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2017-08-30 12:02 PM


Subject: Issue catching my breath all of a sudden
Hey everyone! Wondering if anyone has experienced what's recently been happening to me. I have been doing triathlons for about 5 years now. Everything from sprint to a full Ironman. For some reason starting this year with a sprint race, I have been unable to catch my breath at the start of my swim. It doesn't seem to matter the race distance either, it's happened in a couple sprints and two half Ironman's. I'm not clear as to what is happening all of a sudden. In the two 70.3 races i had to swim for a buoy or two with my head up and then forced my face back in the water and was fine the rest of the way. I also did a warm up for one of them and it was perfectly fine, no breathing problems. Then when the race started it happened again! It seems so strange that i didn't have this for years when i was new at this but i do now. Just wondering if anyone else has had this happen and maybe if/how they sorted through it. It's slowing me down

2017-08-30 12:50 PM
in reply to: ameltz

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Naperville, Illinois
Subject: RE: Issue catching my breath all of a sudden
I have only done 4 triathlons, but I have experienced this.

I have to force myself to slow down and stay laser-focused on my form as opposed to the excitement of the race and how close I am to swim out. I focus on gliding long and making sure I'm not sucking in too much air.

I also noticed that when I sight too often, or hold my head up too high when sighting, it tends to affect my breathing substantially. I made this realization during the Chicago last weekend and had to force myself to sight less often and with my eyes JUST above the water, but no higher. It seemed to make a big difference for me.
2017-08-30 3:19 PM
in reply to: ameltz

Subject: RE: Issue catching my breath all of a sudden
I hear you on this.
Had...occasionally have this.

Not sure how much you're swimming. For me, the more I swim, the more of a robot I become and I get in and get to it just like I do in the pool.
Seize every opportunity to swim in the open water. And enjoy swimming in open water. Remember, swimming in open water is way more fun than a pool. I've said it before, if someone calls me up and asks if I want to skip out of work and go swim laps.....not a chance. If they call me and tell me some lake is open for OWS, at the very least I'll consider it. Swimming in lakes was always a treat as a kid.

The other thing I've found to be exceptionally important for me in combatting this...especially if the water is below 98.6 to get in and get wet before the race. Get that "uhhhhp. Dang this water is cold!" out of the way. Get warmed up at least a little. Then stand around and be chilly before the race. Cold water annoys me to no end....until the first buoy
2017-08-30 6:55 PM
in reply to: ameltz

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Issue catching my breath all of a sudden
Probably some combo of---anxiety (maybe feeling penned in and crowded in a big wave?), insufficient warmup, starting too fast, not enough warmup, cold water. I had done probably four years of tri and figured I was immune to all of thi,s before it happened to me in a race in Canada. Both air and water temps were low, I hadn't warmed up because I didn't want to stand around shivering waiting for the start, and it was just a disaster for the first 400-500m (of a HIM). If you have asthma as I do, you might be more prone to this--cold air and water can be triggers. But cold water on the face triggers a "gasping" reflex in most people, with or without asthma. It may have just been the perform storm of factors the first time. Then I think it can become psychosomatic--you start feeling you can't breathe, because it happened last time in the same context....some kind of learned physical response.

Not sure what the solution is. Longer warmup probably helps. My coach suggested that if water is cold, whether or not I do a warmup I at least stand in the water (or squat) up to my knees or so, bend over and exhale forcefully into the water several times until I can do it comfortably. It seems like the triathlon equivalent of breathing into a paper bag. Anyway, it has gotten this tropical fish through several cold-water practice swims (I think low 60's is cold!) and a race.
2017-08-31 6:52 AM
in reply to: ameltz

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Issue catching my breath all of a sudden

It has been alluded to in other replies, but your body has a natural "gasp reaction" when you put your face in the water, especially cold water (like a lake). Your body will naturally want to hold breath until your face is out of the water. What happens then is that you end up trying to both exhale and inhale when you bring your face up in your stroke.

It take a minute or so to get past this, which is why the swim warm up is so important for open water. Force yourself to relax, exhale when your face is in the water, get past the gasp reaction, and your stroke will smooth out to something at least close to your pool stroke.

2017-08-31 11:40 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner


Subject: RE: Issue catching my breath all of a sudden
Great info, thanks! I think you might be right on the "because it happened last time" situation. I'm going to try the warm up longer and for sure getting my face in to see if that curves the situation.

2017-08-31 11:41 AM
in reply to: briderdt


Subject: RE: Issue catching my breath all of a sudden
This is exactly what happens, it's in and out all at the same time and i'm just struggling. I'll be trying more of a warm up from now on. Thanks for the input!!
2017-08-31 5:59 PM
in reply to: ameltz

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Issue catching my breath all of a sudden
Plus remind yourself of all the times it DIDN'T happen!
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