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Devil's Challlenge Triathlon - TriathlonSprint

View Member's Race Log
Baraboo, Wisconsin
United States
Wisconsin Triathlon Series
65F / 18C
Total Time = 1h 39m 10s
Overall Rank = 392/769
Age Group = Clydesdale
Age Group Rank = 26/49
Pre-race routine:

Got up early drove up to Devil's Lake. Choked down some oatmeal and raisins before setting off.
Event warmup:

None really. I am terrible about warming up. I dunked in the water so that I wouldn't be too chocked by the temp
  • 07m 9s
  • 440 yards
  • 01m 35s / 100 yards

This was a messed up leg. The lake was too shallow from the drought and you could stand up the whole swim. I tried to start swimming but was getting passed by people walking so started walking as well. This proved very tiring, perhapos more than swimming since the water was up to my chest. I stumbled over the buoy anchor at the second turn. I was exhausted by the time I got out of the water.
What would you do differently?:

Well, I had to make a decision: swim or walk. I did a bit of both. It was really almost too shallow to swim in a few spots. I think if I were more self confident and less competitive I would have just swum the whole way, but I didn't like getting passed by people walking so I started walking as well.
Transition 1
  • 02m 30s

There were no real problems in T1. I just tried to go as fast as I could, but since I put on socks it always takes me a little while
What would you do differently?:

I need to learn to run and bike without socks eventually, but I am not competitive so right now I like the comfort.
  • 1h 01m 52s
  • 15 miles
  • 14.55 mile/hr

I lost my water bottle when I went over the railroad tracks about 400 yds out of transition. It opened when it fell out of my cage so my GU20 water mix (all the calories and water I had) were gone immediately. I picked upd the bottle and kept going resolving that I was going to have a dry mouth for the next hour. I lost a good deal of time and momentum there as well. I ahd to wait to get the bottle off the course.

Got back on and kept going and ran into the hill. I had heard from the race director that it double crested. I would say more like quadruple crested. People were getting off their bikes and walking. It was dead silent except for all of us inching along and breathing hard. I was climbing at 4mph most of the way. After I rounded the first bend thinking I was nearly there I saw another huge incline and said out loud "fuck" and contemplated getting off. I decided right then that my goal for this race was not to get off my bike and walk it no matter how slowly I was going. around the next corner one guy was vomiting in the woods and someone else had on the roadside. I think they just went at the hill too hard.

The rest of the course was pretty much up and down steep for the first half and then it evened out a bit more. My mouth was really parched from all the heavy breathing while climbing and my calves started cramping the last 20 minutes. I am pretty sure that had to do with having no water as well, but it might have been my method fo sliding my ass forward and back on the seat to get different parts of my quads working on the hills. I might have stressed my calves too much doing that, or it might have been the wading in the water. In any case, somehting funky was going on because I have never had calf cramps before.

Someone was out on the course playing the Rocky theme and a guy near me said "nice music!" I laughed and said "I don't feel much like rocky right now, more like he has kicked my ass" There was a good spirit of comradery on the bike since it was hard.

There is a big steep hill right before the final turn into the park road. People were there cheering telling me "You're almost there!" That didn't really help when I was in my lowest granny going
What would you do differently?:

Lose weight and ride more hills. I would like to blame my poor perfomrance on my being overweight but a Clyde much fatter than me passed me on one of the hills. Weight loss, and more hills, and riding this course every weekend would eb the way to improve.
Transition 2
  • 01m 37s

This went fairly smoothly except I almost forgot my number in my tired haze. My Dad was outside the T area and yelled for me to get it. That was helpful.
What would you do differently?:

I guess I need to stop sitting down to put my shoes on and to get fast laces, but I am really not that worried about shaving a few seconds of transition times at this point. These times were much better than in my last race.
  • 26m 4s
  • 3.11 miles
  • 08m 23s  min/mile

I got out of T2 still with cotton mouth and was excited for the water. Had some water and gatorade. That was a bad idea as it ended up giving me stomach cramps. I should have only had one cup, but I had been thinking about having a drink ever since that first big hill on the bike, so nearly an hour. I tried to run at a good clip but I just didn't have it, whenever I tried to push it to 7 min or so pace I just immediately felt like stopping so I decided to just settle into what seemed like a nice jog and not worry about it.

I got stomach cramps around the 1 mile mark. I just kept going. It was all kind of a blur at the end there. I was pretty exhausted and was just really running on willpower. This was a bad race for cramps for me. I rarely have ever gotten them in my life and never when training (stitches yes, cramps no) so I don't know what was going on there.
What would you do differently?:

Nott oo much. Weight is my biggest limiter besides just lack of training, so I plan on trainign more and losing weight.
Post race
Warm down:

Stretched had some water talked. Not much in the way of warmdown. I was way too tired.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Weight and lack of training. also I went out Friday night and that was really dumb, but I knew that when I did it...

Event comments:

It is a fun race if you don't mind the hills. There is a reason it is called "The Devil's Challenge" and not "The Devil's Lake Triathlon". Also no newbie should ride this course without a triple chainring. Please believe me on that.

Last updated: 2005-09-19 12:00 AM
00:07:09 | 440 yards | 01m 35s / 100yards
Age Group: 0/49
Overall: 0/769
Performance: Below average
Course: simpl U setup swimming along shoreline. I didn't like how you had to run on an asphlat path for a little way after you got out.
Start type: Wade Plus:
Water temp: 0F / 0C Current: Low
200M Perf. Remainder:
Breathing: Drafting:
Waves: Navigation:
Time: 02:30
Performance: Good
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: No
Getting up to speed: Good
01:01:52 | 15 miles | 14.55 mile/hr
Age Group: 0/49
Overall: 0/769
Performance: Below average
Wind: None
Course: Hell. That is the only way to describe this. There is a mazzive steep hill about half a mile out of transition and it seems to never end. I drove it after the race and it was even a steep hill driving. I think it crests about 4 times. There are numerous other hills that are very steep and long as well all throughout the course. Very challenging. I would not suggest a beginner like me ride this course without a triple chainring. YOu simply won't be able to.
Road: Rough Dry Cadence:
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Below average Hills: Bad
Race pace: Too hard Drinks: Not enough
Time: 01:37
Overall: Good
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike
Running with bike Good
Racking bike Good
Shoe and helmet removal Good
00:26:04 | 03.11 miles | 08m 23s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/49
Overall: 0/769
Course: out and around one of the campgrounds and back. Wasn't a big fan of the campfire smoke while I was running but other than that the course was fine.
Keeping cool Average Drinking Too much
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Too hard
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 3

2005-09-19 10:08 AM

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Madison, WI
Subject: Devil's Challlenge Triathlon

2005-09-19 10:17 AM
in reply to: #249187

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Subject: RE: Devil's Challlenge Triathlon
You did it!

Fantastic, that bike course IS hard, there is a good reason I decided not to do that race...yet...Next year maybe. You should feel REALLY proud of yourself, and I can;t wait to meet you in person and prepare for next year!

(PS, that pace is pretty fast, actually, for that course....IMH and also beginner O!)
2005-09-19 11:39 AM
in reply to: #249187


Crivitz WI
Subject: RE: Devil's Challlenge Triathlon
I did the DOLPHIN dive thru the swim portion and did great! passed all the swimmers and water walkers. It was my first Tri and I finished 1:33:00, I think around 366th place. I'm waiting for the online results.
The hills were sort of nice because somehow my bike really flies on the downhills. That was the only chance I had to keep up with the pack.
I thought the race was organized well and had plenty of drinks at the finish.
2005-09-19 1:00 PM
in reply to: #249187

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Subject: RE: Devil's Challlenge Triathlon
Dude, this is HIS race report, this is where we scream our heads off in support of him.

Write your own report to toot your horn!
2005-09-19 5:17 PM
in reply to: #249386

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Devil's Challlenge Triathlon
possum - 2005-09-19 12:00 PM

Dude, this is HIS race report, this is where we scream our heads off in support of him.

Write your own report to toot your horn!

LOL possum. I don't care. I am glad someone enjoyed the hills. I hated them yesterday. The downhills were fun though, I got up to 41.7 mph!!!!
2005-09-19 5:37 PM
in reply to: #249187

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Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: Devil's Challlenge Triathlon
Congrats! This sounds like a really tough race and you finished it.

On the cramping, probably due to some dehydration and maybe working so hard. Once you start going downhill that way, it's really hard to get things straightened out.

2005-09-19 9:28 PM
in reply to: #249187

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Extreme Veteran
Western Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Devil's Challlenge Triathlon
Live and Learn, Rob.  I stay far away from gatorade for just that reason.  I've also got a good trick for calories on the bike ride: I put some powerbar chunks on the handlebars.  They look like little dog turds sitting there.  :-)  But I'd still be in trouble if I lost my water bottle.

It sounds like you should have saved your legs during the swim.  Weird to hear that people were walking it.  What an odd race!

But congratulations on showing up.  I know you weren't feeling 100% last week and that makes it even more impressive.
2005-09-19 9:33 PM
in reply to: #249187

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Devil's Challlenge Triathlon
Yes, that bike course is a killer. You have no momentum going into that first hill. We drove it in July when I was contemplating doing it as my first Tri. Several people talked me out of it as a first Tri. You know the hill is steep when the car gears down as you drive up it! The last hill is just adding insult to injury.

I was amazed by the 8 minute swims two of our friends did when their normal swim times range from 9-11 minutes. The secret was out when my husband talked to one of them on Monday. He really did not want to admit that he walked the swim!

Congrats on a great race!
2005-09-20 8:27 AM
in reply to: #249187

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Subject: RE: Devil's Challlenge Triathlon

Great race LL!  Look at that run time!  And that was a JOG for you???!!!!  Nice job!  Those hills sound AWFUL!  Kind of like my last experience   Hate hills...maybe we will learn to love them! 

Weight challenge, here we come!

Really, great job.

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