General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » Where to begin? Rss Feed  
Moderators: IndoIronYanti, k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2004-04-22 12:25 PM


Subject: Where to begin?

Great website! I have become interested in tri's because of a running injury. Ran competitively in college and decided to try running again after having kids. Got to 65miles a week ran a few decent races 9:50 3k 16:57 5k but suffered a back injury. Relegated myself to the pool with aqua jogging workouts at first and then started laps. I hadn't swam in about 20 years but wanted to try a workout and on the board at our pool I saw 20x100 so I tried that. Took me 40 minutes (maybe 25 second rest in between?) and I felt pretty good minus my arms being sore the next day. Swimming has helped me recover but more importantly helped me realize that since I am injury prone having three focuses is probably better for me overall. I haven't biked in a long time but plan on breaking out my old mountain bike now that the weather is warm.

I don't have any specific races in mind but I like to train and I like competition so any suggestions as to the best way to formulate my "game" plan would be much appreciated.

Best of luck in training

2004-04-22 2:28 PM
in reply to: #20737

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Where to begin?

check out

would u like to do a race this year?  and another good question is if running may be your weakness now...and r u doing any running now?


2004-04-22 3:35 PM
in reply to: #20737


Subject: RE: Where to begin?
Thanks for the response. Can't believe I overlooked that portion of the website. It was very helpful. From your plans I can definitely find the schedules that will work for me at the amount I think I can do. I heed your warning about doing too much too soon, I have learned my lesson with running.
I guess I wouldn't mind racing maybe in the summer(I have more time then). I am sure I would enjoy the challenge and it's probably a good way of seeing how much time/effort I want to invest. I think I am still fairly fit running wise despite some time off but I know I can't handle the pavement everyday. Biking is what concerns me the most as far as places to ride...are stationary bikes out of the question?

Thanks for the help
2004-04-22 5:35 PM
in reply to: #20737

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Berkeley, CA
Subject: RE: Where to begin?
Welcome, Moira!

I hope the tri-bug bites you hard!! :-)

2004-04-23 12:14 AM
in reply to: #20737

Elite Veteran
Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Where to begin?

Just begin, that the most important thing.


2004-04-23 7:49 AM
in reply to: #20737

Keller, TX
Subject: RE: Where to begin?

Welcome to the site. 

I don't think any training is bad.  I use a stationary recumbent during the winter months to keep up some cycling.  It's not my bike, but then, what is? :-)

Lots of good info on the site (Ron does a great job) and lots of helpful folks, so just ask questions.  Searching the threads is also a great way to find answers to questions you thought no body else would ask - I thought I was the only one who had strange questions, but it turns out I'm just as warped / obsessed as everyone else on the site.

Again, welcome.


2004-04-23 9:25 AM
in reply to: #20737

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Dayton, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Where to begin?
Welcome to the site! Using the link that Ron gave is a good place to start for training. Good luck!

2004-04-23 8:10 PM
in reply to: #20737

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