Thanks for joining!

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