General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » Plant Eating Runner to Triathlete and My first Tri Rss Feed  
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2016-05-22 12:31 AM

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Ventura, California
Subject: Plant Eating Runner to Triathlete and My first Tri

Hello Everyone!

Excited to be a member of a Triathlete forum. I look forward to engaging with the community and not only receiving input but also being able to be helpful to others. I am very familiar with forums, the last major forum (automotive related) I had over 10,000 posts!

Alright so a little background how my fitness journey began and how I ended up getting hooked on Triathlon. Its a rather long story so I am going to kinda cliff note this to keep it brief. Here we go:

Late 2013, very overweight, (260lbs, 5'11") toxic relationship, stressful business owner, excessive alcohol, smoking:
High Cholesterol, Stage II Hypertension, Sleep Apnea, Respiratory Arrest X3! Knocking on Deaths Door!

Early 2014, Adopted Plant Based diet and lifestyle, purchased first pair of 'real' running shoes from a real running shop. started power walking, then running, then first 5k, second 5k, third 5k. Closed the business, ended relationship, cut way back on drinking and smoking.

Late 2014, Found a running club, running longer distances, still drinking, fell down, broke left arm, quit drinking! (kinda, hard case)
Started getting soft tissue injuries as distances increased.

Early 2015, First 10K race, still developing as a runner. First half marathon (2:14) suffered heavy muscle strain and injury, read 'born to run', threw almost new shoes in the trash, went minimal wide toe box shoes, recovered from running injuries. (been injury free since then) Signed up for first Marathon, moved to desert, trained in intense 100*F + dry heat.

June 2015, Started swimming at a local 'short' pool (20yrds). At this point have no idea of a Triathlon, but I set my swim goal as one 'full' mile, 1800 yards or about 42 laps in the short pool.

July 2015, I was gifted my first Bike after 30 years of not riding! You starting to see things coming along here, still have no thought of doing a triathlon, but I notice a couple of my running group friends doing triathlons, intrigued.

August 2015, I find a 'real' road bike and trade in my gifted multi purpose bike for a 1988 Peugeot 'Triathlon' 12 speed!
I get a random email about a local Triathlon at a place called Hansen Dam. I look it over, very intrigued, should I pull the trigger and do it?
Hmm, sprint or olympic? I pace around the house for about 30 minutes wondering what kind of stupid move am I going to make.
Sprint sounds too easy, I will do a Olympic, I firm my resolve, sit down and punch in the credit card numbers and Confirm. I have now signed up for my first Triathlon!

August 21, 2015, Hansen Dam. I am setup, ready to go, I am not nervous at all. I line up for the swim, somehow I ended up in the front, oh crap. The horn sounds and its hell or high water, I run and jump in and swim, I am getting my kicked, pummeled, swam over and beat up. 100 yards in, have not even made it to the first buoy, and I am off to the side treading water wondering what the hell am I doing! I am close to panic, hyperventilating and just trying to take in the scene. I see 2 girls getting pulled out of the water, then another guy gets pulled out of the water, I hear the horn blow, the next wave is coming! The life guard is heading my way for the rescue, no way man. I gotta go! I start swimming, struggling, broken arm still not fully recovered, breathing only to the right side, near sighted and swimming side ways into everyone else. Mean time the horn blows and the next wave is in the water. 3rd lap down, I can finally get out of the water! Out of the water I run into transition, blind, dazed and confused I quickly rinse my feet and pull on my shoes, don my helmet and gloves and run out with the bike and off I go!

On the bike I am riding away as fast as I can, I feel like I am leaving the scene of a car wreck. Did I swim 2 laps or 3? I honestly cant remember but it doesn't matter. I ride and ride, getting tired, grab my water bottle and simply just drop it and run it over with my back tire almost throwing me off the bike. Good thing for 2 bottles! The ride is going well, I am passing people and it feels good. Heading in for home, only 3 more people to pass, light the last match and burn hard all the way to transition. Then it hits me....I still have to run 6 MILES!!!! I dismount and try to run into transition, my legs are rubber and I almost fall flat on my face, only my bike holds me up. Holy Hell what am I going to do!

Ok, off with the helmet and gloves, pull on my run bib and visor I am ready to go..but wait I better hydrate and eat something. Half a bottle of water and a whole banana and I am ready to go. The sun is in full force and the temps are climbing. (The water was 79*F at 6:30am) I start out for the 10K run, shouldn't be a problem. I don't even get a half mile into it and I get a nasty side stitch. I can't run, I have to walk. If I try to run I will not recover. After the first mile I am in a walk/run for mile 2, Now its up in the mid 80*s and we are running on dry dusty dirt trail with full sun exposure. By mile 3 I am running at a decent pace, by mile 4 its getting even hotter, I am melting and finish out the last 2.5 half miles doing a running zombie shuffle.

I see the finish line! I keep it strong and I throw my hands up and cross the finish line with a official time of 3:29

I am a TRIATHLETE!!!!!

Sept 2015, I complete a 70 mile road bike race with 4,800ft of elevation gain.
Dec, 2015, I complete my first full marathon, Marine Corp Marathon, Washington DC 5:44
Feb 2016, I complete my second full marathon, Surf City Marathon, Huntington Beach, CA 5:09
May 15, I complete my first Duathlon 2m/15m/2m 1:29

August 2016:
Semper Fi Tri Sprint Aug 6th
Hansen Dam Olympic, Aug 21st
Santa Barbara Olympic Long Course Aug 29 (1M/35M/10M)

September 2016:
Tehachapi Gran Fondo 104M bike, 8,000ft elevation climb

October 2016:
Trick or Tri Olympic Oct 29th

SO there you have the short version, LOL Oh ya, almost forgot, I do all of this on plant food, no meat, no diary. And my weight loss? 260 to 170, yes that is 90lbs! ( and I am still at 20% body fat, so I still have room for improvement)

Hows that for a Introduction!
Thanks for Reading, Enjoy

2016-05-23 8:01 AM
in reply to: rjcalhoun

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Columbus, Ohio
Coaching member
Subject: RE: Plant Eating Runner to Triathlete and My first Tri
Wow, Robert, this is a great story. May I use it for a "Beginner Tale" in our articles section? Would you want to add anything?
Also, if you wanted to clean it up any (I mean, write it more as an article with more information about your background in sentence/paragraph form) you would be eligible for our Beginner Stories gift card contest:

2016-05-27 1:01 PM
in reply to: rjcalhoun

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New user
Subject: RE: Plant Eating Runner to Triathlete and My first Tri
Great story Robert! Thank you for sharing.

MCM was my first marathon too! It is still my fav...4 years and 9 marathons later

Lastly but NOT least, I am a vegan triathlete as well. I am training for my first Ironman and all the plants and nutrition assist in my quick recovery!

2016-05-30 9:58 PM
in reply to: alicefoeller

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Ventura, California
Subject: RE: Plant Eating Runner to Triathlete and My first Tri

Hello Alice,

Thanks for offering to publish my story, its an honor. Your more then welcome to use it for a 'Beginners Tale'. The link you posted takes me to a 'Restricted Page' so I am unable to view the link. I would be more then happy to reformat the post into 'article' format.

Sorry for the late reply, I started a new job last week and then trying to catch up on training this weekend.

2016-05-30 10:06 PM
in reply to: rjcalhoun

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Columbus, Ohio
Coaching member
Subject: RE: Plant Eating Runner to Triathlete and My first Tri
Great! Sorry the thread I linked to was moved offline.
Still, the offer remains. Please send the article to [email protected]

2016-05-30 10:07 PM
in reply to: NurseHeather

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Ventura, California
Subject: RE: Plant Eating Runner to Triathlete and My first Tri

Wow, very impressed. 4 yrs and 9 marathons! I was so happy to have the MCM be my first marathon, the scenery back East is amazing and the people on the course where so supportive. I loved it, I would do it every year if I didn't live on the west coast.

Plant Powered athletics are the way to go! Best wishes on your Ironman training, that is a huge goal. I certainly will be a supporting fan

Originally posted by NurseHeather

Great story Robert! Thank you for sharing.

MCM was my first marathon too! It is still my fav...4 years and 9 marathons later

Lastly but NOT least, I am a vegan triathlete as well. I am training for my first Ironman and all the plants and nutrition assist in my quick recovery!

2016-06-03 8:35 AM
in reply to: rjcalhoun

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Subject: RE: Plant Eating Runner to Triathlete and My first Tri

Great story & welcome!

I love to see how other people have started their journey to fitness & health and have found triathlon or some other endurance sport.

"...and finish out the last 2.5 half miles doing a running zombie shuffle."

haha! what a great quote - and I have been there man. Sometimes that's what it takes to just finish.

I think this discipline makes me mentally tough to deal with life's little or big unplanned setbacks as well.
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General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » Plant Eating Runner to Triathlete and My first Tri Rss Feed  

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