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2008-04-29 2:22 PM

Extreme Veteran
Subject: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed


I am still relatively new to tri's starting just 4 years ago. It is truly addicting. I am a former football/basketball player with no background in biking, running or swimming. I started out like many probably do with a local sprint. I am a BOP’r but improving.  I started out just looking for a way to improve my fitness level.  I was spending too much time at work and on the couch.  This needed to change. 

My 1st Tri

Thinking I was in pretty good shape, I decided I would do a local sprint tri. I was hoping to get in a good workout, and after all, I had done a few laps in the pool earlier in the week. I had not swam in years and was never a real swimmer. I just about died (figuratively) after finishing the .5 mile swim. The swim was the hardest thing I had done in a very long time. I was pretty close to being the last out of the water. I was exhausted when I arrived at my....15 year old mountain bike. I hit the course a bit waterlogged and lightheaded. The good news is that I was not being passed much. The bad news was that it was a tough 12 miles, and I was close to last. Upon finishing the bike, I took off on noodle legs and finished the race truly exhausted. It was not a great experience. I was doing it for fun, for exercise and to see what it was like. I was underprepared, made several mistakes, was truly humbled.  However, I was hooked.  I learned a lot that day.

I share the story above for two reasons. This is what got me started, and if I can do it, so can anybody else.  

Family Status

I have a very supportive, active and loving family.  Like most we have very busy lives and thus fitting in the time to train is often very challenging.  I feel that I set a good example for my family by racing and striving to achieve my goals.  Tri's have changed my life, but I can also see how it has changed theirs as well.

Race History

I still consider myself a novice at tri's/racing. There is so much to learn at every level, and everybody has different ideas about training and what works for them. I have completed a number of marathons (I think 5), several sprints and Olympic distance tri's, several 70.3 tri's (6) and two IM's (IMUSA). 

I am a Clydesdale and likely will be forever (6'4" - 228 currently). Weight is a constant battle for me. I generally get unfocused around the end of the race season, which is around Sept/Oct in New England and throughout the holidays (read here that I put on weight). At the turn of the new year, I try to refocus and lose some weight.  I like to train, but I also like food.  

2008 Races 

I have a marathon, three 70.3's, several sprints/oly's and IMUSA on tap for 2008.  I have not raced at all this year....still waiting.  You can see some of the specific races on by training blog.

Weight Control

As I mentioned previously, controlling my weight is a constant battle for me.  I think I would perform best down at about 200 pounds.  However, I have never raced below 215.  The goal again this year is to get down to 200 for IMUSA. 

Why I would be a good mentor?

  1. I feel that I now have enough experience to help others out that are just beginning or that are still relatively newbies.
  2. I also feel that I am still learning about tri's and racing and that many thought provoking questions are raised on these forums.
  3. I visit BT often and would be able to provide speedy responses most of the time.
  4. I do not have all of the answers, but I love to read and research tri related issues.  Thus we would learn together.
  5. I like to have fun and this is a fun sport.
  6. I truly got hooked after my first tri and I want to have people enjoy that 1st experience as well as many others.
  7. I have made many mistakes along the way in racing and training and would like to help others avoid certain pitfalls.
  8. I love the way being active has changed my life and would enjoy helping others find the same.  

Edited by gatjr33 2008-05-07 1:52 PM

2008-05-01 9:26 AM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Open
I am not gonna "join" to take up a spot, but I will lurk and add snyde comments!!!!! See you in Tupper Lake Mister!!!
2008-05-01 11:39 AM
in reply to: #1374727

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Open

Gator, your snide remarks are always welcome.  Also, you can certainly join if you want.  I will plan to find you in Tupper Lake.  We can talk more as it nears.  Keep working hard!!

2008-05-01 3:56 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Open
I'd like to join!!

I'm running off to work, but I'll say quickly that I'm a 48 yr old married mom or two kids. I like your point about being a role model for the family. I'm a real loner when I train and would like to learn how to lighten up and bring the kids along sometimes.
I've done sprints for two years, with no improvement. I've got to drop significant weight - 25-30 lbs. (I'm only 5'1") but I'm very muscular and like feeling spent.

I'll check back later or tomorrow.

2008-05-01 4:41 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Open


 I would like to join your mentoring group.  I am very new to Tri and have just begun training in all three disciplines.  I am 24, getting married this month, and I have a job that I travel for quite a bit, but I am determined to learn and will definately put in dual workout days on days that I am in town.  From the research I have done there are so many different aspects to learn about in this sport and I could really use the support of someone who has been there.  I also joined Team in Training to help with my efforts.  I made the decision to do Tri's in an effort to change towards a healthier lifestyle, lose weight, and regain the competitive mentality that I once had.  I grew up playing hockey at a very high level until I made the decision to go to school 6 years ago.  Once I hung up the skates, my fitness levels declined to almost nothing while my weight shot up tremendously.  I could really use a positive influence and advice from someone who has been there.

2008-05-02 8:03 AM
in reply to: #1370022

Beaumont, TX
Silver member
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Open
Hi! I would like to join your group. I am a 27 year old married mom. Kids are 5 and 3. Between work, baseball, soccer and ballet I have been able to train fairly consistently with the exception of March 15 - April 15 when I was working 80+ hours per week.

My first tri is at the end of July and I am looking forward to the experience. I have learned so much from this website. I was in the last mentor program and received excellent advice from my mentor.

Can't wait to work with you!


2008-05-02 9:34 AM
in reply to: #1376246

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Open

Welcome MuscleMomma,

So glad to have you on board.  I can relate to many of the issues that you note.  I am close to your age, have kids and a busy lifestyle, have been racing for a few years and I need to drop some weight as well.  Let's work together to see what we can do about learning and getting better.  I would like to know more about the races that you have done, how your feel you did, what you see as your S/W's and what you have on tap for this year. 

2008-05-02 9:42 AM
in reply to: #1376374

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Open


Welcome...Congratulations on starting your tri training and a new way of life.  Getting starting and making the decision to work towards goals is more than half the battle.  I have found that doing tri's has truly changed my life, but more on that later.  The things that have brought you to the tri life are very common and are the same reasons that I started doing tris.  I wanted a healthier lifestyle, wanted to lose weight and wanted to compete on some level again.  I am a former basketball/football player.  I like to compete.  There truly is so much to learn about this sport and that I find fascinating.  Going further, you will find that many people approach the same sport very differently.  We can get into some of that later.  The key here is that there are no right or wrong approaches for the most part.  It all boils down to what works for you.  I realize that you have just started training, however, it would be helpful to me to know where you feel you are at fitnesswise.  It would also be helpful to me to know if you are planning to race this year and, if so, what races might you be focusing on.   


2008-05-02 9:50 AM
in reply to: #1377344

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Open

Welcome Jana,

Glad to have you in the group.  I have been reading on this site (also known as lurking) for several years before I finally decided to join a mentor group as well.  I was very happy that I did.  I was a little uneasy at first, but then I was very pleased with the results.  I have learned a lot from this site.  The beauty of the mentoring program is that you can learn from the so called mentor, but you can also learn from each other.  I also find that people are very much willing to be supportive and inspirational.  I would say that if you are able to train consisitently while juggling your busy life, you are well on your way to some fun and success.  The hardest part is juggling home, work, kids and training and keeping it all in balance.  It would be helpful to me to learn more about your current training, you race in July (distance/type) and your current fitness level to include S/W's. 

I look forward to working with you as well. 


2008-05-02 12:57 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Open

I wanna play!!!

Gat, there are two many similarities between us for me to not sign up.  I too grew up a basketball/football freak and just this last February after years of decline in physical activity and three kids later I decided to try Triathlons instead of just working out for the sake of exercise (and weightloss). 

 I am also a clydesdale coming in at 6'4" and 238lbs (although down from 265 since February) and looking to trying to go down in weight.

 I competed in an indoor Triathlon a month-ish ago as a test to see where I stand and felt pretty good about how I did, but came out of it with a stress fracture in my left foot.  I just got out of the walking boot this week and am easing back in to running.

My first official tri, a sprint, will be Memorial Day weekend so I have got some catching up to do. I have been pretty religous about filling out my training log since I signed up so you can see where I am at.

Look forward to learning from everyone in the group.


2008-05-02 2:47 PM
in reply to: #1370022

New user

Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Open


I would like to join your group! I could use the help. I am training for my first tri on 8/03/08. Training to lose weight and improve fitness. I also have to juggle training with family time. Hope you still have an opening.


2008-05-02 2:56 PM
in reply to: #1378197

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Open


And play you shall!! First, congrats on your recent weight loss.  That is truly a great job.  Training for tris can really help you lose and control your weight.  I am glad to hear that you completed your first tri and felt good about it.  You should.  Many people just think about doing something like tris.  You did it.  I am sorry to hear about your foot though.  Hopefully, you are on the mend and ready to get back at it.  I recently had a foot injury as well and it has slowed my training.  I will check out your training log and be in touch. 

2008-05-02 3:00 PM
in reply to: #1378546

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Open


You are in the group.  Share a bit more about yourself when you have time.  Training is a great way to get in shape, lose weight, feel good about yourself, compete and meet many wonderful people.  There is a lot to learn about tris, and that is half the fun.  We all have to deal with the balancing act of juggling family, work and training.  It is difficult at times, but managing to keep things is balance while training and racing is rewarding as well.  If you can give me an idea of your fitness level, what your first tri will be and what you hope to accomplish, that would be helpful as well.

2008-05-02 3:07 PM
in reply to: #1370022

New user
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Open

Hello All,

 So I'm a first time triathlete hopeful.  Someone sent out an email on a local group i'm on looking for a training partner for a Triathlon in the end of July.  I was pretty upset with myself for my lack of conditioning and the 10 pounds i'd put on over the winter.  So I figured what the hell and signed up.  Funny thing is after talking to this guy, he only signed up for the sprint and I decided to do the Olympic Surprised

 I've been training for a month now mainly been swimming and running twice a week (alternate days) and am now able to do 1/2 the swimming distance, 2/3 of the run and 1/3 of the bike(can't find time during the day to bike but figure i can make big jumps in that area).  I've been keeping myself on a pace of trying not to increase too much each week but because of my short timetable i've had to push it a bit..  I'm hoping to be able to do the full distances in the next month or so and then use the final 6 weeks to multi-train/rest. 

Looking forward to sharing with y'all.



2008-05-02 3:15 PM
in reply to: #1370022

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Open

Thought I would drop out a couple of rules of the road, just to help get us started.  In a few days, we can officially kick off the group and get started.  Here goes.

  1. There are no stupid questions.  The last group that I was in one of the members would often say that they had a stupid question or that they were going to ask a lot of questions, and this person would often ask questions that several people wanted answered or that brought about some good sharing of ideas.  If you have questions, fire away.
  2. I will not have all of the answers to the questions asked.  I will do my best to answer questions and will research issues as well.  However, this group is a two way street.  We will learn from each other.  So share what you know and ask about what you do not.
  3. Try to use the training logs as they provide a great tool for tracking training, setting goals, offering inspiring thoughts to others and to just have some fun.  Often a positive or inspiring thought from others in the group will push you through that workout you may have skipped. 
  4. Give some thoughts to your goals.  Share them with everyone or note them on your training blog.  Goals become more real when you write them down.  I was hesitant to write my goals on my training blog when I first joined a mentoring group.  However, another member convinced me that I needed to note my goals and give my blog a title.  I have to agree this now seems appropriate.  Look around, there are some very interesting and fun training blogs out there.  Mine is kind of ho-hum, but at least I am stating my goals and purpose.
  5. I have a rather odd sense of humor.  Just so that you have been warned.  Just saying here that I like to keep it light and fun!
  6. Did I mention that there aren't any stupid questions!!!

Edited by gatjr33 2008-05-02 3:26 PM
2008-05-02 3:25 PM
in reply to: #1378605

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Open

Welcome to the group.  Well you certainly showed this person up by signing up for the olympic.  Just kidding!!  I say good for you for signing up, and not to worry.  You are currently training in all three disciplines and you seem to have time on your hands.  You just need to stay consistent, extend your training and build a bigger base.  These are good issues.  90 days is plenty of time to get to where you need to be and to do it wisely.  Share a bit more about yourself when you have time. 

2008-05-02 3:47 PM
in reply to: #1370022

New user
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Open

I forgot that part.  I'm 5"10.. Ok fine 5'9.5" But I like to think of myself as having the extra rounding.   I probably tipped the scales at 170 before i started working out. My ideal weight is probably about 158or so..  So i'm looking to lose about 10 pounds over the course of the training. I've had a few injuries along the way.. But glocosomin Conjointin (can't spell) has helped work wonder..

I don't know if i'm going to keep doing triathlons because of the time involved but i'm enjoying my first and would love to do well.  My goal right now is to finish.. then as i get closer to that goal i'm going to hopefully add some time goals.

 Will put up some training logs as i train this coming week..



2008-05-02 4:11 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Extreme Veteran
Minnetonka Beach, MN
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Open

I would like to join the fun too if there is still room! 

I started triathlons last year by signing up for Lifetime Fitness Olympic... tried to swim and figured I better get some practice in first.  So entered a duathlon (Gear West) and then Waconia (long sprint) before hitting that distance.  My times were horrible, but not DFL...

I started this "journey" at 6'4" and 272lbs.  I am now still 6'4" and 232 lbs. with a goal of 205 by the time I get to the Silverman 1/2 in November. 

This year I have signed up for 5 additional races to "prep" for November. 

I am hooked on this sport and plan on my first IM distance at Wisonsin in 2009. 

2008-05-02 9:11 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Open



Can I join too! I didn't read all the post yet, but I saw something about being a role model for I want in.

 Here's a little about me:

First tri tomorrow - Siouxperman - Sioux Center, Iowa Sprint Tri


Started doing Tri's 1 year ago with Siouxperman being my first and I was addicted. I've spent lots of money since then on the sport. I am VERY competitive and honestly am having trouble with not being able to "win" everything! Ran track in college - BUT I was a sprinter. Running seems to be my worst sport, which really bugs me. I need to work on aerobic capacity. My heart rate is very high during races...190+ entire time during run.


  • Full time ++ job. I do have flexibility but work a 45-55 hour work week.
  • Two kids and possibly considering adding to my family again soon.

Why I do Tris?

  • I like competition
  • To keep in shape, BUT I would like to lower my body fat. Don't know the %, but can see love handles thus I know I need to go down. I want to have abs!

Can't wait to get to know everyone!


2008-05-03 1:52 PM
in reply to: #1377667

Beaumont, TX
Silver member
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Open
My race in July is the IronGirl sprint. It is an all girl race. Swim is 500 meters in a lake; 12 mile bike and 3.1 run. My current training consists of running 3x per week. Swimming 3-4 times per week and biking 2x per week. I have been running for almost a year and I feel it is my strongest sport. For the biking I have been using the stationary bikes at the gym. I think I am ok on the bike. I just bought my first bike today. I am so excited!! It is a Specialized Dolce. I am going to try it tonight. Swimming is by far my weakest sport, although I have come a long way since January.

I hope that helps.

2008-05-03 2:32 PM
in reply to: #1378771

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Open
ball6135 - 2008-05-02 4:11 PM

I would like to join the fun too if there is still room! 

I started triathlons last year by signing up for Lifetime Fitness Olympic... tried to swim and figured I better get some practice in first.  So entered a duathlon (Gear West) and then Waconia (long sprint) before hitting that distance.  My times were horrible, but not DFL...

I started this "journey" at 6'4" and 272lbs.  I am now still 6'4" and 232 lbs. with a goal of 205 by the time I get to the Silverman 1/2 in November. 

This year I have signed up for 5 additional races to "prep" for November. 

I am hooked on this sport and plan on my first IM distance at Wisonsin in 2009. 

You are in.  First and foremost, congrats on the weight loss.  That is huge.  You should be very pleased with this.  It is good to see that you have gotten some racing under your belt.  Do not worry about your times.  Remember...DNS is worse than DFL which is better than DNF.  You completed the race and likely learned a lot about yourself.  That is the good news.  Worry about times later, not now.  I am glad to hear that you have some races planned and a 70.3 on the horizon.  Share more when you have time about the specific races that you are doing and the goals for each of these races.  As for your last comment, I am sure this is true.  Tris are very, very addictive.  Good stuff.  Look forward to the journey together.

2008-05-03 2:53 PM
in reply to: #1379198

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Open

Can I join too! I didn't read all the post yet, but I saw something about being a role model for I want in.

CTNord, You are in as well.  I look forward to working with you and hearing about your race.  It is certainly a challenge juggling the various aspects of life and training for tris as well.  It can be done though.  Please share more about your plans for this year and your goals, as well as your current fitness level.  You can also put this information on your training blog and I will get to this eventually.  I started out doing tris because I thought it would be fun and a good way to stay in shape.  I continued to do tris in an effort to be healthy and to keep the weight off (also read here lose a few more pounds).  I still do tris for these reasons, but I realized that one of the biggest reasons that I continue to do tris is to be a role model.  Here is my story.

I have a family and two kids, 15 and 12.  All of us are active.  My family is and always has been very, very supportive of my tri training and racing.  I am not heading off to Kona any time soon, as I am very much a MOP'er.  Every day I try to remind myself that I need to keep my life in balance.  I am very competitive and I want to not only race but compete as best I can.  Long story short...I went to race at IMUSA last year and had a tough race.  I remember finishing and having thoughts about taking a year off and just doing shorter races so that I could cut back on my training and to spend more time with the family.  I went to bed that night with this thought fresh in my mind.  I awoke early the next morning feeling like I had been hit by a truck...a really big truck.  As a sick little joke, you have to sign up for the Ironman event for the next year the very day after finishing the current year's race.  So for IMUSA, you get up feeling battle worn, you head the horse grounds, you stand in a very long line with others looking as poorly as you do and you wait to sign up for next year.  The process takes a while.  You can take your chance on the internet, but many folks do not get in.  So there I am laying in bed thinking I will take a year off, and my kids come in the room and state that I should hurry up so that I can go sign up.  I tell them very seriously that I am going to take the year off, but that I will do the race again the following year.  They both laughed at me.  I have been known to be a bit of a jokester.  I tell them that I am very serious.  They both looked at me very sincerely and one of them stated "but this is what 'we' do".  It was a very emotional moment in my life.  I gave it about 30 seconds thought and told myself, yup, this is what WE do.  It was at this moment that I realized I had one of the best support crews in the world, my family, and I raced out of bed (hobbled, limped and groaned) and off to the horse grounds we went to signup.  Not a day has passed when I wished that I did not sign up.  To think that I even had that thought baffles me.  But, the real issue here is that through training for tris, something has touched me and my family.  As the result of training and racing, I am not the same person that I was before I started racing and clearly my family is not the same either.  I have become a role model, and that means a great deal to me.


2008-05-04 9:31 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Open


 I am so excited for this Mentor group. I was in one during the winter which had a lot of "pros", but this one has so many people with my biggest challenge....balance!

I had my first was 45 degrees and WINDY. I think like 30mph. It was a sprint...Siouxperman 300m swim, 15 mile bike and 3.1 run. (indoor swim). I am pleased with my results given March was a wash for any real workouts.

I placed 7th overall women and 2nd in age group. I was surprised my bike wasn't better. I didn't get passed one time on bike or run. That's what is tough about pool are racing by yourself.

What does everyone have planned for the week?

 I am trying to figure out what my plan is for the summer...I'm thinking about not doing a few Tri's, just because by the time I take the family 3 hours away for a weekend we have a $500 weekend easy.


2008-05-04 11:13 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Open

Congratulations on the race Theresa....sounds like you had a great one even with the wind.

I had a good training week going but it came to a screeching halt this weekend due to family (kids) obligations.  This seems to be the theme challenge for our group and is probably the reason I will stick with the sprint distances until they are older.  Of course I haven't done my first race yet so you never know.

2008-05-05 8:05 AM
in reply to: #1381330

Beaumont, TX
Silver member
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Open
That is my plan as well. I am going to stick with the sprint and olympic tris. I want to be fully prepared for the race and I don't have the time to commit to the training it takes to do a longer tri.

We get a break from baseball and soccer this week so I should have a very good training week.

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