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2008-04-23 10:48 AM

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
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Subject: jashac's group Full of scientists

NAME: Jashac - Jasha (Pronounced Yasha)
STORY: I have always been active, although it wasn't till high school that I found I was a reasonable swimmer.  Not fast mind you, but I did the events no one else wanted.  I've ridden bicycles since I was a child, and at that point the bike was my freedom.  It still is.  In college we rode bikes a lot, and I played water polo as well as teaching swimming.  I got into triathlon because a couple of buddies asked if I would team up with them to do the swim leg of the local sprint triathlon.  After that experience I wondered if I could do the whole thing myself.  I continued to bike and run to stay in shape for snow skiing.  Three years ago I was thinking about the triathlon when a fellow at the ParCourse asked me if I was going to do it.  I said yes, and then of course felt like I had to.  I was mainly concerned about finishing.  Since then I've done several sprints and an olympic distance.  This last year the triathlon has taken a greater place in my life than just to keep in shape for skiing.

Lastly I'm a scientist by training and so approach life with that bias, and I'm a bit of a geek, although not really into equipment as much as phisiology.
FAMILY STATUS: Married but seperated - two kids 17 and 23
CURRENT TRAINING: I'm currently following the BT 1/2 IronMan plan for a race in July, then it's on to Ironman training for a November Ironman race.  All my training is by percieved effort.  I believe a big part of training and racing is self discovery.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: Last year I did several sprints, a couple bicycle tours, and one Olympic distance triathlon.  I trained for the 1/2 IM distance last summer but had to miss the race due to life interfering.

May 18CBuffman and Squeekytrioly
Jun 07BMilkman triathlontrisprint
Jun 20CRuidoso tourbike tour3 days
Jun 29A1/2 IM  Buffalo Springstri70.3
Jul 12BBottomless triathlontrisprint
Jul 19AMS150bike tour75 + 75
Aug 02BTall City Triathlontrisprint
Aug 10AWool Capitoltrioly
Aug 23CHotter 'N Hell 100bike race100
Sep 20BFt Davis Cyclefestbike tour72
Sep 21CMt Loch Hill climbbike race7
Nov 01AIMFLtri140.6

WEIGHTLOSS: I shop and cook for myself and try to eat right and exercise lots.  Although I'd like to drop ten to fifteen pounds, weightloss is not a real factor for me.
WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I love visiting with folks.  I really love being able to lend a hand and information and inspiration.  I have learned so much here on BT and from other sources that I would like to give something back to the community.   I have the time and I promise I will check on you several times a week.  Although I still consider myself somewhat of a beginner I've "been down the road" a bit and have learned a tremendous amount about these sports.   I believe we all can learn from each other, and would like to provide a forum where ideas and encouragement can flourish.  This is a great place where like minded people can visit about things that make non triathletes roll their eyes.  So, let's go play.

Edited by jashac 2008-05-02 7:12 PM

2008-04-30 12:24 PM
in reply to: #1356783


Subject: RE: jashac's group open


 I'm Jen and would like to join your group.

 I'm 28, living in Florida.  I was an athlete in high school and part of college though it was softball and not any kind of endurance sport.  A full trip around the bases was a long run for me.  I am also a scientist by trade (cell biologist researching brain injury)  so I feel like we probably see things in the same way.  I have done a few road races but never a triathlon.  My boyfriend is a triathlete and has completed some full Ironmans.  I love him but he isn't exactly the best coach/mentor for me.  

 I want to do this because I miss feeling like an athlete.  I am not looking to win any big races right away, I would just like to finish a race.  The idea intimidates me because I feel like everyone else will be stronger and faster than I am.  I'm afraid people will think (that my boyfriend will think) "how did she ever think she could do this?"  I am an average swimmer and biker and what I consider to be a slow runner.  I don't really have an idea of how to get started, so I'm hoping that this will help get me started and keep my motivation. 


2008-04-30 6:31 PM
in reply to: #1356783

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Subject: RE: jashac's group open

I would love to join your group.  I am a chemist and a tutor, and I just started training for my first sprint tri.  I was in ballet for 14 years, and recently got into running.  I have done several 5 K's and I am now training for a 10 K.  I love exercising, but by nature I'm lazy (especially after a 10 hour day of work), so I need constant motivation.  I have read a lot about the sprint tri, but I know nobody who can give me much needed advice.  I look foward to this opportunity!

2008-04-30 6:36 PM
in reply to: #1356783

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Hillsborough, NH
Subject: RE: jashac's group open

I'm Chris. 34 and married with two kids (Abby 5 and Robert 4). I've been running and riding a road bike for a couple of years. I lost 70 pounds over the course of a couple of years and I'm happy with my weight now but I needed motivation and a goal for working out. My swimming would be better described as semi-controlled drowning. I grew up on a lake, so I'm not afraid of the water and I can "swim" but have no stamina and awful technique.

I figured competition was the best way to stay motivated but I have no idea what I'm doing in triathlon. I'm running my first half-marathon on May 10th and I'm really looking forward to it. After that, I haven't planned a first tri yet but I'm hoping for late summer.

I workout in the mornings before work, some running (actually cutting back to save my knees), weights, and swimming as much as possible. I try to get on the bike on weekends when it's nice enough. The weather is just breaking here but I've been out twice.

I know that I'll have lots of questions, especially the specifics of the race itself.

I can't wait to get going!
2008-04-30 9:22 PM
in reply to: #1356783

New user

Subject: RE: jashac's group open

Jashac -

OK, Good evening.  This is all new to me so I will try my best to give some background and then fill in around it later on.

I guess I should also start by asking if there is room.  It would be great to join a group like this and get some solid support, feedback, and much needed advice.

Alright, I am a 43 year old male, married with 2 boys - 14 and 10, and reside in Long Island. However, I spent my formative years in central Jersey in Monmouth County, so  I will always consider myself a Jersey Boy.

I have always been into athletics. Football, Basketball and Baseball.  A triple letterman in HS and then went on to play intercollegiate football.  An underweight offensive tackle - playing weight around 230 or so.  At that point the longest I ran was 40 yards in our training sessions and tests.  Long distance and endurance was something I left to the other guys. 

A couple of years after graduating I woke up one morning and decide to train to run the NYC marathon (I was living in NYC then), and from March 1 until race day I ran and ran. Finished the race in OK time 4:32.  Never ran seriously again after the race, but always stayed in shape thru sports, lifting or moderate running and other endurance training. 

Well over the last 3 years my interest was re-ignited in training and distance. The Reason: My close friend was diagnosed and treated with the big C (the same stuff as Lance Armstrong).  He is a serious runner and when he was able to get back to the running I took to the streets with him. One year ago - April 2007 we decided to run the NYC Marathon.  19 Years in between for me, and 6 surgeries (on various body parts including both knees) and 25 pounds later I was pushing the miles training for the big race.  The mileage eventually took a toll on my legs and body, but I did finish in 4:17:20. A note of interest: At that rate of improvement I should be ready to win the race by the time I reach 180 years old.

By the way, my friend, the motivator, was with me every step of the way.  Actually waiting for me as I struggled. Cancer free for 2 years and a Marathon Finisher and Winner!!!!

Well, that brings me to why a triathlon and tri training. I want to cross train to keep the body fresh.  I have the fitness bug, and I want to challenge myself.  My friend is also training.

So I have a running base.  Bought a new bike and have been out about a half dozen times.  I have begun to swim with a group twice a week, and have about 8 session under my belt.

I plan on finishing my first ever tri on June 15 Fathers Day! The next planned one is August 24, although I guess I could and should find one inbetween and then perhaps one after.  The two I have registered for are sprints, and I guess the other two or more should be the same for this season. 

Wow.  I thought this would be shorter, but it started to flow and I di leave some out.  In any event, I hope there is room in this group as it would be great to contribute and share experiences.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Have a good night,



2008-05-01 10:11 AM
in reply to: #1372591

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Silver member
Subject: RE: jashac's group open

Hi Jen, and Welcome!
A scientist - well cool, and a chemist to boot.  Perhaps I can pick your brain about sugars.   As a "former" athlete you will probably be supprised how ill trained some folks are who show up at races.    I'm sure you can do this, especially since you already can swim and know how to ride a bike.  As in any sport there will probably always be someone better than you.  The question I like to ask myself is: am I making progress, and am I better than I was?  (everything is relative)  Pardon the philosophy.

Tell me more.  Do you swim at all now?  Do you have a bicycle? and what kind (mountain bike, street bike, road bike)?  When was the last time you ran at all?

You might look at the BT (Beginner training plans for a starting place. Go to the left hand side of the main Beginner webpage under Popular tools and click on Training Plans.  I would suggest you look at the Triathlon Sprint plans.

once again, Welcome


2008-05-01 10:32 AM
in reply to: #1373596

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Silver member
Subject: RE: jashac's group open
Welcome Krystle!  It looks like you've jumped right into the training.  Your logs are looking good.  Sorry your back is hurting.  How much have you been exercising before starting the program?  Tell us more.  Swimming?  Biking?
2008-05-01 10:40 AM
in reply to: #1373602

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Silver member
Subject: RE: jashac's group open

Chris welcome to the group!   Your training is also looking good!  Love your run pace.  Your bike looks good too.  Your route looks like it ought to be real scenic.  Is it?  Have you looked into some swim training?

One of the things I really like about triathlon is by changing sports there is a little less wear and tear on the body.

2008-05-01 10:53 AM
in reply to: #1374881


Subject: RE: jashac's group open


 I haven't done a lot of work with sugars, but I'll do what I can!

I haven't been swimming recently, the University pool I swim at is closed for repairs until May 15th, but I hope to be back when it opens.  I've been looking for a place that I can do some lake swimming (the ocean is about 90 min away) but the problem with living in FL is a lot of alligators live here also and I'm concerned I'll look quite tasty.  But I'll keep looking. 

I have a bike, a Trek 7.2.  It's more of a hybrid road/mt bike, it doesn't have front or rear suspension like a true mt bike, but I do have the knobby tires.  The frame is pretty light, so I think with some new road tires it will be ok.  I'm not ready to invest too much money just yet.  Last summer and fall I rode quite a bit, usually around 15 miles a couple times a week.  I haven't been riding much lately. 

I run around 3 miles three or four times a week.  I do mostly trail running because I find it much more interesting than road running.  I had a bad case of ITBS in my right knee after the last 4 mile race I did so I've had to ease back into it.  But I haven't had any pain lately so hopefully I'll be able to up the miles a little. 

I've been shopping the training plans and I'll make a decision soon. 

Hope this is what you were looking for!


2008-05-01 10:59 AM
in reply to: #1373913

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Silver member
Subject: RE: jashac's group open

Steve, welcome to the group!  Wow,  you have already accomplished a goal that I have yet to reach, and that is running a marathon.  That pace looks real good to me. (I'm kind of slow in the run)  It sounds like you have some good motivation.  You are sure right that cross training helps save the body while still increasing fitness.  There is also something real cool about moving oneself across the landscape using all three modes of transport - swimming, biking, and running.

Can I suggest that you set up your training log, and start logging your workouts?  That way we can all keep track of what you are doing.  It also is an excellent way to keep the data so you can look back, but it also keeps monthly and weekly summaries.  Feel free to look at mine (or any one elses) by clicking on my name on my post, the select logs, just below the white box.

Once again - welcome! 

2008-05-01 11:08 AM
in reply to: #1375058

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Silver member
Subject: RE: jashac's group open

Jen, being alligator bait does not sound like fun. 

I rode my first triathlon on an old Mountain bike - knobby tires and all.  I wanted to make sure I liked it before I paid for a road bike.  I do believe that if you switch tires you'll be good till you want something a little easier.  Fifteen miles a couple of times a week will get you through that first sprint.  The sprint distance usually is ~12 mile bike.  (also 300 to 800M swim, and 5K run).  On my first sprint the distances seemed so long, and all I wanted to do was finish.  By the way, I had the slowest bike split of anyone in the entire race.  Everyone who passed me was so supportive. 

If you start logging your workouts on BT we can keep track and cheer for you.

2008-05-01 12:18 PM
in reply to: #1374987

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Hillsborough, NH
Subject: RE: jashac's group open
New Hampshire is a really scenic place for bike rides (as long as you like hills!) I am looking to find a good group to get some help with swimming. It's been awhile since I've been this frustrated with something athletic but it's getting my competitive side going which is encouraging. Coming up with the cash for a coach isn't happening, apparently the kids like food and clean clothes so I've been asking around the gym, hopefully something comes up.
2008-05-01 1:01 PM
in reply to: #1375375

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Silver member
Subject: RE: jashac's group open

adamsc2 - apparently the kids like food and clean clothes so I've been asking around the gym, hopefully something comes up.

I've had that problem with my kids too.  They continue to want to have food at every meal.

You may be able to find cheap swimming lessons at the Y, or through a local parks and rec program.  It's amazing what a little bit of instruction can do for you.  It's also possible that you could just find someone at the pool to give you some tips.  There are also videos on you tube, but I like the personal touch.  Two keys, body position and learning to breath easily.  The two are interrelated, but you've got to be able to breath and relax before swimming becomes fun and easy.  

2008-05-01 1:02 PM
in reply to: #1356783

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Silver member
Subject: RE: jashac's group open
Question for everyone:  What do you want to get out of your mentor group and from you mentor?
2008-05-01 1:22 PM
in reply to: #1375375


Subject: RE: jashac's group open

Hi Chris,

 I'm not sure where you're located at exactly, but you might try looking into your local University/College or Community College.  The campus near me has a swim club that anyone can join, they have practices five times a week at night and you can come and go as you please.  They charge $45 a month, but it's cheaper than any private coach.  It might not work out for your area, but it at least worth looking in to. 


2008-05-01 1:32 PM
in reply to: #1375087

New user

Subject: RE: jashac's group open

Jashac -


Glad to be a part of the group.  I was keeping a log already, but had it marked as private.  I think it should now be viewable by all - public in the control panel.  Let me know if can view it.

As to what I would like to get out of a mentor and this group.  I would have to say that since this is my first time training for a tri, and the swim and bike are pretty foreighn to me, it would have to be a combination of tips, suggestions, training ideas and what to look out for to help me thru the process.  Also, I think it would be great to share so of the quirky little stories that we all will inevitably go thru in training or during races that make life a little saner by being able to laugh at yourself and have someone to share it with.  Those that don't train probalby won't and can't understand.

BTW - I joined a AQUFITMATERS group in my area that trains at a local pool.  They are great from a support and training routine perspective.




2008-05-01 2:09 PM
in reply to: #1356783

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Silver member
Subject: RE: jashac's group open

Ah, I can see your logs now. 

Regarding bilateral breathing - once you get comfortable breathing on one side, work on the other side before you try the bilateral.  I just think it's easier that way.  When I was working on it I would do 25 yards on one side then the next 25 on the other side.  It's a useful skill in itself.  It's helpful to be able to breath when you want and how often you want.

2008-05-01 3:19 PM
in reply to: #1375655

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Hillsborough, NH
Subject: RE: jashac's group open
Thanks Jen, I actually only live about 10 minutes from UNH, I'll see what I can find over there.
2008-05-01 6:17 PM
in reply to: #1356783

New user

Subject: RE: jashac's group open


I'm a Tri newbie from Northern California, and would like to join your mentorship group to get some guidance during my training for my first sprint distance coming up in about 7.5 weeks.

 I'm starting out slowly...but progressively building up towards my goals.  I hope to do two more events this year, and hopefully the last one will be olympic distance.

 Thanks for your time, and look forward to some insightful and valuable dialogue with yourself and others in the group!


2008-05-01 10:17 PM
in reply to: #1374952

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Subject: RE: jashac's group open


 I have been running 3-4 miles for about 1 year and doing strength training 2x per week. I started to feel like it was getting repetitive and hard to continue, so I decided to set a goal to run a 10K.  Then I got the competition bug, and decided I needed to do a triathlon.  (That's me setting goals that I know will be almost impossible to accomplish

My body has always been in fairly good shape (low body fat, lots of muscle), but I haven't had much experience with endurance training; my lungs seem to hold me back a lot.  I am improving on my running ability, but I have zero experience with swimming or biking.  I have been swimming laps at my gym, but I feel that I may not be swimming right.  I feel like I am using a lot of energy that could be saved by some technique improvements.  I am reading a lot and watching many videos about swimming, hoping that they will help me get on the right track. 

I am also taking 1-2 very intense (for me) 1 hour spinning classes per week to help get comfortable on the bike.  I do not own a bike, and was thinking about renting one for the competition.  I can afford to buy one, but find myself wincing at the idea of spending money on a bike that may not get used often enough.

 I love being outdoors, exercising, and pushing myself to the limit.  I know now that the idea of doing a sprint tri is not impossible for me, and I can't wait to get myself ready and actually go through with the race.  A year and a half ago, I was elated to tell people I had run 1 mile, and now I am determined to tell them I have done a sprint triathlon.  I pushed myself to the limit in ballet for several years, and I know I can do the same for this! 

To answer your second question, I am looking to get some good advice from someone who knows what it's like to be in this race, and knows what it's like to train for it.  I love being part of a group where the members can motivate each other!  Happy training, all! 

 Oh, I am 22 (almost 23), and living in North Texas.

2008-05-02 11:58 AM
in reply to: #1375557


Subject: RE: jashac's group open

What I want...

I was looking for running shoes when I found this site, I started reading all of the stories about people's first races.  Reading about how much fun they had and seeing that not every triathlete was .02% body fat and someone who worked out 15 hours a day really make racing seem like it was something I could accomplish.  It helps motivate me to hear what others are doing for workouts, and it helps me to get out and run even when I really feel like going home and taking a nap. 

In the beginner stories I was reading there was a lot of good advice on little things that can make a difference in racing.  Since I have no experience with this sport, I welcome advice on all things, from socks to equipment or even how different people deal with pre-race butterflies. 

 So to make a long answer short, I'm here for motivation and advice.   


2008-05-02 12:53 PM
in reply to: #1356783


Subject: RE: jashac's group open
Hi, my name is Hina and I'd like to join this group as well (I hope you're still accepting newbies!).  I am completely new to triathlons and have my sights set on a sprint tri in mid-July, with the swim portion in a pool.  Of the three sports, running is my strongest suit since I have been running marathons for 7 1/2 years.  Before deciding on this tri, I only occasionally went on a long bike ride and usually only commuted to school (5 miles each way).  I hadn't swam for a couple years but am not getting back into it. 
One thing that I think might be a handicap is my bike.  I have a Schwinn that is NOT a racing bike, and I can't afford a real racing bike that costs $$$$.  But my goal for my first tri is just to not be last place.  Oh, and I am a scientist too!  A physicist, to be exact:-)
2008-05-02 1:43 PM
in reply to: #1375557

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Hillsborough, NH
Subject: RE: jashac's group open
I hope everyone is looking forward to a great weekend! My wife is visiting family in California this week, so I'm on "vacation" watching my kids for the next six days. I’m hoping to come up with a babysitter for a longer workout tomorrow but it looks like it might be a week of treadmill running in the basement.

That leads me to what I’d like to gain from the group. How people deal with stuff that comes up, staying motivated, learning from others experiences and sharing my own. Everything from training and race reports to how some new gear is or isn’t working out.

Good luck to everyone!

2008-05-02 6:53 PM
in reply to: #1376532

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Silver member
Subject: RE: jashac's group open
Marvin, welcome to the group.  You've been ramping your training nicely over the last three weeks.  Super.  Are you due for a recovery week?  What is your background?
2008-05-02 6:59 PM
in reply to: #1378181

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Silver member
Subject: RE: jashac's group open

Hi Hina.  Yes we'd love to have you.  so you're another runner - Awesome!  Perhaps between all you guys who have run marathons you can get me running the way I ought to.  I do what I can to help you-all (that's Texas proper english) with the triathlon stuff. 

Oh, a physicist  awesome - what specialty?

Regarding your bike, My first sprint was on a mountain bike and I was dead last in the ride, but still had fun.  So don't worry too much about it.  We can discuss specifics later.  There are lots of things that can be done to make riding easier, and a sprint bike leg is usually only about 12 miles (really that's short, although I thought it was a very big deal going into my first). 

Welcome to the group.

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