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2009-09-02 11:16 PM

Orange County
Subject: First OWS
Just got done with my first Open Water Swim.  Really pumps you up and makes you want to get back out there.  I have to say that it was much more enjoyable than the pool, which I was really burnt out on.

I went down to Corona Del Mar (Ocean) and swam about 2/3 of a mile.  That ocean salt water sure does burn after you swallow enough of it.  I stopped a few times to catch my breath, but that is definitely going to become one of my weekly workouts.  So much fun.

Also, I loved my brand new Xterra wet suit.  That thing was so comfortable and easy to get in and out of. 

This week deifnitely got me more pumped up for the tri game.

2009-09-03 2:25 AM
in reply to: #2386416

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New Orleans
Subject: RE: First OWS
I know exactly what u mean. I just went to my 1st open water swim last week and absolutely loved the experience. No pool has even come close. I like the fact you don't need to keep flipping or turning around. LOL You can get into a nice rythm and maintain it. Sighting is still a bit difficult but I know will become 2nd nature soon.

What ocean did u swim?
2009-09-03 4:49 AM
in reply to: #2386416

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PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: First OWS
I haven't been in a pool since June and I'm not looking forward to going back.  I'd much rather open water any day.
2009-09-03 10:53 AM
in reply to: #2386502

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: First OWS
axteraa - 2009-09-03 5:49 AM I haven't been in a pool since June and I'm not looking forward to going back.  I'd much rather open water any day.

Word.  I'm dreading the day the lake gets too cold to swim in with a wetsuit.  I know guys that use neoprene hoodies and gloves to extend the season, but that's a little TOO hardcore for my tastes.  Why oh why do I train in the Adirondacks, when our season is so short?
2009-09-03 10:59 AM
in reply to: #2386416

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Subject: RE: First OWS
That's awesome it was so comfortable for you!  My first OWS was not so smooth...  I was a little freaked by the swells, then a few dolphins swam between us and the shore!  Nothing like looking over and seeing a fin go by...  Definately took my breath away and bumped up my heartrate for a while!  I had a bit of a panic attack, but was eventually able to settle into a reasonable rhythm.
2009-09-03 11:53 AM
in reply to: #2386416

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Lakewood Ranch, Florida
Subject: RE: First OWS
one of my first OWS i came face to face with a sand tiger shark, 1. i had no idea they even existed. 2. it looked as big as JAWS to me.. 3. I did not know that they are supposedly extremely Docile ( wouldnt know it by looking at their teeth).
It was about 4 or 5 feet long, scared the hell out of me but i was about 1/2 mile to a mile off shore so there were not too many options. Just thinking about the experience gets my heart pumping again.. lol
Seeing dolphins while swimming must be pretty cool once you realize they are dolphins !! 
It took me better part of 2 weeks to get back in water and swim but now i do it with a masters swim team, about 8 - 12 people in water, i figure i only have to outswim 1 of them. lol  

2009-09-03 12:10 PM
in reply to: #2386416

Orange County
Subject: RE: First OWS

A shark would have had me out of the water pretty darn quickly.  I grew up seeing dolphins in the water while I would body board in Newport Beach, definitely a cool experiene (once you realize the fins don't belong to Jaws).

Sighting was a slight issue for me.  There were a lot of good swimmers out there, and I kept worrying that I would run into them.  Fortunately no head on collisions and I'm sure the sighting will work it's way in.

2009-09-03 2:47 PM
in reply to: #2386416

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Subject: RE: First OWS
Awesome!  I had the same feeling after my first earlier this year.  Keep on enjoying it.
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