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Breath of Life Sprint Triathlon - TriathlonSprint

View Member's Race Log
Ventura, California
United States
68F / 20C
Total Time = 1h 27m 7s
Overall Rank = 112/430
Age Group = M35-39
Age Group Rank = 16/41
Pre-race routine:

Prepped bottles, food and clothes the night before. Got up at 4:30 UGH! for the 1:10 hour drive to Ventura. Ate PB and honey on pita and power bar. Got there way early, found rack (assigned), right at swim entrance and run exit, but far from bike exit. Another benefit of gettng there early.... port a potties haven't been used much yet :)

Laid out transition. Gu about 20 minutes before start
Event warmup:

Ran about 15 minutes, maybe 1/2 mile or so Shins were feeling OK. No bike warmup. Put on my wetsuit, went down to the ocean... over the loooooong transition. Some snafus caused our wave to go off about 1/2 hour late.

While standing around waiting, after I had already warmed up in the water, I felt a bulge in my wetsuit... no, not that. Crap, I had put my keys in my tri shorts pocket, and forgotten about them. Don't care about the keys, it's the remote I worried about (could still hear the guy's voice in my head when I bought the car "get these wet and they're ruined") Oh well. nothing I could do about it now (without screwing the race)
  • 11m 51s
  • 400 meters
  • 02m 58s / 100 meters

OK, can I say that I HATE seeing the time per 100 here.... in my defense, it includes a BEAST of a run to T1. That's off my chest.....

We had to wait a loooong time while they pushed and pulled the buoys around. At one point it was set up so that we would have crossed the Oly swimmers at a 90 degree angle. Not good. So we waited while they changed the buoys.... twice. I was getting cold standing around, couldn't imagine how the guys in speedos felt. Terrific lifeguard support though.

Nice swim. Water was cold, but had gotten in before and gotten used to it. Good training for Alcatraz. At the gun, ran in, negotiated the smallish waves. There were a lot more poeple in this wave than in my last tri. My wave was Males - 0-39!!! But those 0 year olds... man.... There wasn';t a whole lot of jostling, but some. I have to say I really enjoy that part of the race. Much more physical and one on one, the importance of picking a line, etc.

Thought I would be MOP, but found myself 3d or 4th at the first buoy. As in the last race,found a rabbit, and even drafted off of him for a while. Sighting back to shore was hard, but I followed the 2-3 swimmers ahead of me, and sighted off my rabbit :) At the end we were neck and neck, and I caugt a little wave to come out ahead. I swam a little further than I did last time, so that when I stood up I was in knee deep or less, last tri I was waist deep. He immediately caught me on the run though

I NEED TO LEARN TO RUN IN THE SAND!!!!!! I was about 4th out of the water, and from the times of the 1 and 2 guys in my AG (11:01 and 11:31), I was at least second actually out of the water in my AG, probably first. In that large of a group, I was surprised to be there. The run to T1, though, was long - about 1/4 mile, most of it in soft sand... uphill. I was passed by abou 6-7 people IN THE TRANSITION RUN. Crap.

Up until the time that I exited the water, I am VERY pleased with this swim.
What would you do differently?:

Practice running from water to land... in sand... uphill. Lots
Transition 1
  • 00m

All right, lesson one. Cannot put bike shoes on while wetsuitis still around the hips... :) I didn't get the shoes on, but started to. Just felt slow and disorganized. And lack of piorities. I even stopped to more securely rack the guy's MTB next to me after I knocked it a little off... Picked up the guy's water bottle next to me that I knocked down ....WTF!?!?!? Gentleman triathlete??

Shoes went on slowly. Hadn't opened them up enough

This time was hard to put jersey on. ALthough I look like a sausage, should think about getting a tri top
What would you do differently?:

Spend more time pre race organizing and prepping shoes
  • 44m 37s
  • 12.7 miles
  • 17.08 mile/hr

For some reason, the first and last 1/4 mile or so is a NO PASS zone. Is it because it's in a state park?? Wasn't an issue for me though

Out some streets to Harbor, out and back. Felt like I had my legs under me, and kept the pace at 19-21 mph. Butt felt fine until mile 10, then started to be a pain.

Some of the sections were very narrow, making passing hard.

Got passed by a TON of people, going fast. Mostly all aero, which is fine, but one dude... in tennis shoes... THAT pissed me off, but I just couldn't get him. I need stronger legs.

My philosophy though - if you are passing me on the bike, just means I kicked your ass on the swim :)

One note - saw two wrecks, well one aftermath and one wreck out of the corner of my eye - two riders, one experienced one novice. No idea what happened, just heard the sickening screech and then crashing metal and thumping bodies. Going the other way, I was past it. What to do? Someone stopped already, and a lot of riders coming up to it... I don't know EMT stuff, we're on a stretch where there are no volunteers. I figured I could help most by getting to the next volunteer or cop ASAP.... So that's what I did. Right decision?? Who knows... but it gave me motivation to get to the turn around. Two people had passed me, I figured they'd learn that much sooner. But they heard it from me first unfortunately.....
What would you do differently?:

Get aero bars, ride lots more, lose weight
Transition 2
  • 00m

T2 went pretty well. Ran to my rack, sat down, put on the shoes, looked at my watch, 55: and change, I can BEAT my goal time of 1:30 with 11 minute miles! As long as I get my shoes on.

Grabbed visor, glasses and race belt and up and out of T1, race belt on during the run.
What would you do differently?:

Perhaps learn to run without socks. Yankz
  • 30m 41s
  • 3.12 miles
  • 09m 50s  min/mile

TIme includes T2. I felt pretty good on this run, although it always surprises me how long it takes to get to that first mile marker........

Again, got passed by TONS of people. I did pass two people. Really wanted to tell the second guy I passed, "Hey, I know how it feels" What really hurst on an out and back course is seeing someone going the other way and thinking "man, I'm glad I don't look like THAT when I run....", and then they pass you........

My second philosophy - If you pass me on the run, just means I kicked your ass on the swim AND the bike :)

Some of these people were Oly distances, so.... The run felt pretty good, and I got my legs right away. Plenty of water stations, lots of people on the promenade.

Realized about half way through I coul PB the 5K, now THAT would be cool. Decided to pick it up at mile 3. Ouch... no can do. Decided to pick it up at the pier (about 1/2 mile). How to pick it up? Faster cadence? Longer stride? Not sure I picked it up at all. I THINK my time was about 30:30, which is about 40 seconds over my PB,,,, so damn. [edit, was 30:41]

BUT, I FELT like I cold turn it up during the run, so I've gotten over that psychological hump of the first tri, where I just felt like I could not go any faster. I think the longer bike allowed me to catch my breath and get my run legs under me.

I was actually happy with the run time, only my second ever 5K, and less than a minute off my PB, after a swim and run and transitions. That means I have gotten faster. of course, then I saw the results. Only 8 in my AG >30 minutes. for the run......

What would you do differently?:

run more, lose weight
Post race
Warm down:

Walk around, drink some water, eat a burger, talk to Dirk :)

There were still some people coming in from the bike and going out on the run as I was cleaning up. I took the time to cheer them on! People talk about it, but it doesn't happen here - people don't root for other people as they pass here. Because it's LA/so cal?? Not sure. It felt good to do it though, and got a thanks from one woman.

GREAT and enthusiastic crowd lining the finish chute.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Weight, run Run RUn RUN!!!!!!!!

Event comments:

Definitely some snafus - no XL shirts, swim course had to be reset, but overall, for the number of racers (900 +) and the number of volunteers - all OVER the place, they were great. Would definitely do it again. It would be a good first Olympic distance.

I also like that parking was right next to the transition area. Made it very convenient in the a.m. getting organized.

Overall, happy with my time, and I know I can improve the run.

Remote key works fine, by the way :)

[EDIT] Been reading over on slowtwitch that many believe the swim and run course were longer than advertised........ the swim I believe. The run, I have no clue. It just means I went faster :)

Profile Album

Last updated: 2005-06-19 12:00 AM
00:11:51 | 400 meters | 02m 58s / 100meters
Age Group: 3/41
Overall: 25/430
Performance: Good
Suit: Xterra Vortex
Course: Time includes loooong run up the beach. Out 150 meters, left turn, 100 meters, left turn, 150 meters in...more or less
Start type: Wade Plus: Waves
Water temp: 60F / 16C Current: Low
200M Perf. Good Remainder: Good
Breathing: Good Drafting: Good
Waves: Good Navigation: Good
Rounding: Good
Time: 00:00
Performance: Below average
Cap removal: Below average Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? No Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: No
Getting up to speed: Average
00:44:37 | 12.7 miles | 17.08 mile/hr
Age Group: 17/41
Overall: 99/430
Performance: Below average
Wind: Little
Course: Time includes T1 and T2. Out on Harbor Drive, back on Harbor drive, more or less
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence:
Turns: Average Cornering: Average
Gear changes: Average Hills: Average
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Not enough
Time: 00:00
Overall: Average
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike Average
Running with bike Good
Racking bike Good
Shoe and helmet removal Average
00:30:41 | 03.12 miles | 09m 50s  min/mile
Age Group: 30/41
Overall: 242/430
Performance: Average
Course: Up and back on the Promenade
Keeping cool Average Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Below average
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? No
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2005-06-28 12:41 PM

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Subject: Breath of Life Sprint Triathlon

2005-06-28 2:36 PM
in reply to: #185483

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New user

Subject: RE: Breath of Life Sprint Triathlon

Congratulations on your race. I did the Olympic Distance of the same race and I was wondering where you got your race results and ranking info as they are not yet posted on the website?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


2005-06-28 2:51 PM
in reply to: #185483

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Ventura, California
Subject: RE: Breath of Life Sprint Triathlon
Great Job Chris!!!

I will be posting my report as soon as paperwork is done here at the old J.O.B...who am I kidding, I will type it up right sense letting work cut into triathlon stuff...

So glad that there was no wind on the way back for the bike...would have made for some rough going...
2005-06-28 3:17 PM
in reply to: #185609

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Subject: RE: Breath of Life Sprint Triathlon

Treespeed - 2005-06-28 12:36 PM Chris, Congratulations on your race. I did the Olympic Distance of the same race and I was wondering where you got your race results and ranking info as they are not yet posted on the website? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Marcus.

Here ya go....

Edited by ChrisM 2005-06-28 3:18 PM
2005-06-28 8:37 PM
in reply to: #185483

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: Breath of Life Sprint Triathlon

Great race Chris!  I loved your report....pretty funny.  I love the part with the bike shoes on, wetsuit still on.....hmmmm

Awesome job!

2005-06-29 11:39 PM
in reply to: #185483

Subject: ...
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2005-07-01 3:21 AM
in reply to: #185483

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Breath of Life Sprint Triathlon
Awesome job Chris!! Those long runs into T1 are terrible... I don't pass too many people on the swim, but they all pass me getting to the transition area. Great race report.

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