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Shiver by the River Series '04-'05 - Race 1 of 4 - Run

View Member's Race Log
Reading, PA
United States
Pagoda Pacers Athletic Club
43F / 6C
Total Time = 50m 24s
Overall Rank = 278/278
Age Group = Men's Clyde
Age Group Rank = 26/26
Pre-race routine:

Myoplex shake, gel pack and a banana
Event warmup:

About 20 minutes of stretching and Taijiquan
  • 50m 24s
  • 3.1 miles
  • 16m 16s  min/mile

I was doing well for most of the race. On pace to make a 40 minute or better finish. After yesterday's race, I just couldn't seem to do anything to get my legs to turn over any faster than what they were. Just before mile 2.5, I was cheering on some of the 10k (two loops of the course) runners that were lapping me and to avoid and oncoming car, I got too close to the side of the pavement and rolled my ankle over twisting it really badly and ending up on my hands and knees. About a tenth of a mile later, I twisted it again and almost landed on my face. With half a mile to go, why now? It hurt so much just to walk on it. I had taken my gloves off and my right hand had a death grip on them. I couldn't clench my teeth hard enough to make it stop hurting. People passing me left and right. Really fast people. I could hardly even walk. I felt so damned humiliated. I just wanted to sit by the side of the road and hide until it was all over. But, the sooner I could get to my car, the sooner I could go home and rest, so I kept going. I managed to hobble across the finish line and almost started to cry when the guy collecting bib numbers asked if I was finishing the 10k. "10k? Are you nuts? Look at how I'm limping here! I just managed to finish the 5k." As he takes the stub from my bib, he turns to hand it some someone else - "5k, probably the last one by now." Gee, thanks a lot Captain Compassion... The touching thing was that as people were passing me that saw me go down, they were very nice, asking if I was OK and cheering me on. That helped :)
What would you do differently?:

Um, not hurt myself - duh.
Post race
Warm down:

Sit down, take my shoe off and hobble over to the food pavilion for a bagel with peanut butter and some oreos. Drank some water and sports drink on the way home.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Bashing my ankle.

Event comments:

For a "No Frills" winter foot race series, this is one of the best running races I've seen. Beautiful spread of food at the end (coffee, tea, cocoa, hot soup, bagels, m&m's, oreos, cheesy poofs, etc). One gatorade/water station of the 5k mark.

After they posted the finish times, my "Official" time was 39:00. That's the time that they use for my points (this is a 4 race points series), so I'll have to confirm that with them...

race picture from

Profile Album

Last updated: 2004-10-27 12:00 AM
00:50:24 | 03.1 miles | 16m 16s  min/mile
Age Group: 26/26
Overall: 278/278
Performance: Bad
Course: Nice rolling course along a river and through a residential neighborhood
Keeping cool Good Drinking Too much
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? No
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5

2004-12-12 6:44 PM

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: Shiver by the River Series '04-'05 - Race 1 of 4

2004-12-12 7:15 PM
in reply to: #91767

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wrightsville beach, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Shiver by the River Series '04-'05 - Race 1 of 4
Hey buddy..listen...each time you cross the finish line is grace happening in this world. Crossing that line brings you into another world...a world  in which you were not the day before, a world of experience, joy, pain, exhilaration, and exhaustion, one  which is full of life and living. Finisher of the 2004 Shiver by the river Series...I have never done that, lots of folks have never done have brought that race experience and that to our world. Thank you, chin up, forge on.....and
2004-12-12 7:24 PM
in reply to: #91767

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Shiver by the River Series '04-'05 - Race 1 of 4
Thanks Glen. Now stop that, you're making me cry

2004-12-13 7:16 AM
in reply to: #91767

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Extreme Veteran
Metro Atlanta
Subject: RE: Shiver by the River Series '04-'05 - Race 1 of 4
Great job finishing under those conditions!! You should be proud for sticking it out. I love the name of that race series. It just sounds...well....miserable. My kinda race! I like the ones with odd names.

I hope your ankle is better soon so you can continue in your quest. You'll be setting PR's in no time!!

2004-12-13 12:49 PM
in reply to: #91767

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: Shiver by the River Series '04-'05 - Race 1 of 4
You know what Frank - YOU ROCK for finishing that race!  Awesome job
2004-12-13 3:23 PM
in reply to: #91767

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Subject: RE: Shiver by the River Series '04-'05 - Race 1 of 4
Damn Frank, way to finish to the end. Tells a lot about your toughness, both mental and physical.

WAY TO GO!!!!!!

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