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2008-07-21 6:59 AM

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Sneaky Slow
Herndon, VA,
Subject: kids every other weekend and IM training

I have some friends who are considering IMKY for 2009, and I am considering doing it with them. The day after an IM race, I always get this angst.  If I was to sign up, it would be my first IM. The main thing that is giving me pause, is that next year, I will have my kids, a 3 and 1 year old, every other weekend (without Mom, if that wasn't obvious). They come first and foremost, meaning not much training will get done on those weekends. I would be able to get a long run in on Sunday evenings, but there is no way I'd subject them more than an hour or so in the Burley.

Anyone else, moms or dads, had a similar situation? I've thought of some creative things I might be able to do... work a little extra the week I have the kids, then take Friday off and ride in the morning... or would a long ride every other weekend suffice? My goal would be to finish, nothing more, nothing less. I don't have any family within 300 miles. Although I could have grandparents come occasionally and they could hang out with the kids on a Saturday morning.

I'd like to attempt this next year, but a) I am not willing to sacrifice time with the kids for it, and b) I want to do the training "right." I wonder if it would be good to hire a coach at leasat to develop a plan for me, with all this in mind.

Thank you for listening to this stream of consciousness.

Edited by newleaf 2008-07-21 7:00 AM

2008-07-21 8:04 AM
in reply to: #1544839

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Subject: RE: kids every other weekend and IM training
newleaf - 2008-07-21 7:59 AM

I'd like to attempt this next year, but a) I am not willing to sacrifice time with the kids for it, and b) I want to do the training "right." I wonder if it would be good to hire a coach at leasat to develop a plan for me, with all this in mind.

Thank you for listening to this stream of consciousness.

These were my two thoughts as I read your post. You seem to have your priorities (sp?) in order. I'd meet with a coach and spell out just what you've written here and see if the training is feasible with your time constraints.

I am not a coach but I have heard of coaches developing a "mega-week" plan for pro athletes. Basicially a 10 day workout week. A modified plan like this may help with your time constraints. Best of luck to you. Let us know what you decide to do.


PS. You'd better decide soon. Sign up is in about 6 weeks.

Edited by David tri's 2008-07-21 8:06 AM
2008-07-21 8:27 AM
in reply to: #1544839

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Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: kids every other weekend and IM training

I think it's totally do-able.  There is no magic to our 7-day workout cycle... most of us just do them that way because that's when the weekend comes.  But there was no study that I'm aware of that says the ideal time between key workouts is 7 days.  In fact, I think I've read a few anecdotes that say that 10 or so is more ideal, but that for most people that's not feasible.

So if you get your long ride every 14 days, I certainly think you can show up ready to finish, and even to have an excellent day.  Chances are that between holidays, a little flexibility in your work schedule (even if you just took 4 days of vacation placed strategically in your plan, and took a long ride on each of those days during your max volume period), I think you can definitely get the bike time in... 8-10 long rides during a 2-month build (4 on weekends, 4 on vacation days, and maybe a federal holiday or a grandparent babysitting one time).

The run time, on the other hand, you should be able to work into the week.  It might mean a late night or an early rise once every two weeks (on the other week it could go on the weekend), but there's no real reason why you can't get a long run in during the week.

My highest training volume so far was for a HIM (savageman), but I was putting in some pretty big miles at the time.  5 hour rides, 2.5 hour runs, etc... so I wasn't that far away from IM volume.  Almost all of my runs came during the week because I don't recover very well with a saturday long bike and then a sunday long run.  I have MUCH better legs for my key workouts (long ones if you're training for long course) when I ride long on saturday and run long on tuesday.


2008-07-21 8:40 AM
in reply to: #1544839

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the colony texas
Subject: RE: kids every other weekend and IM training
I know the BT plan I"m doing alternate's the long bike and run. so every other week is the long bike.. the other week is the long run..since the long run is 2-3 hrs. Is there any way during the weekend when you have you them.  could you get a 2 hr run in during the week so you weekend would be your rest day??
2008-07-21 8:44 AM
in reply to: #1545052

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Sneaky Slow
Herndon, VA,
Subject: RE: kids every other weekend and IM training

Gaarryy - 2008-07-21 9:40 AM I know the BT plan I"m doing alternate's the long bike and run. so every other week is the long bike.. the other week is the long run..since the long run is 2-3 hrs. Is there any way during the weekend when you have you them. could you get a 2 hr run in during the week so you weekend would be your rest day??

Yes, absolutely... as a matter of fact for my first HIM coming up in September, am doing my long runs in the middle of the week.  I will have to take a look at that plan, thanks! 

2008-07-21 8:45 AM
in reply to: #1545020

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Sneaky Slow
Herndon, VA,
Subject: RE: kids every other weekend and IM training
JoshKaptur - 2008-07-21 9:27 AM

My highest training volume so far was for a HIM (savageman), but I was putting in some pretty big miles at the time. 5 hour rides, 2.5 hour runs, etc... so I wasn't that far away from IM volume. Almost all of my runs came during the week because I don't recover very well with a saturday long bike and then a sunday long run. I have MUCH better legs for my key workouts (long ones if you're training for long course) when I ride long on saturday and run long on tuesday.

Yes, I had started out doing a long bike on Sat, long run on Sun for my upcoming HIM, but am in the same boat as you when it comes to recovery... have since moved the long run to the middle of the week. 

2008-07-21 9:01 AM
in reply to: #1544839

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Tiger's Den
Subject: RE: kids every other weekend and IM training

Maybe you can find a babysitter for Saturday mornings when you ride. See, if you start reallly early, long before they are up, you can get a long ride in and not miss a lot of time with them. Say, start around 5:30 (or as soon as the sun is up). You can get a 4-5 hour ride in without a whole lot of disruption to the kids. They can eat breakfast, watch cartoons, etc.

Keep in mind I have no idea what I am talking about as I have no kids.

Also, you can do a half day during the week and get your long ride in then. Make up the hours during the rest of the week.

Good luck!

2008-07-21 9:14 AM
in reply to: #1545112

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Sneaky Slow
Herndon, VA,
Subject: RE: kids every other weekend and IM training
SuzanneS - 2008-07-21 10:01 AM

Maybe you can find a babysitter for Saturday mornings when you ride. See, if you start reallly early, long before they are up, you can get a long ride in and not miss a lot of time with them. Say, start around 5:30 (or as soon as the sun is up). You can get a 4-5 hour ride in without a whole lot of disruption to the kids. They can eat breakfast, watch cartoons, etc.

Keep in mind I have no idea what I am talking about as I have no kids.

Also, you can do a half day during the week and get your long ride in then. Make up the hours during the rest of the week.

Good luck!

Thanks... but the babysitter thing, that's not something I'm willing to do... in my mind, falls into the category of sacrificing time with them... time as a part-time dad that's too precious.

But, I like the 1/2 day idea during the week.  Now, if I can just get my boss on board....  

2008-07-21 10:57 AM
in reply to: #1544839

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Subject: RE: kids every other weekend and IM training
Yes, it's doable. Especially if you just want to finish and you start off your training with a decent base. But I will tell you the truth...I am a better mother when I am not training for an IM. Even though my kids go to their dad's every weekend. I am always tired, which makes me cranky. I go into survival mode in a way, which is not good for parenting. I do not follow a 7 day training cycle. I do 14 days on, 4 easy or off. I think that's what it was. I like that a lot. If you could coordinate your 4 days off with the time you have the kids sometimes, that would work out really well.
To me, the part that is hard is not the training hours, it is the trying to recover and be of some use as a parent when you are tired and starving and all that. But I trained for my first IM as I was transitioning into being divorced and it was a wonderful way to occupy my time. It was good to do something positive and focus on myself in a healthy way. And it helped me adjust to having so much time to myself.
Ironmans are cool and great but not as cool and great as your kids. IM will always be there, too, so don't rush into it if you are not really compelled to do it. But if you ARE compelled, then do it and figure it out as you go.
2008-07-21 2:22 PM
in reply to: #1544839

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Subject: RE: kids every other weekend and IM training
As a parent in a similar situation as you here is my two cents. I use my bike trainer alot. I have helped my daughter with her homework as she is at dining room table and I am next to her on my bike. My daughter too old but I have seen a lot of men and women with the running strollers and the bike trailers. Plus the extra load on the run and the bike will only help. How about the option of a buying a used treadmill.
2008-07-21 2:30 PM
in reply to: #1544839

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Montague Gold Mines, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: kids every other weekend and IM training

This should definitely be possible; obviously not ideal but who has an ideal situation for training?

A great deal of what you would be able to accomplish would revolve around putting in your big volume on the other weekend and how much time you have to train during the week.  As you are planning to hire a coach, they should be able to develop a plan that will get you to the start line ready to go while at the same time not resulting in you sacrificing time with your kids.  Just ensure when looking for a coach that they actually produce personalized plans for their athletes, as some use templates that will look almost the same for everyone.

Good luck if you decide to pursue IM next year!


2008-07-21 4:56 PM
in reply to: #1546356

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: kids every other weekend and IM training
kevindaz - 2008-07-21 2:22 PM

As a parent in a similar situation as you here is my two cents. I use my bike trainer alot. I have helped my daughter with her homework as she is at dining room table and I am next to her on my bike. My daughter too old but I have seen a lot of men and women with the running strollers and the bike trailers. Plus the extra load on the run and the bike will only help. How about the option of a buying a used treadmill.

I was about to say... get a bike trainer and ride it before they wake up Saturday morning. Or ride it after they go to bed. Then do your long run on Sunday, after they go home.

A lot of training plans call for one weekend with a long ride and a short run, and then visa versa the next weekend. Sounds like you could easily do a 2-3 hour trainer ride and a long run on the weekends you have them.
2008-07-21 5:15 PM
in reply to: #1544839

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: kids every other weekend and IM training
For a second I thought I posted this thread. I was about to...

Anyway, same situation for me. The kids are a bit older, so that requires different commitment - soccer games, friends to see, etc. I have talked to a number of ironmen friends and they've said that they usually follow a plan where every other weekend is the BIG weekend. So, i can still get in some training during the weekends with the kids, but nothing really big. You can probably sit on your trainer before they wake up. (Make sure you get one of those walkie-talkie things to make sure the kids are ok)

I also intend to get alot in during the week. Maybe coming in to work late one day, or leaving early, but making up for it on another day. A friend I know never ran long runs more than about 90 mins, but he ran often during the week (5-6x) and had no problems during the race. And some have mentioned splitting up the long run and long ride anyway. Long ride on Saturday, long run on Wed. So that would only impact your long ride.

You may not end up with the optimal training ( WON'T) but you'll certainly be able to complete the race.
2008-07-22 5:38 AM
in reply to: #1544839

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Extreme Veteran
Greenwood, SC
Subject: RE: kids every other weekend and IM training
I often work on weekends as does my husband. I took vacation days to get my long rides in. Learn to love your trainer. That way you can get up at 4 am on a weekend day and get in a 3 hour ride before they get up. Seriously, this has gotten me through on IM and I am working on my second. I also have been known to run for 2 hours up and down our driveway and on the street in front of our house while listening out to the baby monitor in the early morning hours. Not pretty, but it works.
2008-07-22 10:33 AM
in reply to: #1544839

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Vancouver, WA
Subject: RE: kids every other weekend and IM training

You can do this.  I am not in the same situation you are, but I am training for IMAZ with small children in the house.  I have my wife to help. (Actually she is awesome and I feel blessed for her allowing me to chase this dream.)  We have 3 kids...7, 4 and 2 months.  Like you they come first and foremost.  I try to do all my training at times when it does not affect the family.  That means mostly a lot of early mornings for me. I too have the single goal of finishing.  Anything under 17 hours is cake. 

I am doing a basic plan that allows as much time as possible for family.  The long ride and run are on the weekends, but it can be adjusted a bit week to week.  I think you could shift things around week to week when you have the kids and still make it work.  Best of luck in your decision. 



2008-07-22 11:52 AM
in reply to: #1544839

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Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: kids every other weekend and IM training
Another thing to consider, a lot of plans have a rest day. Make your rest day Saturday, and get your run or bike in Sunday evening. Use a bike trainer if you have to. I have 2-1/2 year old twins and I've fouond it works better to make my rest day on Sunday to spend more time with them.

2008-09-11 9:00 AM
in reply to: #1544839

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Sneaky Slow
Herndon, VA,
Subject: RE: kids every other weekend and IM training

Well, I decided to signup for LP via the CF.  After reading about KY and how hot it was this year, decided against KY.  So I'm in.  Thanks to the folks who posted here to help me realize that the training is doable.

Any other folks in a situation like mine, or close to, feel free to post/PM/inspire/whatever.   

2008-09-11 9:09 AM
in reply to: #1666872

South Jersey
Subject: RE: kids every other weekend and IM training

I know that there are some plans out there that basically have long bike and long run on alternating weeks. You could make the bike weeks the non-kiddo weekends. Also, with my training schedule, when I did the long run midweek, one of my weekend days was relatively EZ (i.e., didn't take up much time).

Good luck !

2008-09-11 9:12 AM
in reply to: #1544839

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Subject: RE: kids every other weekend and IM training

Use 4 vacation days on the weeks your kids are with you for weekend the last two months of training have your long workouts on a vacation day.

Bike fitness is huge so doing long ride every 14 days doesn't seem best. Trainer rides with then 4 and 2 year olds will be hard as kids get bored and parenting at that age is very hands on. Perhaps if you did trainer ride early and then another during nap time or after they go to bed. Young kids do sleep a lot...most of the time.


2008-09-11 9:25 AM
in reply to: #1544839

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kids every other weekend and IM training

I am a single mom of three....7, 5, and 16 months.  You have to be creative with your training.  Don't forget family comes first...but its amazing if you prioritize the rest of your life properly, you will have the time.

 I have ridden the trainer while having family movie night.  There is a park where there is a trail circling the playground...and I have run on that trial while my kids played at the playground.  Now, a circle a tad shorter than a track for a ten mile run is NOT fun...but you have to be flexible.

 You can also ride your trainer at the park.

 Babysitters are like gold. 

2008-09-11 2:28 PM
in reply to: #1544839

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Extreme Veteran
Greenwood, SC
Subject: RE: kids every other weekend and IM training
You can definitely do this. I have 3 kids 4, 6, and 8. Both my husband and I work almost twice the normal work week in terms of hours, including nights and weekends. This year my schedule put me working 2 weekends in a row. On those weekends, the best I could to was a 2 hour ride in the trainer. Then I would have 2 weekends off, where my husband may be working. I have had to squish my long rides and bikes into a shorter time period. For instance, I am just about to finish a 10 day spell of 2 long rides of 114 miles and 2 long runs of 18-20 miles. This followed 2 weeks where I never did more than 2 hours in a given day. For me I just needed to plan out the key work outs long ahead and make sure I got them all in no matter what. You can work them around your schedule for sure.

Edited by kimje 2008-09-11 2:29 PM

2008-09-12 10:34 AM
in reply to: #1666872

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Subject: RE: kids every other weekend and IM training

My name is Beth. I am a single mom of two daughters who are now 10 and 8. I totally understand where you are coming from even though I have always been on the other end. I have full custody of my kids and until their dad remarried, they did not spend much time with him. So getting in training was and is always an interesting conundrum. I have found I am a much better parent when I train than when I do not train. I have always involved my daughters in my training. As a coach, they come to practices with me which they love doing. They help pass out water and gatorade at the water stops, take attendence and cheer.

I seperated from their father when they were 3 and 1. Until 2007 I was a marathon runner and coach for team in training. In the fall of 2007, I decided to add triathlons in the mix. I have completed 33 marathons and I cannot tell you how many half marathons, sprint and oly tri's as well as IMFL 70.3. I went to the IMFL in 2007 and signed up for IMFL 2008. (to digress, i fractured my shoulder two weeks ago so I cannot do the IMFL until 2009).

At any rate I wanted to tell you how I have trained. I have a great coach who knows I am a single mom. He works my training out so that I can maximize the time I spend with my daughters. I work M-F 9-6 and have to occasionally take call or work on the weekends. There are some weekends that I run and some that I bike. When they are with their dad (he lives in another state) I do more bricks and longer training sessions. In addition both of my daughters take karate. My older daughter is a brown belt now and my younger daughter is a purple belt. They started when they were 4. I do some runs during the hour they are in class.

As soon as I bought my bike, I bought a bike trainer. I ride in the mornings when they are sleeping or at night after I put them to bed. When they were smaller, I had a hybrid bike and a kid carrier that I put them in for cross-training. Now that they are older, when I have a long ride on the weekends, I try to work my schedule out so it is a weekend that they are spending the night with a friend or with their dad. Yes, belive it or not they will get to the point that they don't want to spend all of the weekends with their parents. LOL. In addition this year for their birthdays, they received "real" bikes and they now ride with me some. I realize at this point your kids are too young for that but one day they will enjoy riding with you since you are setting such an amazing example.

I agree training for an Ironman is tough. Being a single parent and training for an Ironman is really tough. You become very innovative. But just remember the amazing example you are setting for your children. Because of watching me, both of my daughters completed their first kid's distance triathlons in May and they run all of the kids races at any race I run. They have also moved up to 5k's and we run them as a family.

Please contact me anytime if you have questions. I totally understand where you are coming from. But the good news is that you can be a great dad! a good triathlete and a good emplyee.

Take care of yourself.
2008-09-12 10:58 AM
in reply to: #1544839

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Sneaky Slow
Herndon, VA,
Subject: RE: kids every other weekend and IM training

Thanks, Beth!  Looks like you have/had even more of a difficult situation with respect to training than I did.  I'm sure that if it can be pulled off with the schedule that you and your children have, that I can.  I think it is pretty amazing that you work full-time, have primary custody, and train for Ironmans.  Thanks for the post.  Good stuff.

Oh, and sorry about your shoulder!   

2008-09-14 9:39 AM
in reply to: #1544839

Subject: RE: kids every other weekend and IM training
I understand were you come from. Although I am a single dad with custody of my two daughter I give them to their mom every other weekend. They will be 10 and 7 in 2009, I am signed up for Madison. I am also a police officer who has rotating days off. The summer however plays a problem, no school for them means less training time for me. I always just play it by ear. If I need a babysitter I get one. If I am to broke to pay them they always like bake goods, pays off being able to cook. Grandma and Grandpa's are good too. I don't know how civil you are with the X but if so maybe change up times during the week, make your kid weekends during the week. You will problably have to sacrifice some long rides or runs. Try to get at least a couple in so you build the muscular/ mental endurance to finish the race. has a 9 week IM program, yes I said 9 weeks!. The program is designed if you have a solid base. I would also suggest spending this fall and winter working out harder than those who have a spouse, money, and 25 hours to train every week. They have more time and less stressors, i.e. more time to focus in spring . Keep your base throughout fall/winter and come spring you will be in great shape. For me the big thing is diet over these months. Holidays, comfort(fatty) foods, etc. Avoid Them. Maintain your diet and workouts. You may have to use a treadmill and trainer. I recommend Spinnervals Base 2. Stay in the pool. Come spring you will be at the top of your game. Then buy your kids a "My dad is am IRONMAN" t-shirt after the race.
2008-09-16 2:38 PM
in reply to: #1544839

Subject: RE: kids every other weekend and IM training
I believe you can do it with an every other weekend opportunity. That said, your kids are only young once. I m ay be in the minority here, but having met moms and dads who train for IM races and are virtually never home on weekends, I'm not sure who loses out more. You or your kids. For many, I say wait until they get a little older (or are teens and you can't wait to get away )
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