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2016-06-12 1:29 PM

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SF Bay area
Subject: Trouble hydrating during ride/run

I've done multiple sweat tests over the past month and find that I nominally sweat off 32-36 oz/hour depending on temp/effort.  If I 'drink to thirst', my intake of water /liquid nutrition will be somewhere around 20 oz/hour.  I've tried forcing an increase in the intake to the 32 oz/hr rate, but fairly quickly feel like my stomach is getting bloated with the water. 

My Infinit provides me with 425 mg of sodium and 123 mg of potassium and on my last ride I tried supplementing that with one salt stick capsule (215 mg sodium/63mg potassium) to see if a higher rate of salts would help in the absorption, but it really didn't change anything.  For shorter efforts this is OK, but for my IM at the end of July when temps will be up there, this looks like a recipe for a painful run.

Any suggestions on how to address this?

2016-06-12 8:11 PM
in reply to: #5186498

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Subject: RE: Trouble hydrating during ride/run
What I would suggest is mix your Infinit with 20 ounces of water which you make sure you drink every hour. Then try to supplement with extra ice cold water of 10-12 ounces to thirst each hour.

This way you get all your calories/salt without becoming bloated and depending on thirst you drink the other water.
2016-06-12 9:55 PM
in reply to: miamiamy

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SF Bay area
Subject: RE: Trouble hydrating during ride/run

Originally posted by miamiamy What I would suggest is mix your Infinit with 20 ounces of water which you make sure you drink every hour. Then try to supplement with extra ice cold water of 10-12 ounces to thirst each hour. This way you get all your calories/salt without becoming bloated and depending on thirst you drink the other water.
For my long rides, I actually mix 3 servings of the Infinit in a 24 oz bottle, and consume 8 oz of that each hour, chasing with water for the appropriate dilution.  At least that is the plan, but seems like I'm even a bit light on the dilution based on my consumption.   I also carry a cut up payday bar, clif bar and pretzel nibblers.  I have been using those after 2+ hours when the Infiinit starts to be less attractive; perhaps I should start the pretzels early as that would be something that would demand water to get it down.

2016-06-13 6:58 PM
in reply to: TTom

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Subject: RE: Trouble hydrating during ride/run
I used to add to my infinit. Usually a snickers and a cold bottle of water halfway.

And on training rides I was great. But on race day it all went sideways. So I did two calls with Infinit.

One after Ironman Chattanooga which was cooler than my training rides. So that resulted in a sweat test. And the next after Ironman Lake Placid which started cool on the bike and then warmed up. And that's where I added the drink a few sips of water. Which worked like a charm at Ironman Florida.

I'll tell you exactly what I do.

My sweat test showed 18 ounces an hour (I'm a small person and not a heavy sweater even though I live in the tropics).

I personally will not drink the concentrate. It just doesn't work for me. So I mix my bottles with 18 ounces of water. One per hour. I have an alert that goes every 7 minutes and I take 6 sips through my straw. If I'm off at the hour mark I drink that sucker down because I never want to fall too far behind. Then at every water stop I pick up a bottle of water and rinse out my mouth and drink if I'm thirsty. I also at that point am concentrating on "am I thirsty, when did I last pee, is the weather changing." And then I toss the bottle at the end of the zone or put it in a cage. I take in no other calories or food on the bike.

I know ... I'm an ad for infinit. I do know people who it doesn't work for at all. Everyone is different. And almost everybody wants solid food during the bike but for me my performance got better when I reduced it just to the infinit and not a single other thing.

Good luck!
2016-06-13 8:16 PM
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Subject: RE: Trouble hydrating during ride/run
I don't think there is anything you can really do. From everything I read, you can't replace liquid one for one by drinking during a hard effort/hot day. You can only try to replace as much as possible since the body can only absorb so much but it can an unwinnable battle. The only thing you can do is to train more in the heat (something I really need to do this year!) so that you sweat less. I'm a super super heavy sweater to where I normally have salt lines on my face and clothing after a hard effort/race. I just drink what I can do try to replenish afterwards as much as possible. You will be racing slightly dehydrated for a hot race. The trick is to try to avoid getting anywhere near the danger zone by backing off when you need to.

Edited by Blastman 2016-06-13 8:16 PM
2016-06-18 9:28 AM
in reply to: Blastman

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SF Bay area
Subject: RE: Trouble hydrating during ride/run

A step in the right direction.  I remembered reading about a pro athlete who had a similar issue and solved it by making a mechanical change to the aero bottle.  

I did a shorter ride using just a regular water bottle, not the aero bottle, and noticed that each time I drank I got measurably more than when taking a hit off the aero bottle.  The pro had indicated that she could not get enough from the aero bottle because the bite valve restricted flow, so it was time to experiment. I went to my local hardware store and got a foot of appropriately sized vinyl tubing and stuck it in the second access port of the aero bottle.  Loaded up for a 4-hour aerobic threshold ride and hydration experiment.  I found that there was a huge difference in how much I took in each time when I used the tube without the bite valve.  Early on, I just tucked the bite valve straw down and used the other one and by the end of the ride was able to meet the hydration target.  I think I'm on to something here.

Now to finalize the nutrition side.  The main course will be Infinit (triple strength, 2 bottles) but the question is what to have as side dishes to offer the palate a break.  I've been using a Payday bar, but am ready to try something different.

2016-06-19 1:03 PM
in reply to: TTom

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Fort Wayne, IN
Subject: RE: Trouble hydrating during ride/run
I sweat a lot as well and have realized that slowing down in hot weather is the best thing I can do. The faster I go, not only do I lose more fluids, but also I can't absorb as much liquid.
2016-06-19 1:31 PM
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Bellevue, WA
Subject: RE: Trouble hydrating during ride/run

What's in Infinit?  Isn't that the customizable stuff where they make a formula for you?  I'm concerned about osmolality when I hear about "double strength" and "triple strength".

Here's my nutrition story.  And warning, I am a camel.  I've found I can go long distances without liquids where other people have problems.  I don't bother to bring fluids on a run here in Seattle that is less than 60 minutes. I've done 90 minute, 12 mile runs in Arizona heat with no liquids without any issues, when I forgot my bottle.

I've completed 11 IMs, first one was in 2006 Arizona, last one was 2015 in Boulder, many of them hot weather including four of them in Arizona.  Most of my IMs are in the 12:30 to 13:30 range. I'm not out all day, but I'm not FOP.  I used GU and Gatorade for my first few IMs, just like I would on long bike rides before I did IMs. No stomach issues.  But then I fell into the "CarboPro crowd" which was popular in the late 2000s.  I would use "fuel bottles" with double strength CarboPro for training and racing.  I never had any problems with training, but for several IMs in a row (over several years), I would have stomach problems late in the bike and throughout the run. Nausea, bloating, etc. Again, this never happened during training, only during races. 

I chalked that up to undertraining / pushing too hard, but then I had a race I was well trained for and paced well, and STILL I got sick on the bike. I had a epiphany that it might be the CarboPro,, so I did another IM with zero CarboPro and guess what?  Zero stomach issues!  Problem solved.

My nutrition plan is purely GU gels on the bike.  My special needs bag has two Pop-Tarts. I use the Gatorade Endurance formula, and Salt Stick supplements (one per hour).  My nutrition is a bell-curve shape - starting slowly with water the first few miles, use Gatorade starting around mile 10, then eating the most through mile 20-80, then I start to slow it down.  I have an aero bottle with bite valve for water, otherwise just on-course bottles.

On the run, I am a good customer of the aid stations.  I alternate Coke and Gatorade, sometimes water, sometimes the grapes or the orange slices. More Pop-Tarts at special needs.  Instead of Salt Stick capsules, I've also used Base Performance Electrolyte salt to good effect.

I don't really drink to thirst, instead I drink to a schedule and add more if I feel like it.  I avoid bloating at all costs - once bloating starts, I'm not in good shape.  I'd much rather feel dehydrated and catch up a bit rather than bloat.

But again, I'm a camel.

Edited by brucemorgan 2016-06-19 1:34 PM
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