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2006-12-15 5:39 PM

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Resident Matriarch
N 43° 32.927 W 071° 24.431
Subject: TriMom217's Group - FULL

Name: TriMom217 (Ellen)

I'm 43 yrs old and have been a mediocre jock my whole life. Started running in 1997, marathons in 1998, and found triathlon in 1999. I've been hooked ever since. I went back to school at 38 and recently graduated with a degree in education. The only thing I am teaching however, is swimming lessons. Injuries have sidelined me on occasion, nothing tri related, and arthritis is taking it's toll as well. But I'm still in the game and plan on staying until I can't get to the starting line.
Family: married 23 years with a 21 yr old daughter and a 16 yr old son. Oh, and a 10 yr old Sheltie named George.

Training: I am a recreational triathlete. I "compete to complete." I will never be FOP and MOP/BOP suits me just fine. I don't use gadgets such as a HRM or GPS and come to think of it, I'm not very strict about following a training plan either. But I do what I need to do to get it done. I've learned enough about me and my body over the years to know what I can and cannot do. Now I just need to listen when it speaks.

I've done mostly Sprints and Olys until this past season. In 2000 I DNF'd a HIM because I had not learned to respect the distance. That changed this year and I completed my first HIM. I plan on two HIMs in '07 and am thinking about an IM distance if the knees will allow it to happen.
Weight: Here's the killer. Even after being a jock forever and running a handfull of marathons, I was still gaining weight at an alarming rate. In December '05 I had gastric bypass surgery which has been nothing short of a blessing. I am now down to a normal weight and had no problems with fueling during my '06 season.

Edited by TriMom217 2006-12-18 3:19 AM

2006-12-16 8:06 AM
in reply to: #625450

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Subject: RE: TriMom217's Group - OPEN

Hi!  I'm BAMBAM (Beth) and I am a newbie BT'er.  My hubby (McFuzz) started working out and I never followed suit.  I have promised him that I will do my first sprint in July 07.  Am a full-time student at the local university working on my secondary ed/Eng degree (graduation set for Dec 2008).  We have 4 boys (20, 17, 14, 14--within a couple of months)who are all very active in school activities.  I am also very involved in community activities. 


My discipline for training is awful during the school year because I am taking so many hours.  I don't mind training and once I get there I'm fine ---it's the getting there hat is often the problem.  We live 2 blocks from the campus so getting to the gym isn't a hardship.  I probably need a little push  most times.  Hubby is great at motivating but sometimes he just frustrates me because his workouts seemt o take precedence over other things that I think are important.   

2006-12-16 9:32 AM
in reply to: #625450

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Extreme Veteran
Centennial, CO
Subject: RE: TriMom217's Group - OPEN

I'd love to join your group - we seem to have quite a bit in common.

I'm a 43 year old mother of 5.  My oldest daughter is 21, and my youngest 7.  I've been married 22 years to a wonderfully supportive husband.

I discovered triathlon in 2005 - but because of injury, didn't complete one on my own until this passed year. Mostly done relays with my family - I usually get stuck with the swim portion - although I did do the tri for a cure this passed August.

I was a stay at home mom for the last umteen years, but really felt the call to get back in the classroom this passed year. I hadn't taught since 95 - and never taught in middle school, but really felt that was where I was supposed to be. I'm currently teaching math to 7th grade students at a local public school and loving every single minute of it. It has cut into my workouts as I'm too tired in the evening to workout - so that leave early morning workouts and well - sleep often wins that fight. So I need some motivation to get back in the swing of things.

No big plans for this next year - except I'm sure I want to do the Tri for a Cure again - and beat my pathetic time. I'll also do more relays with my family because they are just plain fun and great for family unity.

I'm slow at all three events - but ok with that. I tri mainly to keep from gaining weight. I"m not big - currently weigh 133, 5' 4".


Hopefully this program will remotivate me to get my butt moving a little more this winter/spring.



Edited by workoutbunny 2006-12-16 9:34 AM
2006-12-16 12:13 PM
in reply to: #625450

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Subject: RE: TriMom217's Group - OPEN

Can I join you gals, too?  I think I fit in well here!

My name is Karen, and I'm a 38 year old mom of two boys (13 -today, and 10).  I've dabbled in triathlons, and have done a few sprints, the last was in 2004, (not coincidentally, the year I started my residency in pediatrics!).  I'm trying to get back into training now-I finish residency this summer, and will have a little more time and flexibility to train.  Right now though I don't have a ton of time.  At this point I just want to finish a couple of sprints, but I would like to eventually do an oly, and a 70.3 that's near us (assuming my knees/cartilage hold out).  My husband is supportive, but as much as I try I can't get him interested in triathlon!

I've been battling a now 2 month long cough and broken little toe, but I think I'm on the mend finally.  My training plans are also very flexible-I don't tend to follow something very structured, but instead set weekly goals depending on what my schedule will be.  Often there are weeks that I have trouble getting any workouts in, others are better.  I do suffer from amotivation, though, and what I need the most is a swift kick in the pants!   I've also managed to lose about 7# in the last 8 months, and though I seem to be stuck where I am, I would like to lose about 8 more-I have high cholesterol and risk factors for type 2 diabetes, even though my weight doesn't officially put me in the overweight category. 


2006-12-16 2:46 PM
in reply to: #625649

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Resident Matriarch
N 43° 32.927 W 071° 24.431
Subject: RE: TriMom217's Group - OPEN

Hi Beth!  Nice to have you in the group  

So, you're not gonna be the only triathlete in the family, huh?  Next thing you know the kids will be following suit.  Nothing wrong with that!

Anyhow, I'm going to add you to my buddy list and make sure I make the rounds with the inspires.  You have your work cut out for you tho.  I don't think I did many tris while going to school.  Well, maybe just not as many as I wanted to do.  It is possible to get some training in, you just have to be ready to pick and choose your moments, ya know?  They can be few and far between.

We'll all keep pushing each other so 2007 will be a great race season 


2006-12-16 2:52 PM
in reply to: #625686

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Resident Matriarch
N 43° 32.927 W 071° 24.431
Subject: RE: TriMom217's Group - OPEN

Hi Carrie,

wow, we do have a lot in common.  Funny that we are the same age, been married the same number of years, and both have 21 yr old daughters.  Kind of like a parallel universe  LOL  Oh, I'm also 5'4", just not 133 lbs.  Someday......

So, we'll work on getting you to bed at a decent time so you can get up in the morning to get a workout in.  That's probably the best bet for getting it done for you.  I open the pool at 5:30 in the morning and the number of teachers who come in first thing is a testament to their determination.  You can be one of them too.  Or a morning runner, lifter, biker, which ever you want.

I'm adding you to my buddy list too, and will be around with the inspires.

Nice to meet ya!



2006-12-16 3:05 PM
in reply to: #625755

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Resident Matriarch
N 43° 32.927 W 071° 24.431
Subject: RE: TriMom217's Group - OPEN

Hi Karen,

yep, you fit into this group just as well as the rest of us!  Funny that you're doing your residency now.  I'm looking at an RN program after deciding that at this stage in the game I am too old to do med school and survive residency.  Wish I had thought of this a looong time ago LOL

Anyhow, I think your goals are definately attainable, especially if you are close to finishing up your residency.  Sprint races are fun, and doable on less training than you might think.  (not that I advocate less training LOL)  When it comes to Olys and longer races, I've learned that you do have to respect the distance and put in the time training.

alrighty, I am off to update my buddy list and I look forward to seeing you 'round BT 



2006-12-17 9:23 AM
in reply to: #625450

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Extreme Veteran
Miami, FL
Subject: RE: TriMom217's Group - OPEN

For some reason I couldn't find this thread earlier, and pm'd TriMom217, and lucky duck that I am she was still "open" so... howdy chicas!  I'm also joining the group, and have big plans for next year.  First and foremost, my first ever sprint!  But let me share a little about myself like everyone else did...

I turned 40 this year... I'm single (twice divorced - long time ago, and long story)... I work as a paralegal which means sometimes long hours... which means I really should schedule my training for early morning.  I spend a lot of time with my 2 yr old nephew and 4 yr old niece (my brother's kids), and also plan to get back to salsa dancing.  I am overweight... and struggled with it for a very long time.  In fact, I came to BT for that reason.  Having always been in awe of triathletes, I never dreamed that I could ever do a tri, but BT has changed that thinking for me, and now I am even thinking about someday finishing an IM!  Am I crazy or what?  Anywho... I was working out and working out, but kept getting sick with infections (ear, throat, sinus), and was also having various medical issues related to the obesity (diabetes, cholesterol, etc.).  For a very long time I researched, struggled with the idea, and finally decided to have, gastric surgery - specifically the vertical sleeve - just this past Oct.11th.  I've since lost 31 lbs, plus 10 lbs pre-op.  My health is finally getting back, I'm full of energy, and think I can finally do this triathlon thing.  I have this in common with Ellen, and know she will be a great help to me nutrition-wise.  Thanks TriMom217!!!!!!

Good luck everyone!  I'm so excited!!! 

Edited by carisima 2006-12-17 9:25 AM
2006-12-17 6:17 PM
in reply to: #625450

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Subject: RE: TriMom217's Group - OPEN

For those who are interested---

I'm 40 y/o have been married for almost 20 years to the same guy.  We have four boys, the oldest is almost 20 the youngest two are 13.  The middle son is 16 and just got his driver's license and therefore thinks that he should have the van whenever he thinks he needs it nevermind that his mom needs to to get to work when she is called.  I am a substitute secretary and teacher's aide in our local school district and work when I am not a student. 

I weigh about 134 and have been there for about 6 months dwon from 140.

2006-12-17 9:40 PM
in reply to: #625450

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Subject: RE: TriMom217's Group - OPEN

Hi girls!  This really seems like the group for me.

I'm 38 years old.  My husband and I have been married 13 years and we have two boys 12 and 9.  I have never been athletic and last April was proud that I walked  3 miles, 3 days a week. My weight had gone from 123 when I got married to 140 a year ago.  I found that I was looking for something just for me and I came across an article about the Dancekin tri-series.  Not sure why, but felt that this was what I need to try (tri).  Even though I hadn't swam since middle school, hated running and had a $200 bike from Target.  Soo I did  my very first tri last September (sprint) and another sprint in October.  I've lost  8 lbs since May, am at 130.  Now I'm trying to train for a walking marathon in NM next March but I would like to complete 3 sprints next summer and I nned all the help and advice I can get!  I work as a decorator 2-3 days a week, and have been going to school, but am taking the spring session off.

I'm really looking forward to getting to know everyone and for your help Ellen



2006-12-18 3:19 AM
in reply to: #626568

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Resident Matriarch
N 43° 32.927 W 071° 24.431
Subject: RE: TriMom217's Group - OPEN

hey KLynne,  welcome to the group.  You'll fit right in with this bunch.  It sounds like you've gotten off to a great start.  Those Danskin races are a ton of fun.  We'll all make sure that you reach your goals this coming year, both the marathon and the triathlons 


2006-12-18 6:09 PM
in reply to: #625450

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Subject: RE: TriMom217's Group - FULL
OK--- I went for a run tonight and it wasn't pretty.  I have a hard time with cold air and breathing.  Maybe if I try it more often it will get better but I have this thing about running with people who can walk and keep up with me when I am running (like McFuzz).
2006-12-23 10:12 AM
in reply to: #625450

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Subject: RE: TriMom217's Group - FULL

Good morning everyone!!!


Is everybody stying home for the holidays or travelling?  We are staying home this year and I'm excited.  Trying to get my exercises in but family things keep popping up.  I'm most definitely NOT a morning type person so exercise then just doesn't work.  I like the later afternoon runs but with it getting dark early that is kindof a no-no.

2006-12-23 12:11 PM
in reply to: #625450

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Subject: RE: TriMom217's Group - FULL
I'm with you on the am exercise-I have such a hard time getting up to do it.  We do have a treadmill and a trainer for the bike, so I can work out inside when it's dark and cold out, which helps.  We are staying here for xmas- I have 6 days off (yay!) but then I do 6 nights in a row working 7p-7a (boo!).
2006-12-23 1:50 PM
in reply to: #625450

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Subject: RE: TriMom217's Group - FULL

We're staying home as well.  My sister, brother-in-law and nephew are here and on Christmas day, we'll all go to my in-laws house in Richmond for and evening celebration.

 Not sure how the work outs will go over the next week...

2006-12-24 7:51 PM
in reply to: #632298

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Resident Matriarch
N 43° 32.927 W 071° 24.431
Subject: RE: TriMom217's Group - FULL

Hi gang!  I'm up in Maine with my husband and son for some Christmas skiing    A few years ago we discovered that the slopes are pretty empty on Christmas day so it has become our family tradition.  That and Chinese food  LOL

We skied for about 5 hours today.  The conditions are not that great but it's better than not skiing at all.  The hotel has an outdoor hot tub and I have to admit it was better than I expected it to be.

I hope everyone has a fabulous Christmas! 


2006-12-27 5:55 PM
in reply to: #625450

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Subject: RE: TriMom217's Group - FULL

I've been to the pool more this break than in the last semester it seems.  The scale says me pundage is coming down but I wish it would go faster.  May try and do some sort of exercise tomorrow.  Have to take the youngest 2 boys out for some new dress pants for a dance tomorrow night.


I'm definitely enjoying the break from family (we travelled at thanksgiving) although we are going to Indy to see my nephews (and my sister too) on Saturday/Sunday. 



2006-12-30 2:36 PM
in reply to: #625450

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Subject: RE: TriMom217's Group - FULL
Hey everybody!  I just wanted to wish you all a Happy, Happy New Year!  I'm looking forward to this year.  I turn 39 in February, so it will be my last year in my 30's and I'm honestly really excited about it.  Every woman who I know that is 40 or over is so grounded and happy.  I've loved my 30's but think I'm gonna love my 40's even more.
2006-12-30 8:47 PM
in reply to: #637322

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Subject: RE: TriMom217's Group - FULL

KLynne - 2006-12-30 3:36 PM Hey everybody!  I just wanted to wish you all a Happy, Happy New Year!  I'm looking forward to this year.  I turn 39 in February, so it will be my last year in my 30's and I'm honestly really excited about it.  Every woman who I know that is 40 or over is so grounded and happy.  I've loved my 30's but think I'm gonna love my 40's even more.

I can totally agree with this!  I turn 39 in January, and my 30s have been consumed by medical school and residency, so I'm really looking forward to having my life back.  40 seems like such a rational age-you are old enough to have some knowledge about life, but young enough to still really enjoy yourself (and I'll be an empty nester in my 40s, too, which is a very scary thought!).

2006-12-30 9:57 PM
in reply to: #625450

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Subject: RE: TriMom217's Group - FULL
Ohhh...I never thought about the empty nester part, hmm that's a little freaky, it seems so far away.
2006-12-31 7:05 AM
in reply to: #637322

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Resident Matriarch
N 43° 32.927 W 071° 24.431
Subject: RE: TriMom217's Group - FULL

KLynne - 2006-12-30 3:36 PM Hey everybody!  I just wanted to wish you all a Happy, Happy New Year!  I'm looking forward to this year.  I turn 39 in February, so it will be my last year in my 30's and I'm honestly really excited about it.  Every woman who I know that is 40 or over is so grounded and happy.  I've loved my 30's but think I'm gonna love my 40's even more.

funny, my birthday is in Februrary also.  But I've been in my 40s for a few years now.  Let's just say that this will be my last year in the 40-44 AG  LOL  I have to tell you ladies that the 40s are sooooo much better than the 30s, at least for me.  And not just regarding triathlons 

I too will be an empty nester soon.  My son will be 18 and I'll just be 45.  He's a junior in high school this year.  Hos 21 yr old sister moved out right after turning 18 and it was best for us all.  But I don't want him to move out, ever!  LOL

Anyhow, Happy New Year to everyone 

2007-01-03 8:36 PM
in reply to: #625450

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Extreme Veteran
Centennial, CO
Subject: RE: TriMom217's Group - FULL

Hey - My birthday is in February as well!!  And I also LOVE the 40's.  I think this has been the best decade of my life so far!


Hope everyone has a GREAT and healthy new year.



2007-01-03 9:00 PM
in reply to: #625450

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Subject: RE: TriMom217's Group - FULL

Wanna know what a dork I am??? I was mentioning to my hubby that 2007 is my last year in my 30's and he said..."No it's not, you'll be 38 in Feb"  I had to think about it... yes  I was born in 69, I'll be 38.  Guess I'm a little too anxious to reach 40, yeesh! So when are the b-days in Feb? Mine is the 21st

By the way Ellen, do we need to post a weekly or monthly plan, so you can guide us?  I'm setting up mine now and I didn't know if you wanted to see it.


2007-01-04 3:59 AM
in reply to: #641490

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Resident Matriarch
N 43° 32.927 W 071° 24.431
Subject: RE: TriMom217's Group - FULL

KLynne - 2007-01-03 10:00 PM  

By the way Ellen, do we need to post a weekly or monthly plan, so you can guide us? I'm setting up mine now and I didn't know if you wanted to see it.

I think that's an awesome idea!  How about we all post a weekly plan (if you want to that is) and what our goal is for that week.  I know that when I have a week laid out in front of me I am happy if I make about 80% of it.  I doubt that I've ever completely followed thru with a plan since I'm a "wing-it" type.  

I like the idea of accountability   


2007-01-04 8:20 AM
in reply to: #637529

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Subject: RE: TriMom217's Group - FULL
momandmd - 2006-12-30 8:47 PM

KLynne - 2006-12-30 3:36 PM Hey everybody!  I just wanted to wish you all a Happy, Happy New Year!  I'm looking forward to this year.  I turn 39 in February, so it will be my last year in my 30's and I'm honestly really excited about it.  Every woman who I know that is 40 or over is so grounded and happy.  I've loved my 30's but think I'm gonna love my 40's even more.

I can totally agree with this!  I turn 39 in January, and my 30s have been consumed by medical school and residency, so I'm really looking forward to having my life back.  40 seems like such a rational age-you are old enough to have some knowledge about life, but young enough to still really enjoy yourself (and I'll be an empty nester in my 40s, too, which is a very scary thought!).

I turned 40 in August and ran a race that day to commerate the occassion!  I love being 40 although I do admit that going back to school NOW probably looks like a mid-life crisis it doesn't feel like one.  I've never really had a career except being a mom and wife for the last 20 years. 

As for the empty-nester idea---wellllll, my oldest is 19 and away at college and the middle son is a junior in HS and starting to look at colleges as well.  The younger two will be freshmen this fall!!! I love this age (mine and the kids) which is why I have chosen to teach High School.  McFuzz and I are looking forward to evenings alone and long walks.  We are also looking forward to some travelling.  His goal is to become a teacher after the kids have graduated from HS so that he can work during the school year and be a high adventure guide for the Boy Scouts in the summer.  I can so play the tourist!!

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