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CaliMan Half - Triathlon1/2 Ironman

View Member's Race Log
Davis, CA
United States
J&A Productions
78F / 26C
Total Time = 7h 14m 38s
Overall Rank = 277/301
Age Group = Clydesdale
Age Group Rank = 19/21
Pre-race routine:

Got everything together and packed the night before. Didn't sleep much. Got up at shortly after 4am. Had breakfast, went to the bathroom, got a final couple of things together and went to pick up my crew (Brenda). Left at 5am for the race site. Set up my T1. Ran for about 15 minutes to warm up, then got into my wetsuit. Had a PowerShot and about 8oz water. Kissed Brenda and went out into the water.
Event warmup:

15min run, swam out to the starting line, ~100m.
  • 48m 28s
  • 1931 meters
  • 02m 31s / 100 meters

There was a mass start for this race with all competitors for both the half and full IM. This swim felt good. I'm kind of slow on the swim anyway, but I felt strong and fast (for me) on this swim. I never got tired or had problems breathing. I focused on my technique and tried to speed up my turnover. My navigation was very good and the swim was enjoyable. A little tedious, but nice.
What would you do differently?:

Nothing. I need to swim more, work on my technique and strength, but for where I'm at, I think the swim went very well.
Transition 1
  • 07m 52s

T1 was more like an Ironman T1 than I have experienced before. They had wetsuit strippers (I offered to tip them), which was new. I also had to pack up my wet bag and dry bag to be transported to the finish line later, so that took a little extra time. I knew it was going to be a long day, so I took my time. I put on bike shorts over my jammers, put on my camel back, rinsed my feet off with a squirt bottle, put on my headband and sunglasses, etc.
What would you do differently?:

Move faster and not "take my time" so much.
  • 3h 29m 29s
  • 56 miles
  • 16.04 mile/hr

I kept my HR around 140 for the entire course. At first, it seemed too easy, but towards the end, it was plenty difficult. I'm not used to getting passed so much on the bike -- I'm usually the one doing all the passing. The end result was what I wanted which was to start the run feeling fresh. There wasn't much technical about the course, the only real difficulty was the distance. My legs felt pretty good throughout, but my arms and neck got pretty tired. I took a couple of 3-minute breaks, getting off the bike and stretching, and got off my seat for a few seconds every once in a while. I had a hard time eating and drinking as much as I had planned because of nausea. I don't know if it was what I was eating/drinking (the same as I had trained with), or nerves, or exhaustion or what, but it had significant effects later on. What I had read from Gordo/Going Long regarding nutrition strategy turned out to be true for me -- eat and drink as much as you can on the bike to "put it in the bank" for later.
What would you do differently?:

I obviously needed to eat and drink more. I think having adequate training sessions (like 5-6+ hour bricks and 60-70mi rides) could help simulate the race situation and I could practice my hydration and fueling strategy (yes, it is that important), as well as build up cycling endurance.
Transition 2
  • 07m 17s

A much different T2 than I'm used to. No T-area. As I came into the T2 area, a volunteer took my bike and they handed me my bike-to-run transition bag. I went into the men's tent and changed, putting my bike stuff back into the bag. Because I hadn't planned out how it would go, I was a little disorganized and took more time than I needed to. I forgot a couple things (my HRM which I had strapped to my handlebars, and to take off my bike shorts, which I did and went back to put in my bag). I did take my hydration belt, which I'm glad I had. I peed at T2 for the first time, and not very much, which was an indication of my low hydration level.
What would you do differently?:

Move faster. Be more organized. Put my HRM back on before getting off the bike.
  • 2h 41m 30s
  • 13.1 miles
  • 12m 20s  min/mile

I felt fresh coming off the bike and was running ~10min/mile at the start. I was progressively slower but it didn't start to get "hard" until about half way through. I drank all 4 of my 8oz belt bottles, had 1 PowerShot, and had water at a number of aid stations, but it turned out that this wasn't enough. At mile 12, I started to get dizzy and lightheaded, so I started walking. I was able to jog in to the finish line, but it seemed like a good idea to stop by the med tent just to make sure I was OK. I was seriously dehydrated. They laid me down on a cot and checked me out. My blood pressure was very low, and I started to shiver. I drank some but it wasn't enough to stabilize my blood pressure so they started an IV. They did all kinds of tests on me, but didn't have the resources to do the chem panel that the head doctor wanted to do on me, so they transported me via ambulance to the emergency room. I got a second liter of IV fluid, got my blood drawn, and waited around until they got the results and I finally had to pee again (a positive sign). Everything checked out OK and I was finally cleared to leave.
What would you do differently?:

HYDRATE. Run the race distance a couple of times in training before the race.
Post race
Warm down:

My warm-down was on my back in the med tent with an IV in my arm and afterwards in the emergency room.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Swim: technique, strength. Bike: endurance, nutrition strategy. Run: endurance, nutrition strategy. I think I started feeling the effects of low hydration at the halfway point on the run. By then, it was probably too late unless I was really aggressive with my hydration, which I wasn't. I really needed to drink more on the bike in order to get a head start on the sweat loss on the run.

Event comments:

Overall, a very good race. The course itself is not that challenging, so it comes down to the distance and the racers own limiters. We got pretty lucky in terms of wind and temperature because it can get very hot and very windy in that area. But the high was probably 78-80 and there were some winds, but mostly cross winds and it wasn't bad. I think this race director is the best in the greater Sacramento area, and Brad Kearns is a good announcer and hella funny.

I probably wasn't adequately prepared, but with better hydration/fueling and quicker transitions, I'm pretty confident I could have easily gotten in under 7 hours.

Last updated: 2005-02-13 12:00 AM
00:48:28 | 1931 meters | 02m 31s / 100meters
Age Group: 20/21
Overall: 266/301
Performance: Good
Suit: Orca S1
Course: Kind of a big triangle out in the Port of Sacramento, a deep-water section of the Sacramento river that they use to turn ships around in.
Start type: Wade Plus: Shot
Water temp: 74F / 23C Current: Low
200M Perf. Good Remainder: Good
Breathing: Good Drafting:
Waves: Navigation: Good
Rounding: Good
Time: 07:52
Performance: Below average
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? No Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: No
Getting up to speed: Average
03:29:29 | 56 miles | 16.04 mile/hr
Age Group: 20/21
Overall: 265/301
Performance: Average
Wind: Cross-winds
Course: Nice course from the Port of Sacramento in West Sac, heading West through Davis, Dixon, looping around Lake Solano, and back through Winters to Davis. Only one hill on the whole course that wasn't that tough.
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence:
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Good Hills: Good
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Not enough
Time: 07:17
Overall: Below average
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike
Running with bike
Racking bike
Shoe and helmet removal Average
02:41:30 | 13.1 miles | 12m 20s  min/mile
Age Group: 18/21
Overall: 275/301
Performance: Below average
Course: A very nice run course through Davis and the UC Davis campus which included a winding, paved trail through the Arboretum with many different species of trees and a man-made creek with ducks and geese. Then the course went onto the bike paths in the green space behind the Davis neighborhoods. Lots of shade, lots of variety, lots of support. Aid stations about every mile.
Keeping cool Average Drinking Not enough
Post race
Weight change: %3.5
Overall: Below average
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Too hard
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2005-09-18 5:03 PM

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Subject: CaliMan Half

2005-09-18 7:07 PM
in reply to: #248773

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Extreme Veteran
Jacksonville, FL
Subject: RE: CaliMan Half
Well, congratulations on finishing & sharing the issues with nutrition. I did a long trianing ride this weekend in 85+ temps & still didn't get the nutrition's not an easy thing to figure out. Glad you're ok & lessons learned for the next race?
2005-09-18 7:08 PM
in reply to: #248773

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: CaliMan Half
Mike, congrats on finishing your first half IM. Great job finishing despite your hydration problems. Way to go!!!
2005-09-18 8:44 PM
in reply to: #248773

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Subject: RE: CaliMan Half

Mike....awesome Job!! You did your first 1/'m impressed.

Super glad you are okay and it is better to be checked out than have something bad happen later....sounds like they were cautious but right on to getting you hydrated. Important lesson keeping hydration up, but hard to do.

I'm so proud you did it...and nice times all the way around. Swimming to your potential, keeping a nice speed on the bike with a good HR, and doing your best on the run. I'd love to have your times....maybe next year I'll jump up to a 1/2...big time did great.

2005-09-18 11:43 PM
in reply to: #248773

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Subject: RE: CaliMan Half
WOW!!!  Dude, this is what, your first season?  And Brenda wasn't even around when you did your first one, eh?  How times change!

Proud of you Mike, I know it was a struggle at times, but you pulled through and did more than most of the rest of us would risk
2005-09-19 5:43 PM
in reply to: #248773

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Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: CaliMan Half
Really good job on the race and on finishing despite some challenges. I guess you now know some stuff to focus on huh?

Way to go!

2005-09-19 8:46 PM
in reply to: #248773

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Roseville, California
Subject: RE: CaliMan Half

Hey Mike,

Great race despite your terrible encounter with dehydration. Hey, did Dr. Lichti take care of you that day?? He's one of the docs I work with I knew he was working the tri this weekend as one of the docs.


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