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2009-08-21 1:13 PM

Subject: running/biking when sick- what do you do?
I've got a nasty summer cold. Stuffy nose, cough, sneezing, tired feeling. I swam wednesday and felt pretty good but yesterday and today the cold has gotten worse. I really want to get out and run but I do not want to make this cold any worse, or set me back farther.

What do you all do when you're under the weather, hide under the covers or strap on the running shoes and bring some tissues?

2009-08-21 1:28 PM
in reply to: #2362738

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Highlands Ranch
Subject: RE: running/biking when sick- what do you do?

I muddle through on the belief that any time you can enhance your circulation, it helps your immune system flush the cru dout of you.  That and an aggressive application of coldsnap, echinacea, vitamin C, fluids etc.

2009-08-21 3:48 PM
in reply to: #2362738

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Sunny Southern Cal
Subject: RE: running/biking when sick- what do you do?

If I have a *very* minor cold and want to keep the workouts going so as to not lose current conditioning (e.g., a month out from a HIM), I would do a short, slow (25-30% off typical pace) ride.  If the illness is anything worse than some fairly mild symptoms, I would just rest.  If you exercise when you are sick, the virus can attack your heart muscle and kill you.

2009-08-21 10:06 PM
in reply to: #2362738

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Payson, AZ
Subject: RE: running/biking when sick- what do you do?
If your sure it is a cold you can run and not make it worse, assuming your doing nice easy runs.  You do want to ensure you don't go do anything that would wear you done so it's more just burning off extra energy.
2009-08-21 10:16 PM
in reply to: #2363688

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Subject: RE: running/biking when sick- what do you do?
part of it is by feel, part by if its above the neck i suck it up, below the neck i am very careful.
2009-08-22 1:30 AM
in reply to: #2363704

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Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: running/biking when sick- what do you do?
newbz - 2009-08-21 10:16 PM part of it is by feel, part by if its above the neck i suck it up, below the neck i am very careful.

x2 live by this one for training, definitely stay away from working out if i have below the neck symptoms

2009-08-22 6:39 AM
in reply to: #2362738

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Camp Hill, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: running/biking when sick- what do you do?
Same as most of the others -
Head cold:  I try to work out unless it's so bad I can't breath, or the headache gets too bad.
Chest cold:  Generally not, but will occasionally do an easy workout.
Fever:  Never work out with one.

The one over-riding factor regarding working out with a head cold is my fatigue level.  I try to listen to my body, and if I feel like I'm run-down, I won't train, because my history is that pushing too hard while fatigued too much always results in me getting really sick to the point of missing work, training, and pretty much everything else in life for a week.

2009-08-22 10:21 AM
in reply to: #2362738

Subject: RE: running/biking when sick- what do you do?
I agree with the kicking or keeping the immunity up so I do try to get out. However, I usually do a brief version at an easier pace. Your body is wore down and on the mend. Doing intervals or high HR stuff should be out of the question. Also, if the wx is less than ideal do it indoors. I usually do a longer warm up, get into a sweat and maintain that pace for bit determined by severity of health complication. Often after doing this routine with increased fresh fruits and vegs I wake up the next day feeling better and within a few days totally healed.
2009-08-22 1:00 PM
in reply to: #2363826

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: running/biking when sick- what do you do?
TriMyBest - 2009-08-22 6:39 AM

Same as most of the others -
Head cold:  I try to work out unless it's so bad I can't breath, or the headache gets too bad.
Chest cold:  Generally not, but will occasionally do an easy workout.
Fever:  Never work out with one.

The one over-riding factor regarding working out with a head cold is my fatigue level.  I try to listen to my body, and if I feel like I'm run-down, I won't train, because my history is that pushing too hard while fatigued too much always results in me getting really sick to the point of missing work, training, and pretty much everything else in life for a week.

This is kind of my guide also. I have to evaluate as best I can and work out if its possible.
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