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2016-01-03 4:32 PM

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN

GROUP FOCUS: sprints, long course, weightloss, etc (you need it all to excel! RIGHT!?!?!?

NAME: Meulen, real name Brian

STORY: My journey started as simple weight loss. I was athletic as a kid, but let myself go for some time. Tired and fat, I tried running. I found that hard on the knees, so I started cycling. Specifically, mountain biking. While mountain biking one day a friend challenged me to do a tri. The rest is history. The reason I keep doing it? Because few things in life that are enjoyable are also good for you

FAMILY STATUS: married, my wife tries too and helps me run our coaching business and triathlon team

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm training for a 1/2 marathon, 70.3 and a 140.6 in 2016

THIS YEAR'S RACES: This year I focussed on a run come back from a bout with Plantar Fasciitis,

-Rockford 1/2 marathon goal 1:35
-Muncie 70.3 goal under 5:30
-IM Wisconsin goal to finish!
-Naperville Marathon goal under 3:30
-Magnificent Mutts 5k goal under 20 minutes

WEIGHTLOSS: I've lost a lot of weight in the past, and I'd like to lose 10-20 more pounds before I get to my A races this year mid summer

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I've been coaching athletes for a couple years now. I've taken several years of my own experiences training, racing, over coming injury, and dealing with weight problems, and applied them to helping others. I love what I do, and I get a lot of satisfaction from helping others obtain their goals and over come things that they deal with. I have experience racing and coaching for many distances and for many people of all different types of age and ability.

I will also be sharing the mentoring duties with Kenj- Ken Johnson...

2016-01-03 5:08 PM
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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN

WHEN CAN YOU START: I can start right away.


NAME: kenj/ Ken Johnson

STORY: I am 51 years old and live in upstate NY in the Finger Lakes region, near Rochester. In early 2006 I decided I had enough of being overweight. At the time I weighed about 285 at 5 feet 8 inches tall so I was in rough shape. I played mens league hockey once a week and was struggling to keep up with guys that when I was younger and in better shape I had no problem staying with. So I decided to do something about the weight and started Nutri-system. Part of the program included 30 minutes of working out per day. Did not matter if it was walking, weights, or whatever got me moving. For the most part I walked on the treadmill. By early spring I had lost about 50 pounds so when I was able to move outside I started running some. By the end of the summer I was down almost 90 pounds, but was struggling with achilles issues running every day so I picked up a bike and started riding some. Found BT and connected with some local members and started doing some 5ks and thought about tris. The wildcard was the swim, but I joined the local masters group with the encouragement of Dexter and I learned to swim, sort of.

I did my first tri in June of 2007, another in July and decided watching IMLP that year on the net to sign up for 2008. Probably not the recommended way of getting to that distance, but I downloaded a plan from BT and finished with a respectable time. Since then I have done several halfs, many more sprints and oly's and 4 completed IM's and one almost completed IM! 

Currently the weight drops during the season and I let it creep up a little during the winter but I am safely past the 5 year mark and happy with the way I am maintaining my health and weight.

FAMILY STATUS: I am married to Connie, who is not only a great wife, but my biggest cheerleader! She never questions any of the crazy ideas I come up with and is always there to support me! I also have two adult children. Plus a chocolate lab Molly and Buster the crazy cat.

CURRENT TRAINING: I started working with my current coach and team back in September after my old coach retired earlier in the year.  We are working towards 2 A races so right now the focus is on preparing for those.

Since I used to be self coached using predominantly BT plans, I am fairly knowledgeable about most of them.

LAST YEAR'S RACES: 2015 was mostly a year off from long races and destination races, focusing mostly on HM and local races.

2016 RACES: It will be a fairly heavy year of races with 2 HIM's starting in May in Chattanooga and another local HIM in July. Additionally I will be participating at IM Chattanooga in September.  I did this race in 2014 and had a nutrition issue due to not paying attention to it on the bike and winding up dehydrated in the med tent with a couple of IV's.  Not the way I wanted to finish, so its back to finish!

WEIGHT LOSS: Missing a lot of the training volume that I was used to allowed my weight to sneak up a little, but I started the year in about the same place I do most years. I have managed to drop 20 pounds since starting with my new coach and am now at a point where I think I can race at a level I had only gotten close to a couple of times. 

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I think I will be a good mentor as this will be my 6th group. I have been fortunate that all of my mentor groups have had some great participants that add to the conversation in a very positive way! I have enjoyed that aspect the most! I enjoy working with both experienced triathletes looking to go to a longer distance, or just looking for a group to offer them support. I also have enjoyed seeing new athletes set goals and put a plan together to accomplish their first triathlon, regardless of their experience. From weight loss to racing, I have done a lot right and a some things wrong and I think that experience is something I can share with others trying to figure this out. Additionally, I love triathlon and enjoy not only the training, but the positive support that most people in this sport offer each other. These mentor groups are a great way to continue this support away from the race venues and especially in the off season!

I also know that a few folks from my past groups will probably join in and since they could probably run their own group if they chose to, their experience helps lift the entire group and they are all good at sharing their experiences. I look at the mentor as not necessarily being the person with all the answers, but being responsible for keeping people focused and moving towards their goals.

Although I travel occasionally, I am usually pretty quick to respond to posts which I think helps keep the group focused!

I am looking forward to working with Brian as I think we will make a great team both doing long course with races close together.  Both of us have a lot of experience and with Brian's coaching credentials I think there is a good mix of experience with the sport!

Edited by kenj 2016-01-03 5:10 PM
2016-01-05 10:19 AM
in reply to: kenj

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN
Thanks Ken! so glad to pair up with you on this. Your experience is invaluable, and you've been a great mentor to me! This will be a fun group!
2016-01-14 7:35 AM
in reply to: Meulen

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN
Test 1-2!! who wants to get some great insight into their training this season!!!???
2016-01-31 1:02 PM
in reply to: Meulen


Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN
I have done 2 sprints and am looking to work my way up. Looking at an oly in June.
I am also planning on doing the Rockford 1/2.
I am 50 and a mid packer.
I have never written on a forum before so I apologize for the clunky writing!
2016-01-31 7:58 PM
in reply to: #5158878

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN
Hey Lisa! Welcome!

2016-02-01 9:21 AM
in reply to: Meulen

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN

Welcome Lisa!  I am looking forward to having you in our group!

2016-02-02 8:27 AM
in reply to: Lisajt1

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN
Originally posted by Lisajt1

I have done 2 sprints and am looking to work my way up. Looking at an oly in June.
I am also planning on doing the Rockford 1/2.
I am 50 and a mid packer.
I have never written on a forum before so I apologize for the clunky writing!

Hey Lisa! I should see you out at Rockford! are you doing any other races this year?

2016-02-14 11:29 AM
in reply to: Meulen


Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN
Might as well get in on this if you're still allowing folks in your group!

My name is Mariah.

A little about me: I am currently inactive due to working 12-15 hours a day and going to school, not to mention raising two kids. I am currently stationed overseas, but am supposed to be moving back to the US in June/July. One of my co-workers has encouraged me to do a half iron in early June before I leave and I would like to do so just because I don't think I will ever have the chance to get back over here and it's a great venue.

I have done a few tri's in the past, but they were either with my children (swimming, cycling and running side-by-side) or in the Middle East in weather that was well over 115 degrees F.

I did a full marathon back in November on ZERO training and other than a few blisters, came out unscathed, although quite sore for about 3-4 days. My time was nothing to write home about, but I finished within the time requirement and how many people can really say that they ran the Marathon to Athens Marathon in Greece?!

Due to my busy schedule, I worry that taking on the training is just going to be too much. My current classes end at the end of March and my husband has a family cruise planned for late May.

Thoughts? Is this something realistic or am I biting off more than I can chew?
2016-02-15 4:42 AM
in reply to: mmezest1997

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN

Hi Mariah!

Welcome to the group!  It is certainly ambitious, but if you are committed to getting the training in it is certainly doable.  Have you thought about a training plan yet?

2016-02-15 7:07 AM
in reply to: kenj


Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN
I looked at the training plans on here, but that's about it. Most of my bike and runs will be indoors (rollers and treadmill) due to my long work hours. The pool is a 25m pool, but I may occasionally be able to go to another German pool that has a 50m pool...we'll see. Open water swims will be hard to come by since I don't know of anything around here and I don't have a kayak or canoe in which to have my husband come along. It's all very tricky at this point...

2016-02-15 9:19 AM
in reply to: mmezest1997

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN
Hi Mariah

You can do it! But you do have a full plate and it will take a lot of organization to get it it done. Like Ken said, look into a plan. Use t to keep you organized and accountable. Let us know if you need any help!
2016-02-15 9:36 PM
in reply to: Meulen

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN

I stumbled across this website, then the mentor opportunity browsing the web for recommended strength training for beginner triathletes.

I currently live in the Black Hills area of South Dakota. I am not big on winter, so most of my training during the winter is indoors. I took the month of October and part of November off from training to move (bad for my training, good for my psyche). I am now working my way back into shape.

I am 49 and was an athlete in high school. I had a vascular event when I was 19 that pretty much stopped strenuous exercise. Fortunately, medical technology moved along and with some hefty compression, I can pretty much do whatever I want.

I moved here from Charleston, SC (which I absolutely adored). It was a career move. While in Charleston I worked 12 hour shifts (translates into 13-14 hours) as an RN. On one of my precious days off I had the TV on in the background and there was a racing event on it. I did not pay that much attention to it at first. However, it never seemed to end, so I started really watching. Low and behold it was the edited/feelgood version of Kona Ironman of 2012. It was toward the end of the race that there was a gal that came across the finish line and the announcer stated her name and that she was 72 years old. That was it ... my epiphany. I had been catching the fever all day and was enticed by it, but when I saw that, I said, "if she can do it, I can do it!" And that my dear friends is what started my journey.

I diligently worked to get a M-F, no weekends, no holidays job. I tried a number of times to start training prior to that, but four 12's in a row makes it nearly impossible, especially not having the groundwork done. So, it was time to change jobs and move nearly across the country.

When I moved, I was at my max weight of around 170 pounds. This was not good on my 5'5" frame. So, I started the "math diet." I am now around 140-143 fluctuate and working toward 130.

Within two months (SEP 2013) of moving to South Dakota, I started running or shall I say walking with a little bit of running in there. I did a bunch of 5Ks and 4 milers the following running season with a half marathon that June. I completed my first and only marathon (in none other than Charleston, SC) JAN 2015. Last Tri season, I completed 3 sprint triathlons. I actually placed first in my age-group in one of them. Keep in mind it was in Powell, WY and there were only two people in my age group. I had never placed in an event, so even though I knew my competition was only one other, I hung that doggone medal in my office nonetheless. I have not placed in anything since. I signed-up for that Tri again this year, we will see who else shows up as that is always an unknown and my age group is a tough one (believe it or not). There are some crazy women out there :-).

I purchased an okay hybrid bike (Salsa Vaya) and have done a bit of riding. I did RASDAK and RAGBRAI in 2014 and Cycle North Carolina in 2015. I did one century (109 miles) during RAGBRAI.

I did my first 4-miler of the year last week in Sundance, WY. It was 24* with wind @ 15mph and gusts up to 25mph. It was a tough course and at one point when I turned a corner, I thought I ran into a wall. I had to walk three times :-). However, interestingly enough, my time was almost exactly to the second as the time I had run the same race two years earlier. Considering the conditions, I wasn't all that bothered by it, especially since I managed to run negative splits even with the "wall" a good portion of the last mile.

My objective this Tri season is to do at least one sprint a month starting the first weekend in may. I plan to snag whatever short races (5K, 4 milers, 10ks) that are around and fit an olympic length mid season with the highlight and end of the season in Austin Oct 30 where I hope to finish a HIM.

I am fortunate as my time (other than work hours) is pretty much that .... my time. I have a new beau who lives over an hour away, so that works out nicely. He is supportive, but not an athlete, but hopefully a good cheering section. I have my M-F, no weekends, no holidays job and most evenings at least an hour to train. Around the beginning of June, I will have to make a bit of an adjustment in my free time and start training twice a day. Weekends I have been sticking to around an hour of training, but am morphing a bit and when the weather allows (I hate cold), I will begin to migrate outside and do some longer bike rides and runs. I have a treadmill and a bike trainer in my apartment (which I pretty much turned into my gym), so I am getting training done on them. I have access to a pool M-F after work, but have to compete with swimming lessons twice a week and an upcoming 2 month pool closure. So, I need to scout out other options for swimming. There are other places, but out of my way and will definitely take longer for travel time. Not what I ideally want to happen as training time increases. But, it will be short-lived (even if it seems an eternity) and I will be able to have the convenience of "on-my-way-home" access the beginning of May.

I just finished a beginner's triathlon class at the local YMCA. I signed up in order to utilize the instructor as a swimming coach, but attended all five sessions and learned a lot. At the end, his advice was that my swim was very smooth and now it is time to start pulling harder and get a little more speed making sure to keep focus on form. I pimped out my ride with a new saddle (ISM Typhoon) and aero-bars (Profile Design T3+) and look forward to taking Billy (name of my bike, ya gotta name it ... just like a car) out on the road. I have an inexpensive road bike (Olaf) on my trainer now as I thought for some reason I was actually going to ride outside this winter (didn't happen).

After I exited a poisonous relationship, I had a hitch put on my car (Fritz) and purchased a wheel mount bike rack that holds up to four bikes (no you don't name a bike rack). I have new roof racks to put on Fritz, so I can take my kayak (Oscar) out for some lake time this summer. I am hoping to snag some of my classmates from the triathlon class and take in some triathlons this summer dragging them along. It should be a fun summer.

I started running because I thought it was going to be my nemesis. Then I hit swimming more for the same reason. I am not fast at any particular portion of the triathlon and until this point focused on technique and the mental challenges in racing. Now, I need to pick up the speed and I know it will be a challenge.

I hope to get some ideas and pointers here as there is so much to learn from those who have experience doing triathlons.

Hello to all in the group.


2016-02-15 10:14 PM
in reply to: [email protected]

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN
Welcome Jessica!
2016-02-16 4:57 AM
in reply to: mmezest1997

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN

Originally posted by mmezest1997 I looked at the training plans on here, but that's about it. Most of my bike and runs will be indoors (rollers and treadmill) due to my long work hours. The pool is a 25m pool, but I may occasionally be able to go to another German pool that has a 50m pool...we'll see. Open water swims will be hard to come by since I don't know of anything around here and I don't have a kayak or canoe in which to have my husband come along. It's all very tricky at this point...

I do a lot of my training on the trainer and/or treadmill.  It can actually be very effective if done properly.  I must say though, I have only had one bike wreck that resulted in an injury and that was in the basement on the rollers.  If you can get outside for some of the work you will be fine.  As far as the swimming goes I think your situation is common to most people.  Most of the swim training comes in the pool.  If its a wet suit race, it would be nice to get a couple of swims to get used to the suit itself, but otherwise manage the swim effort.

The biggest thing that can impact your race results at this point is a lack of consistency.  Try not to miss more than a day here and there and you will be fine.  We all have days where life gets in the way, but you need to minimize that, even if getting it in means cutting it short.  Turning a 5 mile run into a 4 mile run won't hurt your race overall, but making it a day off might if it happens too often

Relax and enjoy the journey!. 

2016-02-16 5:17 AM
in reply to: [email protected]

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN

Hi Jessica, welcome to the group! 

Sounds like you have a great summer planned!  My only advice on the races would be to cut back some once August gets here.  Running races are ok if they are long enough to fit the training plan, but when racing a lot you lose some training time due to the recovery post race, plus some pre race depending on the taper.

Don't be afraid to get a lot of time on the bike on the trainer this time of year.  Work in some higher intensity intervals once you get some endurance in the bank.  The run and the swim need to be trained, but my experience working with newer long distance triathletes is that they worry about the swim if they aren't a natural swimmer or the run because it is longer than they typically run, but don't worry about the bike.  56 miles is a long time in the saddle and having strong bike endurance will not only give you a great bike experience, it will set you up for a much better run!

Excited to have you part of our group and glad to see our group is finally getting some participants!


2016-02-16 5:19 AM
in reply to: kenj

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN

Just a couple of tips, first there is a place towards the bottom of this page that says toggle notifications.  Click on that and turn on email notifications of when new messages are put here.  It saves time checking if no one has been here!

Also, please log your training here on your log.  It helps us all give you feed back on your training, plus a little accountability helps if you know someone will be seeing your training. 

2016-02-16 9:41 AM
in reply to: kenj

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN
A couple talking points on the bio's I've read so far.

Strength Training- Age old debate, should we or shouldn't we??? I'm a big believer in strength training. It's helped me tremendously, through injury and post injuries. Especially, for us "older" athletes, I think it's a must. Try to periodize your ST just like you do your regular training. Winter is a good time to concentrate on it more. You can have 3 days a week and more intensive workouts. As you cycle through to spring and race season, scale it back to Strength Maintenance type intensities and maybe 1-2 days a week.

Race planning- Thankfully I wrote an article right here on BT about being realistic when planning your races. Worth a read:

So....who's got questions?
2016-02-16 8:23 PM
in reply to: kenj

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN
Thank you!

I am working toward 90 rpms, but am stuck at about 70-80 right now on the bike. I will keep plugging along. I have no idea how many mph I am going or distance as I do not have a counter on my trainer. I use the average mph that I found online of about 12 mph to long my distance, but probably am going a little faster than that. Once I can get outside, I will use my Garmin.

I was leaning toward a couple half marathons AUG & SEP?

I found a plan for HIM and I believe it would start early June.

I tend to utilize the "races" on the weekends as training runs so to speak to support local running groups/clubs and fund raising efforts finishing the goal or distance for the day after the race. I will definitely keep in mind about backing off some in August.

I am glad to be part of the group although a bit late in joining, but I wasn't aware of this great opportunity.
2016-02-16 8:25 PM
in reply to: Meulen

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN
I totally agree on the strength training. I think it will help a lot all around.

I was thinking of some upper body strength training on bike days and lower body on swim days. Run days get a day all by themselves for now :-).
2016-02-16 8:27 PM
in reply to: Lisajt1

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN
I keep looking for the like button, realizing I AM NOT on Facebook. :-)

2016-02-17 7:50 AM
in reply to: BlackHillsRN

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN
Originally posted by BlackHillsRN

I keep looking for the like button, realizing I AM NOT on Facebook. :-)

I know.....RIGHT!!? lol


Here's how I structure weight lifting for athlete's...

In my workout arsenal to give folks I have
- One fairly easy total body HIIT type workout
-Two hard total body HIIT type workout
-One workout specifically addressing the athletes weaknesses and all sports specific workout that's buildable via weight/reps/sets

So in the winter, I may give all 2 of these to people in any given week. Emphasis is on the buildable workout which has things like squats, calf raises, burpees, snatches, and anything that addresses prior weaknesses or injuries for them. As we move along through winter I'll have them go from 3x10's to 4x8's with more weight. I'll also give them the other 2 workouts. Come spring I'll move down to 1-2 strength sessions per week. Mostly just doing the fairly easy workout to maintain strength while we shift focus to swim/bike/run. I may throw in one of the hard ones every once in a while if they aren't racing for a while.

Hope that helps
2016-02-17 6:43 PM
in reply to: Meulen

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN
Yes, it does. Thank you!
2016-02-18 7:54 AM
in reply to: Meulen


Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN
Decided to take the day off in order to catch up on some school work. Got a paper done and am about to go jump on the trainer for a bit. After that, might go for a run...we'll see. The kids have fencing tonight and in the past year that my son has been fencing, I have only been able to go watch him one time, so I'll go check that out for sure!
2016-02-18 9:00 AM
in reply to: mmezest1997

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj and Meulen's VO2 to the max any distance group!!!-OPEN
Originally posted by mmezest1997

Decided to take the day off in order to catch up on some school work. Got a paper done and am about to go jump on the trainer for a bit. After that, might go for a run...we'll see. The kids have fencing tonight and in the past year that my son has been fencing, I have only been able to go watch him one time, so I'll go check that out for sure!

fencing! what a cool sport!! Have fun!!
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2011-12-18 3:37 PM playmobil31
date : October 8, 2008
author : FitWerx
comments : 0
How do you determine VO2 max for cycling? I have my HR zones from a time trial, but don't know how to get VO2 max out of that.
date : December 31, 2006
author : sportfactory
comments : 0
Is there a point of diminishing returns? At some point, age catches up with us all. In general, as we age, VO2 max decreases, body fat increases, and muscular strength drops off.
date : September 3, 2005
comments : 0
Can you tell me how my LT and V02 max have not decreased after 8 months of absolutely no speedwork? I did very minimal running up until February 2005.