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2021-07-09 6:29 AM

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Subject: Vaccine or not?
To get vaccinated or trust my immune system?

Note to FB censors. These is my opinions so no need to “fact check”.

As will most decisions in life, getting vaccinated is a decision that comes down to how we assess the risk anc the reward. There is no right or wrong answer. The risk and the reward are matters of opinion and reflects how we perceive the risk and the reward. This is a function not just of everything we have seen and read recently but in fact a function of the sum total of all our life’s experiences. This is who we are. Do we accept risks as part of the life experience? Do we avoid risks at all costs? Do we run with scissors?

One could attempt to quantify the risk by looking at CDC data. For example there have been 622,000 US COVID death in the last 18 months. So out of 331,000,000 people in the US, about 0.2% of the county died from COVID.

It’s harder to quantify the risks associated with vaccine as there is not much data available. Suffice it to say, as with any vaccine, some people will get sick and dir from the vaccine and in spite of the vaccine.

Let’s look at the reward side. The reward of getting the vaccine might be you don’t get COVID and die. Of course this assumes the vaccine is effective and assumes the vaccine if better than our body’s own immune system. We know people tested positive for COVID antibodies in the system and never even knew they had COVID. Common sense say many people were exposed to it but never got COVID.

Some have said the reward of getting the vaccine is knowing you won’t infect someone else. Think about this for a moment. If the vaccine is effective the only people I could potentially infect are people who haven’t been vaccinated themselves! I would not ask someone to get vaccinated so I don’t have to. How selfish is that!? If you are worried about someone exposing you to COVID then get vaccinated but don’t ask me to get vaccinated so you don’t have to.

Risk is variable based on one’s age and lifestyle and if you have other health issues. Digging deeper into the 0.2% of US people who died from COVID shows the majority were over 65 yo.

The government suggests even those people who had COVID and recovered get vaccinated. Seriously? Their rationale is “we don’t know how long natural immunity lasts”. Had to chuckle at this. We don’t know how long the vaccine will last either. Already there are cases of vaccinated people getting COVID. Was the vaccine not effective in them or did the vaccine ‘expire’?

Our perception of risk and reward is not complete without factoring in trust. How much do you trust the media, how much do you trust the government, how much do you trust FB and Google?

Personally, it seems the older I get, the more cynical I become and the less trust I have in others and the more trust I put in my own perceptions and beliefs and conclusions.

To some, their religion comes into play. Maybe they ask themselves, WWJD? Based on the red part of the Bible, one can form their own opinion. (Note: This paragraph mostly TIC)

What I do find disturbing is the push by government and companies to get people vaccinated with some companies mandating people get vaccinated as a condition of employment. Maybe the pro abortion people will protest this and tell these companies “my body, my choice”! After all, as noted above, the only ones at risk of you infecting are those who are not themselves vaccinated.

I also read there is a push to go door-to-door to get everyone vaccinated. Isn’t it a violation of the Privacy Act to ask someone their medical history? If they come to your door and ask if you’ve been vaccinated you should reply simply, “That non of your *%^#* business!” (Expletive deleted). Being the old curmudgeon that I am, I would add, “And get the hell off my lawn!”

So in conclusion, am I or will I get vaccinated? (Refer to previous paragraph).

2021-07-13 1:07 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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, Arizona
Subject: RE: Vaccine or not?
"or trust my immune system"

It's always strikes me as strange when it's phrased like this. Let me ask it this way, what immune system would you trust more... one that was specifically trained to create antibodies that we know are extremely effective at defending against COVID. Or one that may or may not respond well and could end badly, in addition to increasing the risk to those around you?

What would be more risky? 100% of the population vaccinated, or 0% of the population vaccinated?

2021-07-14 12:08 PM
in reply to: Synon

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Subject: RE: Vaccine or not?

Originally posted by Synon "or trust my immune system" It's always strikes me as strange when it's phrased like this. Let me ask it this way, what immune system would you trust more... one that was specifically trained to create antibodies that we know are extremely effective at defending against COVID. Or one that may or may not respond well and could end badly, in addition to increasing the risk to those around you? What would be more risky? 100% of the population vaccinated, or 0% of the population vaccinated?

Easy choice for me....at 60, and healthy,  the virus doesn't kill 99.99% of people  my age.  The rest of my family made the same choice.  We have all now had Covid.....meh.  Not a fever or a cough among us.  A couple lost taste and smell and the rest were more tired than usual.  If it wasn't for the media we would have all referred to it as a cold.

Now we have natural immunity that more and more research says will likely last for years, possibly our lifetime.  For sure we won't get as sick as we did this time....see above.

I'm happy there is a vaccine available for those who want it.  Kindly leave me alone.  I made an informed decision as did the rest of my family.  We're good, thanks for your concern.

2021-07-18 9:06 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Vaccine or not?
Yes, the vaccine is your choice to get it or not. And it's also your choice to read about my two healthy and physically fit friends or not read about them.

P is a 55 year old triathlete who has been to Kona 3 times, the last being in 2019. He and his wife moved from CO to FL for work in 2018. Last November, P began having sever leg pain and couldn't put weight on his leg. It also hurt to breathe so his wife took him to the ER. He was diagnosed with a blood clot in his leg and bilateral pulmonary embolisms. At that time he tested negative for COVID. However, 2 days later, his wife woke up unable to taste or smell and tested positive. They retested P and he was COVID positive. It was also touch and go on whether they could save his leg.

Because of COVID, this healthy, KQ friend can no longer walk without the aid of a walker. He also has permanent lung damage.

M is 61 also a triathlete who has finished 14 Ironman races. His latest was Tulsa. As an essential worker, he was exposed and had COVID in April 2020. While he did get pneumonia, he did not need to be hospitalized. He figured because he already had COVID he did not need to get the vaccination.

A month ago, M got sick with what he thought was a bad cold. The bad cold got worse. He was also having extreme leg pain. He was hospitalized with pneumonia and a blood clot in his leg. He tested positive for the Delta variant, despite already having COVID in 2020. He is still in the hospital, 3 weeks after being admitted for COVID.

COVID does strike the healthy. It doesn't care who it hits as it tries to survive. None of us know how COVID or any disease will affect us. Will we be among the lucky, or like my friends P and M? Two healthy males who both have had severe complications from COVID. Both had COVID before the vaccine was available. One got the vaccine despite having COVID, the other did not and got COVID again.

The choice is yours. But you have to remember, the choice you make may affect your entire family.
2021-07-19 9:39 AM
in reply to: fortissimo

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Subject: RE: Vaccine or not?

Originally posted by fortissimo Yes, the vaccine is your choice to get it or not. And it's also your choice to read about my two healthy and physically fit friends or not read about them. P is a 55 year old triathlete who has been to Kona 3 times, the last being in 2019. He and his wife moved from CO to FL for work in 2018. Last November, P began having sever leg pain and couldn't put weight on his leg. It also hurt to breathe so his wife took him to the ER. He was diagnosed with a blood clot in his leg and bilateral pulmonary embolisms. At that time he tested negative for COVID. However, 2 days later, his wife woke up unable to taste or smell and tested positive. They retested P and he was COVID positive. It was also touch and go on whether they could save his leg. Because of COVID, this healthy, KQ friend can no longer walk without the aid of a walker. He also has permanent lung damage. M is 61 also a triathlete who has finished 14 Ironman races. His latest was Tulsa. As an essential worker, he was exposed and had COVID in April 2020. While he did get pneumonia, he did not need to be hospitalized. He figured because he already had COVID he did not need to get the vaccination. A month ago, M got sick with what he thought was a bad cold. The bad cold got worse. He was also having extreme leg pain. He was hospitalized with pneumonia and a blood clot in his leg. He tested positive for the Delta variant, despite already having COVID in 2020. He is still in the hospital, 3 weeks after being admitted for COVID. COVID does strike the healthy. It doesn't care who it hits as it tries to survive. None of us know how COVID or any disease will affect us. Will we be among the lucky, or like my friends P and M? Two healthy males who both have had severe complications from COVID. Both had COVID before the vaccine was available. One got the vaccine despite having COVID, the other did not and got COVID again. The choice is yours. But you have to remember, the choice you make may affect your entire family.


Yeah, I don't do the "I have a friend" stories.  I've realized that most of the are some variation of the same thing.  Not interested.

2021-07-19 11:55 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Vaccine or not?
Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by fortissimo Yes, the vaccine is your choice to get it or not. And it's also your choice to read about my two healthy and physically fit friends or not read about them. P is a 55 year old triathlete who has been to Kona 3 times, the last being in 2019. He and his wife moved from CO to FL for work in 2018. Last November, P began having sever leg pain and couldn't put weight on his leg. It also hurt to breathe so his wife took him to the ER. He was diagnosed with a blood clot in his leg and bilateral pulmonary embolisms. At that time he tested negative for COVID. However, 2 days later, his wife woke up unable to taste or smell and tested positive. They retested P and he was COVID positive. It was also touch and go on whether they could save his leg. Because of COVID, this healthy, KQ friend can no longer walk without the aid of a walker. He also has permanent lung damage. M is 61 also a triathlete who has finished 14 Ironman races. His latest was Tulsa. As an essential worker, he was exposed and had COVID in April 2020. While he did get pneumonia, he did not need to be hospitalized. He figured because he already had COVID he did not need to get the vaccination. A month ago, M got sick with what he thought was a bad cold. The bad cold got worse. He was also having extreme leg pain. He was hospitalized with pneumonia and a blood clot in his leg. He tested positive for the Delta variant, despite already having COVID in 2020. He is still in the hospital, 3 weeks after being admitted for COVID. COVID does strike the healthy. It doesn't care who it hits as it tries to survive. None of us know how COVID or any disease will affect us. Will we be among the lucky, or like my friends P and M? Two healthy males who both have had severe complications from COVID. Both had COVID before the vaccine was available. One got the vaccine despite having COVID, the other did not and got COVID again. The choice is yours. But you have to remember, the choice you make may affect your entire family.


Yeah, I don't do the "I have a friend" stories.  I've realized that most of the are some variation of the same thing.  Not interested.

Close minded much?

I knew when I posted this story of two very good friends and training partners, you would make a comment like this. Believe what you want.

2021-07-19 12:14 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Vaccine or not?
Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by fortissimo Yes, the vaccine is your choice to get it or not. And it's also your choice to read about my two healthy and physically fit friends or not read about them. P is a 55 year old triathlete who has been to Kona 3 times, the last being in 2019. He and his wife moved from CO to FL for work in 2018. Last November, P began having sever leg pain and couldn't put weight on his leg. It also hurt to breathe so his wife took him to the ER. He was diagnosed with a blood clot in his leg and bilateral pulmonary embolisms. At that time he tested negative for COVID. However, 2 days later, his wife woke up unable to taste or smell and tested positive. They retested P and he was COVID positive. It was also touch and go on whether they could save his leg. Because of COVID, this healthy, KQ friend can no longer walk without the aid of a walker. He also has permanent lung damage. M is 61 also a triathlete who has finished 14 Ironman races. His latest was Tulsa. As an essential worker, he was exposed and had COVID in April 2020. While he did get pneumonia, he did not need to be hospitalized. He figured because he already had COVID he did not need to get the vaccination. A month ago, M got sick with what he thought was a bad cold. The bad cold got worse. He was also having extreme leg pain. He was hospitalized with pneumonia and a blood clot in his leg. He tested positive for the Delta variant, despite already having COVID in 2020. He is still in the hospital, 3 weeks after being admitted for COVID. COVID does strike the healthy. It doesn't care who it hits as it tries to survive. None of us know how COVID or any disease will affect us. Will we be among the lucky, or like my friends P and M? Two healthy males who both have had severe complications from COVID. Both had COVID before the vaccine was available. One got the vaccine despite having COVID, the other did not and got COVID again. The choice is yours. But you have to remember, the choice you make may affect your entire family.


Yeah, I don't do the "I have a friend" stories.  I've realized that most of the are some variation of the same thing.  Not interested.

I agree. Anyone with a agenda and write anything they want to try to convince, persuade or dissuade other people.

I read a story on FB this morning about a healthy young woman who got vaccinated and 3 days later was admitted to the hospital from multiple side effects. True of not? Who knows.

RE your antidote. I completed 2 Ironman events. They are hard on the body. Have had both knees scoped. Maybe doing 14 Ironman races took its toll on his body? Most joking but, unless you are a professional triathlete I’d recommend one or two then move on to something else. Not only is 140 miles hard on the body, it’s hard on the family with 30+ hrs a week training.

2021-07-19 7:02 PM
in reply to: fortissimo

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Vaccine or not?
Originally posted by fortissimo
I knew when I posted this story of two very good friends and training partners, you would make a comment like this. Believe what you want.

There are a few people on ST that shared their experience. A well known BTer even contributed.


Also, google "long covid children"

2021-07-19 10:16 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Vaccine or not?
Originally posted by marcag

Originally posted by fortissimo
I knew when I posted this story of two very good friends and training partners, you would make a comment like this. Believe what you want.

There are a few people on ST that shared their experience. A well known BTer even contributed.


Also, google "long covid children"

Thanks for the link.

I retired from teaching in May. I had several students and former students who lost a parent or guardian to COVID. At least 4 of my students lost both guardians to COVID this past year. We were in-person all but 6 weeks last year. While we only had 7 cases at our school, the community positivity rate is what had our district go remote again. Two of the students I had who tested positive are long-haulers. Interestingly enough, both students had very mild symptoms and were only tested because 1. a parent tested positive, and 2. he suffered a head injury while sledding.

But these cases don't count because they're students so it's not real.

It pains me that there are still people who are still taking such a cavalier approach to the virus.
2021-07-19 11:25 PM
in reply to: fortissimo

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Subject: RE: Vaccine or not?
Originally posted by fortissimo
Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by fortissimo Yes, the vaccine is your choice to get it or not. And it's also your choice to read about my two healthy and physically fit friends or not read about them. P is a 55 year old triathlete who has been to Kona 3 times, the last being in 2019. He and his wife moved from CO to FL for work in 2018. Last November, P began having sever leg pain and couldn't put weight on his leg. It also hurt to breathe so his wife took him to the ER. He was diagnosed with a blood clot in his leg and bilateral pulmonary embolisms. At that time he tested negative for COVID. However, 2 days later, his wife woke up unable to taste or smell and tested positive. They retested P and he was COVID positive. It was also touch and go on whether they could save his leg. Because of COVID, this healthy, KQ friend can no longer walk without the aid of a walker. He also has permanent lung damage. M is 61 also a triathlete who has finished 14 Ironman races. His latest was Tulsa. As an essential worker, he was exposed and had COVID in April 2020. While he did get pneumonia, he did not need to be hospitalized. He figured because he already had COVID he did not need to get the vaccination. A month ago, M got sick with what he thought was a bad cold. The bad cold got worse. He was also having extreme leg pain. He was hospitalized with pneumonia and a blood clot in his leg. He tested positive for the Delta variant, despite already having COVID in 2020. He is still in the hospital, 3 weeks after being admitted for COVID. COVID does strike the healthy. It doesn't care who it hits as it tries to survive. None of us know how COVID or any disease will affect us. Will we be among the lucky, or like my friends P and M? Two healthy males who both have had severe complications from COVID. Both had COVID before the vaccine was available. One got the vaccine despite having COVID, the other did not and got COVID again. The choice is yours. But you have to remember, the choice you make may affect your entire family.


Yeah, I don't do the "I have a friend" stories.  I've realized that most of the are some variation of the same thing.  Not interested.

Close minded much? I knew when I posted this story of two very good friends and training partners, you would make a comment like this. Believe what you want.
I get it....is this the part where I post about the hundreds of people I know, including my 90 year old mother-in-law, who just walked right through it with no problems?What would be the point?
2021-07-20 5:48 AM
in reply to: fortissimo

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Vaccine or not?
Originally posted by fortissimo
It pains me that there are still people who are still taking such a cavalier approach to the virus.

Best way to get LB to take the vaccine is to tell him "the left says you can't have it"

2021-07-20 6:12 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Vaccine or not?
Heard a stat yesterday that fewer than 50% of Americans don’t get the annual flu shot. It’s not a democrat / republican thing, some people just don’t see the need or don’t trust the gubment to inject them with some bioengineered chemical. If you are concerned, get vaccinated but don’t put you responsibly on my by asking me to get injected so you don’t have to!

The gubment made a CF out of COVID with all the mixed messages and flip flops on ‘guidance’. People are right to be confused. “The vaccine works”. But wear a mask anyway even around other vaccinated people!” WTF!?
2021-07-20 6:36 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Vaccine or not?
CDC Statistics on COVID

US population: 331,000,000
US COVID cases: 35,000,000 10%
US COVID deaths: 625,000 0.2%
US COVID under age 65: 150,000 0.05%

If a world of nonstop media fear mongering, just some facts and data to keep things in perspective.

If you are under the age of 65 your risk of dying from COVID is 1/2 of 0.1%.

“Just the facts ma’am!” - Sergeant Joe Friday.
2021-07-20 6:59 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Vaccine or not?
Originally posted by RogillioHeard a stat yesterday that fewer than 50% of Americans don’t get the annual flu shot. It’s not a democrat / republican thing, some people just don’t see the need or don’t trust the gubment to inject them with some bioengineered chemical. If you are concerned, get vaccinated but don’t put you responsibly on my by asking me to get injected so you don’t have to! The gubment made a CF out of COVID with all the mixed messages and flip flops on ‘guidance’. People are right to be confused. “The vaccine works”. But wear a mask anyway even around other vaccinated people!” WTF!?
No one is asking you to get vaccinated so I don't have to. We're asking you to get vaccinated so those that legimately can't are safer, and so the virus stops spreading and mutating.
2021-07-20 7:46 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Subject: RE: Vaccine or not?
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by RogillioHeard a stat yesterday that fewer than 50% of Americans don’t get the annual flu shot. It’s not a democrat / republican thing, some people just don’t see the need or don’t trust the gubment to inject them with some bioengineered chemical. If you are concerned, get vaccinated but don’t put you responsibly on my by asking me to get injected so you don’t have to! The gubment made a CF out of COVID with all the mixed messages and flip flops on ‘guidance’. People are right to be confused. “The vaccine works”. But wear a mask anyway even around other vaccinated people!” WTF!?
No one is asking you to get vaccinated so I don't have to. We're asking you to get vaccinated so those that legimately can't are safer, and so the virus stops spreading and mutating.

This is the old “what about rape victims” argument to allow abortion. Even though that accounts for less than 1% of abortions.

I tried to find data on who can’t be vaccinated and the only people I find that can’t get vaccinated are some with severe pulmonary diseases and those with severe allergic reactions. So I guess I should give up eating peanuts so I don’t kill someone with a severe peanut allergy.

The odds of me getting infected are very small. Buy the odds of me getting infected and then exposing someone who can’t get vaccinated are infinitesimal.

I can’t find much information on natural immunity. Common sense would ask if 30 million people got COVID how many more were exposed but didn’t get COVID or if they did, they never even knew it.

I don’t know how the COVID vaccine works but I read a simple explanation of the flu vaccine one time on how it works. They inject a “dead” virus in you. You body sees the virus and starts building an antibody to fight the virus. Since the dead virus cannot propagate you immune system has time to produce enough antibodies for the pending was. Then when you are exposed to the live virus you’d body already has a army of antibodies to fight it off. In other word, it’s not the vaccine that kills the virus it’s our own immune system that kills it. The vaccine simply give our system a head start.

As mentioned previously, you don’t hear anyone talking about herd immunity any more. Wonder why that is? Surely the vaccine helps us move closer to herd immunity! So with 100 million already vaccinated and 30 million people who had it and survived plus the xxx million who had it and never knew it….what percentage of the herd need to be immune till the virus stops spreading?

Answer is, we are likely already there. So now we have Delta variants!
2021-07-20 8:40 AM
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Subject: RE: Vaccine or not?

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by fortissimo It pains me that there are still people who are still taking such a cavalier approach to the virus.
Best way to get LB to take the vaccine is to tell him "the left says you can't have it"


I have had covid....why would I get a vaccine I don't need?  My antibodies are as good as any vaccinated person.....you know that.

Edited by Left Brain 2021-07-20 8:41 AM

2021-07-20 9:24 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Vaccine or not?

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by jmhpsu93
Originally posted by RogillioHeard a stat yesterday that fewer than 50% of Americans don’t get the annual flu shot. It’s not a democrat / republican thing, some people just don’t see the need or don’t trust the gubment to inject them with some bioengineered chemical. If you are concerned, get vaccinated but don’t put you responsibly on my by asking me to get injected so you don’t have to! The gubment made a CF out of COVID with all the mixed messages and flip flops on ‘guidance’. People are right to be confused. “The vaccine works”. But wear a mask anyway even around other vaccinated people!” WTF!?
No one is asking you to get vaccinated so I don't have to. We're asking you to get vaccinated so those that legimately can't are safer, and so the virus stops spreading and mutating.
This is the old “what about rape victims” argument to allow abortion. Even though that accounts for less than 1% of abortions. 

What in the hell are you talking about?  That's an absurd false equivalency, virtue signaling, and misogyny all in one statement...well done!


2021-07-20 9:38 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Vaccine or not?

Even Fox News is backtracking on vaccine denials in their outrage machine, probably because their misinformation campaign has killed some of their viewers SMH. 


2021-07-20 9:55 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Vaccine or not?
Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by fortissimo It pains me that there are still people who are still taking such a cavalier approach to the virus.
Best way to get LB to take the vaccine is to tell him "the left says you can't have it"


I have had covid....why would I get a vaccine I don't need?  My antibodies are as good as any vaccinated person.....you know that.

Actually that is an interesting point

In Quebec, there was a lot of debate about this on the vaccination front. Because we had shortage of vaccine (at first) the government wanted to consider a previous diagnosis of Covid as the equivalent of one shot of a double shot program. Some doctors agreed, most disagreed. There was never consensus on the idea of it replacing one shot, but there was consensus it wasn't enough to replace a double dose.

One big mistake people are making is they are using stats and info of the original Covid strain and applying it to the evolving variants. Rog quotes "low death" rates, during a time of extreme precautions and lock downs and a much lower transmission than the new variants.

Are you at risk ? Probably low risk. Why get vaccinated ? Because while it may only be marginal, you are protecting yourself marginally more while reducing (not eliminating) the chance of carrying it and contributing to it's evolution.

You guys went on and on about the economic costs of shutdowns, on the impact on mental health bla bla bla.....and now you have a chance to do a part (maybe a small part) in stopping it and you don't want to.

I get it, Covid has become a political beast. It's probably the reason your ex-prez is out. It's now the battlefield of right and left. It's too bad.

The same country that has the greatest scientists that discovered the the solution to this pandemic also have the highest rate of ignorance in the world. And I use the dictionary definition of ignorance : "lack of knowledge or information".
2021-07-20 10:12 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Vaccine or not?

I don't look at it that way.  Herd immunity was held up over and over as being needed to end the virus.  Between the infected and the vaccinated we'll get there.  You also know that vaccinated people can carry and pass on the virus the same as those who are not vaccinated. 

I disagree that this has BECOME political....it was political from day one....it's just out in the open now.  We quarantined HEALTHY people.

I'm not getting vaccinated.  My Dr. agrees 100%.

2021-07-20 11:10 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Subject: RE: Vaccine or not?
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by jmhpsu93
Originally posted by RogillioHeard a stat yesterday that fewer than 50% of Americans don’t get the annual flu shot. It’s not a democrat / republican thing, some people just don’t see the need or don’t trust the gubment to inject them with some bioengineered chemical. If you are concerned, get vaccinated but don’t put you responsibly on my by asking me to get injected so you don’t have to! The gubment made a CF out of COVID with all the mixed messages and flip flops on ‘guidance’. People are right to be confused. “The vaccine works”. But wear a mask anyway even around other vaccinated people!” WTF!?
No one is asking you to get vaccinated so I don't have to. We're asking you to get vaccinated so those that legimately can't are safer, and so the virus stops spreading and mutating.
This is the old “what about rape victims” argument to allow abortion. Even though that accounts for less than 1% of abortions. 

What in the hell are you talking about?  That's an absurd false equivalency, virtue signaling, and misogyny all in one statement...well done!


It is analogous not equivalent. Virtue signaling? Misogyny? What the hell are YOU talking about? My point was that you cited the less than 1% of those who cannot be vaccinated as an argument to justify the other 99%. How about this. 1% of people incarcerated are actually innocent so we should not incarcerate anyone. Or 0.001% of “assault rifles” are used in mass shooting so we should ban all assault rifles. Two old people in Chicago don’t have ID so we should let every vote without proving identity. It’s a very common argument from liberals to try to find the least common denominator to make the society conform.

2021-07-20 11:18 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Vaccine or not?
Just saw on the news 6 of the Texas dems flying away to DC on a plane tested positive for COVID. All had been vaccinated. Why did only 6 test positive? Were all 6 sitting together? Doubt it. So much for the vaccine being 95% effective.

The more I hear and see the more cynical I become. Beginning to stink like a hohouse at low tide!
2021-07-20 3:33 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Vaccine or not?
Originally posted by Rogillio

Just saw on the news 6 of the Texas dems flying away to DC on a plane tested positive for COVID. All had been vaccinated. Why did only 6 test positive? Were all 6 sitting together? Doubt it. So much for the vaccine being 95% effective.

The more I hear and see the more cynical I become. Beginning to stink like a hohouse at low tide!

When the vaccine came out they claimed 95% efficacy. You may want to re-read what 95% efficacy means

Since, the efficacy of vaccines has gone down as the new variants emerge. Variants are getting nastier and nastier.

Those dems tested positive but had no symptoms. This is more and more common. You can carry, however your viral load is less than if vaccinated. It's not binary 0/1 that if you are vaccinated you won't carry be a carrier. You will carry less load, be less infectious. If you give it to a vaccinated person they will carry even less load and not suffer consequences. If everyone is vaccinated it putters out and dies.

The vaccine has a very high rate of prevented serious disease and death.

BTW, one group of people you may want to protect because they can't be vaccinated are the 6-12 years old who don't get the same Covid symptoms and disease as adult but can have long term health impact from Covid. Google long covid children.

I know I just wasted 2 minutes typing this, but hey, what's 2 minutes

2021-07-21 5:07 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Vaccine or not?
Originally posted by marcag

Originally posted by Rogillio

Just saw on the news 6 of the Texas dems flying away to DC on a plane tested positive for COVID. All had been vaccinated. Why did only 6 test positive? Were all 6 sitting together? Doubt it. So much for the vaccine being 95% effective.

The more I hear and see the more cynical I become. Beginning to stink like a hohouse at low tide!

When the vaccine came out they claimed 95% efficacy. You may want to re-read what 95% efficacy means

Since, the efficacy of vaccines has gone down as the new variants emerge. Variants are getting nastier and nastier.

Those dems tested positive but had no symptoms. This is more and more common. You can carry, however your viral load is less than if vaccinated. It's not binary 0/1 that if you are vaccinated you won't carry be a carrier. You will carry less load, be less infectious. If you give it to a vaccinated person they will carry even less load and not suffer consequences. If everyone is vaccinated it putters out and dies.

The vaccine has a very high rate of prevented serious disease and death.

BTW, one group of people you may want to protect because they can't be vaccinated are the 6-12 years old who don't get the same Covid symptoms and disease as adult but can have long term health impact from Covid. Google long covid children.

I know I just wasted 2 minutes typing this, but hey, what's 2 minutes

Not at all. 2 minutes well spent. I hadn’t thought about the ‘viral load’. That sort of makes sense.

2021-07-21 6:37 AM
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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Vaccine or not?
Originally posted by Rogillio
Not at all. 2 minutes well spent. I hadn’t thought about the ‘viral load’. That sort of makes sense.

So.....are you going to get vaccinated now ?

oops, I'll get off your lawn :-)

Edited by marcag 2021-07-21 6:38 AM
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