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2010-12-29 6:44 AM

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Subject: Daffodil's Group - Closed

NAME: Daffodil / Laura

I did my first triathlon in 2001 when i was 20 years old.  I had the idea planted in my mind the year before and then watching Simon Whitfield win the gold for Canada in the 2000 olympics sealed the deal for me.  The next summer I did my first tri (I swam and ran occasionally before I started training).  Over the years, I have gone through periods of more or less motivation, although most years I have done at least one triathlon (except 2004 and 2008).  I have completed a bunch of half marathons and sprints, 2 half IMs, a marathon and a full IM (Florida).  I tri because I love swimming, biking and running.  I also find it more motivating to stay in shape when I have a goal.  I live in southwestern Ontario.

married with no kids.  They will come eventually.  Right now are kids are in feline or bicycle form .  My husband doesn't do tris, so I like this online community because it gives me the chance to talk about tris on a daily basis with people who can relate.

In 2010, I hired a coach for the first time.  I have a pretty demanding job and I wanted the help of a coach to stay on track while training for my first IM.  Since my IM, I've been taking it pretty easy, but I'm planning on starting up with the training again in the new year.  I plan to continue with the coach, at least for now.

I ended up not doing too many races in 2010, I was more focused on training.  I did one 10k, one half marathon, one half IM and IM florida.

2011 RACES:
  I don't have my races completely ironed out.  I would like to get a half marathon personal best (sub 1:59), probably at the Toronto Marathon on May 15th.  I also want to get under 6 hours on the half IM, which I will attempt on July 3 at the Welland half Ironman.  I'm not sure what else at this point.  I usually don't do a whole bunch of races every year because I feel it is more important to get the time in training and I want to keep the races as special.

My weight fluctuates a lot.  I have been up 10 pounds from where I am right now and it has been down 20 pounds.  I plan on trying to get back down to the -20 weight by spring.  I know that my time goal for my half marathon depends on me losing some of the weight.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I will be a good mentor because I have been around the triathlon scene for quite a while.  I have been through the different stages of motivation.  I have trained for and raced every main distance of triathlons from super sprints to ironmans.  I have come back from major injuries (torn ACL and surgery).  Through this, I feel like I will be able to relate with most of what people are going through.  I was also a swimming instructor in the distant past and am very knowlegeable with running so should be able to answer most swimming and running questions.  Biking - well, that is my weakness, but hopefully we can figure it out together. 

Edited by Daffodil 2011-01-20 7:13 PM

2011-01-13 6:28 AM
in reply to: #3265638

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Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
anyone?  Bueller?  I promise I will be a good mentor
2011-01-13 8:53 AM
in reply to: #3265638

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Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
2011-01-15 2:16 PM
in reply to: #3265638


Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
Hello Laura,

I'd like to join the group if possible.  I'm a beginner...I've been running on and off for about a year but I'm not all that great.  I bought a bike in November and enjoy riding although I haven't been doing that much because of the weather.  Lastly, I don't swim.  I'm comfortable in the water and know how to swim but it's not my favorite activity.  I plan on going to the pool today to start.

My plans are to complete my first sprint at the local YMCA in June.  I hope this is realistic.  I'm not in the best shape but not too bad either. 

Let me know if you have any advice!!

2011-01-15 4:03 PM
in reply to: #3301611

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Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
Welcome to BT Lucia!  As the race in June is an indoor swim, I think you should be fine, it takes off at lot of the pressure for a newbie swimmer when they are in a pool instead of the open water.  Is there adult swimming lessons  at the pool you will be going to?  if so, it would be worth taking some lessons to learn propper form.

Also if you use the online logs on BT, it will help me be able to track your progress and make suggestions or provide encouragement.  If you have any questions let me know
2011-01-15 10:14 PM
in reply to: #3265638

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Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open now that I have a few min to do this properly...May I join too?

NAME: Dewey / Julie

I've always been into fitness, though I don't look it and am generally overweight, but I first thought about triathlons when a friend was training for an offroad one.  He never did the race, but I took up running that winter at the gym track.  3 years later, in 2009 I did my 1st tri (Sept 2009).  I repeated the same race in 2010 with a nearly 20% improvement in time.  That said, I'm generally slow -- bottom 5-10% in th swim, bottom 20% in the run, and mid-pack in the bike -- give or take.  I'm ok with all that as I still only about 1/2 "train" vs. just exercising.  I am working on improving my swim form over the winter here in the pool at the gym with the help of a large book on immersion swimming technique & tips from
Oh, I live near Pittsburgh, PA.

Single with 2 cats.  The cats are mildly supportive of my triathlons -- they especially like to help me log my training on-line and sit in my lap as I read training related materials.

My training slacks in the winter...  Swimming I've been doing before work when I have time which is about once a week.  I've been working on form & have actually seen improvement.  Otherwise, my winter focus is cross-country skiing.  While it is not any of the 3 tri sports, it still keeps with the idea of 2+ hours of constant, serious exercise at a time.  I'll start actually traingin in a couple months. 

I do sprints & super-sprints mostly.  I need more running to go any further (and a faster swim time wouldn't hurt).  I started with a super-sprint with an indoor swim -- the only indoor swim I've done, a series of sprints on free weekends from work (work was a mess in 2010) including one at Yellow Creek State Park, PA, Tri in the Buff in NY which my parents came to see, and Stonewall Jackson in WV.  Best:  Stonewall is the longest -- not an Olympic, but longer than a sprint & a little bike heavy which helps me.  I beat my (really pitiful) last years time by 45 min which was cool.  Being the only girl in my age group, I also automatically medaled.  Worst: Yellow Creek -- I had breathing issues on the bike.  I have asthma but I don't really have "attacks" usually so it was hard to be sure what that was, but it was almost really bad.  After litterally sitting down for 2 or 3 min, I was feeling good enough to walk and eventually I finished.

2011 RACES:
  Hmmm...I have yet to sit down and work that out yet.  The only race I'm signed up for is the Pittsburgh Adventure Race, which I kayak instead of swim on Surprised.  I usually take the opposite idea on the races though.  Since I mostly do only less competitive "fun" races I treat them kind of like a lot of people treat 5ks -- a good chance to train on a safe, well marked, supported course.  Especially if it's for a good cause (habitat for humanity, kids sports, etc) so I'll usually do several sprints in a year, though I might try an Olympic towars the end of a sumer.

My weight fluctuates a lot as well.  I'm 5'5" and despite what any weight charts might say, 145 is about my minimum -- I exercise enough so if I get that low I start to build muscle and go back up.  That said I usually run between 160 & 180 with 195 being my max (about 5 years ago.  I'm 175 +/- now and would like to get back to around 160 by May if I can.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I probably won't be Frown.  I'm online pretty sporadically and my training often has to take the back burner to crazy ideas like "work" or "the kayak got lonely".  But I do have a positive attitude and I mostly listen to good advice.  And if nothing else, I usually have interesting stories.  I mean really, how many people do you know who medalled in their age group and was 3rd to last place overall both in the same race?

2011-01-16 12:25 AM
in reply to: #3265638


Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
Hi Laura,
I just discovered and joined BT tonight.  I'd like to join your group and learn all about triathlons.


I did varsity cross-country, track and swim in high school (which seems so long ago now!), and I've been interested in triathlons for years.  I was also a swim instructor/lifeguard for 6 years.  Having now finished my master's, I want to focus on fitness. 

I'm married with no kids too!

We just joined a new gym and I started swimming again.  Fitness-wise, I definitely feel like a complete beginner again.  I run about a 12-minute mile and swim a 10-minute 500 free.  So I have a long way to go!

I've never done a triathlon before! And it's been years (!) since my last 5k race!

2011 RACES:
  I'm looking into doing a sprint triathlon (that's the short one, right?) this summer.

  I've been up and down and right now, I'm up. :P I'm 5'9" and 185.  I would like to lose 40 lbs.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I've always liked swimming and running because they are individual team sports. No one else is depending on me doing well so the team is always supportive!

So how do we get started? Looking forward to it! - Nicole
2011-01-16 8:10 AM
in reply to: #3265638

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Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
Welcome Nicole and Julie to BT

Nicole, it sounds like we have pretty similar backgrounds.  i ran xc in highschool (was the slowest on my team) and swam for my highschool team as well   while 10 min/500 sounds slow to you, you'll find that that kind of time is solidly mid pack for tris.  I usually race 1:40-1:45/100 m and that puts me in the top 20% for girls. 

Julie - I understand about having trouble fitting tris around work.  My first two years of working after grad school, I had trouble figuring it out as well.  that is actually one of the reasons I decided to get a coach last year, I was more concerned about not making it to the startline of the IM than the finish line!!!  I was thinking that I would do some cross country skiing this year instead of long runs as well.  No point in fighting the snow right?  I just need to find a place nearby that carries ski wax.  I'm pretty sure no one in town does.

For both of you,  are you going to use the training logs as well?  It only takes a minute or so to put in the basic information (that is all i usually put in).
2011-01-16 8:29 AM
in reply to: #3265638

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Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
Nicole - I noticed that last question in your post after posting the general reply.

Where to start?

So, it sounds like you are pretty solid in swimming and running already (slower than you would like to be but you can run).  You are actually starting out just like I was back in the day).

I would

1) pick a race to aim for.  Where do you live?  the race log function on BT can help you search races in your area and the time of year you want.  I personally don't like to race more than once a month on average.  So I would pick a few races to aim for this summer.  I think, given your background you could chose to train for a sprint instead of a super sprint and would be fine with that.  Typical sprint disatance is 1/2 mile swim, 12 mile bike, 3 mile run.

2) look at the free training plans on BT and pick a plan that you think would best suit your ability and time available. (under "programs").   Looks like most are 16 or 20 weeks.

3) once you have your plan figured out and your race picked, figure out when you need to start following the plan and work between now and then to be able to do the minimum workouts. 

If you live somewhere that is under snow and ice for the next 2.5 months (like me), you can ride a stationary bike at the gym or take spinning classes until the weather gets nicer.  I have a bike trainer that I set my bike up on in the winter, but I didn't use that until i was training for the half ironman distance, I did all my winter biking in spin classes the first 5 years of tris.

One last question - do you currently own a bike?  if not, that is something you will have to look into getting.  I did my frist tri (with a 20 mile bike) on an old clunker of a mountain bike.  There are lots of people that ride mountain bikes in races.  The longer the race, the less likely you are to see it though (lots of people at super sprints, some at sprints and very few at olympics).  After my first tri I bought a used road bike and road on that for several seasons until it died on me.  Getting a bike doesn't have to be expensive.  I can help you make the decision on what do get if you need to buy a bike.
2011-01-16 4:57 PM
in reply to: #3265638


Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
Dear Laura,
I am interested in joining your group. I would like to compete in my first Sprint this May, exactly 4 months away and I am nervous about how much I am taking on. In the past few years I have competed in 10K races and feel comfortable with the run portion of the race. I also attend a cycling class weekly at my gym so I feel I have the endurance for that also. I guess my biggest fear is the swim portion since I feel that I have no idea how to prepare for it. I can use the pool at my gym to practice but am not sure how well I will do in open water. I'd appreciate any suggestions.
2011-01-17 6:32 AM
in reply to: #3303101

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Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open

Welcome to BT Jessica!  I would follow the same advice about about finding a training plan.  The swim and bike sound like you have them down.  The swim portion, just take it slow.  Get to the pool and see what you can do now.  If you have to take a break at each end, that is fine, just try to limit it to a certain amount of time, say 15 seconds.  As with running, it is easier if you slow down and you will really be able to focus on form then.  Don't be discouraged if the first time is really hard.  Swimming is one of those things with a really steep learning curve. 

Did you ever take swimming lessons as a kid?  do you know how to do front crawl?  if not, it might be worth paying for a few private lessons to get the ball rolling. 

I would also recommend doing a kick set every time you go to the pool.  kicking with a kick board will really help you to focus on your kicking form.

One last thing - I encourage use of the BT training logs.  It will be easy to me to follow your progress and offer encouragement.

Goodluck with training!

2011-01-17 2:32 PM
in reply to: #3265638


Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
Hi Julie,

Just joined BT today. and would be really interested in joining the mentoring program.
I have my eye on a Sprint race in August - just plucking up the courage to sign up! My past is in running - I completed the Canberra Marathon in 2006, pre-kids, and have been in various levels of fitness since. I can currently run a decent 5k time but am really in need of some swim coaching. I was a short distance swimmer in the long ago past, and need some longer distance training tips. Have started in the pool and on a bike in the gym but it's early days.

Can you help?!

2011-01-17 5:59 PM
in reply to: #3304673

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Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
Welcome to BT Sarah!  There is probably no reason to rush into signing up for the race now.  Most races don't sell out.  You would probably be okay for a few months still if you aren't feeling ready.

You have seven months so you have lots of time to get the swimming distance up.  If you used to be a competitive swimmer, you have a HUGE advantage over most newbie triathletes.  you will be surprised at how quickly it comes back.

To get the endurance, slow down and focus on your breathing.  I would make sure that you include kick sets and drills each time you go swimming.  When I was starting out with endurance I would do 200 m free, 200 m something else 200 m free, 200 m something else and rotate between breast stroke, back crawl and side stroke to get my continuous swimming up.  You can also do short sets with a short break.

Any other questions, just let me know.  Also, I would recommend using the training logs to track your progress.
2011-01-17 7:18 PM
in reply to: #3265638

New user

Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
Hi Laura.  I'm a newbie to tri-athlons and want to join your group.
2011-01-17 7:49 PM
in reply to: #3265638

New user

Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
NAME:  Mike

STORY:  I jog a few times a week (about 2.5km each time) and do a bit of abdominal work as well, but need to be more consistent and have some sort of goal/deadline.  A triathlon sounds like a great idea, but like a lot of other beginners, I'm not sure what's realistic relative to my own abilities.  Cycling only happens occasionally, and although I can swim, my technique is probably terribly inefficient (more like thrashing through the water).  Despite this, I'm still pumped to give it a shot.  I also live in Southwestern Ontario.

CURRENT TRAINING:  Well, nothing really structured at the moment.  What is the simplest way to start out?

2011 RACES:  Would like to do a sprint.  Wondering if an olympic distance is out of reach.  Haven't signed up for anything yet.

WEIGHTLOSS:  Dropped from 220 lbs to my current 195 over the past year, but could still lose more.

WHAT WOULD MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE:  I'll work my butt off to follow what advice you can give me.

P.S.  Good luck in TO on May 15th and Welland on July 3.
2011-01-18 7:23 PM
in reply to: #3305296

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Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
Welcom Mike!  Where abouts in SW ontario are you?  I'm in Woodstock and split my training between here and London where I work.

Do you have access to a Masters program or swimming lessons where you are?  a few lessons can go a long way to improving your front crawl stroke.  if you go the private lesson way, make sure the instructor knows that you want to work on your front crawl for triathlon.

other than that, it is a matter of doing.  Follow the above advice aout finding a training program, and figuring out when to start training.  I did a long spring (orillia) as my first tri so an olympic isn't competley out of reach, but I was starting at a base of 1 mile swims and 7 km runs (no biking whatsoever).  Can you aim for a sprint at the start of the season (Woodstock, Binbrook and Guelph) and then plan for a late season olympic (Cobourg, Wasaga or Lakeside).  There is also an olympic in Sarnia, but I'm not sure when it is.

Do you belong to a gym with spin classes?  Do you have a road bike or mountain bike?  do you have a trainer?  No worries if he answers are no I just want to get an idea of where you are.

2011-01-18 8:13 PM
in reply to: #3265638

Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
Hi, I'd like to have you mentor me! I'm a 37 year old married woman with five kids. I finished my first Sprint Tri in 2007 on a friend's daughter's mountain bike with no specific training aside from plenty of running, a bit of swimming and a couple of bike rides. Last year (in April) I entered the same triathlon and achieved my goal of cutting 11 minutes from my first tri with 7 weeks of training using a program I'd devised myself. I used to run a lot as a kid, and did well, but never had a coach or any specific training. I enjoy swimming and hadn't done any real riding before. Now I have an old road bike and recently bought my first pair of pedals and cleats.

This year in April I am determined to cut another 5 minutes (or MORE!) from last year's time and am into week 7 of a 16 week program I found in a book. This program has introduced me to speed work which I'm sure will benefit me hugely!

I have posted a clip of my swimming technique on this forum, and hope to improve my style which will help me go FASTER!

I'm also slowly adjusting my bike to become more aero and FAST!

I'm really looking forward to having you help me on my way!
2011-01-18 9:25 PM
in reply to: #3307550

New user

Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
Hi again Laura.  I'm in the village of Drayton.  I do have a mountain bike.  Nearest place to go for swimming instruction might be Listowel or perhaps Elmira, but I'm getting on that.  As far as swimming practice, Conestoga Lake is just up the road from my place.  I don't belong to a gym and I've never taken spinning classes.  I don't have a trainer either.  I'm trying to get some advice from my friend Eileen who did a full Ironman last year and plans to do the upcoming Louisville Ironman.  This site is great, but I'm coming across way more information here than I know what to do with.  Right now I'm trying to decipher a bit of the lingo associated with some of the training programs.  It's coming slowly.  Thanks for the tips so far.
2011-01-18 9:39 PM
in reply to: #3265638

Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
Hey goingbald, first I have to say - it seems a bit disrespectful to call you that, even though I bet your username is a truly accurate one!

Here's a link to the glossary I found on this forum to help you get your head around the jargon...

Good luck with your training... I've just joined this mentor program too so I'm sure to see you around.
2011-01-18 9:53 PM
in reply to: #3265638

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Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open

my name is Elena, and I would like to join your group if you are still taking mentees.
I am brand new to triathlons and have an on-and-off relationship with working out. I have tried different motivation goals--weight loss,health, fitting in last year's clothes--and non of them worked so I decided to try a different route. I decided to go with a triathlon because I like the variation of the exercise, the challenge of beating personal times, and because I need to shed the pounds that are constantly creeping on me as I sit on the couch...

I am engaged to the most amazing guy in the world and we're getting married this June, so I am looking at doing my first triathlon sometime this summer. I also hope to be able to beat some wedding planning stress through training. I feel the 20-22 week program will work well for me.

I think I would be a good mentee because I am aware that I know nothing about tri's so I would listen to anything you say with an open mind and eagerness to learn. At this point I can only get better! I think my strength is running, then swimming, then biking. I know how to ride a bike, but I have never rode a bike with traffic around me. I have not bought a bike yet, but I got measured and got information about what to look for with a tri on mind. As of now, I am planning on using the bike at the gym until I buy a bike.
Sooo that is it! I am very excited about this journey ahead!

2011-01-19 11:03 AM
in reply to: #3305133


Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
Hi again Laura, (even got your name right this time - sorry about that!) I think competitive swimmer might be pushing it a bit, but I am definitely happier over short distances. I swam 800metres on Tuesday with a few breaks and it really helped when I took it slow and BREATHED! Am thinking of having a few sessions with a trainer in the pool to give me some pointers.

I have so many questions to ask, I don't really know where to start!

Here's one for now - biking in the gym, am I aiming for hills or distance at this stage?


2011-01-19 11:15 AM
in reply to: #3265638


Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
Could I be a mentee, too?  

:  Amanda

STORY:  I'm 24, living in a tiny apartment with my best friend Emmy (who's training for a half-marathon), working 8-5, and excited.  Training for a triathlon is my gift to myself... solo time training after a work day full of managing other people's issues as an administrator; doing something that emphasizes the process rather than simply an accomplishment; most importantly, training for a triathlon is to prove to myself that I have the strength of character and discipline to train for a challenge - proof I need as I'm applying to masters and PhD programs.  Exercise is something I can do regardless where I am... I learned to love cycling while living in France, I swam in rivers and lakes and oceans across the world, and I love going running with my roommate and friends.  

CURRENT TRAINING:  Thanks to some guidance from some personal trainers (who've never completed a Tri but have trained for marathons), I've made a rudimentary exercise plan that involves 15-day rotations of indoor cycling and indoor (or outdoor, when the weather rarely permits in Pennsylvania) running - endurance, tempo, and sprints, as well as swimming.  I've run in a 5k (10-minute mile) and cycled a ton; I swam as a little girl and loved swimming in open water in the past few years.  I am most nervous about swimming, efficient transitions, and running through exhaustion (endurance/continuing through discomfort isn't my strong suit).  I'm hoping to get some help with the swimming from a friend who swam competitively in high school.  I really don't know what to expect... since the triathlon thing is for me, I'm quite alone in training for it!

2011 RACES:  I've signed up for a Sprint Tri on May 21st... cannot WAIT!

WEIGHTLOSS:  I'm 5'6" and 150 - I would love to tone up, lose the muffin-top, and drop 10 or 15 pounds.  I'm a sweet tooth... who would love to look awesome in a wetsuit :-p          

WHAT WOULD MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE:  I have so many questions (how to best increase strength/muscle endurance? what about nutrition?) and I'm a good learner.  I am really committed to training well for this triathlon.  I hope I love it enough to keep on doing tris once I'm in grad school... they might even keep my sane!  So, I'd listen to your advice and catch on to the community's passion.

Edited by Amandalin29 2011-01-19 11:16 AM
2011-01-19 11:18 AM
in reply to: #3265638


Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
PS - love reading through the posts thus far!  fantastic conversations!

Edited by Amandalin29 2011-01-19 11:19 AM
2011-01-19 2:47 PM
in reply to: #3265638

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Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
Hi! Are you still accepting mentees?

NAME: Doxie/Melissa

FAMILY STATUS: I live in Chicago with my husband and dog (you can probably guess the breed).

I have a good winter base (I think). I do a 6-8 mile run outside on the weekends and a few other runs during the week for about 15 miles/week. I signed up for my first half marathon (in June) so I'll be getting up to about 20-25 mi/week eventually. I swim twice a week in a 25 yard pool. I'm not biking right now - I bike to work 10 months of the year, but take January and February off, usually, It's a 5 mile bike to work.  Once it's warmer I also do a long-ish ride on the weekends (30 mi). I was hit by a car on my bike about a year and a half ago, so I'm pretty cautious on the bike, which isn't that great when trying to improve speed. I also lift weights once a week.

In 2010 I did two sprints. I also have done some running races -  5ks and 8ks.

2011 RACES:
  My goal is 3 Olys and maybe a sprint as well. Right now I'm signed up for two running events - an 8k in March and a half marathon in June.

In the past year I have lost about 20 lbs, but I dont attibute that so much to working out as stopping three medications. Those really messed up my metabolism. Made it super slow. I would like to lose about another 10. I'm 5'2'' and currently weigh 134.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I love to read what other people are doing and learn tricks. I also am online constantly and I think being a mentee will get me more involved in BT. I've been trolling for months. This will help me be a more active participant in the sport.
2011-01-19 9:13 PM
in reply to: #3265638


Subject: RE: Daffodil's Group - Open
I would like to join your group as well!  I did my first sprint tri last Sept.  I am a swimmer at heart and have swam since I was 6.  I started biking and running last year. I enjoy biking much more than running.  Running is my weakness.  However, i have completed a half marathon last october and have just started training for another one that's in April. 

I lost weight a few years ago, and put on what i had lost, plus 40 pounds since 2007.  Desperately want to get some of it off!

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